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发帖数: 4386
Paul Cuff
Paul Cuff
3 days ago
I'm sorry for the grief this saga has caused you. I very carefully kept
your identity, and those of others, concealed from media reports. That was
my first condition in talking to any reporter.
This story is missing a few important pieces of information, possibly
because you were not aware of them. One of them is the following. Other
people from outside the university reached out to make these reports against
the professor, about inappropriate... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9770
发布时间:2018-10-24 10:00
系。就是说,国与国之间交往的时候,不仅讲利害,也... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 617
加码购买。 NM, 原来不买也只能买了。
俄国武器销售人员开心的不断提到美国的制裁, 增加中国购买俄国武器的兴趣
Air show deals highlight Russia’s prospects for arms sales to China in
spite of US sanctions
Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state arms seller, said it signed three more
weapons contracts with China during the Zhuhai Airshow
Moscow-Beijing ties ‘are closer than ever’ despite Washington’s sanctions
, Russian official says
“If the US sanction has any impact on our cooperation with China, it only
affected it to the better side,” Kryuchkov said. “Ou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4915
In spite of strained relations between the two countries, the United States
has been Venezuela's most important trading partner.
American exports to Venezuela have included machinery, agricultural
products, medical instruments and cars. Venezuela is one of the top four
suppliers of foreign oil to the United States.
About 500 American companies are represented in Venezuela.

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 数据说话:长江水深
Yangtze River
WRITTEN BY: Aleksandr Pavlovich Muranov Charles E. Greer
See Article History
Alternative Titles: Ch’ang Chiang, Chang Jiang, Da Jiang
Yangtze River, Chinese (Pinyin) Chang Jiang or (Wade-Giles romanization) Ch
’ang Chiang, longest river in both China and Asia and third longest river
in the world, with a length of 3,915 miles (6,300 kilometres). Its basin,
extending for some 2,000 miles (3,200 km) from west to east and for more
than 600 miles (1,000 km) from north to so... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 数据说话:长江水深
China's Commercial And Industrial Capital.
From The Far Eastern Review.
Ever since the fateful fire which destroyed the Chinese city of Hankow
during the Revolution of 1911-12 it has been generally known that the
Chinese Government has been desirous of rebuilding the city upon modern
lines and making other improvements in the vicinity compatible with the
importance of such a flourishing commercial and industrial center. It was,
therefore, not surprising when it ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 不列颠百科全书:长江水深数据
Yangtze River
WRITTEN BY: Aleksandr Pavlovich Muranov Charles E. Greer
See Article History
Alternative Titles: Ch’ang Chiang, Chang Jiang, Da Jiang
Yangtze River, Chinese (Pinyin) Chang Jiang or (Wade-Giles romanization) Ch
’ang Chiang, longest river in both China and Asia and third longest river
in the world, with a length of 3,915 miles (6,300 kilometres). Its basin,
extending for some 2,000 miles (3,200 km) from west to east and for more
than 600 miles (1,000 km) from north to so... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 1910年的武汉有多牛
China's Commercial And Industrial Capital.
From The Far Eastern Review.
Ever since the fateful fire which destroyed the Chinese city of Hankow
during the Revolution of 1911-12 it has been generally known that the
Chinese Government has been desirous of rebuilding the city upon modern
lines and making other improvements in the vicinity compatible with the
importance of such a flourishing commercial and industrial center. It was,
therefore, not surprising when it ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 632
来自主题: Military版 - 1910年的武汉有多牛
An air-cooled rotary that powered a number of successful World War I
The rotary engine is unique in that, unlike fixed radial engines, it has a
stationary crankshaft bolted to the firewall, with everything else (
cylinders, crankcase, propeller) all rotating. The rotary in its original
form is extinct, with the term now being used to describe "Wankel" rotary
combustion engines such as those built by Mazda. Though automotive and
motorcycle rotaries were built in the United State... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4386
Old Smelly 9也舔的下去,这二逼现在居然弄了个油管不打自招?太狗血了,哈哈。
卡桑拿了CAREER, AFOSR YIP, 擦这么强的record被Verdu弄死了肯定不爽。Info
Paul Cuff
3 days ago
I'm sorry for the grief this saga has caused you. I very carefully kept
your identity, and those of others, concealed from media reports. That was
my first condition in talking to any reporter.
This story is miss... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2883
章莹颖案 受害人没找到就不能起诉谋杀罪 一说没有法律根据
看到华人媒体出现了一种理论称 :
事实上, no body, no murder,这早已经是久远的法律历史。随着科技发展,凶嫌们
理论。当代法律仅仅需要环境证据circumstantial evidence,就可以证明某人已经死
在这里看以下... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 戈登常喊中崩喊了二十年
Trish Regan from Fox News:
The world remains on edge as President Trump Opens a New Window.
contemplates a response to Iran’s downing of one of our surveillance drones
in international waters. He called off an attack on Iran on Thursday night
and he did the right thing.
