

全部话题 - 话题: downside
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发帖数: 8232
来自主题: JobHunting版 - stock option 101
It's a good introduction.
On liquidation preferences: Suppose a VC invests 100M, and is promised a 3x
return on investment. If the company later sells for 300M (or less), the VC
gets all of it and you get nothing. That’s it. Liquidation preferences are
important to know about.
Things you should know about stock options before negotiating an offer
Are you considering an offer from a private company, which involves stock
option... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4307
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 刚入职FG中的一家不久,U又来联系
发帖数: 99
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 刚入职FG中的一家不久,U又来联系

发帖数: 118
来自主题: JobMarket版 - 阿姨找工作 - Edison/NJ
我家的阿姨是台湾人. 她敬业,有爱心,有经验。
She worked with us since my son was born. She did the cleaning, cooking,
and taking care of kids. We have her contacts and connections in Taiwan.
She is the person you can trust. I can offer 100% positive reference for
her. The downside is she cannot drive, and speaks very little English. So please write in Chinese if writing her emails.
She now lives with us in Meadow Brook Rd, Edison, New Jersey
Email: t*******[email protected]
Phone:732 910 9228
发帖数: 19471
来自主题: Living版 - 快抢吧,米国房源太少了!
恩,成熟老中区的downside risk相对比较小.
发帖数: 405
Someone recommended me not to use those, though I still don't understand
what the downside could be.
发帖数: 12932
this is call "wholesale of a buying contract". the reason of this is that
they are usually large volume buying. They bought multiple properties at a
discount and "retail" to end user so they profit the difference without
puting out a penny. the downside is of course if they can't find a buyer,
they'll have to close with their own money and sell it later on.
发帖数: 37
If it would be the primary residency, then buy one when you see sth you
really like. Downside risk is very limited now, plus the near zero interest
rate. I am in NJ and I can tell housing market in good areas hold up really
well, relatively. Where it goes from here is hard to tell, 50/50 I would
say. Buying a house is more than an investment. Remember many happy times
with all the family members in it in the years to come.
If it is for investment and speculative purpose, ignore what I said abo
发帖数: 199
Totally agree with this. 5 year ARM is much better than a 30 year fixed rate
if you are sure you will sale the house or pay off the loan in 5 years.
However for people under other situations, 5 ARM brings huge risk, and
current market is a very good example for the downside.
发帖数: 96
来自主题: Living版 - 还要买房吗?
How about invest your money or 401k into REITs now? If housing price go up
in 5yrs, you get the benefit and buy it then. Meanwhile you can enjoy your
life now and postpone the trouble of moving.
Downside is you may lose money if market go down. but you lose anyway if you
buy it now.
发帖数: 114
来自主题: Living版 - Anything bad if refinance too often?
But I can shorten the term by paying extra principal every month, right?
For example, assume I have the initial loan at year 1, and then refinance at
year 2 with a new 30 years term, so it will take 31 years in total to pay
off the mortgage. However, if I keep paying the same amount as before I do
the refinance, with the lower interest rate, I can pay off the mortgage even
less than 30 years. Am I right? Is there any other downside of refin?

发帖数: 369
来自主题: Living版 - locked today @ 4.5%
If you think it is good enough for you, lock it.
If you want to gamble with the market, wait...
For me I think 4.5% is good enough, so I locked it even there is still
downside in the Market.

发帖数: 7272
Thanks all the above replies. I talked to two brokers--this one seems to
know things much better (downside is that she is super busy too) and she
said her office can arrage appraisal and she approved loans before. She
sounds pretty prefessional to me.
I guess I ll send her the doc and stick with her a little longer until she
told me that I have to pay 30% down. That may be a signal that she doesnt
really know how to handle our case.
发帖数: 187
来自主题: Living版 - Pros and Cons for All Cash Offer?
Sometines people use all cash offer for buying the house or foreclosure
house. I would think the pros may be having more bargain power, but is there
any downside for it?
Anybody interested in discussing about this?
发帖数: 187
来自主题: Living版 - Pros and Cons for All Cash Offer?
But also will there any downside? e.g., then later you may not be able to
back out if you don't want to buy. (in loan process, you can have excuse to
back out within certain days). cash offer seems not contingent upon

发帖数: 20252
来自主题: Living版 - Pros and Cons for All Cash Offer?

