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发帖数: 29846
University of Oregon Law Prof Goes Nuts at Protest: “Start a Fu–ing War …
Stop Being Pussies”
by Jammie
Another one of these lunatics who was mostly peaceful, until his anti-
Israeli hatred bubbled over.
A law professor at the University of Oregon has reportedly been fired
after a video of him snatching a student’s iPhone and shoving another
student went viral on YouTube.
Extended video of the Thursday incident shows law professor James
Olmstead appearing to agree with a group of student... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13548
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: iBull (买买提第一猥琐男), 信区: Joke
标 题: 美国人太欢喜了-为了抢deal竟然用pepper spray (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 25 09:23:58 2011, 美东)
发信人: Pasacat (Un printemps encore!), 信区: Military
标 题: 美国人太欢喜了-为了抢deal竟然用pepper spray
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 25 08:54:57 2011, 美东)
Customers hit by pepper spray at Wal-Mart describe scene of chaos
Shoppers went to the Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch on Thursday night for the
Black Friday sale but in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9682
shove,不是shovel,两个动词。。。shove as in shove it up your ass.
发帖数: 16240
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: iBull (买买提第一猥琐男), 信区: Joke
标 题: 美国人太欢喜了-为了抢deal竟然用pepper spray (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 25 09:23:58 2011, 美东)
发信人: Pasacat (Un printemps encore!), 信区: Military
标 题: 美国人太欢喜了-为了抢deal竟然用pepper spray
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 25 08:54:57 2011, 美东)
Customers hit by pepper spray at Wal-Mart describe scene of chaos
Shoppers went to the Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch on Thursday night for the
Black Friday sale but in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 680
Now, if I may go Zapruder on this, Wilson is taken down by #23 (M). #86 (M)
lands on top of Wilson, then flops on him again after he is down. Wilson
scrambles to get up, but is immediately surrounded by EIGHT Michigan players
. Wilson lashes out at the guy in front of him, #52 (M), who proceeds to
shove Wilson and eventually rips his helmet off. #86 (M), the guy who
flopped on Wilson, also starts scrapping with him.
At this point, Ohio State players start rushing out. #7 (OSU) looks... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Online Poker发牌是随机的吗?
QJo at SB,MP guy (loose aggressive, all-in with bottom pair, but has big
stack) raises 3xBB, one short stack shoves with 2BB,i think for a min and
fold, BB calls.
board: JJT-7-2, BB bets on turn and kicks MP out. BB has 33 and shove guy
got J3o.
另一把,也是QJo,UTG limps,i limp(有点怕后面一小子), SB and BB in too.
flop: Q7s5s,UTG bets 2/3 pot,i put him on a weaker Q and raise double, he
hesitates but calls. turn is 9s, he shoves last 2000, i barely cover him
and call..
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what can I do?
I will call.
In many cases, if you show weakness, I just shove it in or bet very big such as 44$ there(usually I am very weak), it does not matter what hands I have.
Should say that buddy plays that hand very well, get most value from his
hands and his play. A little improvement is that he can bet 36$ on the turn instead of shove in, can induce a big bluff from aq or ak or shove in by 88. When he bets 36$, he can have all sorts of hands 34 or a 10, 88, kq. More deceived.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - damn...
looose donk raises 3x to $1.5, one caller, i call.
all check flop (wait for a whole afternoon to catch a hand against her)
all check turn
river i bet $2.5, donk (routine bluffer and calls big with trash pair)
raises to $10, caller re-raises, i shove $30, donk shoves, caller shoves.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 热烈祝贺KKRUN搞定Daily Dollar Rebuy
呵呵,还剩4人,一个1.3M(10BB左右) shove from UTG, KKRUN有3.5M,立马3M(就剩
3BB了),结果BB 4.5M re-shove,KKRUN憋了50秒,搞出了史上最衰的FOLDDDDDDDD!俺
AdKd vs. JJ,JJ赢了,要是KKRUN shove而不是isolate的话,估计一锅给炖了。
JJ那小子后来盲动,K6o和人家floppped broadway傻比,很快完蛋。
