

全部话题 - 话题: shoves
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发帖数: 457
没有什么印象特别深的牌。我觉得他们大部分都打cash game,打tournament的经验太
少。主要在三点:1) short handed的经验严重不足,open range太窄,也不知道如何
defend 自己的blinds。2) 对stack size不敏感,tournament毕竟不是cash game,不
能reload,20BB, 30BB,100BB打法完全不一样,他们在这点上adjust的不够。3)情绪
控制不行,尤其是到final table之后,有的人输了个大pot后容易lose composure
hand 1: chip leader with 450k raise on the button. BB with 100k shove all in
(Blinds 6k/12k)。 CL called and his ATo lose to Q9
5 hands later, CL raised again on button with 340k, same guy(BB) flat. Flop
came with Ks 6c Tc. check c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 666
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
Below is my two cents:
Being a thoughtful pro as you said, BB probably had the following in his
mind before he pushed his raise in.
1. He thought you were tight and most likely had AK,AQ with your PF raise -
ideal to make his post flop outplays
2. You thought his range was either super strong, or total air (which he is
capable of).
3. He thought you thought he could have anything playing his rush in such a
big winning day -- therefore good timing to represent a 4 with high fold
Based on ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 几把牌听听意见
嗯,chemcat的打法比较舒服,pot flop, shove turn。

this includes check raise flop shove turn, bet flop shove turn, bet flop
check raise all in turn (plan your sizing before the betting)
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问一手牌
I think it is a good fold. A pair with a flush draw is a great hand only
you have fold equity. But it is not so good if you know for sure that ppl
will call you -- in which case you will be slightly behind at the very
I dont think every monster draw should be played aggressively. It really
depends on the situation. For example, I do think that that Fryking's AKs
12 out nut draw hand should be played aggressively, because he had lots of
equity. On the JT9 board his shove could likel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这样的牌怎么打?
成huge behind了。顺着我假设的方向想,你ak中了flop的bet,反而会赶走那些本来想
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这条line怎么样?
thanks for the compliment. I think I still have a lot of leaks for online
cash game(live game as well ). For preflop, I think my major leak is not 3
betting enough and not balance my 3 betting range well. Should add a lot
more SC in my 3 betting range.
I only played 3 all in big pots with iamalagtad with so many hands
playing together. Like to hear what you guys think
First pot just hands played itself. EP opened to 12 , iamalagtad raised
to 36 MP, I was at SB with AA, 4 bet to around... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
都输了。 parx 1/2
第一把, 没意思, EP raised 7$ couple callers, I reraised to 35,
sb short stack shoved $110, bb donked calls with 165$ left. all folded. I re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q. luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
第二把,有点意思 lp raise 15 他有大该250, 那个棒子call. 我在dealer, 有700筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
both LP and MM can fold this. The only hand of 棒子 could have is AA/KK.
Push 700+ all-in with just 100+ in pot? was he panic? he does not play deep
stack well.
what would MM do if 棒子 4 bet with around 150? 100 on top? this also
introduces the lp shove/commit and MM will be the sandwich... lol

re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
筹... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天我还fold 了一把AKs preflop
我一直说AKs preflop 不能fold, 这把也算是破例了,讲讲我fold 的原因。
这把的主角是个老黑, 先讲讲前面几手牌。
几个limper, 他也limp mp. 我在button KJo. easy raise 15$. 左面的tight fish
(the QQ guy), pop 60$ with 60$ left, fold 了几个,我是没法call的, 准备fold, 结果
action 到老黑停住了,tank 了半天,最后fold 了AK. 我也fold, tight fish show
牌2,ep 唯一的super fish on the table raise 15, 3 caller, 包括老黑, 我button,
一看AA, raise 60$, super fish 磨磨唧唧, call, super fish 筹码不少,有300, 老
黑又tank了至少一分钟,他有大概两百. call. flop 822, two toned board. 都check
到我,我想了想打多少能既有value from flush draw, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家谈谈physical tell 把
大家聊聊在打live时,经常注意哪些tell, 或一些用tell获取有用信息的例子。
开始打online 后,live 打的不多,但我觉得我在利用phyical tell读取信息这
方面是很差的。 能从Phyical tell读取有用信息,可能是好的 live player 同
onlineplayer比较最大的优势。 看johnny chan 的这个 legendary fold,

