m*********2 发帖数: 701 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: mercuriusl2 (Mercurius), 信区: Quant
标 题: Do quants get pussies?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 5 00:36:51 2011, 美东)
It just hit me.
The whole reason i might be interested in financial career is
i thought IBankers get all the pussies.
So, that really begs the question:
"Does quant (or quant developer) get more pussies?" |
s**********6 发帖数: 873 | 2 一家IBank。比较想留下来,但是不知道什么时候要开始谈Full Time,什么时候知道不
行了,再找新的。谢谢! |
n****f 发帖数: 310 | 3 ya
the ones that get in top IBank |
I*1 发帖数: 5635 | 4 Top IBank is over 1M. you can ask how much people make in J.P morgan for
1st year fresh graduate.
you have no clue, |
F*********a 发帖数: 326 | 5 I don't think you are familiar with this finance field at all. People could
easily get 100% bonus in 2007 and 0% in 2012, and a lot of people were fired
in 2012 even in China. 1M RMB base is almost impossible for any fresh
graduates in any top tier IBanks today, no matter in Beijing, Shanghai, HK
or NYC.
much |
h**b 发帖数: 6 | 7 我们组( Major US Investment Bank, Risk Analytics Team) 在Tampa, Florida的
office要招entry level quant 矿工,要求有master 或者 phd (preferred) degree
in quantitative field (数理化/经济/统计/EECS等)。要求有 quant skills 和一
定的编程能力 ( scripting or C++),有愿望在金融业发展。不要求工作经验,欢迎
fresh graduate。
兴趣,请电邮resume:[email protected]/* */ |
n****e 发帖数: 2401 | 9 如果不在纽约硅谷,待遇必定要考虑当地的消费水平。
如果在纽约硅谷,待遇不考虑当地消费水平。 |
G*******s 发帖数: 4956 | 11 又收到他家的信了,这次骗我开checking。值得跳么?有hard pull么?
Now, when you open an eligible Citibank checking account package and complet
e a few qualifying activities1, you can get up to 40,000 ThankYou? Points.*
CitiGold 40K点相当于$400 giftcard
Citibank 20K点 $200
Basicbanking 6K点 $50
Use your ThankYou Points for your favorite restaurants, top
retailers, electronics and much more.
Here's all you need to do:
1. Open an eligible Regular Checking account by July, 31 2012.
2. Within 45 days after ... 阅读全帖 |
p*********l 发帖数: 26270 | 12 I know an MD in a top ibank with only a bachelors degree from harvard maths
department. so MBA or advanced degree is not a must. |
r***e 发帖数: 10135 | 14 平时我经常阅读与金融界的时事新闻和职业规划有关的网站和论坛,以防自己在不经意
iBanking Oasis以及MIT BBS等等。我从来就不是社区的活跃成员,只是偶尔观看讨论
所有中文社区,例如水木社区,以及设立在美国的MIT BBS)——相比那些出生在美国
值型对冲基金(Value Hedge F |
a***r 发帖数: 594 | 15 re. as far as I know, for global pay associate in international IB,
consulting, international degree (MBA, PHD any field, but NOT including none
biz school masters) is a requirement.
most US ibanks do not have local office in China, only joint ventures and
are limite to investment banking, no sales and trading. so the size of the
teams are very small. |
o*********l 发帖数: 1807 | 16 IBanking is the best field to get in because after 2 years Analyst gig,
either go to Top B school or go to PE, your earning potential takes off from
here. Consulting is for pansy and Big 4 is for those who can't think. |
C*******s 发帖数: 330 | 17 你搞错了,你的那些同学们进的是IB但是十有八九做的不是IBanking |
G***n 发帖数: 877 | 18 先声明是转载的帖子,供大家讨论!
地方在美国算中等偏上的消费水平,房租one bed room一个月$800)。回国的offer给了
,足够了),午饭(500元)等等。国内实实在在做research 的很少,大多都要... 阅读全帖 |
w*******e 发帖数: 15912 | 19 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wsnonline (卫所南次郎-子曰:“再得瑟我削你啊!”), 信区: Military
标 题: 美国海归经历:国内和国外生活的真实比较(ZT)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 11 18:26:40 2013, 美东)
地方在美国算中等偏上的消费水平,房租one bed room一个月$800)。回国的offer给了
一般是10%,也就是说你工资的10%放在公积金里,剩下的90%才交 税,公司另外在
match 10%的工资,这比美国的401k可强多了。通常年末还有10%的奖金,和美国同样的
stock option。所以算下来实际拿到手里的税后也是三十几万。而在加州这种地... 阅读全帖 |
j***y 发帖数: 882 | 20 traffic in shanghai is bad, and even worse in Beijing.
if you are a Sr or expat level in U.S/E.U firm, hours are usually flexible.
so most of time you don't have to fight for rush hours.
or if you are in the life-burning industry, e.g. ibank, lawyer, you don't
have to worry about rush hours either as you spend most of time in company.
I agree there is no solution for poor quality of air and water, but spend $$
$ to buy different kinds of filter .
