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发帖数: 2215
RUSH: Now, we will never know this, but you remember, Trump arrived in
Cleveland yesterday. Remember how Trump arrived? Cruz is out doing a rally
, and in the middle of his rally they hear the noise of jet engines
unusually low, and in the middle of Cruz's speech the audience, the crowd
looks up, and, my God, there it is, Trump Force One.
Trump Force One, whether by accident or by design, is buzzing the Ted Cruz
campaign event, and even Cruz was forced to say, "Man, you talk about good
timing... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3242
来自主题: USANews版 - 白噪声机都用上了?!
#DemsInPhilly now using white noise machines to drown out CA Bernie
delegates. #DemConvention
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - 笑话:bronze rat
SysRq 3 minutes ago
A guy is visiting San Francisco, and walks into a small store in Chinatown.
He notices a small bronze statue of a rat.
He asks the owner "how much", and the owner replies "$50 for the bronze rat,
and $1000 for the story behind it."
The guy says, "forget the story", and buys the rat.
As he's walking down the street he notices two live rats following him. As
he continues to walk, more rats start following him.
He starts to get a little concerned, and heads for the waterfront. B... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1144
This use of immigration to empower statists via cultural and demographic
genocide isn’t limited to the United States, and it has at times been
acknowledged. Andrew Neather, a former advisor to ex-British Prime Minister
Tony Blair, admitted in 2009 that one of the goals of the mass immigration
authored by his Labour Party was “to rub the Right's nos... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Barack Obama said last year he was “pretty optimistic” that conservatism
would be drowned out because immigration was making the United States “more
of a hodgepodge of folks.”

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 11-year-old schools CNN host
11-year-old Trump supporter schools CNN host: ‘A few bad words better than
getting blown up’
“A lot has been made in this campaign of the language that is used, the
name-calling that’s been used, especially in the primary,” the host said.
“As an 11-year-old watching it, what’s your reaction?”
“I really think that listening to a few bad words coming out of Donald
Trump is a lot better than people... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 11-year-old schools CNN host
“I really think that listening to a few bad words coming out of Donald
Trump is a lot better than people getting blown up by terrorists, people
getting burned alive, people’s heads being chopped off and people getting
drowned” - 多有common sense!

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - Dump Hillary
Democratic letter urges party to cut Hillary's funding
More than 70 Democratic have signed a letter to the party's National
Committee head urging them to stop helping Hillary's campaign.
They said Hillary's "divisiveness" and "incompetence" risked drowning the
party in November's election.
The letter said that the party should instead focus on protecting vulnerable
candidates in elections to the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Former members of Congress are among the signatories of the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 554
Thank you for searching my previous posts. You can find more about my
political view points. I've never changed.
When I vow to vote against RINO Lindsey Graham senate primary in 2014 here,
none of you are here. My post was drown. And none of you realized the harm
of RINO to GOP. Clean up GOP is always the more important thing to do than
shouting only.
Thank Trump to bring you under the right tent.
发帖数: 6571
If You Don’t Like Either Candidate, Then Vote for Trump’s Policie
Wayne Grudem
Posted: Oct 19, 2016 12:14 AM
After I saw the shocking 2005 video with Trump talking about his sexual
aggression against women, I wrote, “There is no morally good presidential
candidate in this election.” I condemned Trump’s immoral conduct and said
I did not know how I would vote. I asked Townhall.com to remove my earlier
article, “Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice.” I urged
Trump to withdraw, ho... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - Scott Adams endorsed Trump了
The Bully Party
Posted October 25th, 2016 @ 9:14am in #Trump #Clinton
I’ve been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters
together. As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a
willingness to bully in all its forms.
If you have a Trump sign in your lawn, they will steal it.
If you have a Trump bumper sticker, they will deface your car.
if you speak of Trump at work you could get fired.
On social media, almost every message I get from a Clinton support... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2425
而且STEM 绿卡还是美国川粉用来反对希拉里的理由之一。。
Hillary Clinton today promised donors that she’ll provide Green Cards to an
unlimited number of foreign college graduates, even though the resulting
flood of university-trained foreign labor will drown the lifetime wages and
career prospects of her college-indebted American supporters.
The open-borders promise to foreign graduates is posted at her campaign, and
is titled “Hillary Clinton’s Initiative on Technology & Innovation.”
