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发帖数: 10373
"我不是菲菲球迷" - that is why you don't understand what they said. let me
translate it to you:
- if ff wins, wow, he is so perfect, he is unbeatable, even his opponent plays so good, he is just always better!
- if ff loses, well, it is not about how good his opponent is. his opponent just got lucky because he doesn't care anymore. he loses because he is just tired of winning.
发帖数: 758
来自主题: Tennis版 - Bad line calls
I was behind 6-7, 0-3 in a tournament when I hitted a small angle and my
opponent called out. I felt the ball was close, but did not say anything.
Then my opponent tried to point the mark (we played in a clay court) and
asked how I felt about the ball. I said I wasn't challenging anything and I
just wanted the ball back (to serve for the next point). After that, my
opponent clearly lost focus and eventually lost the game 6-7, 6-3, 1-0.
Sometimes it takes a tough mind to make bad calls.
发帖数: 13172
来自主题: Tennis版 - 谁给介绍个线吧
What I'm saying is that you have more options than just to over-power you
opponent and you don't have to over-power your opponent in every shot. Even
when you do over-power your opponent, you can do it with less damage to your

发帖数: 6788
来自主题: Tennis版 - FYB's pro tips
There's not just one correct answer. Obviously Rafa doesn't come in to the net often. He likes to wear you down from the baseline. Having to take a few steps back and then hit a deep back hand in the corner is very tiring. If you have good fitness, strong baseline backhand and the opponent likes to sit back, you can do it.
Otherwise being pushed back 10+ feet from the baseline would be a roadkill if the opponent approaches the net more often and is good at net. With such an opponent you ha
发帖数: 1632
来自主题: Tennis版 - 刷版太累了~~
It's true with anyone - you may appear 暴力 against a similar or weaker
opponent, but against a much stronger opponent you are reduced to being a
pusher - content just to get the ball back to the other side of the net.
Or maybe you noticed that your opponent is also 暴力 but prone to errors, or
having problem handling paceless balls. Then you alter your strategy and
take away your place... etc.
For me thou I have many limits - for example certainly I cannot play S&V.
Or you can just hit topsp
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Tennis版 - 老肯
I disagree. Old 3 should learn from my 教训。I think I switched
too early and that's why I am still 3.0...
There is no way he can sustain consistency using a MP racket
at this stage. With his current opponent, the opponent may not
return balls consistently; with a better opponent, old 3 himself
may not return balls consistently.
That is not good for improvements -- unless he has a ball machine.
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Tennis版 - Who is this Genius student?
She held her service game in the video.
In the very next video, she broke the opponent and held her serve
again, leading 1st set 4:2. In that video it is a little bit more
obvious she was stronger than her opponent.
Her opponent Maria Sanchez ranked #23 in the nation.
发帖数: 229
来自主题: Tennis版 - peter bodo这个墙头草
本来还选李娜 go all the way,昨天倒向了卧着你丫骑,不知道it现在什么感受
Caroline Wozniacki (No. 1 seed) vs. Na Li (No. 9): I can't recall a No. 9
seed in recent memory who looked
nearly as good as Li has since the very beginning of the year. She won the
tournament in Sydney a few weeks
ago, beating Clijsters in the final, and she has not only won every set she'
s played in Melbourne, but given up
four games to her opponent in only one of those games. That compact game and
Li's low center of gravity
make subtle demands on... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1632
Statistics is always open to debate, since one can always question the
validity of the sample population :)
I've always liked the Roddick serve, I think it's a very efficient motion.
However I do question if his serve is 'better' than Federer's based on that
% number alone. Consider:
1) How is that % measured? What kind of opponents are they serving against
? I don't know, seems like Roddick chokes quite a bit more in the big
matches, against big name opponents, than Federer. Maybe his % i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Tennis版 - 准备奔一Set和BiokLD的比赛
I guess just make up your mind before the opponent hits the ball.
e.g., you may decide to poach if your partner hits a heavy ball
and you estimate your opponent won't return well.
If you decide to poach, then be alerted and active, rush to the
ball even if it's slightly out of reach. You may make an error
by over-reaching, but that's worth the try. (It only means you
underestimated your opponent.)

发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Tennis版 - 昨天比赛亮点
I 还没来得及回到底线中央。
The only thing I am not sure is the "down the line" might be a
forehand, not backhand. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to
The sequence of events (both players are righty):
1) Opponent forehand crosscourt.
