

全部话题 - 话题: becuase
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发帖数: 2041
来自主题: Biology版 - PCR std dev 总是太高。。。
Palmface! There are two kinds of off calibration. One is the measurement
is off. The other is inconsistancy from one additon to another. The bubble
can be eliminated becuase you should spin down the plate before the run.
Although, the uneven heating is also very likely, then it will be semi-
costly to repair. Btw, does your instrument require an internal standard or
not (i.e. ROX dye etc.)?
发帖数: 405
go to mall to buy one. It may affect your future 5 years. You do not want
to be kicked out just becuase you are not wearing suits, though the
probability is not big.
发帖数: 405
来自主题: Business版 - finance phd申请真得很难么?
your question is pretty hard to answer becuase presumably the one can answer
your question should have exposure to finance, cs, and ee phd applications,
which is very rare. but what i can say about phd in finance application is
that it is really very hard: about 2-4% acceptance rate in tire 1 and tire 2
programs. once you get in, 4-5 full financial support is guaranteed.
typically, there is no "admission". that is also the reason why it is very
hard to get in.
发帖数: 1844
来自主题: Chemistry版 - 换方向还是换学校
You must come from a top group. When you say your groupmates are all
managers, directors, what type of companies are they in? It is amazing,
maybe becuase you guys graduated 10 yrs ago.
Earlier chemistry PhDs, generally speaking, have better opportunities
because back then Phmarma/Bio industry was in a much better shape than it is
now. Therefore, Chemistry PhD had better chance climbing up the career
ladder to higher levels. Nowadays I do not see many Chinese people become
managers and directo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7091
thanks sir for your interest. it looks like a CMC molecue is around 200 nm
in an aqueous solution becuase its chain structure is coiled, forming ball-
like stucture. I could not find a reference talking about this in details. I
have requested some books by inter- library loan,which who knows how soon I
could get and how much can help. but I found a refernce just simply
mentioning this, which I beleive is engough for my paper.
thanks again
发帖数: 242
Kao. 这鸡鸡敲起来becuase of vessel dilation (NO release in 鸡鸡 and body).
So, 鸡鸡敲太多, 会低血压, 头晕眼花.
射精时, 释放去NE, 鸡鸡,赎金管, 前列陷, 输尿管拼命收硕. 搞太多,这些东东有些疲
搞太多还需要肾上腺的睾丸素释放的足够多, 长期刺激, 你老公的肾上腺会增生. 睾
丸素引起长豆豆, 可能的前列腺增生.
去做个B超. 看看肾上腺. 一般多搞应该没事的. 哈..哈
发帖数: 460
来自主题: CivilEngineering版 - 【求助】考PE了
nope. but I know some PE hold SE I or SE II becuase some state require SE
for structural practice. Some states allow you take SE exam but no license(
not sure whether PE can be issued based SE exam)
发帖数: 460
来自主题: CivilEngineering版 - Hourly Rate as an Civil/environmental engineer
might be appropriate. contract rate should be 2 times your current rate
becuase no package of benefits.
发帖数: 376
来自主题: Computation版 - [转载] Re: matlab作图问题
Oh, I see, becuase Matlab uses one colour scale for all figures.
Do not know if you can set different colour scale for different subfigure.
发帖数: 612
You'd better mention culture difference, find some Chinese to explain the
situations. Most Chinese are afraid of dogs because dog biting are much more
fatal in China (becuase of most dogs are not vaccined there). And Chinese
culture don't treat dog as American do. So culture difference makes lz act a
little bit too aggresive in American opinion but very normal in Chinese
opinion. Good luck.
发帖数: 297
he started all the topics you mentioned below.
but he deleted all his posts, becuase his majia was exposed.
发信人: yoshimi (无法使你高尚), 信区: Law
标 题: 我來總結一下這個版的吵架主題
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 7 15:51:43 2009, 美东)
1. JD和MBA哪個好,律所和銀行哪個牛
2. 中國人讀JD有啥優勢劣勢,到底有沒有種族歧視
3. 推而廣之,中國的JD混得好不好,有沒有50%的沒有工作
4. 專利/移民律師是不是不如corporate lawyer
5. 你們除了鉆營,為了錢,有多少人熱愛法律...
发帖数: 223
Well. even under current law yours was an incorrect answer becuase the test
is a two-prong test: first to conceive AND DILIGENCE IN RTP. Where was the
second prong in your answer?
发帖数: 12367
来自主题: Macromolecules版 - zz:高分子链在稀溶液中的折叠和组装
I once listened to his lecture, impressed.
I think he is very 牛,but that application statement really sucks.
no need to bullshit in that way..(probably I am wrong becuase they need to do
that in China)...
and awards in China are rather laughable,
people need to compaign for that by themselves...


