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发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Of Superheroes and Politicians
by Chris Ford
Things are heating up this summer in both the political and theatrical
realms. Movie theaters are hit with my favorite kind of movies, superheroes
like Spiderman, Batman and the whole Avengers team. You also have Obama and
Romney in full campaign mode heading out to all their stops to conjure up
votes and rally their bases. Yet, what do superheroes and these politicians
have in common? You might be surprised by the connections.
Joss Whedon, the Director behind this summer’s hit the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803
来自主题: USANews版 - 为什么犹太人支持民主党?

I wouldn't doubt their original intentions.
But, things got off hands when they impose this on a country
and moreover they have gone so far even "pushing" a government
to set aside taxdollars to shed on "poor" but unrelated distant
They became more evil only in recent years when the
motive has been bent to unilaterally benefit the targeted
people no matter how bad the economy and budget have been.
They lifted it to the level of moral and legal grounds to
oppress the oppositio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The letter from the German authorities caught my attention. Mostly because
it was asking for a bunch of money, but also because of what was going on
back home in the U.S.
The letter was to inform me that, because I now live in Germany and because
I have a television connection, I am liable to pay a monthly fee to support
the nation’s public broadcasting system.
Owing to the socialist bent of Germany policies – not to mention the
country’s pressing need to raise a few bucks – I wasn’t all that
su... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803
来自主题: USANews版 - How Stupid is Obama?
How Stupid is Obama?
By J.R. Dunn
We've long been aware that the One is not quite the superior intellect he
was sold as. Obama, we were told, was the rare possessor of a mind with the
profundity of a Socrates, the breadth of a Goethe, and the penetration of a
Newton. An intellect unrivaled on the current American political scene,
and possibly without equal in this country's politics since the beginning.
Events have certainly demolished that little trope. Within weeks of the
inauguration, some... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 关于控枪的无知 - By Thomas Sowell
Gun-Control Ignorance
How many times do the same arguments need to be refuted?
By Thomas Sowell
Must every tragic mass shooting bring out the shrill ignorance of “gun
control” advocates?
The key fallacy of so-called gun-control laws is that such laws do not in
fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people
bent on violence find firearms readily available.
If gun-control zealots had any respect for facts, they would have discovered
this long ago, because there have been ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4718
来自主题: USANews版 - 关于控枪的无知 - By Thomas Sowell
"They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find
firearms readily available."
社会流通的枪支总量大规模减少,罪犯找枪怎么还 readily available?
Tom Who?

发帖数: 3422
Four days after the deadly school shooting in Connecticut that left 20
children and six teachers dead, two Republican governors have spoken
favorably of considering proposals to put guns in the hands of teachers and
Texas Gov. Rick Perry expressed support for allowing school districts to
determine whether teachers can carry concealed handguns in class, which at
least one Texas district already permits.
"In the state of Texas, if you go through the process, have been trained,
and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
“We’ve made a collective decision as a town that we need armed security in
each of our schools”
by Jammie
What kind of crazy, gun-nut red-state lunatics are these putting guns in
schools? Oh wait, it’s New Jersey.
Don’t mess with Marlboro Township.
The leafy, well-heeled New Jersey suburb will station a permanent armed
cop in each of its nine schools starting Jan. 2.
It’s apparently the first district nationwide bent on packing heat in
every schoolhouse since madman Adam Lanza gunned... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Fathers disappear from households across America
Big increase in single mothers
By Luke Rosiak
The Washington Times
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Nicole Hawkins' three daughters have matching glittery boots, but none has
the same father. Each has uniquely colored ties in her hair, but none has a
dad present in her life.
As another single mother on Sumner Road decked her row-house stoop with
Christmas lights and a plastic Santa, Ms. Hawkins recalled that her middle
child's father has never spent a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Venezuela’s social fabric will take years, if not decades, to mend.
According to Transparency International, it’s now the most corrupt nation
in Latin America. It’s also one of the most violent, with a staggering
murder rate of 73 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.
