n****l 发帖数: 43 | 1 大家好,
小弟打算在近期申请绿卡,听说有家叫Murthy's Law Firm很有名,很多其它law firm
(本人申请EB2, 错发在EB1版了,现转过来) |
c***e 发帖数: 111 | 2 通过Staffing Firm在大公司做contractor,H1B快用完了,打算办绿卡,但是看到一篇
旧文说离开这个Staffing Firm的话H1B立马revoke,140也得重来,要是这样的话只能
有没有知道的朋友告诉一下,多谢了! |
m******l 发帖数: 29 | 3 salary wise, top tier firms pay about HK$60,000-65,000 for 1st year
associate. local firms pay about HK$25,000. almost no bonus. |
e**********o 发帖数: 42 | 4 可不可以问问
美国的mba去law firm里面一般做什么方向啊?
还有 我觉得去了香港难回美国
香港的law firm,不过两难的是,还是想回美国。现在问问去香港待1-2年,对将来再
,谢谢。 |
D**9 发帖数: 115 | 5 Dear Scientists:
Our law firm provides high-quality immigration legal service for
scientists to obtain green card through EB1 and has received strong supports
from our Chinese communities. As a result, we are currently offering Free
EB1 preparation for limited number of qualified scientists to show our
gratitude. If you are interested, please submit your
resume for consideration (email is preferred).
Our law firm's contact information can be found on www.
Bes |
s******e 发帖数: 230 | 6 各位同行,前辈,如果有会计所的工作请帮我推荐一下。之前accounting firm
(老板是EA)一年,corporate staff accountant两年。现在在准备CPA,不想做公司会
留心一下,谢谢! |
l******a 发帖数: 84 | 7 I am post at Duke considering applying for EB2/NIW. Could anybody recommend
a immigration law firm and the lawyers within that firm? Thanks a lot! |
g*********r 发帖数: 59 | 8 照片请看:
1. Queen size 的床垫加BOX, EXTRA FIRM, 是ENGLANDER这个牌子的,质量很好
,原价600多一套,现价200. 这个我没法负责搬运,床垫非常沉,因为弹簧质量很好。
3. 咖啡色沙发,沙发坐垫套可拆洗,靠垫不能拆洗。购于两年前,原价快400,现
4. 两把吧台的椅子,购于宜家,每把4刀;
5. 两个小方桌,一个黑色一个浅黄,每个五刀;
6. 电脑桌,可以拆卸组装,10刀;
7. HAMILTON... 阅读全帖 |
D**9 发帖数: 115 | 9 Hello:
Our law firm provides high-quality immigration legal service for
scientists to obtain green card through EB1. In order to better serve our
Chinese communities, we currently offer Free EB1 preparation for limited
number of qualified scientists. If you are interested, please submit your
resume for consideration (email is preferred).
Our law firm's contact information can be found on www.
Best regards, |
c**********t 发帖数: 99 | 10 【 以下文字转载自 Faculty 讨论区 】
发信人: clementiwest (蛛蛛), 信区: Faculty
标 题: UM faculty你们申请绿卡都用哪一个law firm呀
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 26 18:52:32 2009, 美东)
版上UM faculty你们申请绿卡都用下面哪一个law firm呀?
3. IRANI & WISE, PL in Ann Arbor
想走eb1b, 那家比较有经验?多谢
还有,eb2 special handling 和 eb1b各需要花多少钱?如果差别大的话,想给系里说
自己出差价,只要系里support |
P******e 发帖数: 1325 | 11 我昨天也为EB1B的事情,给其中两家firm打过电话。第三家 Irani& Wise只有
一个律师,其他的雇员都是没有Law Degree的助手。跟其中一个叫Lisa的通了话,
伊说起话来完全不着边际。问她有没有做过xxx专业的EB1B Petition?答曰,
他们做过的case 没有索引可查。
第二家Fragomen,学校跟我们介绍,说他们是专做移民的 firm。一个Partner
加 4个Associates,都是有JD的律师。跟其中一个叫Nathan的Associate打了
打算最近几周就提交申请,我们可以一起讨论。 |
s*******e 发帖数: 1298 | 12 这位大侠,这样的rate到底是谁定的呢,是三大还是那个contract firm?
是不是必须你在三大的老板指定几个contract firm,再让你自己找?
怎么找到这些contract house?然后逐个比较package呢?
mon |
s*****1 发帖数: 413 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 Accounting 讨论区 】
发信人: sheng41 (Sheng41), 信区: Accounting
标 题: 跪求accounting firm referral NJ/NY
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 22 22:53:53 2011, 美东)
拜托板上的JM有在NJ/NY accounting firm 工作的帮帮忙吧
我家MM八月从Rutgers U 毕业
CPA 四科都考过了最后一科成绩刚出来
拿的是MBA in professional accounting GPA 3.7
Title 是MBA 实际是MS (有点像是double major 但又不完全一样)
就只因为没有身分 老是被拒
OPT 10/1 要开始了连个On site interview都没….惨
希望借板上人气 大家互相扶持阿!
