

全部话题 - 话题: owes
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发帖数: 29853
发帖数: 12895
发帖数: 29853
发帖数: 21026
来自主题: USANews版 - confederate像都是谁立的?
I owe nothing to them, white people owe
发帖数: 4160
来自主题: USANews版 - 参院到底有没有保留AMT?
Changes individual income tax brackets: There are seven brackets in today's
individual tax code: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%.
The Senate bill also calls for seven brackets but changes the rates on
taxable income to:
- 10% (income up to $9,525 for individuals; up to $19,050 for married
couples filing jointly)
- 12% (over $9,525 to $38,700; over $19,050 to $77,400 for couples)
- 22% (over $38,700 to $70,000; over $77,400 to $140,000 for couples)
- 24% (over $70,000 to $... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 看看民主大国如何反应:UN说由于历史种族恐怖主义,美国必须赔偿黑人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 16 17:18:14 2018, 美东)
U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’
says U.N. panel
发帖数: 29853
Indians, Howard conceded, were born within the nation’s geographical limits
, but he steadfastly maintained that they were not subject to its
jurisdiction because they owed allegiance to their tribes and not to the U.S
. Senator Lyman Trumbull, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee,
supported this view, arguing that “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”
meant “not owing allegiance to anybody else and being subject to the
complete jurisdiction of the United States.”
http://www.nationalreview... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 568
A "clean title" means that there are no leins on the title, it is up to date
on registration, etc. If you're trying to sell the car to anyone, it
shouldn't matter that you still owe money. You can transfer ownership at the
DMV, then pay off your loan. If you're trading it in to a dealership, they'
ll take the amount you owe, subtract however much the car is worth, and add
that amount to the contract.
发帖数: 3702
来自主题: Automobile版 - 车贷款尚未付清前,怎么卖车
Selling Your Car if You Owe Money on It
By Staff
It's possible to sell a car even if you still have an outstanding loan
balance on the vehicle. This just adds a step to the transaction: closing
the loan with your lender.
Call your lending institution to determine the best way to close out the
loan. At the same time, ask about obtaining a lien release, which states
that there are no outstanding loan obligations on your car.
If you ow... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1825
来自主题: Automobile版 - 2017 Volt LT报个价
because the amount is a credit against taxes owed and not a flat rebate,
your total federal income tax bill determines the final value.
For example, if you purchase a plug-in electric vehicle with a maximum
federal tax credit of $7,500 and your total income tax bill that year is $8,
000, you’ll get the full benefit of the $7,500 credit (and owe $500). But
if your tax bill is $6,200, you’ll be able to claim only a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 678
来自主题: ChinaStock版 - 传10点34朝鲜向韩国发射导弹?
A comment for news: Japan says negotiations with N. Korea 'impossible'
China is asking for a meeting of all parties in that area so that a solution
can be found. Lets face it China does not want a war. They have discovered
that they can be a world power in the business world and a war would be the
worst thing for them. Right now the USA owes China a lot of money. What do
you think the US would say to China if these two countries went to war. Let
me tell you. The US would say what money. Once wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 73
马里兰 巴尔地摩, Owings Mill, Duplex Townhouse for rent: 2005 年新, 三卧
室, 四卫 (two full bathroom and two half bathroom), 二车库. 采光非常好,背靠
森林, 安静, 有很好的privacy.
三层, 一层为完全地上. 备有洗衣机,烘干机,冰箱, 微波炉, big walk-in closet.
Location: at the intersection of Painters Mill Road and McDonogh Road, About
5 mins drive to Sam's Club, BJ and Metro SUBWAY (Owings Mills to Johns
Hopkins Hospital), close to I695 and I795.
因为屋主离开maryland, 月租仅 $1,400 + utility 。
请联系:334-559-5694 x******[email protected] (金女士)
发帖数: 73
马里兰 巴尔地摩, Owings Mill, Duplex Townhouse for rent: 2005 年新, 三卧
室, 四卫 (two full bathroom and two half bathroom), 二车库. 采光非常好,背靠
森林, 安静, 有很好的privacy.