发帖数: 589
来自主题: Macromolecules版 - biodegradable polymer 的降解速度
PLGA and PHB are all gonna be phased out in the future (becuase they are
too expensive and have some deadly drawbacks), we are doing some new materials
发帖数: 115
来自主题: Macromolecules版 - biodegradable polymer 的降解速度
PLA sounds better than PHB
but, what are you doing ?

PLGA and PHB are all gonna be phased out in the future (becuase they are
too expensive and have some deadly drawbacks), we are doing some new materials
发帖数: 12367
来自主题: Macromolecules版 - CNT内壁的表面处理
hehe...which Cheng should I mention here and can publish JACS? hehe
other people already replied: outer surface,
I don't remember becuase it is nothing to do with me.

发帖数: 90
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - ======2010 MATCH ======
matched. IM.
just finished a mini celebration. Thank you, all my known friends and unkonw
friends here. everyone is a hero who is striving towards his/her dream.
last but most important thing I want to say is that I myself have nothing to
boast, God is my comforter and shepher. Praise the God. I only got a few
interviews and finlly matched. My friends almost reserved a restaurant for
us to celebrate on Sunday night becuase they believed i would be matched (
they did not tell me).but again they
发帖数: 56
People don't come becuase of differet reasons. Not everyone cares about what
everyone says.
发帖数: 607
This is my personal expereince.
My first and sencond boss were Chinese. One is from Main land of China,
another is from Taiwan. I was honest to them because I thought I didn't need
to hide anything because we were all Chinese. Unfortunately, they let me go
several months later because of funding shortage. Obviously, this was an
excuse to be used.
Fortunately, I got the third job. I have learned the lesson. Therefore, I
have been keeping quiet until I got ECFMG certification and green card. I
hav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 92
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - radiologist 真是抢钱哪
They come to US no matter 'better treatment‘ is available or not --- it is
like if you are very sick, you want to stick with your village doctor who
had lots of hands-on experiences, or you want to 进城 看病。Other than the
facilities and machines are way better, the doctors might do not much
different things.
US trained in the big setting of US med system is a big brand. yes, they are
people coming simply becuase of that.
As to your friend, nice that he has the option to go back to China. May no
com... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 93
来自主题: Nursing版 - unhappy feeling
i had a classmate who is also a chinese lady. But I felt really unhappy
recently. We have quiz sometimes on computer and everybody can get 100 easily
and thoes quiz grades will be count as 5% in the whole course grade. It is med
-surg class. I missed that day's class ( I started to miss class recently
becuase I wnat to stay home to study by myself), and there were 3 such
computer quiz on that day. This chinese lady called me after class and told me
nothing about the quiz. I found out it until m
发帖数: 145
来自主题: Nursing版 - make your own judgement
Those problems with the CNA, I don't even want to mention it. Becuase it
just became normal. I empty the Foleys, do I/O if not done(and thankful if
it's done). some aids are nice but someare not. They think RN;s make the big
bucks and should do everthing. I know their job is overwhelming too(
sometimes they have 12 patients at each dayshift). And now, even worse, the
hospital is gong to lay off all the CNA's, they don't care. I don't what are
we going to do with 2 CNAs only for a 40-bed floor wi
发帖数: 80
Went away and just saw your question. You are basically asking the same
thing. You are not supposed to transfer college (tertiary levl study)
credits becuase your study is secondary level. Practical Nursing is
typically considered secondary level. Of course, if you have junior college
diploma (大专), that will be equivalent to ADN, that is a different story.
The diploma program, if is completed at a hospital school of nursing, is
supposed to be in between Practical nursing and ADN, and should be
发帖数: 35
来自主题: Nursing版 - can anybody help me?
I am applying a nursing school right now.I evaluated my degree at GCE
evaluation company.This company was terrible,they said my (Zhong zhuan)
degree as USA high school programe ,and my school won't transfer any credit
from (zhong zhuan),becuase it is a high school level.I tried to contact
evaluator and she never receive the phone.Anybody has the same experience?
Please help.
发帖数: 74
来自主题: Nursing版 - Passed the NCLEX RN with 187 questions
I took it on 12/18/2009, it took about 5 hrs and 30 mins. I even could not
stand up after finishing the test. I tried Pearson Trick on Sat, and found
my license on FL Board of Nursing today.
Ps: I have a temporary drive license (one year)becuase I am a H4 holder. My
license did not work for taking NCLEX RN. I was asked to go back home to get
my passport. Just a reminder, take your passport along with you a proof of
your current status if you have a temporary drive license.
BTW, I take the test i
发帖数: 36302
actually this is a very common case.
I know so many young SCC patient( below 40) died in hospitals because of
drug overdose or heart problem.
Becuase those guys are hard stickers and frequent flyers. They usually get
central line. Endocarditis is very common in these patients. But because
they always complain of pain, so even true chest pain is masked by their
usual behavior.
They always call the pain medication around the clock, but if one night they
are quiet, then the nurse need to be careful
发帖数: 5100
Normally, when economic goes bad, pharma did well becuase people would
invest money here.
But, the pharma is worse, so you get the picture.
发帖数: 162
来自主题: Pharmaceutical版 - 专业人士能讨论一下这条新闻吗?
the key reason why not so many new molecular entities are approved:
1. pharmas are not making any
2. FDA does not want to approve becuase its concern of liabilty
already very easy.
发帖数: 699
来自主题: Pharmacy版 - 我想问个药,给宝宝吃的
thanks! I do remember ped told me if can help release nasal congestion, is
that becuase it has diphenhydramine? it is benadryl right? 1.5ml by mouth
four times a day. I am just wondering if I should give my baby some this
time. The reason I ask is because recently we changed the ped. the old ped
always gave this medicine when my kids had a throat infection. But the new
did not give anything
besides Amoxicillin. My baby has a bad congestion, and cough so badly that
made him through out a lot.h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 32
来自主题: Pharmacy版 - 我想问个药,给宝宝吃的
The medication is one of the formulations of magic mouth wash. I have
dispensed this medication in the pharmacy before . It is more likdly going
to help to treat the throat infection, but it may help some of nasal
congestion . Bendryl can help dry up the mucus , so it can help the nasal
congestion. You can also get nasal saline to treat the nasal congestion. It
is over the counter in any pharmacy and very safe for any ages . I hope that