在river,他根本没有考虑去call. 这就是一个顶级live pro的精彩表演。这是
online player 不可能有的武器。 跟很多好的Live Player 聊过,有人讲Live poker
很大程度就是打tell, 要读懂别人的tell, 同时自己不要给人tell. 看看 Patrick
Anotonius, 在他那张脸上读出点东西太难了。
Here is my example :
The first ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share a few hands played yesterday
1/2 game at harrah's chester. These hands are more for entertaining purpose,
therefore I will share the hole cards with you as well.
Hand 1: I started this hand with $130ish. UTG straddled. One old guy called
at MP, all folded to me and I called on BB with 45c. UTG then made it $22 to
go, both of the old guy and myself called. Flop was 347r with 7c. UTG c-
betted $40 and the old guy quickly called. I had a middle pair, a gutter,
and a backdoor flush draw. Based on the way played, I put both of t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share a few hands played yesterday
Hand 1: I like the shove because the board texture, for 3, 4 , 7 board,
there are tons of one pair hand in villians' range. Given your stack size
and outs left, you can't just call the $40 bet. So shove it is a relatively
easy decision.
Hand 2: I personally won't make this play. The feeling is good for the
thrill of playing "real poker", but just feel that in low stake game, making
moves purely based on read has a lot of risks, not enough rewards. Couple factors 1. 4 ppl in the pot, too many ppl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 困惑 请教一手牌的打法
thank guys for replying.
In fact, hero snap shoved, and villain tanked and fold, then showed AA.
Villain is my poker buddy, who usually reads average live players well, and
likes to trap them with monster hand by soft play, and sometimes pushes hard
to drive them off if feel behind. So basically his tendency is opposite
play and relies on read a lot.
Hero is an internet kid. play well with no hesitation at all. Between them,
there is not much history.
Clearly hero felt behind, then he decided to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 困惑 请教一手牌的打法
I have to admit this is beyong my level. What was the villan expecting when
he bet out at the river. Low flush would call. High flush would shove. Air
would shove or fold. 2 pair or set would call, your turn bet made it looks
like that.One pair may call or fold, most likely fold. What could he get by
betting out? So that make me believe he has the high flush. Then your shove
would make no sense.Of cause, if you have history with him, that's total
different story.

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 困惑 请教一手牌的打法
the river shove makes a lot of sense. there are so many value shove range
that hero can rep. straight, trip, etc. The river bet from villian is
clearly a block bet to me.

发帖数: 88
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - call or folder
raise pre flop
shove flop
shove turn
shove river

发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问个touney 数学问题 把
in fact, it also depends on the types of villian. I don't think a tight
player will push cards not in top 10% range when they have 15-16bb.
I think when they got 15-20bb, they still have fold equity when they shove
against an open to steal some money. But when they open shove at these
stack size, the range of cards they shove will not be very wide.

发帖数: 51
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一手牌 请指点
by raise to 200, you are over rep your value range.
by call 220 more after fish shoved, your value range almost shrink to QQ/JJ.
So, if I was the regular, it is an hard call for 200, but an easy shove
after you call, if he have any made hand with Q or J
If the regular have any kind of flush draw or combo draw (most likely), he
was calling 200 trying to bring in the fish, and shoving after you call 220
for value.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more hands.
shove, shove and shove!

发帖数: 1175
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more hands.
Fold hand 1 and shove hand 2, the new me. Shove, shove, the old me:)

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发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more hands.
For hand 1, I still feel that shoving was basically gonna force villain to
make the right decision when she has a pair. It wont change the result if
she got a set or a flush draw. So why shove?
Yes, she overplays her over pair very often. But this time very likely she
wont commit the rest of her stack with an overpair since you have been
showing so much strength -- she is not that bad, right?
In position I think the following hollywooding might work in our favor --
After she raises me, I will ta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more hands.
thanks a lot for the input.