As part of a com... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2215
发帖数: 391
It took me a long time to write this. I had to dig deep into my being to
come up with these words. I’m recanting my endorsement of Hillary Clinton
for the presidency.
I’m aware of how vindictive Clintonians can be. I’m not speaking about the
Clintons themselves, but of those surrounding them. Perhaps the saying is
true: dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres. Your staff, your donors,
your surrogat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 691
“Americans who make $20,000 a year are made fun of by Samantha Bee for
going to Wal-Mart. ”
“These are all people who will knife one another in the back to get their
kids into $50,000-a-year all-white preschools. But they think they're less
racist than other Americans because of their pleasant interactions with Rosa
when she comes to clean. ”
“In the modern Democratic Party, out-of-work coal miners are constantly
denounced for their "privilege" by half-black girls at Yale -- who wouldn't
have go... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Donald Trump’s New York Times Interview: Full Transcript
President-elect Donald J. Trump during a meeting at The New York Times’s
offices in Manhattan on Tuesday.
Following is a transcript of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s interview on
Tuesday with reporters, editors and opinion columnists from The New York
Times. The transcription was prepared by Liam Stack, Jonah Engel Bromwich,
Karen Workman and Tim Herrera of The Times.
ARTHUR SULZBERGER Jr., publisher o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2438
来自主题: USANews版 - DJT的预算部长 Mick Mulvaney R.S.C
President-elect Donald Trump has named Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) as his
director of the Office of Management and Budget, signaling his intent to
slash spending and address the deficit as president.
Mulvaney, 49, was elected to Congress in 2010 in the wave that brought a
cohort of younger, staunchly conservative members into the House. Mulvaney
quickly staked out ground as one of Congress’s most outspoken fiscal hawks
— playing a key role in the 2011 showdown between President Obama and House
R... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Four organizers of the Women’s March on Washington. From left, Tamika
Mallory, a gun control advocate and board member of the Gathering for
Justice, a nonprofit founded by Harry Belafonte; Linda Sarsour, executive
director of the Arab American Association of New York; Bob Bland, founder of
Manufacture New York; and Carmen Perez, executive director of the Gathering
for Justice.
NYT:Women’s March on Washington Opens Contentious Dialogues About Race
Many thousands of women are e... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - John Kelly 也反对 waterboarding
他没有 change his mind,
"I’m not saying it changed my mind about torture”.
He added that “we have people that are chopping off heads and drowning
people in steel cages and we’re not allowed to waterboard”. Though he had
been given pause by what Mattis told him, he was convinced that “if it’s
so important to the American people, I would go for it. I would be guided by

发帖数: 3927
来自主题: USANews版 - AG Sessions 要隐退了
Nixon's attorney to Trump:
Hey Donald, a tip: Cover-ups don't get easier as they proceed. Russia tie
leaks drown your joint session speech in less than 24 hrs.
发帖数: 38600
Donald must drain the swamp, or be drowned in it. There are no half way
measures, no compromises that will allow reconciliation between the warring
parties. This is civil war, 21st century style.
发帖数: 7937
The Trump family is drown in the swamp.

发帖数: 7937
来自主题: USANews版 - 老川开科米是被迫绝地反击
Drain the swamp, lock her up要一天念三遍,否则就drown in the swamp。教训!
发帖数: 921
来自主题: USANews版 - 现在的形势很明显
查到现在已经10个月了, 偷听(wiretap), 造谣(黄金尿)都用上了, 还是个屁没
有。Flynn的事根本和老川就无干, 他拿俄国钱还是在巴马时代-December 10, 2015:
Flynn attends a Moscow gala for the Russian state-run news outlet RT, where
he is seated next to the nation's president, Vladimir Putin. Flynn gets paid
$33,750 for his hour-long talk at the event. 但是只要猪党在议会里占多数,这
个调查就不会停。 很可能的是无中生有的调查会如猪毛般密集。 比如这个女婿的妹夫
在中国开个投资介绍会之类, 绝对来一个新调查委员会。 下面两年的时间基本上可以
从历史纪录里画掉了。it will be called "The Swamp Strikes Back"
It's imperial ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7937
(Michael Savage) He noted Trump is no longer a powerful business titan.
“He is no longer running a family business. He can no longer run the
country like the business that he’s run,” Savage said.
“He must move outside of the family, and he must move outside of the family
model and become far bigger than that.”