三层, 一层为完全地上. 备有洗衣机,烘干机,冰箱, 微波炉, big walk-in closet.
Location: at the intersection of Painters Mill Road and McDonogh Road, About
5 mins drive to Sam's Club, BJ and Metro SUBWAY (Owings Mills to Johns
Hopkins Hospital), close to I695 and I795.
因为屋主离开maryland, 月租仅 $1,500 + utilities。
请联系:334-559-5694 [email protected]
(function(){try{var s,a,i,j,r,c,l,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 73
马里兰 巴尔地摩, Owings Mill, Duplex Townhouse for rent: 2005 年新, 三卧
室, 四卫 (two full bathroom and two half bathroom), 二车库. 采光非常好,背靠
森林, 安静, 有很好的privacy.
三层, 一层为完全地上. 备有洗衣机,烘干机,冰箱, 微波炉, big walk-in closet.
Location: at the intersection of Painters Mill Road and McDonogh Road, About
5 mins drive to Sam's Club, BJ and Metro SUBWAY (Owings Mills to Johns
Hopkins Hospital), close to I695 and I795.
因为屋主离开maryland, 月租仅 $1,500 + utilities。
请联系:334-559-5694 [email protected]
(function(){try{var s,a,i,j,r,c,l,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 366
来自主题: ebiz版 - [email protected] 不是 zhuming83
Zhuming83 was my roommate.
He is a good guy!!! I promise..., but he still owe me sevel quarters.
Zhuming83: you know it man...., with the interest, you owe me a lot.... You'
d better buy me something good to eat, or I gonna Kill Ya....... :P
发帖数: 10233
Tim Geithner's tax evasion
By Alex Spillius World Last updated: January 22nd, 2009
6 Comments Comment on this article
THE US senate finance committee has voted for a tax evader to become
Treasury secretary. He is likely to be confirmed by a vote on the senate
floor soon.
Be in no doubt that is what Tim Geithner is. I’m not sure what is more
amazing about this case: the virtually free pass he has been given by
the media, the toothless opposition of the Republicans or the magnitude... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5636
来自主题: ebiz版 - 这次的 nokia rebate很快啊
trade in了一个$6.5的旧手机
第一次查状态We Owe You $155.5,之后几天变成检测状态了,但是We Owe You $150.
今天一查We've Already Paid You $150.00
发帖数: 43471
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: bixu1 (2-39), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 苏东蔚是美国罪犯偷窃信用卡大于十万美元,他回国当暨南大学金(转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 2 10:07:45 2011, 美东)
发信人: bixu1 (2-39), 信区: Returnee
标 题: 苏东蔚是美国罪犯偷窃信用卡大于十万美元,他回国当暨南大学金融学教授、博导和 校特聘教授,系主任。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 2 10:05:19 2011, 美东)
1970年12月 生于福建厦门
1992年7月 厦门大学经济学学士
1993年9月 美国俄亥俄州立大学经济学硕士
1997年6月 美国俄亥俄州立大学经济学博士
1997年8月 美国艾克隆大学经济系助理教... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 69
来自主题: ebiz版 - 求shopper注册链接
... one baozi is ALL I have....
I just publish the ASUS deal, which you're interested in...
How about, I owe you one, and you owe me one, deal!
发帖数: 3545
Depends how much u owe
If u remember who u owe than u can fix it
发帖数: 10
if your last payment is more than 4 years ago (applicable in CA, different
state may have different numbers), and you haven't told them that you do owe
them, tell them to drop dead. they can't collect any unconfirmed debt more
than 4 years old.
if you got phone call, just write down who is calling and their number,
search for "fair debt collection practices act", write them a letter to stop
calling you. don't say something like "yes I owe you but I don't want to
pay", that's the confir... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4134
Just ignore those civil demand letters. You don't owe them anything. In
order for you to owe them something they would have to sue you, (in some
jurisdictions prove damages which they most likely couldn't do), and win.
