s******g 发帖数: 6072 | 1 LD前两天发生了一起小车祸,警察来只给了个buycrash.com的小字条,说了下他估计LD
责任偏大。刚接到保险公司电话说要police report,登录buycrash看了下,report还
要花10多块买,请问我是需要自己花钱买report了后再给保险公司么?多谢 |
J********7 发帖数: 43 | 2 carfax report查询,VIN查询,$5/次,
我查完后先把carfax report通过email发送到您邮箱,然后您再付钱
I have ordered 5 times/reports but only used once. |
M*****2 发帖数: 379 | 3 停车场被hit and run如果report给保险公司但不claim是不是保险就不受影响?
只report 不claim是怎么操作的
如果自己修是不是就不用通知保险公司了? |
U*******d 发帖数: 299 | 4 朋友告诉我一个免费查AutoCheck Vehicle History Report( 一个类似CARFAX报告)
Reddit user oinkinstein revealed this tip for running the vehicle history
First, get the VIN for the car
Then search for dealer autocheck inurl:vin
Click on the first search result (right now it leads to an autoexact.com
site, but this trick works with other sites as well)
Replace the VIN in the URL with your own. Note that if there's any other
information after the VIN, such as a... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 5 我刚到美国几个月,德州生活没车实在不方便,所以打算买车。车盲实在不懂,还是好
心人告诉我要去查carfax report的,听说论坛上大神多,也可以帮忙查report,所以
Email:[email protected]/* */ |
p**2 发帖数: 103 | 6 当年在Dealer那里买的CPO车才开了10,000mile, dealer当时跟我说是Clean title,
他们说有过Accident 的车都不qualify for CPO, 让我放心, 这个车的第一任车主也
里买的, 然后一年后有Baby换了部SUV, 我当时也查了Carfax, 是Clean的。
结果两个月以后,CarFax Report 才显示有过accident, "Accident report,
Involving Front Impact"...
当然车子都买了,也没法再去追究了,3万的车半年后Trade In 才值$12,000. 只想给
要买二手车的朋友提个醒,还有请教下这里的大侠这种情况该如果避免? |
发帖数: 1 | 7 最近一直在寻找合适的二手车,遇到一个性能还比较好的,但是Carfax reports 使我
比较迷惑。信息显示此车有2个owner. 第一个Owner 的信息没有疑问,第二个Owner的
信息显示如下:01/07/2016 Title issued or updated New owner reported Loan
or lien reported. 07/22/2016 Title issued or updated Titled or registered
as lease vehicle. 后面就没有更新了。Dealer 说是clean title, 但是显然第二个
Owner 是贷款的,请大家帮忙分析下原因。 |
发帖数: 1 | 8 两周前的事故了,对方支路出来左转没有yield直行,我在路上直行,紧急刹车但还是
面有剐蹭,现在拿到case report了,尼玛还花了5刀。请问这样子是不是已经会上
carfax report了,还是说我找对方保险公司理赔才会上,我估计修车需要500刀左右,
找对方理赔么? |
c*****n 发帖数: 83 | 9 前段时间开车在 local 被撞 totaled 了. 今天收到警察的 report. 发现非常 bias.
“Nature of Offense”: the defendant was the driver of a vehicle approaching
a stop sign and did not stop at the point near the intersection road way..
“Remarks”: Has a clear view of a approaching traffic on the intersecting
roadway before entering.
车祸发生在周末我们全家(包括老人小孩)在回家的local 路上 (离家也就两三 miles).
