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发帖数: 2567
Simon Johnson at Project Syndicate says the brewing currency wars are not
just China's fault, though it "certainly bears some responsibility." He
mostly blames "Europe's refusal to reform global economic governance,
compounded by years of political mismanagement and self-deception in the
United States. ... the US has run record current-account deficits over the
past decade, as the political elite -- Republican and Democrats alike --
became increasingly comfortable with overconsumption. These def... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 75
Geithner Says U.S. Won't Devalue to Compete
WS says... Be careful out there.
发帖数: 432
Basically what this article says is if dollar devalues too much. US are not
be able to profit from trading cheap money for real stuff.
发帖数: 644
Geithner: Results Key For G-20; US Has Strong-Dollar Policy
GYEONGJU, South Korea -(Dow Jones)- U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
said Saturday he was "optimistic" about proposals for global economic
policies agreed to by the Group of 20 industrial and developing nations, but
that results would be key.
"The test is what countries actually do" after they agreed to cooperate on
currencies and reduce external imbalances, Geithner told a news conference
after a two-day meeting of G-20 finance... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1651
发帖数: 6682
发帖数: 812
来自主题: Stock版 - DRYS是beat了么
QE2 is practically printing money to save the credit market. the devaluation
of US dollar would drive the commodity price up, which already happened.
oil price went up to the level can support margin in costly ultra deep water
drilling. hence more contract at better rates for drys.
however, ppl started to talk about fed's role to battle inflation and it may
jeopardize QE2's execution. in addition, other part of the world, say China
, started to fight with inflation already, a heads-up to the fed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1054
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: bibbub (耶稣爱你), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: demon, when you see bear comes, let us know
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Jan 19 14:44:41 2004) WWW-POST
I am so sorry that my post got so many follow-ups and I didn't even come
to check out. I rarely come here and most of my posts are on the money
I am an investor too, but different from most of you guys picking stocks, I
mostly invested in overall market trends through Rydex and Profunds. Most of
my study is about... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8367
you never know......but one thing we know is that the underwriter
deliberately devalued Chinese company to make big profit.....hmmm
发帖数: 8363
来自主题: Stock版 - 黄金的十一年之痒
Stewart Thomson
1. Gold war update from the front lines: The Gold Community retook $1400
last night. Silver is close to retaking $30. I won the battle as to whether
gold would take out $1424 on the upside or $1315 on the downside. Most
thought $1315 would fall. It didn't. Gold soared to $1430 basis dec futures
and many gold stocks continue to exhibit violent upsurges.
2. I don't like losing. So I don't. Don't you throw your gold away either
because of all the correction talk going around.
3. Gol... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12932
Whenever precious metal having a rally, people wonder if this is sign of
running for safety. The big market has been up and up and up. any emerging
possible sign of increasing favor for safety deserve investigating.
from first chart, a 10 yr weekly chart of USD says USD is at a very critical
point. It's in a long term down trend that spans last 10 yrs, in a wedge
contertrend consolidation for the last 3 years, but now at a juncture could
signal the end of consolidation and resume of the downward... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 812
Thank you for sharing your view and analysis. Nice charts and a very good
piece of reading. I like the way you analyze silver over gold in the 1st
chart as well as you use sectors diverge in S&P500 to reaffirm one of your
conclusions: people are not running to gold and silver for safety.
Few things I disagree (not necessarily your conclusions but more the way you
approach them):
1, "people are not running to gold and silver for safety." does not give us
another of your implicit conclusion -- a n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3065
来自主题: Stock版 - 大家觉得QE3有多大可能?

I don't know much about France. How do French lead the consuming market?
Most people believe in US everything just like believing in a religion, the
truth tells you that the situation is pretty dangerous.
Actually the other way to interpret why so many US companies move so many
assets to China and emerging markets is that, except making money, to
pretect their assets from being devalued in the US domestic market.
发帖数: 407
来自主题: Stock版 - About fed (zt)
90 days ago, we requested Ben Bernanke's resignation as Federal Reserve
chairman. Mr. Bernanke has not complied
with our request.