2) Me forehand return to middle of court, near T.
3) Opponent down the line to my forehand side.
4) Me forehand down the line return.
5) Opponent backhand volley crosscourt.
发帖数: 234
Zan, I guess NewYorker's famous volley and taking the ball early are less
affected by the wind gust.
We played a Tri-level match on Saturday in 20mph+ wind too. Opponents were
strong players and our captain called it a "must win" match to keep the lead
for going to sectionals.
My partner and I use those strategies to beat them 6-2, 6-0. (1) since wind
is side way, play every shot in the middle of the court, no dlt shots. (2)
no defensive lob, only play topspin offensive lob or no lob. (3) toss b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Tennis版 - 前天有个球比较郁闷
Q. When I hit the ball I make some noise. Once, during a USTA tournament my
opponent lobbed the ball over my head and it landed "in". I got to the shot
and when I hit the ball I made a noise. She thought I called it out when I
made the noise. She wanted to redo the point but it’s not fair for me. I
won the point and her shot was definitely in! I didn’t call it out! Should
we redo the point?
A. If you make a loud sound during the point that distracts your opponent,
you ought to offer the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16592
来自主题: Tennis版 - 请教,怎么打过网急坠
打了一个赛季的我们local的day league,8个月,5个court都是双打,对双打技战术有
Perhaps one of the biggest reasons that people fail in their quest to play
great doubles is that they have the wrong shots.
There are certain shots I often see people trying to hit when they play
doubles that are just not the best shots they could play.
And maybe worse still, they spend a whole load of time (and money) trying to
impr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1696
来自主题: Tennis版 - 说说双打的回球线路吧
the safest is to return to server's foot, easy target, high percentage(
because of 90 degree angle of contact), hard to attack for opponent no
matther he stays baseline or goes up to net.
DTL only works when serve is weak because it's extremly difficult to add top
spin in returning good serve to make it pass the higher side of the net and
land in.
打中间 works when the opponent's non-server is not aggressive good volleyer,
because no matter whoever of the two opponents takes the volley, he
probabl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3510
Very interesting to read, and my summary is at the end - if you don't have
patience to read through -:)
The Fedipal Complex
Steve TignorTuesday, August 21, 2012
Fedipal. That was the word that came to mind as I watched the highlights of
Roger Federer’s 6-0 first-set win over Novak Djokovic in Cincinnati this
past weekend. I thought I had heard it somewhere before, and a Google search
did reveal a couple of previous uses. The first, in 2009, came from TENNIS.
com’s own Hannah Wilks, and the secon... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5829
very good, from your more flooding mouth-water after your usta3.0--3.5
season, u do show lots of "Wu4" on river-lake depth of USTA games. u seems
find some good way to go. yeah, I do believe and excuted some psych trick
during games, it does work well, and let me win many games which I believed
or thought the opponents were 0.5 better than me, or during final score that
opponent almost win with only one more point to kick me out.......
as I said above, even among amature players, for two similar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 768
I am saying you kind of stopped for 0.1 second after your stroke (rather
keep moving and getting ready).
See video below and compare to yours. See how gracefully these Pros move.
Even though you had better BH/FH than your opponent's 60%+ of time, you
still have way too much (unnecessary) desperate quick moves than your 4.5
level opponent, even some 4.0+ opponent.
发帖数: 309
来自主题: Tennis版 - 奔发球练习
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Black!
Your three level theory is very interesting and I think there is a lot of
truth in it.
The way I interpret it:
Level 1: waiting for your opponent's unforced error
Level 2: creating opportunities for your opponent's unforced error(yes still
Level 3: force your opponent into errors
Right now I am trying to get to level 2 when playing with similar level
Your suggestion about the 'charging' makes sense too, as was jjch's comments
before. I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 326
来自主题: Tennis版 - 处女奔: 南加暴力男对殴
nice hitting William and Ryan.
You posted your match and ask people's opinion, so I assume you don't mind
if I just speak frankly.
A lot of people above already pointed out you guys advantages: pretty
athletic, good moving, some control and can hit topspin. Those are all very
However, I don't think you are in 4.0 level yet. I haven't play USTA league
anywhere else except Columbia, SC and Buffalo, NY. According to my
experience and the play you showed. You are probably gonna suffer in the 4... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - Becker是不是要被解雇阿?