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I caught them bluffing, they caught me unlucky
hehe, i played a hand against a chinese robot yesterday, whom i usually
avoid or steal small from (since they fold most of hands).
but yesterday she shoved twice with AQo preflop and got unlucky, so i
loosened my requirement.
i 3.5x with AcKc from MP, a calling station called, she shoved. against "
normal" her, a call is marginal for me for best case a flip, but yesterday
her 2 AQo shovings made me believe i might be way ahead. since she's short,
i made an easy call.
she had 99 and hit 9 on flop
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哈哈,命苦不要怨政府
It really sucks sometimes to play these low buy-in turbo games. 12 people
left (9 people gets paid). EP Chip leader 20k chips (running vpip 50 14)
limp in. Another guy limp in behind. I got 9k ( rank 7th or so) chips and
blinds was running 1200. I shoved with KK and Chip leader called with JQ. I
have no idea what the heck he is thinking to limp and call shove with JQ. I
can almost live with him shove JQ EP. but limp calling is really retarded
I don't even need to double up on this id
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 很沮丧
Totally different case here here. Button shove for 16k. you already put in
6k. yes it is close to an instant call even with 27 o. I suspect button
have much strong holding anyway. In your case, it is 29k vs 6k and someone
shove EP and another jumped out called all in. They have stronger holding
than the button shove, and you have no odds to call here. If you are not big blind. it is an instant fold. Even if it is your blind, it is still a fold.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 瓶颈问题
you check, i shove, you bet, i shove, you raise, i shove....
i got only 1 chip.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Interesting hand
i was inducing a shove all in from him. if he raise me back. I am
shoving. like the one you had . set of J have to shove on flop there. Not
only a scary flush will stop him betting. It will also stop you calling.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这牌该怎么打?
flop bet is way too small even for inducing..
if you are in position, turn call and value bet river is better than turn
shove re-raise all in. Not many hands can call this turn all in. out of
position shove 也就shove 了 since he probably won't make another bet on river
anyway. call turn and lead river all in 也可以on a non-scary card.
(ed miller says if you over bet the pot and make your opponents make the correct lay down. then you did not play it right. you want your opponents to call without odds
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - tough river spot NL100
Yeah.. i want him to call cheap or spew bluff with his draws or underpair.
But when he did raise and push this deep, it put me in a very bad spot.
A very important question here is what is his shove range for value at this spot? is it 1010+ (that leaves 1010 AQ pretty much or maybe 33 but unlikely) ? If it is then i think there are much more bluff range in his shove, because anything better than that will not check back turn. If a Q is in his shove range, then things change a lot. Is a Q too
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天又被cooler 了一把。。
but you guys play way trickier than us.. lol all the raise miniraise, small
bet, induce etc...
i think we played this hand pretty straight forward even though the end
results are the same....
There is really no need to 3 bet mini for induce there at river.. just check shove. if he has AK, you could lose value because there is a chance he
might just flat that raise. The problem with small bet then shove is that you look too strong, stronger than check shove in my eyes. Small bet then minirerai
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天又被cooler 了一把。。
I aggre with Windstormm.
That min 3 bet on river is a leak. Most of the time they will just flat call
(with any Kx hand, maybe except AK) and you lose value. if they do 4 bet you
, then you are behind like this hand. so check-shove on the river if you
think you are ahead.