The Federal Reserve's policies are systematically looting the country to
enrich one-tenth of one percent of the
The Federal Reserve has deliberately driven tens of millions of people into
The Federal Reserve is responsible for Crimes Against Humanity!
The Federal Reserve gave trillions of American taxpayer dollars, in secrecy,
to the people who we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2555
simple answer:
US$ devaluation explains everything.
right now, priced with other currency, dow is below 8000
US$ vs EURO changed from 1 vs 1.2 to 1.4 vs 1
US$ vs CAN$ changed from 1 vs 1.5 to 1.1 vs 1
发帖数: 149
来自主题: Stock版 - 周一大涨
本来就是政府的一个阴毛, 还搞笑的说 关闭S&P.
US downgrade --> US $ down --> job back to US -> unemployment down
--> export up --> company earnings up
--> US debt devalued --> will print less $ to buy back debt
发帖数: 4342
来自主题: Stock版 - 遍地都是便宜的股票啊
My hedge against US dollar devaluation, Gold, Silver and investment
properties, only investment properties generate the income, which is nice,
especially when the rent income return is over 10%.
发帖数: 2390
so you think RMB will devalue pretty soon against USD?
I mean I can sell the apartment and transfer the RMB back to USD anytime I
see a downward risk on RMB, what could I lose?
发帖数: 1572
Today's Market Looks A Lot Like August 1998
Aug 18, 2011
In the later part of July 1998, the stock market began to suddenly fall
apart, just as it did in 2011. The initial drop stabilized into mid-August
and then accelerated. One reason for the 1998 selloff was well-know, but the
one that caused the final low was only revealed later on. Is there
something important that investors don't know yet in August 2011?

Something is seriously bothering the stock market and the news ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8227
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties
than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive
the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the
continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from
the banks and restored to the people, to whom it proper... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38
发帖数: 48111
来自主题: Stock版 - fed的权力确实太大了。
fed的作为, 实际的效果是冷冻封存了巨富的高风险有毒资产, 同时拉高股事指标股
之类的大公司, 使的巨富在这场recession中的损失降到了最低。
这些有毒资产还是实在存在在各大银行, fund的各类assets里面。 等待发酵,
笨蛋下家接手, 政府bailout, 以及美元贬值通货膨胀来devalue.
对于真正的所谓的“第一”优先, fed的举措没有任何效果。 失业率自从recession以
Fed现在也没有考虑过失业问题, 正如上个月ben所说, 那是政府的责任。
Fed只管在controlled inflation context下尽量增加流通。
ben的行为很可能是美国历史走向的一个分水岭。 一个大的depression并不可怕。
发帖数: 48111
来自主题: Stock版 - 这个OT真是妙啊
total asset里10%的股票跌20%, 对人的情感伤害远大于 90% asset 因为通货膨胀
devalue 30%.
发帖数: 9932
7. no printing new money. gold only react to devaluation of dollars. feds
didn't print money this time
发帖数: 8363

What do you hold as foreign reserve if you 抛弃黄金, paper Dollar that
can be devalued at will that China cannot control?
Gold is the perfect money for international trade for a reason.
发帖数: 48111
来自主题: Stock版 - All trends need time to play out
longer, shallower, $$$ has already been devalued.
hard to see lower low in 2nd dip.
if it does happen, meaning something really bad is next, maybe, a war.

发帖数: 686
来自主题: Stock版 - 黄金的合理估值
1. Gold is not like other resources, and there is no way to regenerate,
create, and transform from anything else, other than gold itself. (except
using nuclear reactions, some tiny amount can be generated in the most
advanced labs).
2. Gold has been money since it was discovered. The value is based on human
being's common sense. As long as human being exists, gold is used as money.
and the only money that would not be devalued.