thanks! I do remember ped told me if can help relea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 404
德州 加州 pharmacy school 一家一家的开 2015-2020 铁定会过饱和了吧
最后几段是讲his family 自己开店30年的经验/挫折
还有文中提到的 MTM 是什么缩写?
1st -- Before you jump on me, understand this: I am only speaking about what
I know from extensive analysis of the California market (maybe some of this
will translate into other states but again this is for California people
primarily). If you attend, UCSF, USC, Western, UCSD, etc this job market
post is for you.
2nd -- Feel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8827
来自主题: Physics版 - 为什么都是生物?
becuase the 21st century is bio's century!!
发帖数: 656
来自主题: Statistics版 - help wanted
becuase binomial probablity cannot replicate the numbers they provided, and
plus, i don't think that is CIs, it is more like to be point probablities
based on the toxicity indicent rate.
发帖数: 88
来自主题: Statistics版 - should i change job
Thank you all very much for your kind inputs. I am so touched that so many
friends on this bbs would like to help. I want to change, becuase like many
of you said, I can find a job with much higher payment in 22 months. Besides
, I have babysitters, so don't worry about baby and big kid. However, my
husband said if I leave my current job, i will not get the retirement plan...
I prefer to go.. I will see. a family fighting is just started...
发帖数: 251
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 一点回国感叹
An American doctor told me: your son can't be taller than 180cm becuase his
parents are not tall enough. If your son is higher than 190cm, then his
father is not you.
发帖数: 251
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 一点回国感叹
An American doctor told me: your son can't be taller than 180cm becuase his
parents are not tall enough. If your son is higher than 190cm, then his
father is not you.
发帖数: 850
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 今晚看Romney讲话
2008 Obama won the election becuase:
1) people hates Bush
2) Obama is black
3) Obama is a democrat
4) Obama is an attorney
2012 Romney will be elected because:
1) people hates Obama
2) the country is in a tide of turning conversative
3) ROmeny is a republican
4) Romney is a business man
My projection:
at least 15% blacks will vote for Romney
at least 45% latino will vote for Romney
Romney will win 7 swing states: Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, New
Hamsphire, Wisconsin, Neveda
Obama wil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4574
来自主题: _IronMountain版 - Osprey New All Might Guarantee(无敌保修)
I am arguing not becuase I am a fan, but pointing out it's policy that
people can benefit from.
It is a premium band that is way overpriced. The profit margin they have can
easily accomodate their unlimited return policy.
For outdoor/mountaineering staff where functionality is the key, they are
not more expensive than Arc'Teryx. In my opinion, it really gets
ridiculously expensive when you start buying their casual clothes. But that
is in the domain of fashion, being stylish is the key. We don't
发帖数: 3008
来自主题: _Living_For_Better版 - 打算买房,问大家几个问题,盼解答!
item 3:
HUD=department of housing and urban development,
actually we are referencing to the final settlement, becuase final closing
ssheet is showing as
departmentof housing and urban development
settlement statement
发帖数: 60932
I searched and saw a mention of target discount in the back to school thread
, but after doing an order I felt this was worthy of it's own thread. I
bought a TON of kids shoes online at Target today. (this is just one of 3
orders!) If you have a target near you, you can return most items to the
store- so spend 75 dollars, and return what you don't want to the store,
and you still reap the benefit of 30% off! you won't lose that discount
becuase it is applied to each item
use this code befo
发帖数: 60932
Blackberry Micro USB Cable $0.99 Shipped. It's a really good deal becuase
usually stamps itself is around $1.20. They only put 100 in stock, I just
ordered 2, so, only 98 left. Might be a price mistake.
发帖数: 3883
来自主题: _Stockcafeteria版 - 把周三关掉的空仓又开了。
发信人: p838 (挣钱快乐!), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: 把周三关掉的空仓又开了。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 14 10:12:25 2011, 美东)
you are right.
IBM is too strong becuase buffet....
发帖数: 8388
来自主题: _pennystock版 - before labor day
Let's take a break. Do some fun exercise or relax.
Professional traders won't hold position for the weekend. the volumn will be
thin. Could drop or rise, so what?
I heard that profressional traders like to short. Becuase they can make
money faster than buying long. Will those traders be back after labor day?
发帖数: 13
来自主题: _FilmArts版 - 课上讲小津
UCLA has a great program. Their critical study program is closer with
production program becuase they are in the same department. And they have
Peter Wollen, a great scholar and filmmaker. However, many people regard their
program as "too traditional", not as those feature fun stuff like "queer
culture", "mass-media", "pop- culture", etc.

