

全部话题 - 话题: eroded
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发帖数: 3390
If China continues to develop higher quality manufacturing
and expands into high technology industries, then it could mean more than
the loss of simple manufacturing industries, but could very well erode
America's edge on advanced industries.

发帖数: 38600
The TPP was motivated by a desire to peacefully check China's growing
economic clout at a time when America has the diplomatic capital to create
such an expansive multilateral trade deal. Those who are afraid that such a
deal would have meant American industrial jobs being sent to TPP nations
with low labor costs are forgetting that most of these industrial jobs are
being sent overseas anyway, unless Trump is serious about initiating a trade
war with China. The TPP was a peaceful way to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3390
If China continues to develop higher quality manufacturing
and expands into high technology industries, then it could mean more than
the loss of simple manufacturing industries, but could very well erode
America's edge on advanced industries.

发帖数: 6963
来自主题: Military版 - US to sell $1.4B in weapons to Taiwan
The US' decision to go ahead with the sale of a $1.4 billion arms package to
Taiwan threatens to undermine US-Chinese relations, China's ambassador to
Washington said.
Speaking to reporters at an embassy reception in DC Thursday, Ambassador Cui
Tiankai said recent US moves eroded the trust built when US President
Donald Trump met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Florida in April.
"All these actions -- sanctions against Chinese companies and especially
arms sales to Taiwan -- will certainly underm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - (“Apple”
iPhones and Children Are a Toxic Pair, Say Two Big Apple Investors
"I feel tremendous guilt."
"I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of
how society works. That is truly where we are."
"I would encourage all of you, as the future leaders of the world, to really
internalize how important this is. If you feed the beast, that beast will
destroy you. If you pus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1275
美国是食物链最下层,最多省钱买房子,你也看到了,在美国,没有political power,
你不是被wipe out 就是被erode
发帖数: 20965
来自主题: Military版 - “Blue Line”
From: Christopher Jordan Dorner /7648
To: America
Subj: Last resort
Regarding CF# 07-004281
I know most of you who personally know me are in disbelief to hear from
media reports that I am suspected of committing such horrendous murders and
have taken drastic and shocking actions in the last couple of days. You are
saying to yourself that this is completely out of character of the man you
knew who always wore a smile wherever he was seen. I know I will be vilified
by the LAPD and the media. Unfor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - 古代印加帝国的祭祀真尼玛残忍
Exclusive: Ancient Mass Child Sacrifice May Be World's Largest -
National Geographic
Exclusive: Ancient Mass Child Sacrifice May Be World's Largest
More than 140 children were ritually killed in a single event in Peru more
than 500 years ago. What could possibly have been the reason?
Evidence for the largest single incident of mass child sacrifice in the
Americas— and likely in world history—has been discovered on Peru's
northern coast, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - “commandeers”
How the Supreme Court just paved the way for legal sports betting, explained
in 4 minutes
Now that the Supreme Court has given a thumbs-up, states can start
legalizing sports betting. Many will.
On Monday, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Murphy v. NCAA that could
lead to legal sports betting in states across the country. Here’s what’s
going on.
The Supreme Court didn’t just legalize sports betting, but it paved the way
for states to legalize it on their own.
In 1992, President George H.W.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
Voters remove judge who sentenced Brock Turner to six months in Stanford
sexual assault case
The California judge who evoked national outrage after sentencing Stanford
University swimmer Brock Turner to six months in jail after his conviction
for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman was ousted from office Tuesday
night following a tempestuous recall campaign.
Voters in Santa Clara County removed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
The Origins of Our Second Civil War
High Tech The mass production of cheap consumer goods, most assembled abroad
, redefined wealth or, rather, disguised poverty. Suddenly the lower middle
classes and the poor had in their palms the telecommunications power of the
Pentagon of the 1970s, the computing force of IBM in the 1980s, and the
entertainment diversity of the rich of the 1... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 中国生物医学大跃进,米国烂死
HONG KONG -- At 28, Dai Wenyuan quit his job developing artificial
intelligence software for Chinese internet giant Baidu to launch his own
company. It was a smart move: his AI start-up quickly attracted an initial $
4 million investment from Sequoia Capital China in 2015.
Three years later, Dai's company is capturing attention for developing a
medical tool that uses AI to predict whether patients are at risk of
developing diabetes. His company, 4Paradigm, said its accuracy rate was 88%.
Key to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - CIA下结论了:沙特王储下的命令
The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered
the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul last month,
contradicting the Saudi government’s claims that he was not involved in the
killing, according to people familiar with the matter.
The CIA’s assessment, in which officials have said they have high
confidence, is the most definitive to date linking Mohammed to the operation
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9770
来自主题: Military版 - 中国“军民融合”惊动华盛顿
Washington unnerved by China's ‘military-civil fusion’
更新于2018年11月22日 07:15 英国《金融时报》 席佳琳 香港,理查德·沃特斯 旧金
The two men posing for photographs in a Nanjing conference room could not
have more different backgrounds. On one side was Mao Yongqing, head of the
28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group, which
develops electronic warfare technology for the People's Liberation Army... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 欧美为撒要搞开源?
Computer open sources are the biggest mistakes made by the western countries
, Asian countries are using the open sources to erode, probably eventually
kill the western countries