发帖数: 1498
我也在想啊,我的mortgage是4.5 APR,出去3%的手续费,21month的可以省下来5%的利
发帖数: 308
发帖数: 1233
go w/ a bigger company that provides serious training first. downside is
commission split is very low (55-60%). once you learn the basics and
accumulate enough experience, then consider joining higher pay firms.
发帖数: 48111
来自主题: Living版 - good news for landlord
Double-digit rent rise is coming to the housing market.
Renters beware: Double-digit rent hikes may be coming soon.
Already, rental vacancy rates have dipped below the 10% mark, where they had
been lodged for most of the past three years.
"The demand for rental housing has already started to increase," said Peggy
Alford, president of Rent.com. "Young people are starting to get rid of
their roommates and move out of their parent's basements."
By 2012, she predicts the vacancy rate will hover at a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10098
来自主题: Living版 - Portable的空调好用么?
设计原理不如窗机效率高, 要买的话最好买双筒排气的。
Bottom line: Given these downsides, we suggest you consider a portable unit
only if having a window unit is out of the question and a split ductless
system is not viable because of cost or installation concerns. If you do
decide to buy a portable unit, choose a model that has two hoses and
evaporates the condensed water.
Essential information: See our advice on staying cool this summer without
cranking the A/C, an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 706
来自主题: Living版 - 有人用401K买过房子吗?
401k Withdrawal
401k's were designed to help us put away money for retirement and not make a
withdrawal on it until then. If you want to make a 401k withdrawal before
retirement then you will most likely be penalized for it. You can make
withdrawals without penalties beginning at age 59 1/2 and must make
withdrawals before reaching age 70 1/2.
There are two different types of withdrawals: financial hardship withdrawal
and no-penalty withdrawal.
Financial hardship withdrawals must meet some crite... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 339
来自主题: Living版 - radon7.7,该放弃这个房子吗?
Mine was initially in the range of 20--I did a lot of research and evetually
convinced myself to move ahead.The radon issue should not be a determining
factor, just as any other house problems.
In PA, the state average of residential houses is 7.6. It might be hard to
find a house without elevated radon. In addition, the risk is gone when the
mitigation system is installed--the seller has to pay for it anyway. The
only downside I could see is that it is something you have to take care of,
just a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 837
来自主题: Living版 - 直接CASH 买房,有什么坏处?
what about cash buy for a quick closing and maybe because of that more
discount, then refinance to get loan. Any downside that way?
发帖数: 700
来自主题: Living版 - 0.01 mile 内有个 sex offender
就在隔壁街上,这是不是一个 huge downside?
另外,sex offender 是说那个地址的住户有这种行为,还是在那个地址发生了
offensive,但是别人(就像小偷一样) 在这个地方偶尔有这个行为。如果是前者,就很
发帖数: 1474
no downside as long as the refinance saves you money and you don't ahve to
pay closing cost.
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: Living版 - 买了个二手床垫,求助
should never buy 2nd hand mattress. there might be bed bug and lice.. it
might not have been used exclusivly for human, and someone might had died on
it... just to name a few downsides.
发帖数: 2719
a friend of mine has Wolf, and it is very nice and powerful. The downside is
that it is expensive (over >$2K) and noisy.
If you don;t particular care of brand name or brand matching (if you also
have WOLF cooktop or overn), I would suggest you to get Kobe.
I have Kobe at home, it is equally powerful as the Wolf, but a lot quieter.
The price is also around $800 - $1K, much cheaper than the Wolf. Wolf is
made in the USA, while Kobe is made in Japan.
发帖数: 1052
I just started thinking to buy furniture for my house, and did some research
. I came across this great site www.myfurnitureforum.com with a lot of
information and knowledge in the furniture industry.
Here is an article on leather furniture, I think it's great.
A primer in selecting leather
It just occurred to me I may not have ever made a post about some leather
tips you need to know when you buy leather. Here's a few, and they apply to
every maker for the most part:
Leather Grade: This is a P... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
don't you pay tax on cap gains, dividends, and interests anyway?
and remember, that's just rental income, not counting potential capital
appreciation. During the 2008 financial crisis, GM bonds had the similar
yield, somewhere between 20% - 30%. But the investor of those bonds would
have to face with the risk that the bond price may drop to zero..
but not in this case. at less than $40K, how much downside risk can the
property still have? It sure would not drop to zero.
发帖数: 5191
来自主题: Living版 - Should we refinance in NJ?
Yes, we do tell the downside of refinance, including but not limited what
you said.
I even refund half of the appraisal fee if the appraisal value comes too low
to minimize borrower's loss.
For PF, it has the best rate. it does require a lot of effort from both
client and agent, but you get what you paid for. And if I take a client case
and can't close it, I'll refund all the appraisal and credit report fee.
But so far, I'm lucky all the cases closed.
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Living版 - 老Deck刷新漆疑问
When considering a house painting project for the outside of your house it
is important to know the available types of paint you can use. One major
question people have about exterior painting is the difference between solid
stains and paint and which one to use.
In essence, a solid stain is a paint. They are both films that sit on the
surface. A solid stain is very different than a penetrating stain, which
actually absorbs into the wood and doesn't sit on the surface.
Solid stains... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14763
Sure, the only downside is, you can afford to take Taxi every time. So, from
time to time, you have to ride on the world known INDIAN BUS...
发帖数: 73
来自主题: Living版 - Game Theory and Home Bidding Strategy
Please read this post first before reading the content below.
The optimal bidding strategy will need to be optimal in two components: (1)
how to determine the price for your bid; (2) when to submit your offer. This
post will not even try to help you how to determine the price for your bid:
actually you should always be confident and comfortable to determine that
price on your own: if you are not comfortable, then don't submit the offer.
Talk ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 185
did a bit research on renting to disabled veterans, looks like eviction
procedure is similar as other renters. The downside is their income from VA
is protected and you can't collect judgments from those incomes.
发帖数: 12461
The downside is limited, 0.25% tops. The upside is unlimited.
发帖数: 2623
来自主题: Living版 - 我们的小厨房
wow wow wow
very clean and modern
发帖数: 2623
来自主题: Living版 - 我们的小厨房
wow wow wow
very clean and modern
发帖数: 351
来自主题: Living版 - 花了800块把全家都换成LED了
some downside we might want to know about CFL
1. you save the e bill, but the tradeoff is the long waiting time for the
CFL to reach its highest light.
2. Cheap CFL is not dimmerable, dimmer is the key for the modern and smart
3. Most important! CFL is not very green or environmental safe! you should
recycle it but LED and incandescent does not have this trouble.
发帖数: 6599