I guess there are merit for both shoving and smooth calling. But one
thing is sure. we are not folding on the turn no matter what turn card comes
out. We have a set and there are already so much money in compared to our
stack. The smooth calling is to trap not for pot control. My image was
very loose for that game, I think shoving there can creditably rep a draw and
she may call with an overpair with such good pot odds. For thinking
villian, the smooth... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 457
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 呼唤周末BSO贴!
打了平生第一个PLO tournament,挺有意思的,居然还拿了第一。没多少,一个才27
个人玩,第一名575.运气不错,两次all in都是runner runner straight把别人suck
out了。 然后就杯具了,全输在cash game上了,见识了大凶鱼是如何咬死捕鱼人的。
故事是这样的,赢了tournament后在那吃东西,然后过来一个local pro,向我透露一
个桌子上有大鱼,他三个小时从300到1800. 吃了东西遂上桌,观察一下确实有三条鱼
,一个长得像T-bag,有一半情况是不看牌就blind bet25-40,另一个是德州牛仔鱼,
也是把把raise。 还一条鱼脑袋特别大,姑且叫他大头鱼。三条大鱼吸引来4,5个打的
Tbag已经reload两次,牛仔reload三次。不过,不过,不过, 风云突变。
hand1: 一个reg reraise到50,三条鱼都call。flop 8d7dKs, reg bet 100, 大头fish
call,turn blan... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 被donk抓惨了
Open shove turn leaves donks no bluffing range and leave yourself 2 outs
when called. What do you expect to fold out? what do you expect to get called?
open shove
发帖数: 211
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Anna Kournikova 的悲情
This hand happened in 2/3 NL session last Sunday. There are 4 players
involved: EP new player with $100, MP a conservative guy with about 250,
Button laggy young gun at 350, SB not much action in the last few rounds
with $100.
I was UTG with Kxo, muck; EP made a fairly standard raise to 12; MP re-
to 35; Button snap called; SB shove; EP shove; MP tanked a few moment and
shoved, too; action to the button, he shaked his head and flashed his AK and
Now it is show time, SB also sh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 327
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How to play top pair for short stack?
no, three buttons, shove shove aaaand shove, lol
what will you do, da niu?

发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a touny question
当然是shove啦,如果不是最后的pay jump的话
你如果有玩过super turbo的话,就知道在这里shove的range可以超过50%的啊
即使是6人super turbo的最后bubble,如果stack相似的话,A9s也是一个btn shove
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Last week AC trip -- including a major suckout
I didn't post hands very often recently. I am playing old-man poker so many
hands were not that exciting. Just routine. Win a little money here and
there. Don't remember I sucked out sb. in recent months. My playing style
nowadays decides when the money got all-in, usually I would be ahead. A few
times I gambled and was behind, I never hit anyway.
So last Friday I was in Borgata AC. Yes, it was the Borgata. Won like $300
in 2 hours playing NL2/5. Table broken.
I went to NL1/2 , certainly my stac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Last week AC trip -- including a major suckout
Went to NL 2/5 table and bought $200.
A few mins down to $135. A guy in EP raised $30, fold all the way to me at
btn with AKs. I shoved. The guy tanked and then called. "I gamble!" he
yelled. Flop T, 7, 5, I though "ugh", but wait, he was yelling "9, 9, I need
9". Ok, you are still drawing? good. No 9 on the river. I felt I was
winning. until that guy told me "I only have a T". What? He turned over T9o,
f**k, no wonder.
Re-bought $250. Was raising a lot in LP and stealing the pot before this
han... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - update一下
also I'm a NL donkey, but it sure seems flop raise should be a good chunk
larger? 100 more in ~320 pot makes it too hard for him to make a big
mistake (unless he folds). Something like 220-240? You have position, you