我主观上没有急事不赶时间,没有理由不停 stop sign。而且车祸前几天还跟家人讨
论过几个月前由于没有停 stop sign 酿成的惨剧。
那个 stop sign 在下坡的转弯口,不是垂直与大路相交。右方有树木挡住视野。当时
我先看右... 阅读全帖 |
c********n 发帖数: 111 | 10 这几天保险过期准备续保险,因为三年前有过claim保险高就没有在意,现在终于过了
,没有碰撞。警察帮忙叫了拖车没有给任何report,no ticket,最后走了保险把车修
好了,这种怎么可以算at-fault accident呢!很无语。
保险agent说可以打给lexisnexis dispute 这个report,查网上信息发现需要这个CLUE
reference number,可是本人并没有收到任何report 信息,是在无从下手,请问各位
大神有人有dispute 过类似的claim吗?多谢了! |
发帖数: 1 | 11 Consumer Reports has announced that it is removing its coveted “recommended
” rating for the Tesla Model 3 based on “declining reliability.” The
publication said new “reliability data” on the Model 3 prompted the change.
Consumer Reports sends its members a survey each spring to gather this
information; the results from that survey come out in October. Today’s
finding comes after a second survey, which was sent in the summer of 2018 to
people who didn’t respond to the first one. In these two sur... 阅读全帖 |
b********6 发帖数: 35437 | 12 不影响用户满意度
[在 YouHi (YouHi) 的大作中提到:]
:Consumer Reports has announced that it is removing its coveted “
recommended” rating for the Tesla Model 3 based on “declining reliability.
” The
:publication said new “reliability data” on the Model 3 prompted the
:Consumer Reports sends its members a survey each spring to gather this
:information; the results from that survey come out in October. Today’s
:finding comes after a second survey, which was sent in the summer of 2018
to people who di... 阅读全帖 |
s*****1 发帖数: 413 | 13 1 USD auto check report
I just bought a used car. The unlimited autocheck report still available
till July 15
Send me your VIN#, I will give you the autocheck report PDF file.
PM me first.
How to pay: paypal
Thank You |
m**********a 发帖数: 10817 | 14 【 以下文字转载自 Money 讨论区 】
发信人: michaelxiaga (南京中山陵), 信区: Money
标 题: 问一个ssn credit report的问题?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 10 19:35:19 2010, 美东)
LD几个月前拿到了ssn, 最近一段时间我更equifax要了LD的credit report。 结果发
现ssn卡和credit report上面的ssn不一样, 差一位数。 有人有过类似的经历吗? 有
可能是ssn卡印错了? 还是equifax的记录上面错了? 是先改和ssn administration联
系还是直接和equifax联系? |
b******t 发帖数: 1397 | 15 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: biorobot (机器人), 信区: NewYork
标 题: what to do if collection info went on my credit report?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 25 10:19:12 2010, 美东)
今年初去医院,没看到医生,我给了我的INSURANCE INFORMATION后护士告诉我说我有
25. 我再给他们我的INSURANCE INFO的时候他们说已经到我的CREDIT REPORT上了.
我以前几百块不应该付的钱都付了,就是要CREDIT REPORT干净,现在这$100弄上去了
有什么办法拿掉那一项么?因为很可能最近要用到CREDIT. |
P*****k 发帖数: 1567 | 16 This is something many folks have been anxiously waiting to hear,
because having an alternative to black is a big deal to some.
Bloomberg News says that:
"Apple Inc. will start selling a white version of its iPhone 4 in the
next few weeks, following a delay of 10 months, according to three
people with knowledge of the plans."
It adds that "the new model will be available from AT&T Inc. and Verizon
Wireless by the end of April, said one of the people, who asked not to
be identified because the pl... 阅读全帖 |
a*****1 发帖数: 1439 | 18 去年年底买了puritan's的维生素,显示月底delivered,但是我那两天出去玩了,等我
现在ups又说他们的gps显示是寄到了,所以要我找警察局去要个police report。不知
道这个police report怎么弄?会不会以后都显示我们房子被偷过包裹?会影响卖房子
假如我不理ups,不去开police report,会怎么样? |
w*********m 发帖数: 66 | 19 今年评tenure, 刚收到department committee的report draft。teaching和research
是excellent/strong,service是satisfactory。 service的部分说我对学生的service
extremely active, 但关键是在service的部分提了两次recommendation for
additional services to the department, the school and the university。第一次
说: "The committee thinks Dr. XXX's service is active, but recommend
additional services to the department and the school going forward". 第二次
是说"The committee thinks Dr. xxx's service is satisfactory. Moving forward,
the committee does sugges... 阅读全帖 |
s*****1 发帖数: 413 | 20 1 USD auto check report
I just bought a used car. The unlimited autocheck report still available
till July 15
Send me your VIN#, I will give you the autocheck report PDF file.