I do agree on the fitness part. It's also true that both are baseliners, but
Lendl build his game around his huge forehand, where Murray build his game
around his craft, mix up the pace, frustrate the opponent (although he often
get frustrated himself)
Base on what I read and heard, I think Lendl mentally is much more calm than
Murray during a match.
What lendl did to Murray is have him impose forehand more. Basically instead
win by out just out play the opponent, but also have some thing that
o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1129
来自主题: Tennis版 - 到底什么是pusher
包括老头,即使他能准确地angle shots, aim deep,也仍然属于pusher的范畴。
In tennis, a pusher is a defensive player who "pushes" back any shot they
can chase down, without deliberately hitting a wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2541
来自主题: Tennis版 - Houston Tournament 流水账
serve is pretty good, however if you can troll more placement and angle,
then it will help you to manipulate opponent much easier and exhaust his
another point: practice more BH slice which will give you more time and
opportunity to control your game and opponent's rhythm.......
agree, tournament will give you more experience, however it requests more on
your physical reservoir and consistency. you MUST fight 2-4 matches all
day long, how to balance your energy and use energy during gam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2541
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TennisLink League Reports - Individual Player Record for 2013
Player Name City/State NTRP Rating
Ming Xiong Mount Pleasant, SC 4.0
Local League Results
Section District League
Match ID Match Date Winning Player Opponent Score Match
Type Level
1003817919 10/3/2013
Michael Lyons
Ming Xiong
6-0... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 996
来自主题: Tennis版 - TIE Breaker from 5:9 to 11:9
It was a timed match. When we were down 5:9, it is almost 11pm when the
match was supposed to end at anytime as soon as the official bell rings. So
opponents wanted to wait the bell ring to finish the match rather than
concentrating on playing one more point. However my mood was very positive
and I wanted to continue the match regardless the time. My partner was a
single player and she made too many errors at the net. So I asked her to
stay at the baseline all the time during the tie breaker and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6757
我说的和你的还是有些不同。 你是:
"我一决定 反手,我 先后退 一步"
我是打开始就“后退 一步”(move your neutral zone further back vs your coach)
, 这样有时间反应和准备, 向前跑比向后移容易。。。
但再想想,这决策得相对人,stroke等来搭配。 我的stroke 追求high and heavy为基
础, 我跑动也算不错, 所以适合这种决策。 如果你的打法是追求drive, pace,或上
关于 “more loss, less gain, opens more court for opponent, and reduce the
return ball speed”的问题, 我觉得这回到我之前说的"control 顺序"的话题上了。
Control yourself!
Control the ball
Control your half of the court.
Control the point
Control your opponent
"more court for opponent" 这... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3845
来自主题: Tennis版 - 今天赛后拒绝和对手握手
1. 在service line附近,接发方发看得清一些。但是发球高手往往可以感觉到一个球
2. 在T 和中线附近,发球方看得绝对比接发球方清楚得多。一个honest发球方如果说
3. 在side line 附近,发球方比接发球方看得稍微清楚一些。
如果一个honest球员give opponent benefit of doubts, 就不会有那么多争执,结果
有可能把一些坏球也call 成好球。如果一些球员习惯cheat, 或习惯不give opponent
benefit of doubts, 结果可能就像这样不欢而散。这类不give opponent benefit of
doubt 的球员往往平时也吃不得亏,或者有些自私的。
just my 2 cents。
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 反手slice
Depends on situation and level right? If opponent sliced from near corner
behind the base line i really doubt he can cover that float the dtl (unless
he already know ). If he slice from close to hash mark then it's easier, in
that case a lob would be better cuz you may force him to hit a high bh
volley.... (at higher level good player may run around stay low and still
hit a overhead, but you should test it out first )
Slice cc and approach is not a good shot selection. I believe it's just a
st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7166
from USTA:
Q. Can your opponent call foot fault on you when there is no referee?
A. The Code states that “compliance with the foot fault rule is very much a
function of the player’s personal honor system.” If a player is committin
g flagrant foot faults, then an opponent CAN call him/her on it. But it is a
pretty bold move to do so. He/she had better be certain that you have stepp
ed on or over the line prior to contact before making this call.