the price is the downside.
depends on your budget, wolf sells high-end freestanding gas ranges. search
for "professional gas range" in amazon, you will find more
I have a dual-fuel cooktop (Gagg Vario), but my first choice is the electric
burner because it has more power. to me, high BTU/power output goes first,
dual-fuel is optional.
发帖数: 1916
来自主题: Living版 - dc 附近哪买房好
Northern VA is your choice. Vienna, Fairfax, Falls Church and Dullus silver
line metro corridor. Downside is that housing there is expensive and
traffic is bad.
发帖数: 381
来自主题: Living版 - 改成biweekly还款好不好?
lender 是 Chase,一直发信让我改成biweekly,其实是可以节省一些利息的,但是不
发帖数: 1181
来自主题: Living版 - 改成biweekly还款好不好?
发帖数: 1665
来自主题: Living版 - 说一下RO过滤水
The reverse osmosis process contains several downsides which make it an
inefficient and ineffective means of purifying drinking water. The small
pores in the membrane block particles of large molecular structure like salt
, but more dangerous chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, and chlorine are
molecularly smaller than water (Binnie et al, 2002). These chemicals can
freely pass through the porous membrane. For this reason, a carbon filter
must be used as a complimentary measure to pro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 216
No. It takes months and months to collect, and may or may not be reported to
After it's reported, it takes month to show up and have effect.
Even after it's reported and showed up, you can still fight for it and get
it fixed
The downside is that you have to fix the problem caused by other's mistake.
That sucks.
You have to find the person who made the mistake and ask her to correct the
mistake. The collection department won't give a daman about the fact, truth
发帖数: 1211
来自主题: Medicine版 - RESPeRATE 降血压仪有用吗?
At least it shall do no harm.
Medication is not the only way to control blood pressure. Lifestyle changes
and diet control have been proven very effective, and I would not be
surprised if there are other modalities, including RESPeRATE.
The downside, of course is its high cost. And of course, using something
fancy doesn't mean you will not need to monitor your blood pressure any more
发帖数: 81
好了,确诊了,是 Guillain barre。 孩子妈妈又给了update:
The doctors have given the formal diagnosis of Guillain barre based on the
results. In some ways this is a very good thing, as at least we know what
XXX is fighting. They will continue with her third of five plasmapheresis
treatments later today. I am very happy to report that over the last day or
so she has regained the ability to nod or shake her head slightly for yes/no
answers, and her eyes have been open a bit more and more often. They are
small st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 411
来自主题: Money版 - $150 bonus from Compass bank
One downside is that I did received two hard credit inquiries by Transunion.

two concerns:
1. might be hard inquiry.
2. not sure whether use credit card as opening deposit is identified as pur
chase or CASH ADVANCE.
发帖数: 4255
谢谢分享,问一下哈,好像没有看到min deposit,开户随便寸多少都可以?
One downside to the Cash Back Checking is the potential of a $10 monthly
maintenance fee which would eliminate the benefits of the above rewards. The
bank lists these three options to avoid this fee:
.making 3 transactions per statement cycle
.maintaining $1,000 minimum average daily balance in the account
.if you are under the age of 25
这个免月费,是三选一? 还是三个都要符合~?
请问LZ, 一定要去branch么?
发帖数: 5282
Some auto insurance companies, like Progressive,
have roadside assistance feature.
It costs around $10 per car per year,
much less than AAA membership.
The downside is you can't help your friends with AAA benefit.
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