Relying so much on his family for advice, Savage said, directing his words
to Trump, “may work in a business, it may work in ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7937
川普不drain the swamp,就会drown in the swamp。
发帖数: 7937
Michael Savage:How to Save the Trump Presidency
(Michael Savage) He noted Trump is no longer a powerful business titan.
“He is no longer running a family business. He can no longer run the
country like the business that he’s run,” Savage said.
“He must move outside of the family, and he must move outside of the family
model and become far bigger than that.”
Relying so much on his family for advice, Savage said, directing his words
to Trump, “may work in a business, it may work in int... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Hillary Clinton's 'email' problem was bigger than anyone realized。
(CNN)Hillary Clinton's ongoing struggle to deal with the revelation that she
used a private email server during her time as secretary of state dominated
the conversation about her presidential candidacy, and research suggests it
might have doomed her campaign, according to a new study by a consortium of
pollsters released over the weekend.
In the paper, presented at the American Association for Public Opinion
Research's annual co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
After the violent death of two pensioners on Friday in Linz, interviews with
the suspect have brought a political motive to light. The 54-year-old
Muslim, who has been living in Austria since 1989, has had many negative
experiences which, subjectively, he has projected on to the FPÖ [
Freedom Party of Austria - a patriotic, anti-immigration party]. With his
crime, he wanted to set ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 我帝这个比鳖国马路事件厉害多了:笑着看人淹死
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 21 10:52:52 2017, 美东)
'Oh He Just Died': Teens Laugh At Drowning Disabled Man In Disturbing Video
发帖数: 2546
发帖数: 2018
来自主题: USANews版 - The Great Nazi Scare of 2017
越来越发现Wall Street Journal还是值得一看的。
Well, that was a bit embarrassing. Antifascist liberals mounted thousand-
strong counter-rallies all weekend against a Nazi threat that proved
nonexistent or thin on the ground. Leftists imagined themselves to be modern
-day versions of the Czech resistance or the Warsaw uprising, but it turns
out they were the majoritarian mob shouting down a handful of losers who’ve
been an execrable but small part of the American pageant for as long as
most of us can remember.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1367
发帖数: 4796
Armie Hammer’s Balls Had to Be Edited Out of Call Me by Your Name
Hey now!
At GQ, it’s our job to encourage men to stop wearing huge shorts all the
time. At the beach, in the ocean, on the street, wherever their legs are
taking them. But even we can recognize that it’s possible to take things a
little too far. One such instance: Armie Hammer in Call Me by Your Name,
whose costume shorts were so short that...well, we'll just ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: WCNMLGB (CCC), 信区: Military
标 题: 波多黎各的电力回复没有?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 18 15:41:27 2017, 美东)

Puerto Rico Orders Review and Recount of Hurricane Deaths
Facing mounting evidence that Puerto Rico has vastly undercounted the number
of people who died because of Hurricane Maria, Gov. Ricardo A. Rosselló
ordered on Monday that every ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: USANews版 - 我们忽略了真实的新闻 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 我们忽略了真实的新闻
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 13 09:25:20 2018, 美东)
The Real News We Ignore at Our Peril
The Real News That Gets Ignored poses a greater threat to the nation’s well
-being than any of the Fake News in which we are presently drowning. And the
fault is not Trump’s alone.
发帖数: 3656
来自主题: USANews版 - 左叉说gfz是为了减少意外
In 2007, there were only 54 accidental gun deaths for children under age 13.
About 12 times as many children died from drowning during the same period.
发帖数: 3656
I call bullshit. accidental firearm death 2010-2014, age group 1-85+, per
accidental firearm deaths decreases every year, despite large increase in
firearm ownership. over this time, I believe US population was growing
slowly, so percapita, there is an even sharper reduction. year over year,
the reduction is very stable, about 40 counts less than previous year.
within such a context of about 500/year, consistent 40/year reduction,
concluding an additional 60 is HUGE, just can not be justifi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3656
的?明显看一眼就知道数量级都不make sense。I know I know, 我找原作者讲理去对
accidental firearm death 2010-2014, age group 1-85+, per CDC:
accidental firearm deaths decreases every year, despite large increase in
firearm ownership. over this time, I believe US population was growing
slowly, so percapita, there is an even sharper reduction. year over year,
the reduction is very stable, about 40 counts less than previous year.
