

全部话题 - 话题: dread
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发帖数: 4371
发信人: agostic (π-packing), 信区: Military
标 题: (中英文)原子弹下无冤魂:B29飞行员查尔斯•斯韦尼将军1995国会演讲
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 15 20:13:42 2012, 美东)
One can only forgive by remembering. And to forget, is to risk repeating
得的informative/historical/linguastic article. Enjoy and welcome to comment.
(中英文)原子弹下无冤魂:B29... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3012
来自主题: Baseball版 - This stadium is dreadful
any fly ball to right field is like a home run...
发帖数: 4391
来自主题: Baseball版 - This stadium is dreadful

Blame it on the opposing hitter who can not even hit out at this ban-box.
发帖数: 2826
来自主题: Basketball版 - no damn ball movement at all!
play is dreadful
发帖数: 424
来自主题: Basketball版 - ESPN's halftime show is pathetic
Just dreadful. 4 guys that have absolutely no sense of humor talking about
stuffs that everybody knows.
发帖数: 9546
来自主题: Basketball版 - ZZ CRAWFORD SAYS
Very interesting and entertaining.
Regrets, He's Had a Few: Joey Crawford Looks Back
by Howard Beck
May 18, 2016
When great players retire, we take a group dive into the nostalgia pool. We
relive favorite plays and rank their greatest shots, passes and dunks. It's
a little different when a legendary NBA referee steps away.
The best refs would rather not be noticed at all. Beca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12862
一年前,当Tim Duncan retire from NBA的时候,我经常在心里想,是不是以后,我就
们聊了聊,还有他的退役仪式,baby news,以及有人拍到他在商店里买东西的照片,
情,我好奇地点开了link,看到一片"The Players Tribune"上的文章,名字是”Don't
forget about the islands“,署名是by Tim Duncan, retired NBA player。我大惊
仔细看完才明白那是一片TD呼吁大家为US Virgin Islands的Hurricane ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4507
来自主题: Basketball版 - 林牧师給马丁骂了
林的回应才是经典 -
"Actually i legit grateful you sharing it tbh," Lin wrote on Instagram. "At
the end of the day i appreciate that i have dreads and you have Chinese
tattoos bc i think its a sign of respect. And i think as minorities, the
more we appreciate each others cultures, the more we influence mainstream
society. Thanks for everything you did for the nets and hoops...had your
poster up on my wall growin up."
发帖数: 127
来自主题: Chess版 - lost 5 in a row
all dreadful and obvious mistakes
can not concentrade. TNND
发帖数: 1714
【 以下文字转载自 Running 讨论区 】
发信人: joyjoy (joy), 信区: Running
标 题: Extreme Endurance Exercise and heart attack
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 5 01:52:16 2013, 美东)
By Dr. Mercola
Do you dread going to the gym for what feels like hours at a stretch? Or do
you avoid working out altogether because you just don't have the time? Then
what I'm about to tell you should be music to your ears: when it comes to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1192
来自主题: Fishing版 - 鼓型轮(BaitCasting Reel)
I am in California, the Bay Area. The lakes is fishable in winter for bass.
Just have to go slow. It is best time now to catch bass over 5 lb. There are
10+ lbers in the deeper water, sometimes chasing trout to the shore. I have
been using spinning rod, and it sort of worked, except the casting distance
is limited.
Anyway, I just got my Ambassadeur 5501C3, put it on my MH 7' rod and darn
got the dreaded backlash. It seems that there is no reel shoulder on this
reel, so everytime I clam down the
发帖数: 18705
Line Twist--Take Control of Line Twist and Wind Knots
Written by Reefman--The Internet Angler!
Using Spinning Reels with Braid.
Spinning reel = Fixed Spool reel = coffee grinder
Wind knots have nothing to do with the stuff that blows air around, nor is
it associated with flatulence... !
They are associated primarily with how the line is wound onto the spool...
hence a wind knot - winding the line.
The Braid Clump Frustration
Many an angling session has been ruined when ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2834
Role of the Wind in Salt Water Fishing:
Make no mistake about it, the wind can make or break your upcoming fishing
trip or trips. Obviously, the stronger the wind, the rougher the water will
have on your fishing trip. For general sport fishing, anything over 12 to 15
knots will make for an uncomfortable day.
The story of Texan saltwater fishing and the wind... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2045
开车10分钟, 上班前一个小时可以拉个10~15条, 这是个什么概念。。。
"Got out at first light today to find we'd be standing with a hundred guys w
/the same idea. I was bummed...till they started catching. Couldn't get my
lure out fast enough & BAM then that dreaded...SNAP! Fish gone! Lure, teaser
& all.I look over the guy couldn't have had more than 2 casts out, reeling
in a fish. To the left & right EVERYONE was hooking up! EVERY cast was a
fish or a hit. he had FOUR double-headers & I had T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2679
No kidding if you dare.
In the large gym I go, I haven't seen a single soul doing it for two
years. It is so dreadful I only do it occasionally.
Last time I did it about a month ago with 185lb. Two days later, my quad
started to experience a huge DOMS. Unlike my butt, my quad usually
doesn't feel DOMS no matter what I do. But that time it was burning like
hell and couldn't even touch it.
