

全部话题 - 话题: limper
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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - lay down a full house
99 at UTG, limped in, a few limpers too.
beautiful flop: KK9, checked around for somebody to bet, nah, well, doesn't
hurt for somebody to catch up.
turn; A, all right, someone must hit a weak A now, bet half pot, got called
immediately by one guy, others folded.
the most unwanted river: A, checked and he moved all-in (1.5 pot)... normal
image, well...
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - bad idea to slow play this
1/2NL, live in AC.
got Jh2h at cutoff. 5 limpers, hey, why not?
cute flop: 225 rainbow no heart. all checked, looked like no harm, right? $
12 pot was a little short for my taste anyway, checked.
turn: 3. ugly, making a lot of weak limping hands valuable now. checked to
me, bet $7 to see who's interested with his 4x, 5x or another 2x somewhere.
.. got 3 callers... well, $40 pot.
river: 4, damn, the last card i wanted to see, my gold turned into shit to
any ace rag or 6x guthsot.
EP guy (old aggr
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - KsKc vs. ???
LP with KsKc ($150), 4 limpers, raised to $15, 2 called.
flop: AhQhJh, both checked, i checked.
turn: Jd, both checked, i checked.
river: Td, UTG ($100 left) bet $15, one guy called($300 left), what's my move?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sigh...
MP with 56o ($500) limped in, button (loose aggressive guy, $400) raised to
$17, got rid of all limpers including me, except one old asian man, who
called from UTG ($300).
flop: J34 rainbow (sigh), button bet $20, UTG smooth called.
turn: K, button bet $30 again, UTG called again.
river: 2 (damn, stone nuts!!!), button bet $50, UTG suddenly raised $100.
donk button called in a sec with f**king QJo TRASH!
UTG turned over a deeply slow played 44!
man, why you mess up around with that sh*t an
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - easy money
got 44 ($500) at MP, 7 limpers.
flop: Ks4s2d.
UTG ($300, lady) bet $15, 2 callers, i got another 2 guys behind me. i didn'
t like the 2 spades at all, and decided to shake out some trash drawing
hands. i raised $50 on top. i played pretty TAG at this table, so ppl knew i
was pretty serious. the two guys behind me folded, good, i liked that.
to my surpise, UTG immediately pushed back with another $50, the 2 guys
between us folded.
i never played with her before but from the last hour, i kn
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 4 hands of QQ (3)
1/2NL, full table, late night.
QQ ($400) at UTG+1. table is in a mixed mood now, 2 on tilt, 3 passive, big/
short stacks mingle...
decide to limp and re-evaluate post flop. 5 limpers.
flop: KhTh4c.
well, might be a mistake. check to see. button ($300) is a normal but now on
tilt guy, he bets $10. UTG calls, and i call to see see.
turn: Td
check again, button bets $30, UTG calls, i smooth call again with knowing
button got Kx for sure. have i just created a tough situation for myself?
river: As.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Vegas一手牌
嗯,知道$1000是前面赢的,max buy-in也就300左右,只是拿着这么大stack在一群LAG
这牌trap有点悬,前面那么多limpers,几乎肯定有人拿着weak Ax见事不好扔掉了,所
missed flop的c-bet也会那么干。LAG跟,它再一medium size raise,实际上你给自己
发帖数: 1934
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Vegas一手牌
这牌trap有点悬,前面那么多limpers,几乎肯定有人拿着weak Ax见事不好扔掉了,所

发帖数: 1934
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 9Qo sb preflop call 6bb
whats ur action when you are button holding Js with 3 limpers in front of
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 9Qo sb preflop call 6bb
u didn't say there are 3 limpers before.... I thought you open with 6bb
发帖数: 1934
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 9Qo sb preflop call 6bb
i am button... before me, 3 limpers, thats why I raised 6bb...
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - unreal hand
1/2NL (not my table)
pre-flop: a few limpers
flop: 7s8c9s, small bets and calls
turn: 8s, one guy bets medium, lady raises, guy shoves like $200, lady
instantly calls.
guy: 5s6s
lady: TsJs
monsters, and flop is so easy to play...
they hit $58K jackpot.