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 白疮都觉醒了,蝗疮还在舔
Trump voters now blame him for the government shutdown
MACOMB COUNTY, Mich. — Two years ago, Jeff Daudert was fed up with politics
. He wanted to shake up the status quo. He didn’t mind sending a message to
the establishment — and, frankly, he liked the idea of a disruptive
But the 49-year-old retired Navy reservist has had some second thoughts.
“What the [expletive] were we thinking?” he asked the other night inside a
Walmart here, in an area of blue-collar suburban Detroit that help... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
US accuses China of preparing for WWIII: What you’re not being told
China as the scapegoat for US failures
In all fairness, the US has been sounding the alarm on China for some time
In November last year, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave China a direct
and clear warning that it must behave like a “normal nation” (on commerce)
and “with respect to the rules of international law.”
If the charges against China are that it does not act ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
来自主题: Military版 - 黄国父出狱后不屈不挠
My arrest shows the government answers our request for a dialogue with
batons, tear gas, rubber bullets and mass arrest. Our freedom of assembly
and other fundamental rights are eroded.

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - VOA估计是都看不下去了
A Hong Kong protest descended into violence and vandalism late Friday,
September 6, when protesters attacked bystanders and dismantled signs at an
MTR station in the Yau Ma Tei district. Hong Kong protesters besieged a
police station and a subway stop on Friday in continuing defiance despite
the government's promise to kill a proposed law that sparked months of
demonstrations in the semiautonomous Chinese territory. Hong Kong leader
Carrie Lam announced two days ago that her government will form... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
It's far more than that:
“There is a long history in this country of trying to suppress civil rights
and voting rights, and that activity has no place on Facebook.
Discriminatory advertising has no place on Facebook,” said Sandberg.
Pressed for detail about what Facebook was doing about the problem, she
cited a mix of automated systems and human moderators reviewing ads —
Facebook’s standard answer for dealing with bad content.
Later in the hearing, committee members also tackled “deepfakes” —
r... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1

: It's far more than that:

: “There is a long history in this country of trying to suppress civil

: and voting rights, and that activity has no place on Facebook.

: Discriminatory advertising has no place on Facebook,” said Sandberg.