check shove. if he has AK, you could lose value because there is a chance he
you look too strong, stronger than check shove in my eyes. Small bet then
minireraise still look strong, most people will flat and you lose v
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one hand from yesterday's live NL 1/2 game
I am not passive in live game. I do have initiative before flop, on the flop
and on the turn. my plan was call the flop, if he checks on the turn, I bet
, if he bet, I shove. turn 6 is a surprise to me but his shove astonish me.
his shove just destroys my plan, don't know how to deal with it.

any inititive but to guess whether your bottom pair is good. You will find
your chip stack could be gone in no time without even getting into any big
pot. If you don't get your flush going, your han
发帖数: 15860
如果你只打算60BB以下short buy in的话,俺觉得你三把flop应该更强些,直接shove/
总体上,俺觉得如果你要pre-flop loose的话,后面一定要搏,否则前松后“正常”,
Ed Miller总结得好,small SCs make small flushes/str8s,所以光靠hit本身并
俺个人认为,越先出手,越有可能让比如over pair, TPTK, 2 pairs这样的牌(你的
card而stop action,你前面的铺垫可能会有相当
发帖数: 121
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 其实扑克的回报率非常高了
hehe.. I probably spend less than 5% of the time studying, not on holdem
anyway. Even when I started playing, I never really read any strategy book,
just twoplustwo posts and talking to friends and thinking about hands
myself. I did a lot of EV line calculation when I was a beginner to make
sure my 4bet/5bet shove with A3o is better than folding against certain
opponent etc. I hardly ever review a hand these days, most of the hands I
save for review are hands that I thought was funny. like t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哇,他limp出了一个nuts
This straight is the only hand you beat of all the range of hand that will
call this shove. Probably only fish will call this shove too with a straight
moral of the story--this shove has no value most of time except value town
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哇,他limp出了一个nuts
The situation here is completely different from KK962 board to shove 99 on
the river. Just construct the calling range of a shove and you can see it
very easily.
Shoving KK962 all day river with 9s facing action.
发帖数: 1458
Congratulations. very very impressive, and more importantly very very
I need to up my aggression a lot. for instance, late in tournaments (about
14-20 players left), I fold A3o at SB with m=5 12bb to CO/chip leader's 3x
open-raise instead of shoving, knowing the guy open at least 2 to 3 times
per orbit and I am probably ahead. And flat-calling with KQo at BB with
m=4 10bb to 2xbb open-raise and sb's calling behind, instead of shoving. I
need to close the lobby and forget about payout... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How will you play this hand? A live cash game
After btn all-in, I shove for $350+.
Pot odds is roughly: 1:2
Here was my thinking:
Worst case: agins set or overpair. Against set, I was 2:1 underdog with 2
cards to come, odds enough. For overpair, I was only underdog to AAs, with
better than 2:1. Aginst KK or QQ, I was even money or even favor.
I decided to shove because HJ also was really committed to this pot, he had
$110 invested and the pot after my shove was close to $830+ and he only had
$220 left, he had any sorts of reasonable hand, h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - OMG. A fish snap called 72s for 300$ plus

真是有有钱人, rush poker.
Everybody folds to me, at SB. I had Asks, raised to 12 , BB raised to 36
I usually do not push with AK preflop, but SB vs BB situation, shoved with
is a positive EV play. so i shoved since I do not wanna play AK OOP and the
shove looks weak , he snapped called. I thought Sh*t, I got caught. he
over 7s2s LOL. My AK holds up.
发帖数: 4158
villain: 100 hand history 18/16/2.3 ep的vp$ip 11%, 3-bet 14.5%, facing 3-
bet 一次,call
虽说他打得有点松,不过面对utg+1的4bet还是挺怕的,虽说没有位置flat 4-bet好像特别糟糕,但
是qq shove utg+1 在deep stack下真有点不敢,fold这样数据的对手又不甘心。 也许我应该5-
bet到30$然后fold to shove?
看过flop就决定donk bet half pot fold to shove,还好对手不算太凶,让我这么weak的人
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - So what will you do in this situation?
what do they come along with 99 for? hope to hit their set? they are not going to make a profit if they are going to fit and fold post flop while i am not. The only problem here is when he flat with AA, then I am drawing dead. But I am drawing dead either way if he shoves and i snap. So it is not important.
if he has AA, good game to him. Villian is squeeze happy. Player like that get AA vs my AK, it is a sure pay off. There is nothing we can do. of course since he mini4 bet this time with AA... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 那帖我删了..
to fryking, 那牌我觉得river 必须shove, 否则turn 不如call (since I can't fold to 1$ bet. if he lead turn bigger, i probably fold).. raise turn 不follow up river is wasting money.
My range is wide after calling on flop. I can have flush draw or top pair A or set. Turn raise and river shove is to narrow my range to flush. the Ah make my combo of flush significantly less. That might be the problem. But this fish probably is not thinking of range most likely. he can have a lot of h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 那帖我删了..
that's why i said turn was very sneaky, bet $1 and called $24, this was very
weird, not even for a flush draw.
on river, he already invested half stack, and your shove actually looked
weak (and if we think again about that 24x turn raise).

fold to 1$ bet. if he lead turn bigger, i probably fold).. raise turn 不
follow up river is wasting money.
A or set. Turn raise and river shove is to narrow my range to flush. the Ah
make my combo of flush significantly less. That might be the problem. But
t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 上来哭一哭
哎所以这就是低级别惹得祸 低级别上无脑驴们的宽shove range造就了我无脑地shove
因为赢了一个16刀 buyin的 小mtt,让我直接跳到50nl 6max,计划前20k tighten
range and gether info,但发现玩牌的时候心理上还不是那么comfortable,any
ps 请教在什么stack size下面,fold to headsup, shove kk 才算ok
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 现场的三手牌,讨论下吧
The effective stack in the 1st hand is not big. The pot is arond 150 and
that guy has 200 left.
Btw, people usually never fold str8 flush draw. Actually I don't think that
increases the odds by a lot.