多。 |
d**i 发帖数: 9682 | 21 on a side note, business application is often more than just reading portrai
t layout documents. E.g., ibankers wouldn't mind seeing more columns in the
ir spreadsheet, powerpoint with customized side toolbars can actually utiliz
e the horizontal screen estate quite nicely. Another example I have previou
sly mentioned is adobe lightroom working much better on a widescreen than a
my company has been using thinkpad globally since mid 90s, typical mobile bu
siness style application, and x200... 阅读全帖 |
W*****e 发帖数: 7759 | 22 【 以下文字转载自 Returnee 讨论区 】
发信人: rinse (清洁), 信区: Returnee
标 题: 我们最缺乏却最不可或缺的能力:独立思考(谢国忠)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 13 21:35:11 2009, 美东)
iBanking Oasis以及MIT BBS等等。我从来就不是社区的活跃成员,只是偶尔观看讨论
所有中文社区,例如水木社区,以及设立在美国的MIT BBS)——相比那些出生在美国
国并在中国接受大 |
o*********l 发帖数: 1807 | 23 go get a degree from IVY and try to find a job in IBanking as a trader then hedge
fund. |
S**********r 发帖数: 553 | 24 没有吵架啊. 我们就是讨论.这种headline新闻就是BAC股价最怕的.
我说了很多基本面,你看所有的ibank analyst reports也是差不多的.Barclay,CS,
Citi,MS,John Paulson. 但是BAC实在是面对太多不确定因素了,所以不是一个好的短
期投资. 但此刻割肉,也不明智.我看好银行股长线,其实最喜欢JPM,C.
但挑BAC是因为它被打压的最惨.所以要反弹的话也会最猛. |
g*******s 发帖数: 2828 | 25 BRBY has a lot of take-over premium embedded in the valuation. people have
been speculating LV or PPR would bid for it as long as i can remember.
it will be interesting to see how long these luxury/high-end names can buck
the trend. feels like a replay of '08 again, when people believed high-end
is immune to any slowdown.
ibanks are starting to cut people again. if EM slows more (heck, can China
really support 30% store growth by all these luxury brands?), then these
stocks are set up for some n... 阅读全帖 |
b***y 发帖数: 14281 | 28 这玩意儿在美国不容易,受到很多金融监管的限制,paypal没法做出互联网领域主要也
是受各种法律限制。 |
L***6 发帖数: 8307 | 29 所以要想办法,狼狈为奸蜜柚,通过蜜柚律师和大投行搞定SEC,联手封杀阿里,说不
注册一个商业银行,和它母公司合作,会被反垄断么? |
L***6 发帖数: 8307 | 30 他们两家是应该强强联合,苹果风格的汽车,可以Siri语音控制加导航的车,那不疯卖? |
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 31 果子询过价的 马总不卖。马总这种人 骨子里是革命家。要自己掌控命运的!
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8 |
L***6 发帖数: 8307 | 33 等电池便宜了,patents反正也开放了,早晚要上马。连土鳖的公司都能做电动车,逼
说不定整个iVehicle,外形独特,水陆两用。 |
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 35 专利开放,问题是你电池产量跟不上。giga 量产后,全世界一半以上的锂电池都是
高了好多年都没搞出来,之好用铁锂电池凑活用。 |
L***6 发帖数: 8307 | 37 肯定能白菜化,Elon发现电池比车赚钱,沙漠里再整它10来个giga,有难度么?自己用
就是成本价,其他厂商就会有价格劣势,以后BMW也得买Elon的电池,苹果也会买。 |
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 38 你先去查查每年锂的产量,你就会突然明白,锂电池必须回收才行。所以giga factory
1是产新电池,2是回收refurbish 电池。 |
U********f 发帖数: 2482 | 39 早就有了,叫APPLE ICARD, GOOGLE也有一个叫ISIS WALLET,你还以为自己很聪明?人
家早就玩过了,不玩了。 |
L***6 发帖数: 8307 | 41 逼果利用自身的硬件技术优势,借鉴马云的理财宝,重新定义个人存款贷款和零售支付
手段,Apple Pay就是向这个方向迈出的第一步。
只要和花街蜜柚把利益分配好,双方达成一致,苹果的股价可能翻番。 |
G*******h 发帖数: 836 | 43 可以做ibanker,钱多不过现在工作不好找,东部的话硕士起薪6-8万,博士8-10万, 也
把关。 |
Q*o 发帖数: 2448 | 44 看看這個?_?
"One thing I have to remind those who wanna enter this field. What alice said
is very true. This is a very hard job beyond your imagination. My bf works in
one of the big US ibanks and has been promoted to senior VP. Maybe he can earn
6 million a yr. However, he still needs to work 7 days x at least 14 hrs/ day
, 24 hours on call with his blackberry. He has totally given up his life.
One lucky thing is... June and De |
Q*o 发帖数: 2448 | 45 中环很方便。。。住哪都有车直达。。。
你什么时候来?不会又是ibank的八? |
o**h 发帖数: 1805 | 46
如果是的話, 終於明白為甚麼我們沒有找到ibank的工作了
最近老去那邊看房子 |
B*******g 发帖数: 50 | 48 香港的房子贵不贵主要还是看地段和交通,越靠近商业中心越贵,所以港岛房子一般比
了,Tierra Verde因为是地铁上盖然后房子又比较新,也是大型屋苑,周围环境也不错
17 |
L***z 发帖数: 454 | 49 Taikonaut,
I am sorry to see you are frustrated. But to give waiwaiwai credit, it's
really no big deal getting USD200k. Before I came back to the US, I was
making more than $200k freshly out of law school(salary+housing, bonus is
extra but not particularly large as I am in legal profession).
My life really sucked in Hong Kong. Almost all my friends in legal/IBank had
pretty miserable lives and people found it increasingly difficult finding
any exit option. Some lucky ones left HK after one or tw |
Q*o 发帖数: 2448 | 50 我以前就是在一IT公司工作的,虽然我不是做IT的。
ibank的IT,好像也還ok -偶然IT. |