And it’s easy to see the situation deteriorating further in the wake of
Chavez’s death. The government armed and trained at least 25,000 civilians
for a militia bent on “defending the revolution.” None of Chavez’s
li... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Chavez’s grim legacy
Nation in ruins, region in crisis
Last Updated: 12:05 AM, March 6, 2013
Posted: 11:23 PM, March 5, 2013
Hugo Chavez’s legacy of economic nationalism and authoritarian rule will
haunt Venezuela and its neighbors for years to come.
A country that was once one of the few democracies — albeit an imperfect
one — in a region plagued by military dictatorships, Venezuela now lies at
the bottom of hemispheric rankings on institutional quality and po... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Washington state weighs first-in-the-nation abortion insurance mandate
In 1970, Washington became the first -- and remains the only -- state in the
country to legalize elective abortions by a popular vote.
A generation later, and 40 years removed from the landmark United States
Supreme Court Roe v. Wade ruling that extended abortion access nationwide,
Washington is once again poised to stand out.
With 21 states having adopted bans or severe restrictions on insurance
companies from paying for abo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2047
Obama wants us to believe he would have behaved as Trayvon. Martin attacked
Zimmerman because he thought he was a homosexual following him with for
homosexual purposes. So Trayvon started to beat the crap out of the homo.
Obama desperately wants us all to believe he would have done the same. Why?
Is it more likely that Obama would have dropped his pants, bent over and
said Do me stranger. Do me.
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obamacare Skewered in Song
by The Political Palaver
First of all, we would like to apologize for the hiatus in uploading content
to the blog. These last months have been busy, but we will be looking to
remedy this. And also, a big thank you to all readers, we are now poised to
cross the threshold of 100,000 hits for this site. Very thankful to have
our readership.
I once heard comedian Steven Crowder explain Houston talk radio czar Michael
Berry why he does what he does, creating humorous videos with a
conservative pol... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
A brief history of Obamacare delays
Did anyone really doubt that the final Obamacare enrollment deadline would
slip, too?
It’s not like the Obama administration is setting a new precedent with its
latest move — giving customers more time to enroll after next Monday’s
deadline if they’re already in line.
In reality, the administration is just continuing a long pattern of delays.
They’re all designed to show flexibility and help the law work ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21627
America the Shrunken
MAY 3, 2014
Frank Bruni
NOT long ago I asked a good friend of mine — one of the smartest men I know
, and one of the most devoted dads — if he thought that his children would
live in a more prosperous America or at least enjoy the same bounty of
opportunities that we had.
His response was instant and unequivocal. No.
“How do you make peace with that?” I said.
He shrugged, laughed bitterly and answered, “I’m hoping to leave them a
lot of money.”
The American dream, 2014 editi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7933
New Hampshire father opposes required reading of ‘pornographic’ novel in
9th grade English
May 5, 2014
submit to reddit
Ben Velderman Ben Velderman
Ben is a communications specialist for EAG and joined in 2010. He is a
former member of the Michigan Education Association.
UPDATE: Dad arrested at school board meeting…
GILFORD, N.H. – William Baer has encountered some eyebrow-raising policies
and practices during his children’s years in public schools, but he still
wasn’t prepa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
August 22, 2014 - 7:05 PM
By JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — Seeking to quell a politically charged controversy, the
Obama administration announced new measures Friday to allow religious
nonprofits and some companies to opt out of paying for birth control for
female employees while still ensuring those employees have access to
Even so, the accommodations may not fully satisfy religious groups who
oppose any system that makes them complicit in providing coverage t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Subpoenas issued to five Houston pastors demanding all sermons and
correspondence dealing with homosexuality, gender identity and the city's
Equal Rights ordinance have been withdrawn, the city’s first openly lesbian
mayor announced at a Wednesday press conference.
"After much contemplation and discussion, I am directing the city legal
department to withdraw the subpoenas issued to the five Houston pastors who
delivered the petitions, the anti-HERO petitions, to the city of Houston and
who indic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama: The Most Dangerous Precedent
via Breitbart Feed
Everyone knows--whether they admit it or not--that President Barack Obama's
"executive amnesty" is wrong. But most Americans aren’t sure how to stop
him--even though if this last election was about anything, it was about
stopping Obama from granting an executive amnesty.