shove turn.. results? not important but it is a suck out.
for you on the river. If this is an over pot size shove on river. i think it
is very bad. Not because he must have a J, but because his calling over
shove range here is pretty
AA, otherwise, it is too easy to read you hand post flop. 2/3 p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - LOL SB slow play AA same me 300+$.

spazz out. Raise sb with AA always and wait for bb to spazz 3 bet and shove
over your 4 bet with air... On the other hand, why check that turn? I
would bet turn almost always here. 看来NL400 现在是nitfest 啊.
yeah. should always play big hand fast in SB vs BB , or SB/BB vs
button case. I loose my range a little big on SB vs BB. shove/call shove
with QQ and AK with 100BB.
checking behind with KK is standard play. both for pot control and
deception. have to think what h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - can i call this river?
of course a shove turn if not paired, given the flop action, monster draw,
and remaining stack.
but paired turn made both hands polarized in the other's eyes (and on river
too), many medium strength hands would love to check or small blocking bet
river. this left only busted draws or best hands to have strong river action.

bluffy, 因为你full house 应该不会shove turn,可以考虑smallish bet like 1/3
pot and reevaluate river shove or check behind.
top pair at least
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sick sick variance

Maybe they know your shoving range by HM. Try different strategy on BvB
This is quite normal, you have to call because you get edges by calling
their light shove.
I still recommend the calling allin range by superturbosngtips.com. It
indeed improves my ROI by calling light shove. You will be amazing to see
how light those fishes are pushing. For example, A rag in early position or
KQ, KJ etc.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - where are these donk/fish coming from?
has nothing to do with rake. it is 3$ capped. The problem here is that he can't get anything worse to call. He does not even have AJ here. He is way too optimistic with his hand. That is also why I like shoving all in with AA here. they might not reraise with Js here but it will be hard for them to fold. No one likes to be pushed off a split pot, which is a serious leak when the stack is deep. just shove and get max value from a J and AJ. They will never fold. I think it is an easy fold wit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - this is ugly

I had a very hard time to laydown KK preflop. I got 20 times KK vs AA last
month and ends up losing around 10k. Of course, I got some back when I had
AA. But still shoving with KK is +EV play since you got shoved by AK, QQ,
even JJ so often. I only laid down KK once in Rush since both of us are 200+
deep. A short stack shoved and he showed QQ. :(
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - this is ugly
just a thought, when you play with vpip of 11 or less, shoving KK preflop might not be as +EV as shoving KK with a vpip of 20%.
I used to play vpip of 11 7. I felt that every time someone 3 bet me, they have AA KK. well, of course, what do you expect someone 3 bet a nit with? Later when I start to open up my game a bit, people start to calling my 5 bet shove with 9s and 10s, the game just becomes that much easier.
For me personally, I almost never fold KK preflop. This is one of those rare tim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Played some NL50 rush last night
Biggest leak for NL 50 player and some of NL100 player is not able to laying
down a hand when they have their hands faced up and are clearly beat. So
value bet good and strong is definitely the way to make the most profit.
Of course sometimes it works to their advantage when I run some crazy bluffs.
Yesterday a hand at NL 100 that I regret to bluff river even though i think
it was a good bluff.. I don't have the hand history, but it goes like this.
I raise A9s mp 3$, lp mini raise to 5$. I call.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问一手tournament 的牌
BTW, I think for this hand you should get committed and shove even at the
The ICM model mostly says that, at bubble, if a bigger stack has shown
aggression and shoved, you can consider folding even when you think you are
likely ahead. This is because calling is +EV on chips but -EV on money.
Here it is a totally different story since your opponent merely called. You
are most likely ahead and you have fold equity. So you should take the
initiative and shove. If your opponent chooses to ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sigh, need luck for this one
there's actually nothing to brag about, i was nursing my 10-40BB stack for
most of the time and was never a favorite in any sense. i didn't double up
with any premium hands much either, except i busted SkillVille, ex ftops
champ with AK, he got AK too and re-shoved me, i luckily hit 4 card flush.
my hands held up in a few coin flips while i was on the slightly behind side
. i knew ppl figured me as ABC poker and would give me respect, that's why i
knew i could river bluff big with a few ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Super turbo SNG could be very frustrating
Yesterday, I made spite call also.
1mors1 and I have the same chip stack, around 12BB, shorty get around 5BB.
1mors1 is in the SB, I am the big blind. He shoves, and I snap call his
allin with A2o. He shows J7o.
The case is if I fold this hand, he will shove every hand, while I need
shove the shorty, and the shorty may call my allin.
Of course, Playing this way, I get a lot of bubbling also.
I do not like to be pushed around.

