X***9 发帖数: 7385 | 1
信用分数三大公司 equifax transunion and experian
当然三家分数大致相同 但历史可能不同 比如说一家小银行给你做了贷款 可能只报了
experian 但是没报其他两家的话 其他两家是没有信用纪录的。
买车只需要查一家 euifax或transunion
我想你的问题是问自己查的信用分数和买房查的信用分数一不一样 这要看查到时候用
的什么软件标准 比如说discover卡自带的免费信用查询的分数就偏高。而且discover
也注明了只提供 transunion一家的Fico分数
“Discover card says my fico is 751, but I have a credit monitoring service
that shows the 3 agency scores that are between 699-706. Which is more
reliable/used when applyi... 阅读全帖 |
z****l 发帖数: 5282 | 2 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
RockU (TJJTDS) 于 (Thu Feb 9 08:10:13 2006) 提到:
决定你的apr主要有两个因素,1。你的FICO score 2。你所有卡的总欠债量。
这里有很多xdjm都一下子BT很多钱,总欠债量骤然增加,如你的FICO 不够让银行一下承
☆──────────────────────────── |
x*********n 发帖数: 28013 | 3 The Top 10 Credit Mistakes
By John Ulzheimer for Credit.com
1. Closing Credit Cards Accounts
Some of you may wonder why Closing Credit Cards is number one on this list
as the biggest credit mistake even above Missing Payments. In fact, closing
credit cards is almost as bad of an idea to increase your credit scores as
missing payments, but it is also a clear number one on the list of credit
myths. It is perhaps the most common piece of advice that consumers are
given when they ask,” How can I inc... 阅读全帖 |
m****2 发帖数: 780 | 4 三大局的分数都有自己的计算方法.但比较一致的认可区间是650-800.你在任何一个信
如果你的兴趣是在于信用分数,那我推荐置顶帖里的CITI IDENTITY MONITOR.
刷新一次.同时,任何一局的报告上有任何变动,随时都会发EMAIL通知你. |
l******5 发帖数: 265 | 5 短期想提高的话,信用卡出账单之前全付清,statement balance全零,不需要留一点
之类的,长期留一点涨的多,短期直接0更有效,根据你之前的balance/limit ratio,
后得出的结论,分数涨跌看的是银行两次汇报的balance/limit ratio是否减少,所以
balance了又会跌回来,所以短期你想增加,就是付清,然后到loan closing之前一直
lender 3家都会p... 阅读全帖 |
g*******w 发帖数: 679 | 6 另外,如果花钱买credit score的话,一定要买FICO的,否则我感觉都不值得。90%以
上面给你的第二个链接里面有几种免费获得FICO的方法:GE Money的Walmart credit
card每个月免费给你TransUnion的FICO;加入Digital Credit Union(会hard pull
TransUnion)后每个月底他们可以给你发个Secure Message,里面有Equifax FICO
score |
g*******w 发帖数: 679 | 7 我觉得这个是商业运作的问题。三家信用评级机构不愿意给你FICO分数,而是卖给你多
另外chase和amex这两家不直接采用fico,而是有自己的一套internal system。总之,
FICO score比别的参考价值大很多,但credit score只是电脑判断是否instant
approve的依据,underwriter人工评判时你的信用记录上所有信息都会起到作用。 |
M***0 发帖数: 1180 | 8 你自己查的FICO Scoree是Score for consumer,另外,看你说的你应该是只查equifax?