Obama has chosen to ignore the voice of the people.
Obama is no longer acting as President, it is as if he believes he is an
emperor or a dictator or the Messiah, when in fact his actions are those of
a petula... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Dozens of New England roofs buckling under 8 feet of snow
February 18, 2015 - 1:07 PM
Associated Press
Workers clear snow from a roof in Boston, Monday, Feb. 16, 2015. New England
remained bitterly cold Monday after the region's fourth winter storm in a
month blew through. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)
BOSTON (AP) — No building is safe from the incredible stress of the 8 feet
of snow that has piled up on roofs across New England, and things are
expected to get worse before they get better, experts sa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21627
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: merlin (露上湿沙壁,暮幽晓寂寂), 信区: Military
标 题: 民主党创造的新美国:7/4号DC 地铁里的恐怖杀人案 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 8 12:02:02 2015, 美东)
发信人: helloterran (hi you), 信区: WashingtonDC
标 题: 民主党创造的新美国:7/4号DC 地铁里的恐怖杀人案 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 8 03:04:52 2015, 美东)
大家仔细读读Washington DC地铁上的这个恐怖案例,就是上个周末7月4号的事。
Horrified passengers witn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10554
The three core principles of Donald J. Trump's immigration plan
When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap
labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing more
than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties.
Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not
wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The idea of an atheistic Jewish socialist from Vermont (by way of Brooklyn)
doesn’t seem to nonplus the voters, at least in the Democratic Party. Good
for them. America eschews religious tests as a matter of law and principle.
Yet for a man who wants to be the first Jewish president, Sanders certainly
seems to be bent on avoiding the subject of the time he spent in Israel.
Time for him to explain himself.
It’s long been known that the only self-professed socialist in the Senate
spent time on a k... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 关于电脑代替人类的评论
No one knows how this will play out.
Regardless, paying people to do nothing, so that people can pursue personal
interests is certainly not the answer.
Such actions would encourage people to have more kids for which there are no
jobs. That’s clearly an unsustainable model.
If technology does not create jobs, then war is a distinct possibility.
But over the long haul, technology has always created jobs. Why is it
different this time?
Unbridled Capitalism Not the Problem
Unbridled capitalism is no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24733
英文原文,Cited from page 273 to page 286
Charles W. Sweeney, et al., War's End: An Eyewitness Account of
America's Last Atomic Mission, July 6, 1999, Quill Press
Testimony of Major General Charles W. Sweeney, U.S.A.F. (Ret.)
delivered before the United States Senate Committee on Rules and
Administration – hearings on the Smithsonian Institution: Management
Guidelines for the Future, May 11, 1995.
I am Major General Charles W.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
So I got a phone call from my 88-year-old black dad asking if I am familiar
with “The View” TV show. I told dad the show is riddled with liberal bias.
Dad said the show featured a horrific incident in which a young black male
was unfairly shot by police. As best I could, I tried to explain to dad how
irresponsible it was for the TV show to feature a rare “bad shoot” in the
midst of cops being murdered nationwide. Despicably, the TV show wanted to
do its part to further Black Lives Matter's evil ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4427
Donald Trump's campaign chairman was a key player in multi-million-dollar
business propositions with Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs — one of them a
close Putin ally with alleged ties to organized crime — which foreign
policy experts say raises questions about the pro-Russian bent of the Trump
"The relationships that Trump's advisors have had with pro-Russian forces
are deeply disturbing," said David Kramer, a former senior State Department
official in the George W. Bush administratio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Trump Campaign Reveals Secret Weapon: ‘Undercover Trump Voters’
“The hidden Trump vote in this country is a very significant proposition”
“Undercover Trump voters” could help pull off a decisive victory in
November, Trump’s campaign manager suggested in a recent interview.
Speaking to the UK’s Channel 4 in a report entitled “Could Trump win?”,
Kellyanne Conway said polls showing Trump losing to Hillary are manufactured
by the media and do not reflect the actual public sentiment.