: Pressed for detail about what Facebook was doing about the problem,

: cited a mix of automated systems and human moderators reviewing ads —

: Facebook’s standard answer for dealing with bad conte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3377
Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019
This bill addresses Hong Kong's status under U.S. law and imposes sanctions
on those responsible for human rights violations in Hong Kong. (Hong Kong is
part of China but has a largely separate legal and economic system.)
The Department of State shall certify annually to Congress as to whether
Hong Kong warrants its unique treatment under various treaties, agreements,
and U.S. law. The analysis shall evaluate whether Hong Kong is upholding the
rul... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Free to read
This storm will pass. But the choices we make now could change our lives for
years to come
Yuval Noah Harari MARCH 20 2020
Be the first to know about every new Coronavirus story
Humankind is now facing a global crisis. Perhaps the biggest crisis of our
generation. The decisions people and governments take in the next few weeks
will probably shape the world for years to com... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2232
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Regina (猫宝宝), 信区: Military
标 题: 空中力量澳大利亚 文章: 中国新型J20隐形战机对F35和F/A-18意味着什么.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 31 18:54:16 2010, 美东)
空中力量澳大利亚 文章: 中国新型J20隐形战机对F35和F/A-18意味着什么.
来源: googleit 于 2010-12-31 15:09:43 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄
悄话] 本文已被阅读:186次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖
| 加跟贴 | 查看当前最热讨论主题 摘要:
F35基于错误的理论"飞机的机动性无关紧要,让导弹做转圈的活. "
* 第一, 假定F35能撑到可发射导弹的位置, 但是J20和T50拥有低可探测性, 又非得多
快得多, 因而使他们的下视下射导弹拥有先发制人的优势;
* 第二, 更危险的是, J20和T50有超强的应对来袭导弹的措施(包括超机动, 隐形等,超
高速,及电子对抗措施, 让F35会转圈的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1395
来自主题: Military2版 - J-20 Aircraft:News and Discussion
By Dragon Emperor
For those of you who say that the big size of the J-20 makes it less
manoeverable than the F-22, i say that 5th gen fighters are not supposed to
be dogfighters, so manoevrability is not an issue because BVRAAMs will
decide the fight in future wars as well as AESA radars. I have provided a
link to a site that will give more insight, perhaps.
The latest monograph by Dr Kopp, as published in the peer reviewed APA
Analyses journal,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20290
In April 2003, the Chinese Navy decided to put a large group of its best
submarine talent on the same boat as part of an experiment to synergize its
naval elite. The result? Within hours of leaving port, the Type 035 Ming III
class submarine sank with all hands lost. Never having fully recovered from
this maritime disaster, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is still the
only permanent member of the United Nations Security Council... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13081
Ukrainian Soldiers’ Retreat From Eastern Town Raises Doubt for Truce
ARTEMIVSK, Ukraine — Ukrainian soldiers were forced to fight their way out
of the embattled town of Debaltseve in the early hours of Wednesday, casting
further doubt on the credibility of a days-old cease-fire and eroding the
promise of ending a war in Europe that has killed more than 5,000 people.
It was un... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Hawaii Approves Civil Unions
Hawaii lawmakers approved a bill Wednesday to allow civil unions for same-
sex couples, marking an end to what the governor called an "emotional
process" for a longtime battleground in the gay rights movement.
Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie's office said he intends to sign the bill
into law within 10 business days. Civil unions would begin Jan. 1, 2012,
making the state the seventh in the nation to grant essentially the same
rights... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
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Submit this storydigg reddit stumble WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled
Wednesday that the First Amendment protects fundamentalist church members
who mount anti-gay protests outside military funerals, despite the pain they
cause grieving families.
The court voted 8-1 in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan.
The decision upheld an appeals court ruling that threw out a $5 million
judgment to the father of a dead Marine who sue... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Brazilian City Seeks Heterosexual Pride Day
Posted on Advocate.com August 04, 2011 04:45:00 PM ET
Brazilian City Seeks Heterosexual Pride Day
São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in South America and site of a
huge gay pride celebration, wants to have a straight pride day, which
conservative City Council member Carlos Apolinário (pictured) says will