3. Gold's price per ounce is going to increase for sure as long as... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9084
来自主题: Stock版 - OCT21 GOOG 600 Call still lose money
上个季度goog beat, 很多人搞straddle或者赌涨的赚了钱,这次option价格就高了,
发帖数: 48111
no, simply green card has got devalued.
发帖数: 81
来自主题: Stock版 - most bearish ever
Old And No News Is Good News Apparently?
Tyler Durden's picture
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/26/2011 17:16 -0400
Futures market
While S&P futures managed to make higher highs in the last hour, the EUR did
not as only TSYs managed to follow stocks to those extreme levels. It was
an odd day, as we have noted many times today, as the total lack of news
combined with rallies on the back of old news seemed enough to juice stocks
higher. It does make one think a little a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4342
来自主题: Stock版 - So ECB lends 250 billion to IMF
Why can't they lend directly?
Worst, will 250 billion is enough to solve European problem, I doubt it. As
long as there is money available, what is the incentives to take painful cut
(like Italy).
As long as US can print the money, they will not take the painful budget cut
which will hurt the people with no money(Yesterday, both party passed the
defense bill with no problem from both side) nor they will take tax hike to
hurt the wealthy.
So long term, hedge against the dollar devaluation is the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1810
Rickards: China’s Slowdown Will Be Worse Than You Think
China's Premier Wen Jiabao has just warned that China's economy is now
facing challenges, including higher-than-desired inflation and an economic
Our guest James Rickards, the author of Currency Wars: The Making Of The
Next Global Crisis, says this slowdown will be significantly worse than most
people think. He believes it will trigger a policy response from the Unite... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1810
Rickards: China’s Slowdown Will Be Worse Than You Think
China's Premier Wen Jiabao has just warned that China's economy is now
facing challenges, including higher-than-desired inflation and an economic
Our guest James Rickards, the author of Currency Wars: The Making Of The
Next Global Crisis, says this slowdown will be significantly worse than most
people think. He believes it will trigger a policy response from the Unite... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1810
Rickards: China’s Slowdown Will Be Worse Than You Think
China's Premier Wen Jiabao has just warned that China's economy is now
facing challenges, including higher-than-desired inflation and an economic
Our guest James Rickards, the author of Currency Wars: The Making Of The
Next Global Crisis, says this slowdown will be significantly worse than most
people think. He believes it will trigger a policy response from the Unite... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18523
You see, Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve are hell bent on destroying
the value of our already devalued currency. Housing ultimately has not
bottomed because many homes built in the past ten years are not made to last
100 years but only 20-30 years. When left abandoned after foreclosure, that
short life expectancy is even shorter -- leaky roofs, black mold, termites,
etc... make the housing market less of a sure bet than it was in the 1980's
and 1990's. The goal in my view for the Fed is to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1904
来自主题: Stock版 - 主力在诱多诱多诱多!!!
1. $150 a barrel is in terms of USD. If USD devalue and other currencies
appreciate, they pay less in their home currencies. For this reason, I see
no obstacle for them to ease.
2. Inflation might be severe in some developing countries, but how about
Japan, UK, Australia?
And for developing countries with more than 10% unemployment, I think they
will weight job more than inflation after all.
发帖数: 7948
A Jelly Donut is a yummy mid-afternoon energy boost.
Two Jelly Donuts are an indulgent breakfast.
Three Jelly Donuts may induce a tummy ache.
Six Jelly Donuts -- that's an eating disorder.
Twelve Jelly Donuts is fraternity pledge hazing.
My point is that you can have too much of a good thing and overdoses are
destructive. Chairman Bernanke is presently force-feeding us what seems like
the 36th Jelly Donut of easy money and wondering... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7948
George Soros celebrates 82nd birthday with engagement to Tamiko Bolton
40-year-old Bolton and 82-year-old billionaire investor met in 2008 and
announced planned wedding at Hamptons party
Billionaire investor George Soros had a lot to celebrate on Saturday evening
Soros and Bolton, who met in the spring of 2008, formally announced their
engagement at a party at Soros' summer home in Southampton, New York,
attended by a small ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4011
Updated 8/31/2012 6:32 PM
Investments to consider if QE3 happens:
1. Gold. Quantitative easing makes gold a good choice because the bond
buying tends to devalue paper assets, such as the dollar. Flooding financial
markets with cash also can lead to inflation. Gold and other so-called "
hard assets" are viewed as a hedge against both.