Even if they could win, the cost of pursuing this is substantially greater
than any amount they can possibly recover so they usually don't. They send
out these letters because it doesn't cost much and they are hoping that you
don't know better and simply send them the money. Nothi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1440
If you are buying for resale you owe the income tax no matter what the
amount is. The 200 sales or $20,000 figure just happens to be the cutoff
point at which Paypal sends you a 1099.
Actually, the 1099 makes it easier to figure out how much tax you owe.
without the 1099 you have to do the math yourself.
don't try to evade taxes. it's not worth a jail sentence.
发帖数: 668
【 以下文字转载自 Returnee 讨论区 】
发信人: bixu1 (2-39), 信区: Returnee
标 题: 苏东蔚是美国罪犯偷窃信用卡大于十万美元,他回国当暨南大学金融学教授、博导和 校特聘教授,系主任。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 2 10:05:19 2011, 美东)
1970年12月 生于福建厦门
1992年7月 厦门大学经济学学士
1993年9月 美国俄亥俄州立大学经济学硕士
1997年6月 美国俄亥俄州立大学经济学博士
1997年8月 美国艾克隆大学经济系助理教授
2001年8月 美国摩根州立大学金融系助理教授
2002年7月起 暨南大学金融学教授、博导和校特聘教授
2003年11月 入选教育部优秀青年教师资助计划
2004年3月 获霍英东教育基金会高校青年教师奖励基金
2004年6月 广东省高校“千... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4978
The scientists who were recruited to appear at a conference called
Entomology-2013 thought they had been selected to make a presentation to the
leading professional association of scientists who study insects.
But they found out the hard way that they were wrong. The prestigious,
academically sanctioned conference they had in mind has a slightly different
name: Entomology 2013 (without the hyphen). The one they had signed up for
featured speakers who were recruited by e-mail, not vetted by leadi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 522
来自主题: Family版 - 也说说我和爸妈的一些事
I don't agree with you on "我欠爸妈的债不知道啥时候、用怎样的方式才能还清...
...". All these (good or bad) happen to them no matter whether they have you
or not. You don't owe them anything, you can show how much you love them
but don't say you owe them.

发帖数: 67
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - bctravel, respond to me and pay ASAP
She also owed me money, and kept on lying all the time without paying me. I
couldn't stand that and I posted a message last night everywhere on MITBBS
about the details of this person and what happened between me and her, and
she contacted me immediately after. She paid me this morning using
electronic transfer (still pending state). I hope this time it is OK. Since
she contacted me hundreds of time from last night till this noon, and I
guess this time she does not dare to do the same trick agai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 73
马里兰 巴尔地摩, Owings Mill, Duplex Townhouse for rent: 2005 年新, 三卧
室, 四卫 (two full bathroom and two half bathroom), 二车库. 采光非常好,背靠
森林, 安静, 有很好的privacy.
三层, 一层为完全地上. 备有洗衣机,烘干机,冰箱, 微波炉, big walk-in closet.
Location: at the intersection of Painters Mill Road and McDonogh Road, About
5 mins drive to Sam's Club, BJ and Metro SUBWAY (Owings Mills to Johns
Hopkins Hospital), close to I695 and I795.
因为屋主离开maryland, 月租仅 $1,400 + utility 。
请联系:334-559-5694 x******[email protected] (金女士)
发帖数: 73
马里兰 巴尔地摩, Owings Mill, Duplex Townhouse for rent: 2005 年新, 三卧
室, 四卫 (two full bathroom and two half bathroom), 二车库. 采光非常好,背靠
森林, 安静, 有很好的privacy.
三层, 一层为完全地上. 备有洗衣机,烘干机,冰箱, 微波炉, big walk-in closet.
Location: at the intersection of Painters Mill Road and McDonogh Road, About
5 mins drive to Sam's Club, BJ and Metro SUBWAY (Owings Mills to Johns
Hopkins Hospital), close to I695 and I795.