counter the “excesses and privileges” of LGBT Brazilians.
By Trudy Ring
São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in South America and site of a
huge gay pride celebration, wants to hav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
In a speech at the historically Catholic Duquesne University School of Law,
conservative Justice Antonin Scalia urged the university not to stray from a
religious identity hostile to gay and lesbian students:
“Our educational establishment these days, while so tolerant of and
even insistent upon diversity in all other aspects of life seems bent on
eliminating diversity of moral judgment — particularly moral judgment based
on religious views,” Scalia said.
As examples, he cited attempts t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3096
来自主题: RisingChina版 - Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs
Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs
By Greg Smith
March 14, 2012 "New York Times" -- Today is my last day at Goldman Sachs.
After almost 12 years at the firm — first as a summer intern while at
Stanford, then in New York for 10 years, and now in London — I believe I
have worked here long enough to understand the trajectory of its culture,
its people and its identity. And I can honestly say that the environment now
is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it.
To put the problem in the simplest ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 28502
来自主题: RuralChina版 - cnngo:罕见中国铁路美景照 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: hammy (hammy), 信区: Military
标 题: cnngo:罕见中国铁路美景照
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 24 01:41:06 2012, 美东)
"During the 2010 October National Holiday a friend and I took a five-hour
train ride from Harbin to Nancha, a small city by the forests of the Lesser
Khingan Mountains. The trains before and after holidays are super crowded so
we stood all the way.
"We arrived at 4 a.m. and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
来自主题: Salon版 - 诺贝尔奖背后的政治 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 WorldNews 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds (/ 参考消息 /), 信区: WorldNews
标 题: 诺贝尔奖背后的政治
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 13 23:20:19 2010, 美东)
Nobel Politics
10/13/10, Stephen Lendman
Since first awarded in 1901, Nobel Peace recognition went to 98 individuals
and 23 organizations. Last year, another war criminal won, Barack Obama, one
among many previous ones. A earlier article on the Nobel Committee's long
and inglorious tradition may be accessed through THIS link.
Nearly always, politics, not merit, deter... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
VOA Chinese, Nov. 16, 2010.
"*侦办陈水扁案的方式引关注* 沃克指出 * * * 那些批评政府的人或做出中国不喜欢
发帖数: 227
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Regina (猫宝宝), 信区: Military
标 题: 空中力量澳大利亚 文章: 中国新型J20隐形战机对F35和F/A-18意味着什么.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 31 18:54:16 2010, 美东)
空中力量澳大利亚 文章: 中国新型J20隐形战机对F35和F/A-18意味着什么.
来源: googleit 于 2010-12-31 15:09:43 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄
悄话] 本文已被阅读:186次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖
| 加跟贴 | 查看当前最热讨论主题 摘要:
F35基于错误的理论"飞机的机动性无关紧要,让导弹做转圈的活. "
* 第一, 假定F35能撑到可发射导弹的位置, 但是J20和T50拥有低可探测性, 又非得多
快得多, 因而使他们的下视下射导弹拥有先发制人的优势;
* 第二, 更危险的是, J20和T50有超强的应对来袭导弹的措施(包括超机动, 隐形等,超
高速,及电子对抗措施, 让F35会转圈的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 481
来自主题: USANews版 - Benefit/cost analysis: H vs O vs M
the following is mine. Welcome to contribute yours.
In my short-/mid-term interest, GOP is better. M is especially better, since
personally I worked in defense related R&D. GOP's M hard line position and
strong military budget serve my interest. the reality is, as I posted
several times, 2008 very likely is DEM's year. So M is good, but his
position in war could erode the budget in defense related R&D. Bush brought
a lot of $ in 00-05 to my organization, but in 06-08, the money is really
flat or
发帖数: 22
来自主题: USANews版 - 哈哈哈, Parasite-in-Chief
This is true. O8's policy has been favoring the social parasites and all the
lazies, which is eroding the foundation of this great country.
发帖数: 2406
Yes, it has, in principle.
The USA was founded on the same common sense Libertarian principles even
before the theory. That is why the US became the most powerful nation.
Since FDR, the foundations have been gradually eroded, therefore the mess
发帖数: 23
CounterPunch / By Michael Hudson
Why the U.S. Has Launched a New Financial World War -- and How the Rest of
the World Will Fight Back
Finance is the new form of warfare -- without the expense of a military
overhead and an occupation against unwilling hosts.
October 12, 2010 |
What is to stop U.S. banks and their customers from creating $1 tril... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Published on DickMorris.com
on February 23, 2011
As predicted in Revolt!
(Dick's and Eileen's new book) - States Lead the Way Toward Reform