发帖数: 56
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 第一次straight flush, fold了, 胸闷
isolate limper
value bet big hands
dont bluff
dont pay them off if they show strength
play your position
发帖数: 269
I thought about this and aggree with you. I should have just 4 bet all in.
the first guy who went all in probably the only one with a reasonably hand
. flating here means I'm dead. anything less than all in and everyone
would just call again. I'm at worst is about 50/50 heads up with any one
player. so just 4 bet all in and try to get the headsup and punish a few
of the limpers is most likely the right way to do it.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - never limp with 99
hehe, you'd love to have such a beat at live casino for big jackpot.
the hand i posted was played out funny:
1) a bunch of limpers;
2) on flop, SB bet $1.5, more or less to test water, 99 guy called (well,
who could blame him?), everyone folded;
3) turn, SB had a good reason to bet now, he bet $2, 99 guy "weak" called
again, still counting on winning all SB's money...
4) river, SB checked! (i have to give him credit for this play). 99 guy
thought for a while and over shoved! (just like a donkey
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 我又回来了
recently a lot of guys from china on fulltilt are playing this mini-buyin
strategy, 20BB for 0.25/0.5 games, multi tables... double up or 50%+, then
change table. their opening/calling/shoving ranges are very straight forward
, TT+/AK/AQ/AJs (8 hands in total), no other hands, haha.
very easy to play against, either fold or win all. their best customers are
those donks who don't observe well and see their tendencies.
they shove a lot pre, yeah, win most of time, but only for SB/BB/1 or 2
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天在harrahs AC
sometimes, a palyer limps in, then someone raises, and another player (
usually SB/BB) re-raises, after that, the limper calls.
that could be a very strong signal for AA/KK too, although generally he "
should" raise again. but u know, people vary how they play a certain hand..
发帖数: 205
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发泄一下下
Just finish a $5 buyin touney with around 500ppl. Still early with big blind
50. I have AA at BB. Several limper so I raise to 250 and only one people
call. Flop is 8 10 2 rainbow. Pot has about 900 and I have 1000ish. I shove
and that guy call (he has 2000+ chips) with 79 offsuit. And yes, he hit J.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - NL100出师不利
犯了move up最容易出现的错误,没有坚持自己的打法,而是试图玩花的新的打法,此
NL100其实与NL50差别并不大,区别主要表现在,对手普遍紧一些,short stack更多,
多个limpers的情况很少,position steal相对成功率高。记笔记的重要性更大,一般
full buy-in,auto reload的选手基本都不会烂。
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Feb-08 hand review
Hand 2 is a fold on flop. Here is my take.
BB does not have a big pocket pair. because he will for sure reraise to
isolate. big pocket pair does not play well vs 3 limpers. His range is
suited connector or small pairs and such. Even though you raised preflop but
it is raised so little, i would consider this a limped pot. What is the old
saying again? don't go broke in a limped pot. He raised. his range are 2
pair, set, floped straight, straight+flush draws. His lowest range is
straight+flush d
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发现rush poker里面steal真的很重要
so far, i don't auto CB, but depend on the flop texture.
for example, if the flop comes as T52, very likely a CB would take it down.
or like K75, unless he holds a Kx hand (of course in his range), CB will
take it down 70%+ of times. i'd be very careful with AQ3 flop though, since
Ax is more likely, even a stubborn Qx hand would call and see how it goes on
the turn.
plus, sometimes it's not only 1.5BB, there might be a weak limper ahead too.
and hands like 89s hit some flops as well, i.e., not a
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发现rush poker里面steal真的很重要
i don't limp with hands like A5s KTs KQ from EP. they're ok hands but hard
to play when raised and out of position. even if not raised, more limpers
will come in and even SB/BB will see a cheap flop.
as for LP bet getting raised, just let it go. 90% players are normal at this
stake, 3 betting with marginal hands is out of their range. but you can steal
with a wider range of hands though if folded to you, so you can accumulate
more small wins. if stealing, your cards are not really that important
发帖数: 1240
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发现rush poker里面steal真的很重要
早期位置limp很危险,现在很多人都会isolate limper,要是没有计划limp你的big hand
一般人的3bet都是<=5%,AQ+,TT+,这种时候就fold吧,人家就算make a play我们也没办
要是3bet上了10%,很多时候就是polarized range (5%的big hand加5%+的suited trash)
这时候可以4bet or call in position.