没有身分需要sponsor 这真是致命伤公司一听就连resume 都不看了
上星期一个HR打来说要confirm profile
开头就问 Do y... 阅读全帖 |
J**********y 发帖数: 1891 | 14 financial advisory firm 注册LLC好吗?
有开financial advisory firm的吗?有感兴趣的吗?
另外还要做些什么呢? |
s*****1 发帖数: 413 | 15 【 以下文字转载自 Accounting 讨论区 】
发信人: sheng41 (Sheng41), 信区: Accounting
标 题: 跪求accounting firm referral NJ/NY
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 22 22:53:53 2011, 美东)
拜托板上的JM有在NJ/NY accounting firm 工作的帮帮忙吧
我家MM八月从Rutgers U 毕业
CPA 四科都考过了最后一科成绩刚出来
拿的是MBA in professional accounting GPA 3.7
Title 是MBA 实际是MS (有点像是double major 但又不完全一样)
就只因为没有身分 老是被拒
OPT 10/1 要开始了连个On site interview都没….惨
希望借板上人气 大家互相扶持阿!
没有身分需要sponsor 这真是致命伤公司一听就连resume 都不看了
上星期一个HR打来说要confirm profile
开头就问 Do y... 阅读全帖 |
m****r 发帖数: 147 | 16 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: mjsgtr (mjsgtr), 信区: Military
标 题: (ZT)JPMorgan sells New York building to Chinese firm for $725 million
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 18 11:30:04 2013, 美东)
JPMorgan Chase has sold the One Chase Manhattan Plaza skyscraper to Fosun
International for $725 million, the latest in a series of New York real
estate purchases by Chinese investors.
The purchase was disclosed Friday in a regulatory filing by Fosun, a
... 阅读全帖 |
s******s 发帖数: 508 | 17 【 以下文字转载自 Minnesota 讨论区 】
发信人: stillers (Black'nGold), 信区: Minnesota
标 题: Big 4 accounting firm looking for CPA
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 19 23:08:50 2007)
A friend's company (big 4 accounting firm) is looking for a CPA
who speaks Taiwanese (闽南话/台湾话) in Twin Cities area in MN.
Please send me message if you are interested.
(The company will pay for relocation.) |
D**9 发帖数: 115 | 18 Dear Scientists:
Our law firm provides high-quality immigration legal service for
scientists to obtain green card through EB1 and has received strong supports
from our Chinese communities. As a result, we are currently offering Free
EB1 preparation for limited number of qualified scientists to show our
gratitude. If you are interested, please submit your
resume for consideration (email is preferred).
Our law firm's contact information can be found on www.
Bes |
D**9 发帖数: 115 | 19 Dear Scientists:
Our law firm provides high-quality immigration legal service for
scientists to obtain green card through EB1 and has received strong supports
from our Chinese communities. As a result, we are currently offering Free
EB1 preparation for limited number of qualified scientists to show our
gratitude. If you are interested, please submit your
resume for consideration (email is preferred).
Our law firm's contact information can be found on www.
Bes |
m*****8 发帖数: 96 | 20 我前段时间买了一套 King sized Simmons BeautyRest Extra Firm. 这是在退了两个
Costco的床垫之后在San Leandro的一家越南店买的。
我觉得有点硬(不过还行,比软了强),但LD喜欢。so far 还没有任何下陷的迹象。
不想有托的嫌疑,如果要店名地址的话,可以 PM 我。
据店老板讲,亚洲人很多买这种SIMMONS EXTRA FIRM的。他们店里有样品,可以躺上去
试。 |
d***a 发帖数: 469 | 21 Macy's has open items sometimes, really good deals. Serta's firm feels
better than beautyrest, we have both at same time, Serta is as firm as
before, beautyrest already has little sag at middle after 3 months. |
s********l 发帖数: 895 | 22 Union City Whipple rd & Cental Rd 有一个MACY"S Furniture Outlet。
进去后找sales直接要extra firm, 他们会带你一个个试。
我朋友在感恩节买过Hotel Collection by Stearns & Foster, extra firm. 三千多
打4折。 |
d*2 发帖数: 2053 | 23 这个感觉有KMart买下Sears的意思。。。
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE, AP Technology Writer Michael Liedtke, Ap Technology
Writer – 1 hr 39 mins ago
SAN FRANCISCO – Yahoo Inc.'s inability to snap out of a financial funk may
be about to turn the embattled Internet company into a takeover target for
the second time in less than three years.