PM me first.
How to pay: paypal
Thank You |
t*******8 发帖数: 9 | 21 RT,OPT期间忘了report employment status change,看网上好像是说要十天之内
report,但是我这个change已经有小半年了(换了个公司),我现在还在OPT期间,请问有人知道现在report给学校还来得及吗? |
H******n 发帖数: 189 | 22 STEM OPT, 两周前被雷。还没有找地方挂靠OPT。今天收到学校international office
发的邮件,让report 现在的employer情况。如下。这个该如实填写吗? 丢工作时,原
As you may remember there is a requirement to report your address and
employer the first month, the sixth month and the twelfth month during your
STEM OPT. It is now due.
Go to our website now and complete the currently employed form to confirm
all your details.
谢谢!! |
l********g 发帖数: 400 | 23 是不是 申请贷款或CLOSING 的时候, LENDER 会要 Termite inspection report?
Inspector 说给不给 REPORT 价钱不一样, 如果 LENDER 不要求, 我也就不想要那个
REPORT 了, 省几个钱. |
n****8 发帖数: 1716 | 24 if the seller didn't pay for the inspection, then the seller will not get
the report. The report's audience is the buyer, not the seller. I think
you should describe the problems in your own words to the seller, not using
the words from the report. |
k*******g 发帖数: 2262 | 25 【 以下文字转载自 Money 讨论区 】
发信人: keepgoing (花花---为了一亩三分地), 信区: Money
标 题: credit report 上出现collection account
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 26 23:06:39 2010, 美东)
今天查credit report,
发现一个collection report, verizon的
谢谢了 |
r******l 发帖数: 81 | 26 问个大家关于credit score 的问题。
刚刚到myfico.com上去买credit report, 先选了transunion, 结果发现TransUnion关
于我的地址记录不match!真是faint, 两年前就发现这个问题,发信发传真要求
myfico.com查了equifax的report, 一切正常。
正常,TransUnion地址错误,将来贷款的时候会有影响吗? |
l***i 发帖数: 1943 | 27 新手买房子,seller发来了个他们做的inspection report,
1. Grading & Drainage
Comments: Observed soil / mulch too high in flower beds at rear of dwelling &
detached garage. Recommend repairs, establish proper drainage, and top soil /
mulch should be at least 2” below the siding or brick line and sloped away
from the foundation.
2. Roof Structure & Attic (If the attic is inaccessible, report the method
used to
Comments: Many areas of the ... 阅读全帖 |
b*****y 发帖数: 178 | 28 房子有大问题,inspection后我们就退出了,seller说他有权利得到一份免费的report
Section 12(A)5 of the Agreement provides as follows: “Seller has the right,
upon request, to receive a free copy of any inspection Report from the
party for whom it was prepared.” In other words, I have a contractual
right to the inspection report.
这是他的根据。这个seller非常讨厌,非常不想给他,请大家帮帮。 |
l******e 发帖数: 1875 | 29 写信问loan officer对于title report看不懂。loan officer是这么回复的:
“Both lender and escrow will make sure that the liens are being paid off,
no lawsuit against the property etc. before closing in order to ensure a
marketable title. That's why buyers need to buy title insurance to clear all
clouds on title. Lender will not lend you money if the title has problems. ”
是否这意味着只要lender把关title report就行了?buyer不需要关注title report了
? |
z*l 发帖数: 190 | 30 贷款已经clear to close 了,就剩下最后一步closing了。想管我们的律师要title
searching report 看看,自己也留个备份(相信也不会有问题了,要不然银行也不会
带给我们),我们先问了buyer agent一下,但是这是我们buyer agent的回复,怎么觉
“All Attorneys only provide their clients, buyers) the title policy at the
closing table and when it is paid. Right now the house is still under the
seller's name and title. I have never ever seen a buyer ask a copy of title
or title search report from their attorney...I don't think it is appropriate
to ask and it will create issue.”