Not sure how much it will help gain muscle, but it definitely helps
release a heavy dose of hormone inside yo
发帖数: 332
来自主题: Fitness版 - 半月板撕裂
thank you for all the feedback. I know I have to stay put till at least
January. It is just I am so bored! but what I am dreaded most is that one
day I will be told I can't jump or run again. that will really suck!
any way, it was all my own fault. -I already injured my knee a little but I
decided to carry on with 50 frog jumps...
发帖数: 1714
【 以下文字转载自 Running 讨论区 】
发信人: joyjoy (joy), 信区: Running
标 题: Extreme Endurance Exercise and heart attack
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 5 01:52:16 2013, 美东)
By Dr. Mercola
Do you dread going to the gym for what feels like hours at a stretch? Or do
you avoid working out altogether because you just don't have the time? Then
what I'm about to tell you should be music to your ears: when it comes to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1585
Cornerback Ball Skills
It isn't stressed enough how important ball skills are to being a Great
Cornerback. I've heard too many times, after a cornerback drops a pick, "
That's why he's a cornerback: no hands."
I dislike when people make comments like that. It is a cornerback's
responsibility to make that play.
Your ultimate goal as a Great Cornerback is to not only cover a receiver or
a zone, but to also pick any ball thrown your way and take it to the house (
dance in the endzone with it, and t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6388
来自主题: Football版 - Giants expected to extend Eli Manning
According to Dan Graziano of ESPN, the New York Giants and starting
quarterback Eli Manning are expected to work out an extension. Manning has
had a dreadful season to say the least with the Giants this season, but New
York reportedly believes in him and expects a comeback season next year.
This news is a bit surprising coming off of the numbers he has put up this
year, but he has won a couple Super Bowl’s for the Giants.
Through 14... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1009
来自主题: Football版 - 瞧这白菜一家人
Manning was the second overall pick in the 1971 NFL Draft and played for the
Saints for ten full seasons.[8] He was usually one of the few marquee
players on a dreadful team.
In 1972 he led the league in pass attempts and completions and led the
National Football Conference in passing yards, though the team's record was
only 2–11–1. Archie sat out the entire 1976 season after corrective
surgery on his right shoulder. In 1978, he was named the NFC Player of the
Year by UPI after leading the Saint... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2828
来自主题: Football版 - fantasy questions
tis playoff time for fantasy players.
1) WR:
i need to start 3. I thought I had a no brainer line-up with A Brown/Evans/
Gordon. but Gordon scares me quite a bit, and Evans to a lesser extent (too
TD dependent). So Moncrief is available in my league. would you pick him up
and start him over either Evans/Gordon assuming he gets Wayne's snap count?
2) RB:
Still dreaded RB2 decision after Foster. Crow vs. Cincy, or Herron vs. Texas
, or FJax vs. GB or Mason v. Arizona? None of them excites me. I am... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19398
WSJ 2011年6月11日 :中国到底在下什么棋?
原文:What Kind of Game Is China Playing?
Forget chess. To understand geopolitics in Taiwan or the Indian Ocean, U.S.
strategists are learning from Go
A 2,000-year-old board game holds the key to understanding how the Chinese
really think—and U.S. officials had better learn to play if they want to
win the real competition.
That's the pitch that David Lai, a professor at the Army War College, has
been making i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 563
来自主题: Golf版 - Iron approach shot from a bunker?
Here is a checklist for you when you enter the dreaded fairway bunker:
1. Take one or two extra clubs.
2. Place the ball a little farther back in stance than normal.
3. Dig in a little (sand is slippery if you don't get to the bottom of it
!) - 这个是说脚要dig in吧?
4. Now for the fun part'swing while keeping your lower body as still as
另一tip里,说是要clean shot, 根本最好不要碰到砂子,不要想打出个divot. 距离
发帖数: 165
Very true. Whenever my legs feel tired, like after walking 16 holes, I have
the tendency to hook. That's when I feel my body got "stuck" while the
arms and hands tries to make-up for it, resulting in an ugly low hook.
Happened to me yesterday, I was going nicely at 3-over on the back nine
until the dreaded hook. (Front nine was a disaster, with no time to warm up
发帖数: 2325
来自主题: Golf版 - 开始不打back tee了
one course i often play middle tee is 6300 or so. it still has some long par
4: 400- 420 yard, some short par4, < 340. it is fun to play this kind of
layout. When driver is on, 250 - 290, you have any where from short chip,
short pitch, to 120, 140-150 approach. so even dreaded 400+ yard par4 can
be still taken care of by driver + wedge, it ended with so many wedge
shots. talking about over power the course, maybe that is it. if get 2on
par5, then truely over power.
the downside of this i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 767
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - WSJ报道remington 700有潜在质量问题
不管最终是个什么结论(也许永远不会有结论),下文中提到的 Cooper's* four
fundamental rules of gun safety 是时刻不可疏忽的!
Accidental firearms discharges
October 20th, 2010 10:10 pm ET
Tonight, CNBC is doing a piece of the Remington 700 rifle. There are
allegations that it is unsafe. If that is the case, I just wonder how
Remington could have avoided serious legal judgments over the years. Anyway,
the truth will eventually come out.