发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发现rush poker里面steal真的很重要
In those hands I like A5s better because it usually is nuts or fold and I
actually welcome more limpers (as long as that doesn't trigger a late
position big raise). KT is quite bad in general, and KQ is dangerous. So I
throw away some of them at EP, too.
One thing I also do is high % of automatic open raise from button with hands
like 76s K5, hehe.

发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发现rush poker里面steal真的很重要
that's exactly why i won't limp every suited hand, especially in EP. If it's
offsuit, I throw it away in any position unless I can open raise at button
or cut off.
I would like to see more limpers if I do limp in A5s because:
1. someone may pay me off.
2. after flop the hand is kind of protected and maybe no one dare to bet.
one of them might slow play with a check but others won't bet, which is good
for my flush draw (if I get one).
If someone bets aggressively (like pot) and others already fol
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 两手 AK的牌
Rush poker 100NL
1. UTG+1 bet 3bb, I have AcKh at MP, raised to 8BB, Button called 8 BB.
UTG+1 re-raised to 22bb, button and I both called.
Flop 5h7h9h, UTG+1 all in, I thought for 10 seconds and called, button
Stack were 80BB for both when heads up.
2. two limpers from early postion, CO raised to 6 BB, I called with AKo at button, SB called.
Flop AKQ, no flush draw,SB checked, CO all in, I called. SB folded.
Stack were 80BB for both when heads up.
发帖数: 15860
my poisiton was not good in this hand, and i remember there's already a
limper in the pot, hehe.
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how would you play this hand?
I was at cutoff with 153BB, dealt pocket Ace (nice, or wait, is it gonna be
another lost whole stack makes me freak out and broke my computer screen
mp2 limp in, and I raised to 4.5BB, fold to SB, he raised to 11BB
hmmm, a small 4bet against a limper and my raise, what could he have?
I thought for 4bet to 40BB, but I actually called
flop 5T3 rainbow, good flop (at least I feel it's good, it probably missed
most of his range) pot 23.5BB
sb bets 19BB, pretty stand cbet, I called, I was thin
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how would you play this hand?
yah,the most suspicious move his small turn bet,
and if some1 really flop a set, they usually check turn, to make sure they
will get called on river since I didn't show any strength.
his river all-in really looks like he is trying to push me off the hand, and
I am a station,lol

发帖数: 30
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哇塞,现在流行这么打?
yeah, if no raise pre flop and many players in, it's very risky to play aa.
In this case, you should fold aa quickly.
But in many cases people in good poistion like to raise when there is limper
, and they don't know you have a good hand, so even after flop they have a
better hand, they won't bet huge to scare you, you can judge from their ways
of betting to move on.

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 初试Live Casino Poker里程.(5)
(5) LAG Russian (Part 2)
I always feel it is very hard to differentiate the agro-donks and the
LAG sharks. It is true online and it appears to be true live as well.
LAG Russian continued his aggression. But I was totally lost whether he
was a shark or a donk. I did find out that he loved to show his hand. 4
limpers and he was at button, he raised to 12$. Everyone fold and he flips
over AQs proudly. He also made a 2 barrel bluff and flipped over with high
card. Something did not a
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 初试Live Casino Poker里程.(13)
(13) Revenge.
The small break after the big loss helped me. I wasn't about to go on
tilt. The truth was that comparing with the hundreds of pot I have lost online
by bad beat and suck-outs, this was really nothing. The biggest improvement
I had recently was to reduce my rate of tilting. However, that did not mean
I didn't want to take my revenge on the old Asian guy. I wanted my chips
It came much faster than I expected. Next hand, I was at button dealt
3c5c, with a few limpers. I
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 初试Live Casino Poker里程 (14)
(14) Initial Battles with 同胞 A.