“The polling num... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19562
[在 gemini2012 (双子AB) 的大作中提到:]
:Trump Campaign Reveals Secret Weapon: ‘Undercover Trump Voters’
:“The hidden Trump vote in this country is a very significant proposition”
:“Undercover Trump voters” could help pull off a decisive victory in
:November, Trump’s campaign manager suggested in a recent interview.
:Speaking to the UK’s Channel 4 in a report entitled “Could Trump win?”,
:Kellyanne Conway said polls showing Trump losing to Hillary are
manufactured by the media and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8847
就这么点 H1B, green card 名额也不愿给你
Put American Workers First
Decades of disastrous trade deals and immigration policies have destroyed
our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed.
Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For black Americans without
high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more than 70% were
employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000. Across the economy, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1797
We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers…
More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable
wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two...
Stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm ...
发帖数: 6361
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Daos (刀丝斋), 信区: Military
标 题: 美惊爆双尸命案!华裔夫妇遭割喉破肚,骇人听闻...
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 26 08:22:29 2016, 美东)
Twig Lane 3300号,推开一栋两层普通民宅的大门,顿时血腥味扑鼻,大门地上到处都
据悉,死者为一对台湾移民夫妇,2000年搬到该物业居住。太太叫钟美珠(Chung mei
chu),50多岁,先生叫王成龙 (Wang cheng long),60多岁。育有一子一女,子女
钟美珠是一名美术老师,在家中教授画画已有十多年,先生则主要辅助太太... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2769
Donald Trump has defied all expectations from the very start of his
presidential campaign more than a year ago.
Very few people thought he would actually run, then he did. They thought he
wouldn't climb in the polls, then he did. They said he wouldn't win any
primaries, then he did. They said he wouldn't win the Republican nomination,
then he did.
Finally, they said there was no way he could compete for, let alone win, a
general election.
N... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
Democratic donors stung by Hillary Clinton’s upset loss in the presidential
race feel like they just set their money on fire.
The sore feelings are a huge problem for the Democratic National Committee (
DNC), which is trying to rebuild its image and reinvigorate a defeated party
in time for challenging midterm elections in 2018.
It’s also a worry for top liberal activists as they prepare for war with
President-elect Donald Trump and a GOP Congress that is hell-bent on rolling
back President Obam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - Ginsburg说她支持废了选举人制
Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Monday that she’d like to change the Electoral
The Supreme Court justice, a liberal who has reached icon status for her
many young followers, was at Stanford University on Monday night for a talk
on the meaning of life when a student in the audience asked her what she’d
like to change about society.
She offered that there are “some things I would like to change, one is the
Electoral College,” without providing more details. She seemed like she was
about to offer... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
来自主题: USANews版 - 洛克斐洛家族史
共和党的大金主洛克斐洛第三代掌门人死了。 超控美国政坛,金融业,跟媒体界数百年
If you've ever entertained the passing thought that mass media exists to
create division and not unity, well, you're on to something. If you've
realized that nothing of any value is transmitted to you on television, then
you are, in my never humble opinion, a very bright person. If you've gone
even further and realized that mass media and the flow of misinformation is
planned and contrived by global oligarchs, then pat yourself on the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
来自主题: USANews版 - 川總NATO反恐催款演講
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you very much, Secretary General Stoltenberg.
Chancellor Merkel, thank you very much. Other heads of state and government
, I am honored to be here with members of an alliance that has promoted
safety and peace across the world.