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - flop decision
You don't like folding preflop then you should shove instead. You are ahead of two of the fish that called reraise. with 100$ dead money in the pot you are good even if utg+1 has kk or ak. If he has 99, then you are ahead ev wise. Calling accomplish nothing. You won't like flop unless it is kqj or 10 10 10. You are burning money this way.
Since they are all short stacks I think long term, shove and folding yields similar ev (folding is probably slightly ahead) while shoving will have larger var... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - flop decision
I think it is a fold unless you have some crazy read about this guy who could shove here with a 10s alone. But I don't blame you to call this vs a 44/22 guy
couple reasons to fold for you to consider if this happens to you again.
1) 3 way pot, people don't bluff as much in a 3 way pot.
2) your stack is too deep to call this shove with a draw where 10 might not even be your outs.
3) You have the A of spade, that means he does not have a nut flush draw which most of his semibluff shove should con... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Downswing 的确是比较恶心。。。
最近坛子里水也不多,就乘机会把自己最近 downswing 的经历晾一晾,还有上半年做
一个 summery.
NL2/5 的,到现在差不多半年,当中有 3 个星期回国休假没打牌,实际上大概打了有
5 个半月,25 个 sessions 左右。
一直到 7 月份前还是比较顺的,一方面运气比较好,一方面今年也打的比较稳,开始
的时候几乎没有怎么输过。有一段时间连续赢了 9 个 session (赢的有小有大,但一
般输后都能够扳回来),一直到 7 月之前没有连续输过 2 个 session的。
赢当然很好,但赢的次数多,对输的思想准备就不充分。打 poker 谁都知道,到时候
该来的就会来了,真本事不是看你顺的时候打的好不好,关键是看 downswing 的时候
现在看起来自己最多给自己打个 C-。
七月份一上来就连输 4 场,月底的时候止血赢了一场,可 八月份打了一场,又 down
了 1 k, 总共加起来,这个 downswing 我已经损失了 4.3 k.
失败是令人痛... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
ok, yes, after a long break, i played a session last night, lol.
1) hand 1, limping table, EP raises to $6, and 5 callers, i call on cutoff
with 9To.
flop: QhJh8.
EP c-bets $20, all fold, i call.
turn: J
EP bets $45, interesting size with his pre-flop and flop action, i call.
river: blank 2 (busted any flush draws)
EP bets $80 with $30 left, strong all the way on 3 streets (let's ignore pre
-flop $6 as nothing but a pot sweetner).
i tank, not acting but seriously wonder if he has a turned boat, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 457
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share one hand
Can your $800 effective stack raise let him fold a better hand such 99+?
Your read said he probably didnt have the pocket high pair. Can your raise
get any value from a worse hand? very unlikely he called with 33 or 44. And
the risk you bear is that he might have A7s, or 78s. In that case, you lose
$800 for sure.
So, by shoving that hand with certain value. you
1) lose the oppurtunity to give your opponent a rope to hand himself on
river (some value from your opponent's bluff on river)
2) bear a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share one hand
这里应该可以fold 掉88-JJ, 不过对手只有特别烂才会raise fold 这些牌.就算他们会这样打, 加上way behind 和drawing dead 的calling range, 这个shove也是得不偿失的(A.K.A. -ev).
It is usually not a good idea to shove a weaker range into opponents' strong perceived range when you can not even rep a stronger hand, because there is no value in it and you can not bluff either. You are shoving your hand into a perceived range of 7x+ which he would never fold. The strongest hand you can rep is AA.

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share one hand
He is most likely to call with 88-jj on the turn and raise with trips/
full house or total air. You 250BB+ shove on the turn will only make total
airball to fold. Holding trip 7s is definately a possibility there and he
would not lay that down often.

I hate this play from risk/reward point view as well.

会这样打, 加上way behind 和drawing dead 的calling range, 这个shove也是得不偿
失的(A.K.A. -ev).
strong perceived range when you can not even rep a stronger hand, because
there is no value in it ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
"99 won a race against AJo"? what is the stack size with that race? If it
is not ultra-short preflop all in, i think in his eyes your preflop shove
range should be fairly wide. I wouldn't surprised if he shove 10s and AQ
alike. Except this time, he was dealt the top of his shove range. Tough luck
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