within such a context of about 500/year, cons... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5818
以前,两党都算上,没一个总统 有意愿 认真执行现在这个 漏洞百出 的移民/难民 法
,就即使是 按现在这个 flawed 的法,也能一定程度 把非法移民问题 放到可控程度。
但民主党的 完全 open border 政策 把本来 棘手的 非法移民问题 政治化,更难解决
;刚刚的EO 反应的很明显,民主党先反对 分离家庭,现在trump 在违法下的EO,让家
庭在一起,民主党又指责 trump要把这些人永远关着,支持大赦的 小marco 都看不下
,问民主党:这些人是在走法律due process,怎么会永远“关着”;
所以,民主党 唯一满意的就是,假装抓一下,然后就让这些人进来,在散布到美国各
个角落,就是没有 border,谁能进来,谁就留下!
在这样的现实下,trump 最后能解决的咋样,真得需要些 运气!
美国需要移民,甚至非法移民,原来这些人进来后,无论合法还是 非法,都大多能认
真生活,工作,也珍惜 美国社会提供的机会,尽量尊重美国的 社会 norm 和 除了移
民法以外的法律,就是 移民整体红利 还是大于 负利的,同时这些自己也受益。
但最近十几年已越来越反转,整体的 移民... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
知道如果什么都不做大家 一起 drown。。。
发帖数: 12114
“The blue wave is real and it is not only coming for Republicans, it’s
coming for Democrats who act like them,” she said. “The other side spent $
25 million trying to drown us out but we wouldn’t back down, we refused to
be quiet and we made our voices heard.”
发帖数: 2018
来自主题: USANews版 - 背精人说的public opinion
I saw Kavanaugh drinking with Elvis. I think it was 1982.
Give me a break with this incredulous nonsense meant to stall the nomination
. A child can see what's going on here.
The democrats exploit women in order to advocate women's rights. How ironic.
Ted Kennedy let Mary Jo K. drown and became the Liar of the Senate. All top
Dems came to his funeral.
Cory Booker wrote about his grab act ......
Keith Ellison, oh my oh my......
Being "present" to most anything is not a crime. Drove through the s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2018
来自主题: USANews版 - 时代不同了
True story:
You have a person who has been accused of assaulting a teenage girl in
high school with no verifiable facts and on the other hand you have a man
of the United States Senate, drunk he drives his car off a bridge into the
water while a young woman is with him.
He leaves her to drown and to die. He later decides to run for president and
is called a ‘Lion of the Senate’ by the Left and he is celebrated. That
is all you need to know about the present situation and the Left.
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 活动家又骚扰Manchin
Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), the lone Democrat who will vote for Supreme Court
nominee Brett Kavanaugh, was confronted by angry protesters outside his
office after announcing his position.
Manchin’s answers to reporters justifying his position were drowned out by
a group of women protesters chanting at him “Look at us!” and “shame!”
发帖数: 4124
发帖数: 6307
Statement of Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic High School junior, regarding
incident at the Lincoln Memorial
(CNN)I am providing this factual account of what happened on Friday
afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial to correct misinformation and outright
lies being spread about my family and me.
I am the student in the video who was confronted by the Native American
protestor. I arrived at the Lincoln Memorial at 4:30 p.m. I was told to be
there by 5:30 p.m., when our busses were due to leave Washin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7759
来自主题: WorldNews版 - CIA现代酷刑
Waterboarding: Aimed at simulating sensation of drowning. Used on alleged 9/
11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Insect: Harmless insect to be placed with suspect in 'confinement box',
suspect to be told the insect would sting. Approved for Abu Zubaydah, but
not used
Walling: Detainee slammed repeatedly into false wall to create sound and
Sleep deprivation: Detainee shackled standing up. Used often, once for 180
Rice approved CIA waterboa
发帖数: 1073
per WSJ
"BEIJING-Rescue teams pulled to safety 115 miners who had been trapped in a
flooded coal mine for more than a week and who survived by strapping
themselves to the walls to avoid drowning in their sleep and eating bark
from wooden support beams. "
发帖数: 7521
How America Can Rise Again
Is America going to hell? After a year of economic calamity that many fear has sent us into irreversible decline, the author finds reassurance in the peculiarly American cycle of crisis and renewal, and in the continuing strength of the forces that have made the country great: our university system, our receptiveness to immigration, our culture of innovation. In most significant ways, the U.S. remains the envy of the world. But here’s the alarming problem: our governin... 阅读全帖
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