That possibility, floated in a story posted online late Wednesday by The
Wall Street Journal, lifted Yahoo's shares by nearly 13 percent in Wednesday
's after-hours trading.
After snub... 阅读全帖 |
F*********e 发帖数: 1765 | 24 extra firm??
home depot有卖,木板...非常firm.哈哈 |
D**9 发帖数: 115 | 25 Dear Scientists:
Our law firm provides high-quality immigration legal service for
scientists to obtain green card through EB1 and has received strong supports
from our Chinese communities. As a result, we are currently offering Free
EB1 preparation for limited number of qualified scientists to show our
gratitude. If you are interested, please submit your
resume for consideration (email is preferred).
Our law firm's contact information can be found on www.
Bes |
j******0 发帖数: 307 | 26 EL 专区 (从左到右)
1. take it away total makeup remover cleanser, 30ml, $ 4/each,1个
2. Gentle eye makeup remover, 50ml, 编号GC0,$3.5/each,2个
3. timezone line and wrinkle reducing cream spf15, $7/each,3个
4. 四色眼影盘,上面那个编号K11,$ 3/each,2个
下面编号都是K31,$ 4/each,2个
5. Double-wear light stay-in-place makeup 粉底液,色号1.0,10ml,$ 5/each,3个
6. timezone anti-line/winkle eye cream,3ml,编号AA0,$ 6/each,10个
7. Resilience lift extreme ultra firming eye cream,3ml,编号AC0,$ 7/each,3个
8. Resilience lift extreme overnight ultra f... 阅读全帖 |
j******0 发帖数: 307 | 27 EL 专区 (从左到右)
1. take it away total makeup remover cleanser, 30ml, $ 3.5/each,1个
2. Gentle eye makeup remover, 50ml, 编号GC0,$3.5/each,1个
3. timezone line and wrinkle reducing cream spf15, $7/each,1个
4. 四色眼影盘,上面那个编号K11,$ 2.5/each,1个
下面编号都是K31,$ 3/each,1个
5. Double-wear light stay-in-place makeup 粉底液,色号1.0,10ml,$ 4/each,1个
6. timezone anti-line/winkle eye cream,3ml,编号AA0,$ 5/each,3个
7. Resilience lift extreme ultra firming eye cream,3ml,编号AC0,$ 6/each,
8. Resilience lift extreme overnight ult... 阅读全帖 |
L******g 发帖数: 1038 | 28 最近在减肥,体重下降,担心皮肤松弛.想试试Body Firm Lotion,不知哪个牌子的好.
在网上查,有Nivea Body Good-Bye cellulite Gel-cream,Trillium Organics Body Polish等, 还发现Shiseido 有Advanced Essential Energy Body Firming Cream,大家有没有用过这些,效果怎么样啊? 还有没有其它不错的牌子请推荐. |
x****o 发帖数: 21566 | 29 显然 micro-firm 更糟糕
女人更喜欢 micro-soft, 绝对不会喜欢micro-firm |
v**n 发帖数: 951 | 30 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: vpdn (人形电脑天使心), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Scientific-Atlanta acquires Canadian firm
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 13 13:40:15 2006)
Scientific-Atlanta acquires Canadian firm
Monday February 13, 11:05 am ET
Scientific-Atlanta Inc., soon to be absorbed by Cisco Systems Inc., has bought
UB Video Inc. for an undisclosed sum
Vancouver, Canada-based UB Video provides advanced compression technologies
for digital video encoding |
i********n 发帖数: 4 | 31 看了很多人的帖子,都提到communication。
问个简单的问题,公司组织的happy hour大家都去吗?行业会议大家都去吗?公司组织
的公益活动大家都去吗?其实,这里是最能了解美国accounting firm里文化的地方。
但在美国公司里生存,不光是accounting firm,融入别人的文化更为重要。举个例子
,人家说足球,你知道吗?人家说电影 |
c***u 发帖数: 730 | 32 【 以下文字转载自 Business 讨论区 】
发信人: cungu (cungu), 信区: Business
标 题: 求助,一个investment firm面试的问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 1 10:56:39 2008)
过几天有个面试,是个intern的职位,title是Intern-Corporate Finance。那个公司
是一家成立了不久的local based investment firm。我本身是学会计的。我很想要这
去准备呢?一般提问都问些什么问题呢?谢谢大家 |
y****o 发帖数: 162 | 33 我在读MACC,有一full-time的工作,福利不错。有一家排名11-12 左右的firm
2009年6月上班,我就要在今年9月把现在的工作辞掉,去做full time学生在2009年4月
我在Detroit附近,要做assurance |
F******e 发帖数: 3967 | 34 Dear all;
am I really this happy about my job? When I wrote about big 4, many people
wanted me to refer; now I am writing about small firm, many people want me
to refer again. Some of you want to work on Chinese client and they are tons
of small firms doing this right now, espeically in mid-town.