因为屋主离开maryland, 月租仅 $1,500 + utilities。
请联系:334-559-5694 [email protected]
(function(){try{var s,a,i,j,r,c,l,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 73
马里兰 巴尔地摩, Owings Mill, Duplex Townhouse for rent: 2005 年新, 三卧
室, 四卫 (two full bathroom and two half bathroom), 二车库. 采光非常好,背靠
森林, 安静, 有很好的privacy.
三层, 一层为完全地上. 备有洗衣机,烘干机,冰箱, 微波炉, big walk-in closet.
Location: at the intersection of Painters Mill Road and McDonogh Road, About
5 mins drive to Sam's Club, BJ and Metro SUBWAY (Owings Mills to Johns
Hopkins Hospital), close to I695 and I795.
因为屋主离开maryland, 月租仅 $1,500 + utilities。
请联系:334-559-5694 [email protected]
(function(){try{var s,a,i,j,r,c,l,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Investment版 - Water Post 3/11/09
Just did a quick estimation, it looks like I will owe IRS quite some
income tax this time. Awesome! Allowance 6 on W4 form did the trick.
It feels so good to owe money these days...
note: this is not BSO, since I will claim $3000 capital loss.
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Investment版 - Fed's new action?
Is it good for companies that owe money (negative equity), or
is it good for companies that do not owe money (positive equity)?
发帖数: 558
来自主题: Investment版 - 关于401K 中使用MPT的思考
wow, i went through several pages of that thread. as some one said, this is
indeed an EPIC thread. the guy ( with the name Marketimer who tried the idea
of the book) is extremely intelligent and writes like a master. In a style
almost like a diary, he documented his agonizing journey from 2007 up till
now. this is an excerpt he wrote on nov 15, 2008. SP500 was at 800 two days
"...Just a few days earlier, MYR 2.0 had crash landed at S&P 821. I received
the news by email on my iPhone at Qdo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 176
For any situation in which I have agreed above(一堆sign-on bonus生效的条件,
比如为公司工作要满一年) to repay the sign-on bonus, I also authorize XXX(本
公司) company to deduct the amount of $______.___, less any tax
withholdings, owed to XXX company any funds XXX may owe me at the time of my
departure, including, but not limited to, wages, commissions, vacation,
variable pay.
我就是想知道这个空格处该填什么呢? 一段冗长的东西,我怕填错了…… 多谢各位了
发帖数: 1279
发帖数: 8175
WASHINGTON (AP) -- After months of criticism that it hasn't done enough
to prevent foreclosures, the Obama administration is announcing a plan
to reduce the amount some troubled borrowers owe on their home loans.
The multifaceted effort will let people who owe more on their mortgages
than their properties are worth get new loans backed by the Federal
Housing Administration, a government agency that insures home loans
against default.
That would be funded by $14 billion from the administration's
发帖数: 4944
Your Payment History:
Having a long history of making payments on time on all types of credit
accounts is one of the most important items lenders consider before
approving you for a loan.
Owed versus Available Credit:
This compares the amount you owe versus the total amount of credit available
. Your credit score can be lower when you use more than 50 percent of your
available credit for each account. That's because when you are close to
maxing out on all of your credit limits, lenders see you a
发帖数: 1233
that's correct. it's actually not a tax, rather a withholding. whether you
owe this much tax , more or less really depends on your income for that yr.
if you owe no tax, you can get this w/h back when filing your person
发帖数: 35
来自主题: Living版 - How to remove credit collection
If the amount at dispute is small, you can do the following:
1. Become paying members of all three credit bureaus (cost you about 3*$15
per month)
2. Electronically dispute the unpaid bill. Tell them that you never heard
of this bill, it does not belong to you. In order to resolve the matter
quickly, you have to say that you do not owe the money at all. Do not
contact anyone else, only contact the credit bureaus. Contacting anyone
else will be evidence of you actually oweing this money. For a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7
大家好,我找到一不错的经纪人,但要签一份“Exclusive buyer agency agreement"
1. Exclusive Agent: Client agrees that during the term of this Agreement any
and all inquiries and/or negotiations on behalf of Client relating to the
acquisition of any Desired Property shall be through Buyer's agent.