Lender拿到的FICO Score是Score for lender,算法跟consumer score的算法不同;
而且几乎lender都是拿equifax, transunion, experian 3个分数,取中间那个,也就
我在MYFICO买了3家分数,分别是 equ=750+, tra=720+, exp=760+
马上让lender pull fico,分别是 equ=720+, tra=750+, exp=720+
我们双方都确认过用的是同一个FICO 8.0版本
所以说,MIFICO就是大忽悠。买他们分数之前100%跟你保证只要lender也是Pull FICO
report跟lender report算分数的时候公式不同。人家最后说,别人买他家的report和
watch都是为了监控自己的账号,没人... 阅读全帖 |
p**y 发帖数: 50 | 9 本人新手,信用历史一年多,三张卡加起来额度10K+,有一张discover每月可以看一次
之前注意信用卡的utilization,基本控制statement balance在credit line的20%左右
去年圣诞开始买东西,还款不是很及时,statement balance的总额可能在credit line
总额的60~70%,但是下一个月总会还清上个月的statement balance。一月回国,还钱
不太上心,再加上三张卡的closing date都不一样,导致FICO分数连续两个月(12月,
的情况(mortgage什么的),只要控制statement balance就可以实现所谓的“养高”
ba... 阅读全帖 |
V*s 发帖数: 2452 | 10 第一,Experian给你的是FICO分数还是自己算的分数。后者是废物。
第二,就算给你FICO,也只是credit FICO,不是Mortgage FICO,所以也还是废物。
第三,真正有用的Mortgage FICO,只有办Mortgage申请才能看到,而且必须三个信用
局分数中间值。能到740就算很好了。 |
s*********3 发帖数: 2890 | 11 Schedule到15号是紧了一点。 What happened is credit bureaus will pull your
date every month (or your creditor will report to them every month), you don
't know which date it will be. Say every 10th, at that moment your mortgage
payment for that month is due / outstanding, so your total debt ratio is a
little bit high, right? That will be one of the factor lower your FICO. If
you pay your mortgage every 2nd or 3rd, at that moment your mortgage
payment for that month is paid / current, so your total debt... 阅读全帖 |
f****i 发帖数: 20252 | 12 还是不合格
What to know about "rate shopping."
Looking for a mortgage, auto or student loan may cause multiple lenders to
request your credit report, even though you are only looking for one loan.
To compensate for this, the score ignores mortgage, auto, and student loan
inquiries made in the 30 days prior to scoring. So, if you find a loan
within 30 days, the inquiries won't affect your score while you're rate
shopping. In addition, the scor... 阅读全帖 |
C******n 发帖数: 9204 | 13 如果错误请指正。
transunion, experian。这些机构负责记录你的history,本质上不提供score。他们只负责记录cc account, collection, derogatory public record等等。米国某某法案要求人们能每12个月免费查History。
score。是这个公司提供的www.myfico.com。有时有免费查的free trial。从这个网站
,你能看到fico score,也会简单提到影响score的一些因素,如:short credit
history, seeking credit, collection。但不会详细告诉你所有的history。
另外,银行决定给不给你cc等决策不仅取决于你的credit history也不仅仅看fico... 阅读全帖 |
a******9 发帖数: 923 | 14 Credit karma和Citi identity monitor上的都是FAKO,即假的FICO score. 甚至TU,
EQ, EX上卖的也是各家按自家模型算的,不是真的FICO,甚至range都不一样。这也是
要了解自己的FICO的话,基本上只有上myfico上买,或是有Walmart card的Free FICO
http://ficoforums.myfico.com/t5/General-Credit-Topics/Credit-Mo |
a******9 发帖数: 923 | 15 想看fico的话,现在基本上只有3种途径:
1. 到myfico上买
2. 申完卡后银行一般会告诉你他们所查到的你的fico score
3. Walmart credit card自带每月更新fico score
少,有ck这样的monitoring就够了。 |
y****i 发帖数: 17878 | 16 for the consumer version there are only two FICO scores now: TU and EQ.
In 2009, Experian and FICO were unable to reach an agreement to extend their
partnership, so there has been no EX FICO score for consumers since then.