For the record, habitual foot faulting is as bad as... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - Pro Patterns研究
at 4.5 level, kick to the ad-side, fh hit to the open court, then fh to
opponent's bh and start the point there.
theme is just serve the opponent off the court, and try to look to hit with
your fh to the open court, then start the rally off opponent's weak side.

发帖数: 734
good advice, I almost never question my opponent's line call,maybe i should
change that. but I do get annoyed if opponent questions my line call.
when I serve or when the ball lands near the baseline, I just can't see them
in or out. So they are at mercy of opponent.
as you said balls landing on sideline DTL is easier to see.
i take all matches seriously and the scores are always recorded. be it USTA
or my local league match.
but laoyoutiao tricks/mentality always help:)
发帖数: 221

LZ的timing总是晚一点,没有split step可能是因为在认识上就没觉得timing的重要性
,误以为来得及。 其实经常来不及。
tennis这个game的基本规律,就是try to take away your opponent’s time。 双方
基本技术到了一定水平之后,谁能想办法take away opponent's time就是最基本的赢
但LZ是主动give away自己的time, makes the job much easier for his opponent。
just my 2 cents :)
发帖数: 3845
I'm not sure. But with good transition game and good net game, it shouldn't
be any difficult to beat your opponent.(In my standard, your opponent is not
a mid 4.0 yet considering his backhand is so weak and his footwork is
Just give you one quick example of transition game:
1:20: with such a good DTL backhand shot, you see opponent on the run, you
should come in (or you can call it sneak in) right away, an easy put-away
volley for you.
发帖数: 1272
球落地三次还在serve line 前面才算一个合格的drop shot.
More than any other shot in tennis, the drop shot can make the player who
hits it look either brilliant or idiotic. The line separating the two is
rarely so fine.
When we combine the brilliance and the idiocy, how does the drop shot
measure up? How much does a player gain or lose with frequent use of the
In the final match of last week’s Challenger Tour Finals between Alejandro
Gonzalez and Filippo Volandri, Volandri hit a whopping 23 drop shots–a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16928
来自主题: Tennis版 - WSJ说场地有利豆子
Nadal and His Knees Look at Home Again On the Grass
After struggling in recent years at Wimbledon, Rafael Nadal looks like a
contender thanks in part to this year’s patchy courts
Spain's Rafael Nadal celebrates beating Russia's Karen Khachanov in a third-
round match on the fifth day of the 2017 Wimbledon Championships.
Spain's Rafael Nadal celebrates beating Russia's Karen Khachanov in a third-
round match on the fifth day of the 2017 Wimbledon Championships.
Wimbledon, England
At Wimbledon, un... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 641
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Q
A $10-$20 game. You are in the cutoff seat holding Ad-Ks. Two players limp
and you raise. They both call. There is $75 in the pot and three players.
The flop comes: Qc-9h-5s, leaving you with two overcards. Both opponents
check. You bet and they both call. There is $105 in the pot. The turn is the
Td, giving you a gutshot straight-draw. The first opponent checks. The
second opponent bets. What do you do?
发帖数: 85
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 学习第一问
fryking comments well. In poker, a very popular answer is 'it depends'. Too
many things need to consider: position, position of your opponents, stack,
style of your opponents, your table image, your current situation (such as
have you been acts very often; did you get bad beat lately...), your holding
, possible holding of your opponent, the flop content....
But PP from 66 to 99, I would call in 80% after a 3.5BB raiser and a caller.
The other 20% happens when some aggressive+ player who hasn't
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - play the short handed without looking
The opponent doesn't even need a good hand.
Whenever the opponent allin, the other one has no way but to fold, because
he would never know if the opponent really has a good hand.
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - the best poker advice
my understanding:
the first level perfect decision is the decision you would make if you can
see your opponent's hole cards.the 2nd level perfect decision is the
decision you would make if you know your opponent's hole cards as well as
his/her thinking process.the 3rd level perfect decision is the decision you
would make if you know your opponent's card range as well as his/her
thinking process.
发帖数: 2063
If the other player study durrr's preflop, flop, turn, river play very well,
while durrr has no idea how the opponent plays, durrr is underdog.
Yes, durrr play 6 tables HU, for 6+ hours. Normal ppl can not do that. But
he has no idea whether his opponent is just one pro, or 2 pros. And whether
they cheat in some way. It could be a disaster for durrr.