During QE1 gold outperformed the broad CCI commodity basket by nearly 3
percentage points, although ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12400
来自主题: Stock版 - 靠,FB竟然是znga的庄家,
NBC ran a story about a rumor(this morning recur rumors about an impending
acquisition of zynga by FB at a price ranging between 5 - 10 $. That's what
created the speculation bounce in today‘s intraday move)。NBC got their
story from a Seeking Alpha report that postulates that FB changed its game
rotation algorrhythms to suppress Zinga games to devalue them in an attempt
to buy them at a lower PPS. Zinga has been losing out before that
algorrhythm went into effect. Also, since Zinga... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4342
Kevin: I have a classmate. He was told that chinese dollar could devalued to
10 to 1, so with the help of someone from Canada. He changed 650K at rate
of 6.425 several months ago into US dollar.
Now all the money is in an big investment bank's account, he does not want
to invest in the stock. He find out the interest rate is so low, after
paying the management fee, he gets nothing. There are simply not much safe
investment with some return in US.
Now he is thinking about moving the money back to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11265
来自主题: Stock版 - 油工,关于炼油请教个问题
I have no idea about China refinery stuff
Coz when I left China I was only 20+
too young and sometime too naive
If you want to make money, buy cop psx and hold.
China corruption will devaluate your investment specially in oil sector.
发帖数: 17328
i don't see why you keep talking about fiat vs gold? everybody knows fiat
currencies devalue with inflation. however, there are many asset classes,
gold is not the only choice and not always the best choice either.
发帖数: 98
The Hunt brothers were worried about Nixon taking the US off the gold
standard in 1971. They started to purchase silver as a hedge against the
devaluing dollar. They had to purchase silver because it was not legal for
Americans to own gold until 1975.
The two wealthy brothers began purchasing silver futures contracts on the
commodity exchanges. The Hunt brothers took delivery of the silver at the
expiration of the contract instead of rolling the contract over into a new
contract. In 1974 they ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11265
but no worry, call option does not devaluate at all.
just hold hold and hold.
发帖数: 1722
来自主题: Stock版 - 人民币,还是人民币。。。
devalue your currency means flooding the market with
cheap money. TG has no balls to do it now as the housing
market is sky high already.
housing market is a knife with two blades. TG sucked too much
juice out of it previous few years.
have to say fed is very good at this type of game. however,
chinese market is soooo huge that after so much of money
flood, from us and japan, china is still stable, at least
for now.
发帖数: 1463
people dont believe fundamental analysis... go ask business people in china,
housing kills all. small business barely can make the rent. Rent drives
even higher with the ill fated housing price control. the window of avoiding
crash might be already closed. Looks like china need another qe and devalue
rmb 2 to 3 times.
发帖数: 1430
来自主题: Stock版 - I am switching from AAPL to FB
AAPL call devaluated from 15 to 4 pocket 11 bucks per share.
shares lose 2 bucks per share.
I will buy back AAPL next week
bought [email protected]
Shorted call 50 @ 2.8
发帖数: 1430
来自主题: Stock版 - Bidu居然蒙对了
share or call?
if call, be careful, it is a piggy per the high priced call (160-165-170,
all devalued)
发帖数: 6389
The Fed first launched quantitative easing in November 2008 after efforts to
boost the economy by lowering interest rates failed. The first programme of
QE saw $600 billion injected into the economy by the Fed via mortgage-
backed securities and government-sponsored enterprises. This then increased
to $1.25 trillion as part of an expansion due to low initial impact. Again,
the Fed tried QE in November 2010 with another $600 billion invested in
longer term Treasury securities. When this still fai... 阅读全帖
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