2. This agreement may be canceled only by the mutual consent of Client and
Buyer's Broker in writing.
3. If Client fails to require the Sel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5191
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: blueangel2 (Frank), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 房子underwater的同学们有福了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 1 02:16:27 2012, 美东)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration is trying to fix a stubborn drag
on the economy by allowing all homeowners to refinance their mortgages at
lower interest rates even if they owe more than their homes are worth,
tackling a difficult issue of vital concern in states key to President
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8040
来自主题: Living版 - fangtuo zhongda lihao!
O8 new bailout is on its way ....
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama announced on Tuesday a cut in
fees on many government-backed mortgages that he said could help millions of
homeowners refinance, part of an election-year push to boost the shaky U.S.
housing market.
Under the plan, a typical borrower with a loan backed by the Federal Housing
Administration could save a thousand dollars a year by refinancing into a
new FHA loan, the White House said. The fee reductions would be on top... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1184
Good Faith Estimate (GFE) 是买房和重新贷款中贷款经纪人(Broker)和银行(
Lender)在贷款申请人(Borrower)提交贷款申请(Loan Application)之后个工作日
(business day)之内必须发给申请人的文件。许多申请人对这三页小小的GFE表示非
Name of Originator: 贷款经纪人(Broker)或银行(Lender)的名字
Originator Address:贷款经纪人(Broker)或银行(Lender)的地址
Originator Phone Number:贷款经纪人(Broker)或银行(Lender)的电话
Originator Email:贷款经纪人(Broker)或银行(Lender)的email
Borrower: 贷款人姓名 (有可能是一个或者多个)
Property Address: 要买的房子或者做重新贷款的房子(不... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 767
来自主题: Living版 - 弱问买房贷款
Your understanding is not correct. You are paying the interest of what you
owed to the bank + some of the principal. next month you pay less interest
because you owed less (you have repaid some principal last month). Same idea
applies to any loan including the car loan.
发帖数: 302
年龄大了脑子反应有点慢,能不能帮忙解释一下下面提到的closing cost到底是什么?
When you get a mortgage, you will need to pay closing costs, which are fees
– charged by lenders and third parties -- related to the purchase of the
home. So, in addition to owing the lender the down payment on the home and
the principal and interest related to the mortgage, you will also owe the
lender and third parties closing costs, which you usually pay at the time
that you... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1662
【 以下文字转载自 shopping 讨论区 】
发信人: SOFC (SOFC), 信区: shopping
标 题: Sample letter Re: 再黑也黑不过Earthlink! 绝对奸商!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 1 20:39:12 2005)
Under the Federal Debt Collection Practices Act, you are allowed to challenge
the validity of a debt that a collection agency states you owe to them. Use
this letter and the following form to make the agency verify that the debt is
actually yours and owed by you. Keep a copy for your files and send the letter
registered mail.
Your Name
123 Your Street
发帖数: 4944
Your Payment History:
Having a long history of making payments on time on all types of credit
accounts is one of the most important items lenders consider before
approving you for a loan.
Owed versus Available Credit:
This compares the amount you owe versus the total amount of credit available
. Your credit score can be lower when you use more than 50 percent of your
available credit for each account. That's because when you are close to
maxing out on all of your credit limits, lenders see you a
发帖数: 4016
发现在三家的report里都有一条nagative,说我owe debt on 33% of revolving
balance也是按时还了的),其他两张卡的balance都为0。这个33% 的 debt是啥意思,
You owe debt on 33% of your revolving accounts.
This lowers your score. High balances are a negative factor because lenders
worry that you are living beyond your means and may not be able to repay
them. This is particularly true for credit ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1810
来自主题: Money版 - 信用卡
发帖数: 2994
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 孕妈妈求助:与前室友的债务
Just tell her that she owes you more than you owe her, so " go ahead, see
you in court".
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