His instincts are correct and thus far he’s managing to avoid a war even
though some, I suspect, would love to see it. Remember, he’s standing down
in spite of the media and his own team. There are people in the media right
now ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 348
来自主题: Military版 - 戈登常喊中崩喊了二十年
前些日子小将们不是还在欢呼瑞士籍土耳其人刘欣大胜“trash ”么?感情小将都是看
[在 simadong () 的大作中提到:]
:Trish Regan from Fox News:
:The world remains on edge as President Trump Opens a New Window.
:contemplates a response to Iran’s downing of one of our surveillance
drones in international waters. He called off an attack on Iran on Thursday
night and he did the right thing.
:His instincts are correct and thus far he’s managing to avoid a war even
:though some, I suspect, would love to see it. Remember, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: USANews
标 题: 为啥民主国家犯罪率比独裁国家高出许多?民主国家人民生命时时刻刻
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 9 15:02:59 2019, 美东)
In round numbers, the United States has about 4%
of the world's population, but 22% of the world's prison population.
In spite of this, most Americans believe that authoritarianism is something
that only happens outside the US.

发帖数: 1
Stone Cold Word
Longboat Key, Florida4m ago
AG Barr investigating a missing Twinkie is a joke.
So I am reading all these comments laughing and calling out "conspiracy
theories". It's easy to "throw shade"..... getting "shade to stick" is
another story.
I know this. A high profile prisoner, who supposedly tried to kill
himself just two weeks ago, this guy could not get near a 6 inch piece of
thread. Now that's not a "conspiracy theory".
The "shade slingers" want us to believe that this ego ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
No, I won’t start spying on my foreign-born students
By Lee C. Bollinger August 30 at 2:16 PM
Lee C. Bollinger is president of Columbia University and co-editor, with
Geoffrey R. Stone, of “The Free Speech Century.”
The FBI has stepped up its scrutiny of research practices at college and
university campuses — including mine.
Law enforcement and intelligence agencies determined to thwart the illegal
transfer of intellectual property to foreign rivals are encouraging U.S.
academics and administrat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
Of course it is and trade wars have inertia. As for the Chinese they have
already replaced most dependency on US products so they can afford to be
magnanimous. They know they have Trump pinned down.
The unspoken part of the trade deal has already been set.
Trump had no choice. US businesses were going to cut his balls off. Trump
polls are dropping for his mishandling of the economy as reported by CNBC.
Markets are moving because for the most part, China and the US have agreed
on IP safeguards. T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
来自主题: Military版 - 抄底A股成功,哈哈
Of course it is and trade wars have inertia. As for the Chinese they have
already replaced most dependency on US products so they can afford to be
magnanimous. They know they have Trump pinned down.
The unspoken part of the trade deal has already been set.
Trump had no choice. US businesses were going to cut his balls off. Trump
polls are dropping for his mishandling of the economy as reported by CNBC.
Markets are moving because for the most part, China and the US have agreed
on IP safeguards. T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
Of course it is and trade wars have inertia. As for the Chinese they have
already replaced most dependency on US products so they can afford to be
magnanimous. They know they have Trump pinned down.
The unspoken part of the trade deal has already been set.
Trump had no choice. US businesses were going to cut his balls off. Trump
polls are dropping for his mishandling of the economy as reported by CNBC.
Markets are moving because for the most part, China and the US have agreed
on IP safeguards. T... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
发帖数: 11545
Thank you !!!!!

: in spite of

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 旋翼机适合旅游探险
Autogyros Flight characteristics
Autogyros are often regarded by fixed-wing aircraft pilots as "dangerously
unstable", which is certainly true if one tries to fly an autogyro using
fixed-wing principles. Piloted properly, a autogyro is slightly safer than a
fixed-wing aircraft because it cannot stall. A "stall" does not mean an
engine-out event, it means a fixed wing aircraft is travelling too slowly
for the wings to produce lift. Since the rotor of a autogyro is always
spinning, it cannot stall... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
来自主题: Military版 - 巨巨这回被刘鹤给耍了?
What is wrong is Trump's negotiating tactics. That aggressive stripping of
face of those he negotiates with, that aggressive push pull. Face is a big
thing to the Chinese and that tactic puts them straight into the negative
extremely negative, so much so, that will readily cut of their nose to spite
their face, act against their own interest to recover that loss of face.
There are far too many in the US administration who can not negotiate
properly, who can not conduct proper diplomacy, who will... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 78
“There is no doubt that the virus is Chinese. This is a textbook example,
to be taught in universities, on how scientific information can be
manipulated for propaganda reasons ". Professor Giuseppe Remuzzi, director
of the Mario Negri Institute and one of the best known Italian scientists in
the world, in recent days has become in spite of himself an instrumen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4825
27 Mar, 2020 16:21
Asian democracies like South Korea, Japan and India are doing a better job
than Europe and the US in combating the coronavirus pandemic. Deep social
divisions and poor leadership in the West are just two of the reasons.