can see board develop if he calls, you save one PSB and puts a lot more
pressure on him to shove or fold flop. Better to take it down (fully
realized equity whether hit or not) and if called/shoved you're equity
favorite over shoving range anyway.
I haven't really stud... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1169
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这个set如何value bet?
打现场poker必须要靠感觉,很多人有flush draw甚至愿意打到All in,
而且对一些人来说,你mini-raise可能他fold top pair,
你“donk-shove"反倒拿middle paircall你,
从而一拿到好牌,首先下意识地就是把Draw赶走,Raise size可能太大。
殊不知正是draw 牌才会给我们pay。
就这里的打法而言,你raise pot 以后牌力很明了,two pair +,敌人 打的会有针对性
donk shove,安全收锅,而且某些时候反而会被弱牌call。
raise 2.5x,尽量赶走(gunshot)straight draw,留下flush draw,一般人有
flushdraw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3289
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - wrong moves? Comments greatly appreciated.
240 buy-in/250K guaranteed/two-day event/
There are 6 day-one sessions, and re-entry allowed. Top 12% of each
sessions get paid, and top 4% advance to day 2. I played two sessions.
First (200 entrants): I was in the money. 5 players away from day 2. I had
average chip stack (around 18 BBs), a tight player open-raised 3 BBs from
late position. I was on the button shoved with AQ suited. He called with 77.
Board came AJ7XX, busted out. I was thinking of folding or flat-calling.
Second (260 entrants... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3289
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - wrong moves? Comments greatly appreciated.
Or maybe I don't have edge at all.
Just gave another short. I UTG open-raised 3.5 BBs with KK. Button called,
and SB(short-stack) shoved with JJ. I re-shoved, and the button who had
about 22 BBs called my 25-BB shove with TT. He rivered a T, and I severely
crippled. "In which planet" would he think his TT was ahead? Why played like
a 3 buy-in or freeroll tournament???
Bad beats were all over the place. My JJ Today QQ < Q9 (two 9s on the board)at my table. The mos... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - micro stake satellite MTT bubble question
in order to break even with QQ, villain need to shove 100%, which does not
happen often in a two-dollar game. even KK is -EV if villain only shove
about 40%. KK break even when villain shove 60%+.
发帖数: 266
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新手请教一手牌
Loose players will limp with any suited cards, or even not suited.
1. Made two pairs - Q8,Q4,84,K8,K4. (According to your theory, if a nit have
KQ, he will fold to my shove - Oh my god, he shoved, he must have nuts here
- sweet! )
2. Suited connectors like 6h7h, 5h6h, JhTh, Jh9h
3. Suited K with Kh, or even any two hearts with Ah.
4. AK,KJ also may call here, bad players/gamblers may call with any K and
hope to catch his two pairs on the rivers.
Considering limp pot, light bet on the flop and th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 119
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问个牌
online NL25
btn raise 0.75 - havn't seen him play alot of hands
Hero SB, KQo, raise 2.55
BB folds, btn calls
flop 338, hero bet 3.55, btn raise 10,
hero shove $21
taking out QQ+ from his range since he didn't 4bet pre, a set will probably
raise less or just call.
i think he can have all mid pocket pairs, or hands like 78, 89, that wants
to take the pot down on the flop. Can I shove here? or am I overthinking
this and giving the guy too much credit?
Is it +ev to shove this on a reasonably good p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 87
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新手请教一手牌
可能的例外 如果手上是QJ/JT 凑成了 gunshot straight draw and flush draw,我
会假设上家有pair Kings,然后raise