However, all three FICO scores are available to the lenders, which are
different from the consumer version. |
V*s 发帖数: 2452 | 17 karma给的是FAKO分数,你贷款用的是FICO分数,而且FICO有三个信用局的分数,pull
FICO分数也分credit card分数和loan分数,我估计贷款应该pull loan分数吧,这个自
己买不到,自己只能买到FICO的credit card分数做参考。
具体多少利率完全取决于你找的lender,以及你的分数。 |
B******y 发帖数: 9065 | 18 我现有一张Discover More卡,2007年的。其实还有其他的Discover卡,年代更早,至
去年12月份的时候,发现Discover IT开始提供FICO分数了,LD的Statement上也出现了
的上网申了个Discover IT。居然没有Instant Approve!!!。。。这个我比较吃惊,
,Discover找到我了,因为我在... 阅读全帖 |
R**********k 发帖数: 18 | 19 银行看的是FICO,FICO 8或者更低版本的FICO。Credit Karma用的是VantageScore 3.0。
我会告诉你FICO需要6个月的信用历史才有一个分数,VantageScore 3.0只要1个月就可
以给一个分数么? |
C******n 发帖数: 9204 | 20 在Money版写好了一点发表按钮就告诉我刚被办了。顺便发在这科普下吧。
transunion, experian。这些机构负责记录你的history,本质上不提供score。他们只负责记录cc account, collection, derogatory public record等等。米国某某法案要求人们能每12个月免费查History。
score。是这个公司提供的www.myfico.com。有时有免费查的free trial。从这个网站
,你能看到fico score,也会简单提到影响score的一些因素,如:short credit
history, seeking credit, collection。但不会详细告诉你所有的history。
另外,银行决定给不给你cc等决策不仅取... 阅读全帖 |
c********r 发帖数: 128 | 21 If you want this list sent to your email every day, please reply with
your email or send your email to my mailbox.
If you just want to view the report, you can visit
11/15/2011 ISRG $448.77 224,500 Medical Appliances Equipment
11/15/2011 MA $371.33 888,800 Business Services
11/15/2011 PNRA $137.75 335,200 Specialty Eateries
11/15/2011 GR $123.35 1,435,900 Aerospace Defense Products
S... 阅读全帖 |
y*****n 发帖数: 5016 | 22 1. 在业界里做模型,变量的选定要考虑business sense, 即每个变量都必须有比
,也许你发现在regression 里用FICO的log form 比FICO本身significant, 但是你能
用FICO的log form作为模型的一个变量吗? log(FICO)在business上是啥意思?所以,
2. 也许你在想理论上怎么样怎么样,但是业界里做模型的实际情况是:如果一个
变量自身在regression 里不significant的话,那么怎么transform都是不会变成非常
3. 如果你一开始有好几百个变量,如果每个都去试各种不同的transformation的
4. 所以,我的做法是:首先都用变量original form (有eminer的同学可以用
interactive grouping 变成 woe)做variable sele... 阅读全帖 |
a**t 发帖数: 57 | 23 菜鸟好不容易有个PHONE INTERVIEW,之后给了题让坐做完发回去,高手们其帮忙给个
The test below is designed to gauge your level of SAS experience. Feel free
to reference any sources of help (SAS documentation, etc.) you would
normally use in the course of developing code. We are looking for your
general knowledge of concepts, so please DO NOT spend too much time trying
to perfect minor details of syntax. We understand that writing code without
the chance to run it to discover errors can be difficult.
The ... 阅读全帖 |
g**1 发帖数: 10330 | 24 车行查信用 华男一天被扣100分
记者王靖雯/纽约报导 2017年04月16日 06:06
小 中 大
家建议到信用局(Credit Bureau)修复信用,撤销错误资料。
面影响,可是... 阅读全帖 |
d****2 发帖数: 6250 | 25 同学,你们看的都不是真正的fico score,fico算法是保密的,三大的都是山寨版的。
dealer查的才是真的fico score. |
t*****n 发帖数: 703 | 26 741 is not a high FICO score these days, what is your median FICO score?
Some dealer can only approve FICO >750 or 760. Different bank have different
You can go to Honda website to apply for the preapproval online.
You can try to buy the car online also.
graduate, |
M**3 发帖数: 186 | 27 Wow, that's pretty significant... makes me want to check fico score now.
By the way, is fico one of the following three: Experian, Equifax and Trans
Union. Or it is the median of the three?
Not sure if this is gonna be a second pull on my credit score, if I check
fico. If that is the case, I am reluctant to do that at this point. |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 28 Market still stays flat after Thanksgiving Holiday although a weak
improvement is seen. No long-term signal could be seen at this time as a
jittery stock market due to the worries of European debt is not strong
enough to make falling rates sustainable.
Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.375 3.750 3.125
Refinance Loan 4.500 3.875 3.375
The rates are based on criterion below and... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 29 义腾贷款,请听1300AM或电626-538-5688了解我们
Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.375 3.750 3.000
Refinance Loan 4.500 3.875 3.250
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impou... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 30 Higher unemployment rate dampens the hope of stock traders. As a result of
that, we see slight bounce back of the mortgage loan rates. Generally,
market information is still mixed as it will take more time for traders to
digest news of higher-than-expected unemployment rate.
义腾贷款(Direct lender),请听1300AM或电626-538-5688了解我们
Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.500 3.875 3.125
Refinance Loan 4.625 4.000 3.250
The rates ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 31 Market leaves Mr. Bernanke alone!
义腾贷款(Direct lender),请听1300AM或电626-538-5688了解我们
Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.500 3.875 3.125
Refinance Loan 4.625 4.000 3.250
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate ch... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 32 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.750 4.125 3.125
Refinance Loan 4.875 4.250 3.375
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Bala... 阅读全帖 |
j*******0 发帖数: 347 | 33 The rejection of Obama's extension of tax bill in the House ease the bill's
pressure on the mortgage market, but it is unclear if this is a just a
political snub.
Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.625 4.125 3.250
Refinance Loan 4.750 4.250 3.500
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is n... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 34 Not much change from yesterday. Coming Tuesday Feds will have meeting to
evaluate its bond-purchasing impact. Purchase-loan clients should pay
attention to that. And another big thing will be if the extension of Bush-
area tax bill will be passed.
Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.625 4.125 3.250
Refinance Loan 4.750 4.250 3.500
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 35 The Feds is purchasing bonds with the injection of around 8 billion. Do not
assume the balance will be staying for next few days. The passage of tax
bill or the comments from Fed's meeting hold tomorrow can easily tilt the
direction again.
Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.750 4.125 3.250
Refinance Loan 4.875 4.250 3.500
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, F... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 36 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.750 4.125 3.375
Refinance Loan 4.875 4.250 3.500
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 37 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.875 4.250 3.375
Refinance Loan 5.000 4.375 3.500
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpo... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 38 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 5.125 4.375 3.500
Refinance Loan 5.250 4.500 3.750
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 39 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 5.000 4.250 3.375
Refinance Loan 5.125 4.375 3.500
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 40 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.750 4.125 3.250
Refinance Loan 4.875 4.250 3.500
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 41 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.750 4.250 3.375
Refinance Loan 4.875 4.375 3.625
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 42 update at 12pm
Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.875 4.250 3.375
Refinance Loan 5.000 4.375 3.625
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Pur... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 43 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.750 4.250 3.375
Refinance Loan 4.875 4.375 3.625
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 44 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.875 4.250 3.375
Refinance Loan 5.000 4.375 3.625
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 45 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.875 4.250 3.500
Refinance Loan 5.000 4.375 3.750
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 46 Lack of volume and activity makes the market quite stable.
Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.875 4.250 3.500
Refinance Loan 5.000 4.375 3.750
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and othe... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 47 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.875 4.250 3.625
Refinance Loan 5.000 4.375 3.750
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 48 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.750 4.250 3.500
Refinance Loan 4.875 4.375 3.625
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 49 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.875 4.250 3.500
Refinance Loan 5.000 4.375 3.750
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |
r******e 发帖数: 289 | 50 Conforming Loan (<=417k)
Purpose of Loan 30 YR 15 YR 5/1
Purchase Loan 4.750 4.250 3.500
Refinance Loan 4.875 4.375 3.625
The rates are based on criterion below and good for the time when they are
Loan $ >=400K, FICO>=740, LTV<=80%( SFH) or 75%( Condo), primary residence.
There is no point, no fee for refinance but there is fee for purchase loan.
Rate change is subject to loan amount, impound and other conditions.
High Balance Loan (<=729k)
Purpose of Loan ... 阅读全帖 |