... 阅读全帖 |
r******d 发帖数: 1879 | 31 1. I don't think appraiser will spend time to educate the clients unless you
ask him on site.
2. Regarding the comments, you can ask your agent.
3. If you don't agree with the report, you can file the dispute but most
likely the chance to win is very tiny.
4. Lender will not explain the report unless you have dispute or errors on
the report which they will create the case to appraiser to modify.
Just try to ask your agent to see if they can answer it. |
j***u 发帖数: 3917 | 32 当时你walk away的时候,把inspection report给卖家看了么?有可能是卖家把report
个agent也是新买家的agent? |
F******p 发帖数: 2099 | 33 release报告很正常, 法律规定listing agent有责任向potential buyer disclosure
all inspection reports, including the previous buyer's inspection reports.我
买房时就看到一些back to market的房子的report,这些也告诉下一个buyer为什么这房
子会back to market.
但是这个新的buyer不能够据此来google和骚扰previous buyer,这是非法的。你应该警
告这个人不要bother你。 |
z*f 发帖数: 1267 | 34 今天查credit report发现两年前的一个医疗账单被collection report了,credit
近期有买车的打算,请教各位如何操作可以使得collection从credit report上消失。
多谢各位 |
E**********y 发帖数: 991 | 35 感觉银行order的这个所谓independent arm's length appraisal report简直就是和
buyer's agent串通好的,buyer's agent鼓励买家抬价,制造市场火爆的假象,抬上去
以后银行order一个假的appraisal report告诉买家你这个其实就值高价。我仔细看了
得这些简直是个黑洞啊,但又没办法。 |
c*****4 发帖数: 900 | 36 Appraisal倒是不会太影响,但是如果inspection report上提到了诸如termite,
,inspection report是不需要提供给银行的,银行审核不需要查看inspection report。 |
x*******r 发帖数: 276 | 37 拿到pre drywall inspection report,好多问题,把report发给builder了,怎么知道
但是我担心report上的问题都还没解决。应该怎么跟builder谈判,督促他们。 |
S****Y 发帖数: 4634 | 38 I was thinking just now that whenever you apply for a cc,
you can get a free copy of your credit report if you get denied,
and that's within 60 days, so when you request that report from
the credit bureau, they must look into their database and see
if your credit file has been accessed within the last 60 days.
well, but they don't know the fuck whether you have been denied credit
or not, they only provide report, and the bank will not tell
credit bureau the result anyway.
so i give it a try just |
i******s 发帖数: 8734 | 39
For the protection of your personal records, we cannot provide instant d
elivery of your report based on the information that you have provided.
Additional information is required in order to verify your identity and
authorize the release of your Experian Credit Report.
Please call 1-800-556-5667 (Mon - Fri, 8am-8pm Eastern Time) and provide
this reference number: 0. A Customer Care representative will try to pu
ll your credit report based on the information provided. They will ask f
or |
e******n 发帖数: 3435 | 40 加入了citi identity protect,可以看3 in one report,我的问题是这种3 in 1
report是从哪里来的,和分别看3家report有什么区别呢。credit score只看到一个,
也不知道是怎么来的。 |
e******g 发帖数: 7 | 41 今天刚收到Experian的credit report.
我只有一张信用卡,但是SSN下确有6个account,有的closed,有的still active,甚
recent balance。更不可思议的是其他五个account都是在我拿到SSN的一、两年前开的。
Personal information里面还看到一个不是自己的名字和若干与自己不相干的地址。
Experian提醒说your SSN was issued after the established credit.