with his high VPIP, he'd c-bet a lot his weak/ok hands on that flop, TT, K9/
Q9s, A7, AK ...
the only times he's "wasting" his aggression and position, are when he hits
big and is counting on you two to catch up some how. betting 77/99 and
taking it down here is not "cute".
the turn K doesn't hit him,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
其小黑哥吧),不久前用99接了哥左手第一家(欧洲大叔)的3bet shove,输给AA,自
大叔),他刚上桌的时候是个短筹,一手stop and go,逼走了哥A5o的小盲steal(特
此修改,应该是btn steal lol)。之
后,用AA从小黑哥身上double up。再之后大盲位KK,3bet aggro button steal,在
wet flop上,cbet/snap shove aggro的tp的snap raise,button 考虑了足足10分钟,
说,他确实run得跟哥一样好lol),作为桌上的2nd chips leader,风格solid,于是
hand 1:
hero on sb with KdJ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5415
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One hand
that shove doesn't make any sense to me...doesn't look like set to me
whatsoever.would you shove turn with a set and possibly chase away even AQ?
doesn't look like big 2p(A7/AQ) either. would have c/r flop with those
knowing you are ahead.
if I'm facing a 2x pot shove for my stack with TPTK on the turn? obv I'm
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One hand
wow! thank you for using my odds calculation app.
Just my 2 c, you have only 33% equity after committing the pot, which is
obviously losing the money.
However, the precondition is villain called your shove (0% fold equity).
But in real world, especially live 1/2, the fold equity varies from 0%~100%
depended on your image and villains' level.
That's why, on seeing your question, I don't really know how to answer in
first place.
I myself sometimes also shove with NUTS in similar situation when I a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周六WV的几首牌
donkeys shove.. no.. you shove.. maybe. I shove.. must..
because I am a nit~~~~
long time no see man... you need to come more often to water~~~
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 说一把搞笑的牌
谈谈我的2 cents. D 神将就着看看。
---paired board 对手可以联系到的其实更少,对手是flush draw 还有value. 其实
这个SPR, 除了对手有J, 你都肯定够eqiuty commit。
“但是一旦联系上了,基本就不会走了。 另一种可能性是小对子,哥
觉着75能bet small pockets off,反而shove会把它们劝进来。”
--不全同意啊。 当然这要看人,不过,我觉得 75$和160$ all in 对鱼的影响还是不
一样的。 上次我有一把牌, 一条极品鱼,用 QQ叫了我reraise 40$ , flop J102,
snap call flop 60$, snap call turn 4 80$, river 7 硬是想了三分钟fold 给我
200$ shove。 我一shove 他就说,“i think 7 complets your straight", 我就知
道完了,他不会叫了。找个台阶下罢了。 这牌我下个 120$ 他肯定叫。 谁说鱼不会
f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 说一把搞笑的牌
---paired board 对手可以联系到的其实更少,对手是flush draw 还有value. 其实
这个SPR, 除了对手有J, 你都肯定够eqiuty commit。
~~哥想法很简单,对手纯的fit or fold,既然联系上的%比较低,就直接一个比较
ramp up,保持consistency)
“但是一旦联系上了,基本就不会走了。 另一种可能性是小对子,哥
觉着75能bet small pockets off,反而shove会把它们劝进来。”
--不全同意啊。 当然这要看人,不过,我觉得 75$和160$ all in 对鱼的影响还是不
一样的。 上次我有一把牌, 一条极品鱼,用 QQ叫了我reraise 40$ , flop J102,
snap call flop 60$, snap call turn 4 80$, river 7 硬是想了三分钟fold 给我
200$ sho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 611
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 不能丢老中的脸
刚刚换到一新桌,一半以上的玩家都面熟,彼此都较了解。第一手牌55black, shove
at LP with only 50ish. All fold to me. 第二手,AcJd, shove again preflop,
all fold. 这两手基本上树立了我是驴的形象。BB 说如果我第三手再preflop all in
, he will call in blind, 哥听后偷笑。当然,第三手那哥们没有all in, Since
I folded preflop. Then I steal pots couple times at the button. 接着来了这把
牌: UTG straddled, four caller. hero at button raised To 36 with Q9o. SB,
BB fold. UTG instant shove with 200ish. Folded to me. 这时候,我耳边回响起
的是一群老头子的眼,那神情就是,小子,跪吧... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Is this move polarized?
I think you guys all have a misconception of flop bet size .
Flop bet $100 or $70 doesn't mean anything. Low stake live poker have a
different bet size structure than online game. For example, online preflop
raise usually is 3-4bb, and yet in the live poker, you often see people
raise 5-7bb preflop, in a action table, sometimes ppl even 9bb-10bb preflop,
creating a pot which is very big already, even before the flop.
In OP's case, from online player's perspective, he only bet 1/3 of the flop,
se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Better let the donk do the betting sometimes.
hand 1 villian is a known donkey. We had tons of history. He has been
stacked by me many times for the past week both at NL50 and NL100. That's
one of the reasons that I only called preflop. The other reason is that
is another trigger happy donkey squeezer at SB. I don't think I would call
preflop here with A rag anyway. If I have AQ AJ, I probably just call down.
I ran about 6% 3 bet preflop. He probably think I have no way of having AK
AA KK here. So I will fold to the river shove, e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 975
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 如何判断自己打赢了某个limit
是NL 6max。当然,没有哪种判断方法是绝对准确的,WSOP main event的冠军几年以后
最可靠的方法当然是打100k+手牌,看自己的win rate。但是对于非pro来说,打100k手
所以overall win rate还是负的。
open,SB不停的3bet,最后你心烦意乱,preflop all-in wit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 谁说老婆生孩子运气好的?
1/2 玩了几小时。 碰到2 pair, set, trips 多次,碰到quad 几次。 只输了两百刀
。 少输就是赢, 哥输钱也很自豪。。
AK EP raise 11$. 2 caller, MP, Button. flop 9d5d4s. check check check.
turn 5c. check check check.
river 2h. check check button 15$. call. button pocket 5.
couple limpers, got JJ at button. raise to 15$. all fold, big fish at CO
flop 964 rainbow. fish got 94o.
several limpers. raise to 17 at LP QQ. all fold except EP short stack.
FLOP Ah9h6h. I got Q of heart. EP short stack fish donk 30$ have very
l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 975
Villian is a very solid reg on ACR, a little bit on the nitty side. I've
played over 2k hands with him. So, he should have some read on me as well.
He opens UTG, range about 20, which is kind of wide. I call on the button
with 55, completely standard.
Flop AQQ. He checks on the flop OOP.
He is a little bit nitty on the flop, also since I am very aggressive, I
assume he can check all his weak Ace, any pocket pair on this flop. Since
this flop is very dry, I expect him to bet his nothing hand.I ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - tourney 达人
谁能搞个tourney 晚期不同位置的shove/call shove table 根据不同stack, say <7bb
, 7bb-13bb, 13bb+?
BTW, 11bb utg shove A10s 是不是太donkey 了, 6 people left on final table?
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