My chips climbed back way above 300$ again. I was getting my confidence
back. Then I got tangled with同胞 A for a fairly big pot. So far, we had
managed to stay out of each other's way. Early on, we had a few hands
against each other with small pots.
Hand 1:
I had 9d7d on sb and a few limpers including 同胞 A from EP.
Flop AdQd8c.
I had a flush draw and a back door straight draw. I was not going to wait
for action and led 10$. 同胞 B who was UTG called and同胞 A im
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 初试Live Casino Poker里程.(17)
(17) "Why didn't you call my river bet?"
The couple clearly was very bad at poker. The husband quickly shipped
most of his chips to others and was holding only less than 20$. I was anxiously
waiting for a hand to get paid off. My opportunity came knocking very soon. Another
hand was dealt with a few limpers and I called sb with 910o. The wife checked
behind as bb.
FLOP Q J 4 rainbow.
I checked. The wife put in 5$ and everyone fold. I just had a straight draw.
I knew she had something she l
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家来分析分析我的问题
for example, 25NL rush, you hold AcTs, a marginal hand but with position.
pre-flop, one limper at MP, you're at CO (60BB effective stacks for you two)
. you decide to raise to 4x, either take it down here or isolate BTN/SB/BB.
yes, they all fold, but MP calls.
flop: Ks9s2d. MP checks to you, you miss flop but decide to c-bet anyway,
6BB into 9.5BB pot. MP calls.
turn is a card you don't like, 3s. MP checks again, and you now worry a
little bit, with a Ts, you decide to check.
river is Ad, he che
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Quest, RUSH Initial Buy-in
What if there is 3BB and then 3X re-raise (10BB) ahead of you (you have 70BB,
RUSH 25, it is 17$), do you call? Or a limper and then a 6BB raiser?
I fold (small pair,77-) most of time.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - another one, what to do?
$1/2NL, live.
i got $800 at CO.
4 limpers, i limp with 7s5s.
flop: 9s2s3s
BB, a normal guy, bets pot $12, all fold, i call;
turn: 4c
BB bets $25, i call.
river: Td
BB bets $55. he got $250 left.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fryking
only winning hands? oh, that's easy and enjoyable, hehe.
1) 77 at UTG, a loose flush loving table.
limp in, 6 limpers behind me, SB and BB call too, lol.
flop: Ac7c2d
i hit big but at this table, out of position with a flush draw out there, i
don't want to build a big pot that i can't digest well later. so i make $10
small "protecting" bet for my "weak Ax hand". i got 2 callers.
turn: 4c, hehe, i know for sure someone hits, so i check and look like very
"worried". both check to "comfort" me.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - donky saved me
I folded preflop after button raise 8X vs 2 limpers..
then he pot after flop and raise half pot donk bet and call all in turn..
lol.. i guess he is committed.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - donky saved me
punishing limpers become quite popular lately in 50NL (definitely "too"
often than in 25NL), so i'm planning to limp with some AAs, lol.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - i am going to AC for a one day trip tomorrow
This one hand, I have to mention.
I raised CO vs 5 limper to 15$ with Q2o. 3 fold 2 called. wtf! i thought my
image was tight!
Flop kh8h6d
2 check, I bet 25$, 1 fold, this old lady called.
She called my 3 barrel earlier. when I flopped 2 pair 85 (limp in 85s on sb does pay off.. lol) on a 856 board and
turned 5 for a full house. River was a 9 and she called my river bet with
her pair of 9. She was drawing for a gut shot. After she called river, she
said she thought i was making a move. I tho
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fryking, what do you have in that hand?
My notes on him
"bets flop call raise and lead turn and check fold river with dangerous
3 bet me 9X preflop and fold to my 20X 4 bet
c bet half pot after flop with small pair flop and pot turn with 2 pair.
check call river with possible flush
8X raise vs 2 limper with Qs and 2/3 pot and call reraise all in with over
Seems to be a fairly aggressive guy. I have him marked red.. He is regular
in rush NL50, but this does not mean he is good.. ^_^

发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - medium pair?