我需要一项一项跟Experian dispute吗?那另外两家的report会不会出现同样的问题?
跟什么其他机构report this problem?
新手上路,问题颇多,还请版上达人帮忙。 |
l********s 发帖数: 1536 | 42 is it for 30-day trial?
Do I have to cancel after 30-day?
It says:
Why should you request your complimentary 30-day Credit Score & Report?
* It allows you to detect possible inaccuracies on your Credit Report
* It provides you immediate access to your valuable Credit Score for 30 days
* It enables you to see who has viewed your Credit Report
* It helps you determine if your accounts are in good standing
Thanks |
d****o 发帖数: 434 | 43 如果只要REPORT不要分数的话.
先到 www.annualcreditreport.com
免费查了自己在几个信用局报告(每年一次免费)之后,记住你的REPORT NUMBER.然后可
以在这些信用局的网站上FILE DISPUTE.每次DISPUTE之前会免费给你先看当前的REPORT
除了TRANSUNION之外其余两家我一直这么看. |
d***o 发帖数: 7006 | 44 今天查Experian的credit report,发现上面有个account显示我从去年9月份开始欠了
191刀没还,根据上面的显示,这个账户最早是属于一家叫Direct Brands Inc Music
Service的公司,现在转到一家叫National Credit Solutions的collector那。我从来
背了?这个帐根本就不是我的,背了不甘心啊 |
t******u 发帖数: 3036 | 45 买了个电子器件,不小心被偷了, 幸好信用卡90天有purchase protection, 但是需要
police report, 请问这个police report如何拿, 是去警局说我要report a stolen就
可以了吗? 可以网上操作吗? 谢谢 |
b*******2 发帖数: 2121 | 46 去医院看病.该交的钱都交了.其他的都是保险cover.
医院把我的血液送到一个什么ACM lab 去化验,医院把我的地址搞错了(完全是医院的责
任).结果ACM lab 给错误的地址送了bill, 当然我是收不到的. 后来ACM lab 又把事情
交给了debt collection. debt collection 再交给credit report agency.
就这样我的credit report上无缘无故的多了一条unpaid debt.我联系了credit agency
要求dispute,解释了原因.但是他们不管,只管说debt collection给他们的,他们就接
联系了debt collection, 他们说地址是ACM lab 送给他们的,是什么就是什么. 也不管
ACM lab 说已经交给debt collection 处理了. 有事找debt collection. 也不管.
找医院, 当然更不管了...
怎么样能消掉credit report上这条negative debt collection?
如果消除不掉,请问有多大影响 |
t**f 发帖数: 536 | 47 前几天用了那个免费查credit report和分数的,
结果发现有一个collection,是National credit solution 这个公司reported,
说是我08年欠了钱,但是已经paid,而且case closed。
现在信用分数还不错,高于750,而且case closed。
的分数。 如果没啥影响,我就懒得管了。如果有,我就得去问问到底怎么回事了。
请达人指教啊 |
R********n 发帖数: 7 | 48 很是郁闷CITI AA卡申请被拒了,查了experian的credit report都是好的report啊,不
一下。谢谢~ |
i**********y 发帖数: 47 | 49 今天取到Credit score report后发现,Equifax给的分数低,有一项Derogatory
public record or collection filled,致命啊
仔细一看,是一个unknown account name今年5月时候report上去的,属于medical,
activity subject刚好是我遇上交通事故的那个月(report里没有写具体日期)。
请问各位有什么好的建议。谢谢 |
y***m 发帖数: 7027 | 50 被拒了
We're sorry. We can't verify your identity.
To ensure the privacy and security of your information, we are unable to
complete your request for a free Credit Report Card.
This could be due to inaccurate data listed on your TransUnion credit report
. You may contact TransUnion directly or attempt ordering your free credit
report through www.annualcreditreport.com - (877)-322-8228 - for more
details. |