Prime Minister May, all of the nations here today grieve with you and stand
with you. I would like to ask that we now observe a moment of silence for
the victims and families of the savage attack which took place in Manchester
. (A moment of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2438
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors
Special counsel's team includes former Clinton Foundation lawyer,
contributors to Obama, Hillary, more
Mueller’s Potential Conflicts of Interest
As elaborated on in this space before, Bob Mueller is as straight an arrow
as they come; he is not right all of the time (is any of us?), but he is
always ethical and patriotic. Like others, I worry about the ideological
bent and potential for overzealousness of the staff he has assembled. But
there is no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - DOJ: no LGBT protection in federal law
Justice Department says no LGBT protection in federal sex-discrimination law
07/27/2017 02:48 PM EDT
The Trump administration is further angering gay rights activists by arguing
in court that federal law against sex discrimination in employment doesn't
protect individuals from being fired because they are gay, lesbian or
The Justice Department made the argument in聽a brief聽filed Wednesday in a
federal appeals court in New York in a case involving skydiving instructor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2018
来自主题: USANews版 - The Great Nazi Scare of 2017
越来越发现Wall Street Journal还是值得一看的。
Well, that was a bit embarrassing. Antifascist liberals mounted thousand-
strong counter-rallies all weekend against a Nazi threat that proved
nonexistent or thin on the ground. Leftists imagined themselves to be modern
-day versions of the Czech resistance or the Warsaw uprising, but it turns
out they were the majoritarian mob shouting down a handful of losers who’ve
been an execrable but small part of the American pageant for as long as
most of us can remember.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Be President
On the afternoon of November 8, 2016, Kellyanne Conway settled into her
glass office at Trump Tower. Right up until the last weeks of the race, the
campaign headquarters had remained a listless place. All that seemed to
distinguish it from a corporate back office were a few posters with right-
wing slogans.
Conway, the campaign’s manager, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8869
chairperson of the Black Gun Owners Association,[8] told a press briefing in
Johannesburg: "This government is hell-bent on disarming black people
because they've made so many service delivery promises to them which they
have not fulfilled. They are scared that if blacks are armed they will turn
on the government."

发帖数: 8600
In spring of 1978, McDougal proposed that the Clintons join him and his wife
, Susan, in buying 230 acres (93 ha) of undeveloped land with a goal to
subdivide the site into lots for vacation homes. The four borrowed $203,000
to buy land, and subsequently transferred ownership of the land to the newly
created Whitewater Development Corporation, in which all four participants
had equal shares. The venture failed because of skyrocketing interest rate.
The Clintons lost between $37,000 and $69,000 o... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
谈这个问题,先从远处说起。自二战结束以来,在国家层面美国受到过 三个国家的挑
的房地产市值可以买下近两个美国。1995年,即使是在赫赫有名的 “广场协议”之后
日本由大公司主导实用技术,而美国由政府和大学主导科研(DOE, NASA, NIH)有一定
关系。90年代后期美国长期科技投入终有回... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
来自主题: USANews版 - 麦肯的老朋友也怒了
Christine Ford, the California professor accusing Supreme Court nominee
Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault more than three decades ago, is "being
used" by Democrats who have "betrayed her," Sen. Lindsey Graham told "Fox
News Sunday."
Graham, R-S.C., a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also made clear
that Republicans "are not going to turn the hearing over to her lawyers" by
allowing them to dictate which witnesses to call, or in what order to call
the witnesses. If Ford's lawyer's persis... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3813
The eyes of the country are on a small hearing room on Capitol Hill Thursday
, where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the
woman who has accused him of sexually assaulting her when they were both
teenagers, are testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testify on sex assault allegations
I'm watching right alongside you -- and the nation. The testimony so far has
been gripping -- and the whole hearing, featuring... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3813
来自主题: USANews版 - I like beer, I still like beer!
The eyes of the country are on a small hearing room on Capitol Hill Thursday
, where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the
woman who has accused him of sexually assaulting her when they were both
teenagers, are testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testify on sex assault allegations
I'm watching right alongside you -- and the nation. The testimony so far has
been gripping -- and the whole hearing, featuring... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3813
The eyes of the country are on a small hearing room on Capitol Hill Thursday
, where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the
woman who has accused him of sexually assaulting her when they were both
teenagers, are testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testify on sex assault allegations
I'm watching right alongside you -- and the nation. The testimony so far has
been gripping -- and the whole hearing, featuring... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3813
The eyes of the country are on a small hearing room on Capitol Hill Thursday
, where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the
woman who has accused him of sexually assaulting her when they were both
teenagers, are testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testify on sex assault allegations
I'm watching right alongside you -- and the nation. The testimony so far has
been gripping -- and the whole hearing, featuring... 阅读全帖
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