(I guess gus, patric, david will not play 6 tables HU at the same time. Part
of the reason is that they are not sure if opponent is just one person
发帖数: 124
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A K preflop 值不值all in?
QQ/AK are the hands I do not recommend shove in 100bb+ cash games,
unless your opponent is clearly a fish.
I do mostly 3-bet with QQ and sometimes with AK to squeeze, fold to a 4-
bet.If somebody already 3-bet before me, I would flat call and play with
my position or fold AK if my opponent is tight. If I was out of position
and someone 3-bet me, I will fold AK unless my opponent is passive.
Looking at my records, I lose money when I shove with QQ and AK.
Just my two cents, I myself do not even k
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - good read or bad play?
smallish blocking bet is a very exploitable play. It really only work on
fish or weak tight player who are clueless. Because you are simply telling
your opponents that you do not have a very strong hand, but would like see a
showdown. If you have a strong hand, you will never play like this because
the value lost over long term is much bigger. Any time when you tell your
opponents what you have in a game of incomplete information, you lose. Now
all we need to do is shove over his blocking be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问一手tournament 的牌
BTW, I think for this hand you should get committed and shove even at the
The ICM model mostly says that, at bubble, if a bigger stack has shown
aggression and shoved, you can consider folding even when you think you are
likely ahead. This is because calling is +EV on chips but -EV on money.
Here it is a totally different story since your opponent merely called. You
are most likely ahead and you have fold equity. So you should take the
initiative and shove. If your opponent chooses to ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - have you seen him on TV before?
Apparently, he does not select his opponent at all
Opponent Hands Profits
jungleman12 7,889 $-244,861.25 -----------world class
luvtheWNBA 9,396 $-186,804.10 -----------lke, well known
mastrblastr 2,950 $-125,728.25
Genius28 1,683 $-105,344.25 -----------well known
KidPoker705 1,477 $-85,912.15
kingsofcards 2,480 $-80,008.50 ----------- super strong
DjAdi 4,797 $-7... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 155
Live poker is tough because of the large swing even at the lowest limit.
You got to know what your edge is if you want to win. E.g., you are relaxed,
while your opponents are on tilt. You are paying attention and reading your
opponent, while they are not. You know the odds, while they don't. etc.
Table selection is crucial. You only have an edge if your opponents play
worse than you. Even then, you expect to win over large number of hands, not
necessarily in a few hands played in 10 hours.
There... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 155
Live poker is tough because of the large swing even at the lowest limit.
You got to know what your edge is if you want to win. E.g., you are relaxed,
while your opponents are on tilt. You are paying attention and reading your
opponent, while they are not. You know the odds, while they don't. etc.
Table selection is crucial. You only have an edge if your opponents play
worse than you. Even then, you expect to win over large number of hands, not
necessarily in a few hands played in 10 hours.
There... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2801
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 再讨论两手Live 的牌
Player is not replying maybe waiting for more inputs so i'll just input more
1) If you thing opponent is a very solid player and it's difficult to get
much when he's not holding much then just hope he got some real hand and
maximize the value bet. That's why I'd choose to kina overbet to kina
represent a half bluff...
2) The hand is kina awkward that KK is somehow in the middle of the possible
hand ranges. I's choose to check and see the more steps. I'd assume if
opponent's hand is som... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Making 1k a month live is so god damn hard...
I can't 100% follow his logic either. I guess what he's saying here is that
call is always better than bet (maximize EV) if there is definitely a bet
and a call, either you bet/your opponent calls or you cc/your opponent bets.
His argument is that your opponent's betting range is wider than his
calling range.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Some old reading from 2p2
More content from that thread that I think helpful:
This is about donking:
" I think leading into the pfr is will become a much more common practice
in the future of poker. I think it's the next 3betting light, c/c lead turn,
fastplaying sets, or c/r rivers. Each goes in style at one point and then
people figure out more about it.
The reason I think I can't figure it out yet is that so much of the value of
the play has to do with how your opponent will react to it. I don't reall... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2182
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 20/40 40/80 limit 经验谈
good, add some salt,
in limit, you win from accumulative mistakes from your opponent, in no limit
, most time, you win from key mistakes from your opponent. in no limit, you
can make mistakes to trick your opponent in order for them to make key mist
ake later.
limit is science, while no limit is art

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