发帖数: 19242
来自主题: _K12版 - 闲言碎语话唐小
"Mommy, do you believe there is God?"”
"I don't know, I'm not sure. What about you?"
"I think there is God"
"Yeah? becuase?"
"Theo believes in God"
//我准备把Theo 这小子请到家里来,好饭好茶招待,然后摸摸底!
发帖数: 4908
来自主题: _K12版 - [合集] 闲言碎语话唐小
izze (凉拌豆渣) 于 (Tue Jun 15 13:32:47 2010, 美东) 提到:
"Mommy, do you believe there is God?"”
"I don't know, I'm not sure. What about you?"
"I think there is God"
"Yeah? becuase?"
"Theo believes in God"
//我准备把Theo 这小子请到家里来,好饭好茶招待,然后摸摸底!
shaya (小胖) 于 (Tue Jun 15 13:34:34 2010, 美东) 提到:

izze (凉拌豆渣) 于 (Tue Jun 15 13:41:21 2010, 美东) 提到:
死亡... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - what should i do?
hehe, you didn't hear what he told me before this hand, "give up, all your
bets are bad today..." with a mean smiling face. but i was not mad at all
becuase even i had to admit it's true, what a sucking day!!! it's like all
the bad beats i had before added up together in a day.
发帖数: 1826
来自主题: _Xiyu版 - Today's Rates
Today's Jumbo rates got even better.
Depending on criteria Jumbo
3/1 5.125-5.25%
5/1 5.25%
7/1 5.275-5.5%
I am not reporting on the lowest possible rates becuase most of you would
not qualify. However, if you do, I can certainly lower your rates!
Conforming (<$417K)
3/1 5.0%
5/1 5.25%
30YR Fixed 5.375%
Call me if you have questions 408-569-6688
发帖数: 3271
来自主题: _PerfectMoms版 - 有没有想一起开始锻炼的
you gals motivated me ah
i'll go to gym now
becuase of one issue, i missed my class at 12:15
so was debating whether should go or not ne
发帖数: 3271
来自主题: _PerfectMoms版 - 这次的医疗改革法案
i think drug cost more now is just becuase those lawsuits are super
expensive for drug company (whenever they have a failure), they have to
raise price to cover it

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