It is not only the Arab world that is in turmoil! Reform Governors like
Scott Walker (Wisconsin), John Kasich (Ohio), Mitch Daniels (Indiana), Tom
Corbett (Pennsylvania), Butch Otter (Idaho), and Rick Scott (Florida) are
leading a movement for fundamental change in America.

In Revolt!
, Morris and McGann's new book, they describe how newly elected Re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 我最深爱的人,伤我却是最深
A 2012 Paradox
David McNew/Getty Images
A tough job: Obama’s base is full of people seeking employment.
The voters Obama will need the most were the voters most hurt in the
April 28, 2011 | 3:23 p.m.
Updated: April 29, 2011 | 2:54 p.m.
Now that President Obama has (presumably) dispatched the questions about his
birthplace, the White House may have more time to focus on ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Exposing Affirmative Action's Demoralizing, and Racist, Results
by Jerome Hudson
ExposingLeftists.com arrived on the campus of the University of California,
Merced, last May to gather signatures on a petition calling for a
redistribution of grade-point averages. Not surprisingly, few star students
wanted to share the fruits of their academic labors.
But the logic was liberally sound. Students who worked hard and studied
longer than their peers—in the spirit of fairness—should be wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama's Mickey Mouse Administration
By Bruce Thompson
President Obama's call for an increase in "STEM" (Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics) majors is an acknowledgement of the
proliferation of what British education minister Margaret Hodge infamously
called Mickey Mouse degrees. Given the well-established Disney empire of
theme parks, it might be forgotten that the term "Mickey Mouse" first
entered the public mind as a dysphemism based on his famous star turn as the
Sorcerer's Apprentice in the Disney film Fantasia... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Laura Ingraham关于美国文化衰落的新书《Of Thee I Zing》:我们能走出经济衰退,
Laura Ingraham Zings American Cultural Decay
Friday, 08 Jul 2011 02:41 PM
By Henry J. Reske and Ashley Martella
Cultural decay is eroding America’s greatness, noted radio host Laura
Ingraham tells Newsmax.TV as she ticks off a list of the signs of that
decadence: airline seats that shrink while Americans get larger, parents
saddling their children with ridiculous names, and people who can’t stop
twittering long enough to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Confidence among U.S. consumers plunged in August to the lowest level since
May 1980, adding to concern that weak employment gains and volatility in the
stock market will prompt households to retrench.
The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan preliminary index of consumer
sentiment slumped to 54.9 from 63.7 the prior month. The gauge was projected
to decline to 62, according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News
The biggest one-week slump in stocks since 2008 and the threat of def... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
In money race, it's advantage Dems
By: Kenneth P. Vogel
August 24, 2011 04:30 AM EDT
Republicans seem positively gleeful these days about their prospects headed
into 2012, buoyed by a new Gallup Poll showing a handful of Republican
presidential hopefuls within striking distance of President Barack Obama as
well as some recent predictions that the GOP will hold the House and could
take the Senate.
Yet despite all the apparent momentum, the three national party committees
tasked with ushering Repu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 中东剧变,左仔很盲
2011-09-06 21:33:10
(2)无论面对哪种流氓政权, 采取强硬态度都是错的。
东地区“独大”,现在伊朗也动不得了,难道又要靠它“制衡”已经挂掉的萨达姆? 大
概哈梅内伊同学是哈利波特的校友, 能用波斯密术镇压老萨的魂魄。
不能不提埃及的巴拉迪同志(Mohamed M. El Baradei)---国际原子能机构的前总干事,
此人当初死死护着萨达姆, 由此成了反战左派的宠儿和“良心”的化身, 后来, 针对伊
朗的核项目, 这位哥们还是老一套。他根本就不管你是“世俗”政权还是原教旨,也不
当初布什指控萨达姆,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jerome Hudson
ExposingLeftists.com arrived on the campus of the University of California,
Merced, last May to gather signatures on a petition calling for a
redistribution of grade-point averages. Not surprisingly, few star students
wanted to share the fruits of their academic labors.
But the logic was liberally sound. Students who worked hard and studied
longer than their peers—in the spirit of fairness—should be willing to
sacrifice their higher GPAs to benefit those whose grades weren’t s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Coming Post-Obama Renaissance
October 2, 2011 - 3:59 pm - by Victor Davis Hanson

The Parting of the Clouds
In every literary, historical or cinematic masterpiece, times must grow
darkest before the sunrise and deliverance. Tolkien worked that classical
theme to great effect. A sense of fatalism overtook a seemingly doomed
Gondor — right before the overthrow of Barad-dûr and the dawn of a new
age of men. The historian Herodotus, in literary fashion, also brilliantly
juxtaposed the Greek collapse at Thermopylae (the... 阅读全帖
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