7 handed, two limper(mid position and button), SB fold, hero check at BB,
bet half
pot on flop 3-J-J rainbow, mid position fold, button raise to over pot, hero
medium pair here for hero??
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - weekend 打了点live poker
hand 3 I played so bad this hand and lost so much value..
1 limp and I have AQ LP and raise to 10$, bb called and limper called.
Flop is AAJ
all check to me and i bet 18$, bb check raised me to 45! one fold.
I couldn't say I was not worried. AK AJ or JJ? but he could have an A and
weaker kicker here too so I just called.
turn is a 7
He bet 25$ here. i just called.
River is a 9.
he bet another 25$. i called again.
He showed an A8 and surprised that I have an A and think he put me on a pair
Qs or
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - weekend 打了点live poker
再来几个好的lay down.
hand 5)
I limp sb with K5o. 3 other limpers.
flop is 27K rainbow.
i check everyone check.
turn is a 9 i bet pot 10$ one caller and rest fold.
river is an A.
I check he bet 20$ i fold. he showed A2... weak tight 发飚,看sizing 就可以了
hand 6)
All limped pot i have AJ MP.
flop is A23 2 spade. BB lead 12$. i call 1 caller lp
turn is a 9 of dimond. BB bet 40$.
i quickly folded. LP folded. BB showed set of 3s..
soft live table, if you feel their sizing is sigificantly larger than norma
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - weekend 打了点live poker
hand 7) a hand I actually played good Tight and aggressive but against a
super fish..
2 limper this guy to my right raise to 10$ who plays fairly straight forward
. i called at button with pocket 9s and 2 other caller
flop is 1086 a flush draw.
all check to me.. i bet 25$ with my pair + gut shot.
this super fish called and the guy to my right called.
turn is a 7 but added another flush draw.
2 check to me i bet 40$ and super fish called and the guy to my left folded.
river is a J completes the b
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 饭了最愚蠢的错误!!!!!
anyway, the point is not whether 3 betting AK is good or not...I don't even want to get into that discussion.
the point is at this spot, 2 limper + 1 raiser, it is much better to 3 bet.
If you don't agree it is completely fine with me.

发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how to play these hands
sats game, 4 players paid, 10 players left in two tables.
button(m=5) is very loose aggressive, shoving fairly often recently.
SB/BB are somewhat tight.
dealt AJo at utg, M=6, rank 5th among 10 players.
raise or shove?
90man sng, mid stage.
dealt QTo at SB (m=10), two limpers (from utg & CO), flop J-9-3 rainbow.
BB UTG CO all have similar M, about 8-12.
how much should I bet?
further, BB UTG fold and CO move all in (get me covered). is it a clear fold?
sng final table, 5 players left.
dealt 5c-... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 非常衰的一个session
KK对QQ,pre-flop shove, 两次死掉, flop Q。
UTG 3x(有笔记), 俺AA over shove,结果BB毛驴绝对是喝高了,6s7s call,结果
river flush,俺手里还拿着As,靠。
KcQc和QTo,死抗在QhTc7c Qs的turn上,靠,river还Ac有个球用。
22 bluff人家AA,死得也很难看。
对short stack也扔不出硬币的正面,sigh。
唯一解气的是毛驴limp behind limper,然后5-bet俺100BB all-in,俺QQ,实在不敢
相信这家伙有AA,KK甚至AK这样的牌,结果人家是Q9,还是off suit的,笑翻,
drawing dead。
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 潜水的,坦白从宽
1) hand 1, AA at MP, raise after 1 limper (40BB, short), he calls.
flop: Kxx rainbow, he checks, i bet pot, he calls
turn: blank, he checks, i bet big, he calls again with only 1 BB left.
river: blank, he checks, i bet that last 1 BB for him, he calls.
he turns over AA!!!
2) yesterday, someone limps in MP, i'm BB with trash, SB folds
flop: 44x, both check
turn: A, both check
river: K, both check, i got nothing.
he turns over 44!!!
是不是哪个这里潜水的干的好事? 俺打破头也搞不懂。
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