Closer to home, a Kno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11154
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - 【转】The List of Shooting Range Stereotypes
8. The Idiot Girlfriend.
Usually found in the company of the Punk-Ass Amateur. Typically between the
ages of 18 and 26, the Idiot Girlfriend doesn’t like the range, but wants
to ensure her boyfriend isn’t involved in any activity that doesn’t
include her. Arrives woefully unprepared for the range, with no water,
unsuitable clothing, and often no hearing protection. Will, however, have
flawless makeup. After a period not exceeding 20 minutes, will immediately
begin complaining about a) how hot it... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 615
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - Barrett M82A1炸膛, 小将很性奋
不要吓我 bullpup都有钢板加强保护让气往前跑 网上也很少听说bullpup blow up
The barrel is encased in the trunion, the trunion is encased in the receiver
, the receiver is encased in the stock. If anything blew up, it would not be
the barrel. The weak point would be the bolt. Which at the time of firing
is encased in the trunion, which is encased in the receiver, which is
encased in the stock. You will not blow one of these rifles up. It is an
incredible design. During initial R&D for this project, a single STG-556 was
fed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1578
来自主题: loseweight版 - google 15
今天才发现的这个小东西, 帮助每天记体重的.
"The Google 15
A play on the dreaded "Freshman 15" that many college students gain, this
homepage module is named in
honor of the fifteen pounds that new Google employees supposedly gain in
their first year at Google from
gorging on the omnipresent free food."
发帖数: 1714
【 以下文字转载自 Running 讨论区 】
发信人: joyjoy (joy), 信区: Running
标 题: Extreme Endurance Exercise and heart attack
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 5 01:52:16 2013, 美东)
By Dr. Mercola
Do you dread going to the gym for what feels like hours at a stretch? Or do
you avoid working out altogether because you just don't have the time? Then
what I'm about to tell you should be music to your ears: when it comes to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20256
来自主题: NCAA版 - 很久没去隔壁football版
dread school了。
发帖数: 1526
来自主题: NCAA版 - Hilarious article on UM-MSU
Really LMAO...
Stakes and ire are higher for Wolverines, Spartans
I抳e tried over the years to bring Michigan and Michigan State people
together, to move past the inflammatory insults and flammable furniture. I抳
e tried to show how the fans actually are very much alike, except for those
nagging issues of snootiness (Wolverines), insecurity (Spartans), sushi
gorging (Wolverines) and class-credit beer pong (Spartans).
Now, sad to say, I抦 about ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 348
来自主题: NCAA版 - poor duckies
Dirk from Auburn: Do you really think the Duckies can keep up with an SEC
team in the
national championship game. This is big boy football and the SEC is the big
Ted Miller: Poor ole Duckies. I just hope they get out of Glendale alive!
If I may humbly speak for Oregon and the Pac-10, we are just grateful that
the SEC
has allowed the conference to step on the field -- for one shining moment! -
- with
the big boys.
SEC teams are so big. So absolutely huge. Gosh,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8125
来自主题: NCAA版 - A Letter From Buckeye fan
After what seems like the 1 billionth bad news day for Ohio State in the
last year I think I am finally ready to accept defeat. By now I am sure most
of you have heard that more bad news has come down the pipes in the way of
more players suspended for taking more illegal benefits. I could go into
great detail about who and what they did or how it is the systems fault or
that everyone is doing it but I won’t do that. Not this time and not ever
This time I am heart broken not because my tea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11198
Learn from yesterday, live for today, Hoke for tomorrow - JNW
By Lordfoul — October 9th, 2011 at 11:54 AM — 17 comments
Filed under: 6-0 is rare Al Borges is a mad magician football Greg Mattison
is Gary Moeller++ Junior Denard overcomes his mistakes Senior Junior helps
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important
thing is not to stop questioning.”
Albert Einstein
Learn from yesterday...
6-0 starts for... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 111
haha, fun to read....
it's a pity he didn't really coach against Meyer in the dream...
发帖数: 8892
It happens every NCAA tournament — some headline-grabbing team assumed to
go deep into the bracket comes up woefully short. No coach or program is
immune to the early exit, and the five teams that follow, despite much
success in the regular season, are candidates to wear the dreaded label of
“chokers” once all is said and done.
Louisville (No. 4 seed, West Region)
Missouri (No. 2 seed, West Region)
Florida State (No. 3 seed, East Region)
Syracuse (No. 1 seed, East Region)
Duke (N... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8892
College football is on the verge of finally having a playoff, its own
version of the final four.
For the first time, all the power brokers who run the highest level of the
sport are comfortable with the idea of deciding a championship the way it's
done from pee-wees to pros. And the way fans have been hoping they would for
''Yes, we've agreed to use the P word,'' Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott
said Thurs... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 440
来自主题: NCAA版 - Rich Rod Clears Up Wolverines' Woes
他当时太忠于自己的班子了,不肯Fire Greg Robinson。
但是2011的进攻真的就是沿袭了他的Spread Style,框架已经搭好了。Robinson,
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