I am too busy to write these days, but we do get paid OT!!!!
了。 |
p***y 发帖数: 18037 | 35 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: patsy (Patsy), 信区: NewYork
标 题: 急寻 NYC CPA Firm 工作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 10 10:13:07 2008)
代朋友发的。急寻 NYC CPA Firm 的工作,目前大约有一年public accounting的经验
可以帮忙的,发版上或发站内信箱都可。先代为谢谢了。 |
F******e 发帖数: 3967 | 36 Haha, wat a small world; I believe the couple both have the same last name?
If so, I interviewed EY Chicago with the guy at the same time (again a small
world, he and I went to the same college in beijing); it was 2004 October;
I really don't think the h1-b rule applies anymore after the firm I finally
joined had half new hires not getting the h1-b in April 2006.
Anyway, small firm does not have good training, but not that much crap going
on. I still feel so good everytime I think about the day |
f**t 发帖数: 16 | 37 Yes, the firm has some shells, small reporting entities, and non-SBs(>75m),
in various locations. The firm is expanding in the Chinise market, all those
Chinese clients are decent companies in China, in various industries,
through reverse merger, they just want to save audit fees. Recently lots of
Chinese Form S-1 jobs, which requires 3-year audit. Almost all the staff in
another office went to China, some have been there for over 3 months, and
can't get back.
For those fresh grads, very likely |
i****y 发帖数: 186 | 38 我现在湾区,会计硕士刚毕业找工作中,没有身份问题。如果接受不到4万的薪水和10%
的overtime,会有一个entry level position interview的机会。
有经验的JM可以说说在台湾人firm上班的利弊么? |
s******g 发帖数: 654 | 39 大家好,
小弟剛拿到綠卡.想要換個大一點的CPA firm做.四大最好.但是其它的大CPA firm也是
很好的.地點是以南加州最好.Tax department prefer.但是,如果是auditor也可以.希
望能接觸多一點的international case.本身是licensed CPA in IL and CA,喜歡學新
的東西,吃苦也耐勞.請各位XDJM幫幫忙,結個緣.感激不盡. |
s******g 发帖数: 654 | 40 大家好,
小弟剛拿到綠卡.想要換個大一點的CPA firm做.四大最好.但是其它的大CPA firm也是
很好的.地點是以南加州最好.Tax department prefer.但是,如果是auditor也可以.希
望能接觸多一點的international case.本身是licensed CPA in IL and CA,喜歡學新
的東西,吃苦也耐勞.請各位XDJM幫幫忙,結個緣.感激不盡. |
c*********k 发帖数: 220 | 41 I know some people who fired by my firm got much better jobs.
CPA firms do not match everyone's personal goals. It is reasonable to say
work-life balance, career goals etc.. |
U*****5 发帖数: 189 | 42 Hey, can you tell us more about the Global capital market based in HK? Which
firm? How to join and can people from other firms join?
Thanks alot.
will |
q*******4 发帖数: 215 | 43 我今年5月刚毕业,master。没有身份问题。CPA的FAR过了,另外三门还在准备中。没
有工作经验。想找Irvine附近或者LA的accounting firm的工作,audit,tax或者其他职
位都可以(因为住Laguna,所以比较prefer Irvine的。不过如果有LA的我也会考虑搬家
哈~)。希望在accounting firms工作的兄弟姐妹可以帮忙refer一下,非常谢谢您的帮
我的邮箱是s******[email protected],谢谢~ |
h*******0 发帖数: 92 | 44 it is a good answer,But i did not see reason specific with the public firm.
In other words,you just said you are excellent,but still missed the reason
for entering the public firms. |
h*******0 发帖数: 92 | 45 it is a good answer,But i did not see reason specific with the public firm.
In other words,you just said you are excellent,but still missed the reason
for entering the public firms. |
i*********s 发帖数: 164 | 46 I just accepted an offer to work for a local CPA firm. Anybody can advise
what the career path should be if choose to work for a small CPA firm? Thank
you. |
c*****t 发帖数: 68 | 47 Try every single CPA firm in the local area, you just need one offer. One of
my friend got laid off 2 months ago, but he got 2 offers from local CPA
firms within 1 month. As long as you try hard, you will get what you need.
Bless you! |
J*******9 发帖数: 62 | 48 LZ的原文是2008年发的。很关心LZ的后续发展怎么样了。我在4大做Audit,现在第3年
内部转,从entry level做起,会不会不适合以后自己开啊。是不是还是应该去10几人
给点意见吧 |
k******n 发帖数: 230 | 49 看来看去还是CPA firm经验值钱,但是怎么进呢?好像大多数CPA firm都只要fresh或
者有public accounting工作经验的。
大家讨论一下? |