Even as the coronavirus has spread like wildfire to 199 countries and
territories around the world, a pattern of differential extent of
devastation is evident. The list of worst affected countries with ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 380
LX could get 50%, how much do you get by spiting out this bs?
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - "Marriage-y" Same-Sex Civil Unions Proposed
Fearing the ramifications of the same-sex marriage bill in New York,
Republicans in other states are proposing "marriage-y" same-sex civil unions
as a preemptive measure against potential same-sex marriage bills in their
own states.
Marriage-y same-sex civil unions would be identical to marriage except for
the name, providing homosexual couples with tax breaks and other legal
protections afforded by marriage.
"What can be more like ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Worst case scenario
WASHINGTON -- In spite of 9.2 percent unemployment and overall "satisfaction
" with the state of the country at a two-year low, Americans continue to
give President Obama higher approval ratings than experts would predict
based on the economic climate.
The latest Gallup poll marks a 43 percent approval rating and a 49 percent
disapproval rating for President Obama. A newly released CNN poll has the
president's approval rating at 45 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com October 06, 2011 04:53:01 PM ET
U.K. Prime Minister: "I Support Gay Marriage"
By Ivan Villanueva
David Cameron
In what might be viewed as a contradictory statement here in the United
States, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron said he supports same-sex marriage
precisely because he is a conservative.
His comments were made while speaking to the Conservative Party in
Manchester, England on Wednesday.
"I stood before a conservative con... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25615
【 以下文字转载自 TrustInJesus 讨论区 】
发信人: Eloihim (真神), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: 我覺得我對基督教的看法可能是錯的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 17 23:19:45 2012, 美东)
我一直認為基督教最後會死在進化論上, 教育普及以後,信基督教就像信
地球是平的一樣是難為情的事, 一兩代以後就不會有什麼人信了。 這看法
未必錯,不過我最近領悟到同性戀問題可能提早把基督教消滅, 這幾年正是
tipping point, 加州的 Prop. 8, 北卡的 Amendment 1 把基督教牢牢釘在
恐同反同的一方, 這如這篇博文講的, 也許基督徒贏了文化戰爭中的幾個
戰役, 卻失去一整代年輕人, 當基督教擺明與他們的同性戀朋友為敵,他們
How to win a culture wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2202
While female sexuality appears to be more fluid, research suggests that male
gayness is an inborn, unalterable, strongly genetically influenced trait.
But considering that the trait discourages the type of sex that leads to
procreation — that is, sex with women — and would therefore seem to thwart
its own chances of being genetically passed on to the next generation, why
are there gay men at all?
Put differently, why haven't gay man... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2201
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 华人恐同者
It's not because you claim I am homophobia that makes me feel you or some of
you are pathetic. I don't care what others think what I am, I am what I am(
like the example I gave before, I hang out with my workout buddies who are
gay in spite of all the jokes from my friends). It is because some of you
gays become irrational and make personal attacks. That is childish and
nonsense, loss of mind. It's not gay that makes you pathetic, it's the loss
of rational thinking that makes you pathetic.
发帖数: 22013
Bill Whatcott distributes leaflets under ‘Flying Spaghetti’ group at
Vancouver parade
With his revealing shorts, bright pink hair and a shirt that read “The
Flying Spaghetti Monster Is Gay,” anti-gay activist Bill Whatcott
successfully slipped into Vancouver’s Pride parade on Aug 3.
Whatc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5
来自主题: Talk版 - 在深层感性上的平静
Fears and Tears
In an exclusive interview, the Dalai Lama talks to NEWSWEEK about the
violence in Tibet, his vision of the future—and how he manages to sleep in
spite of his distress over the killings.
The Dalai Lama: 'I totally disagree with the view that the Tibet struggle
will die'
By Melinda Liu and Sudip Mazumdar
Translate by frogson
发帖数: 10330
US cannot sacrifice Taiwan to court the Chinese
By David Pilling
Published: March 30 2011 22:45 | Last updated: March 30 2011 22:45
Should Washington throw the Chinese dog a Taiwanese bone? That is the
essence of a quiet but persistent undercurrent of US thought: that
little Taiwan – with just 23m people – is too big an irritant in Sino-US
relations. Instead of continually annoying China by pledging to defend
it, the argument goes, the US should quietly drop its long-standing
US-Sino... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 113
Dear xxxx,
Thanks for sharing the Palin video. Yes, one thing on which I am suspicious
of Saran Palin, besides those of her cultural conservative ideas, is her
pale experience on foreign policy. However, I don't think she is worse, in
the sense of being more inexperienced, than Obama in that area. And maybe
she is even better than him - at least she has not yet showed any naivety
nor inconsistency, in spite of her inexperience, with regard to
发帖数: 1181
China to stick with U.S. bonds- FT
Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:22am EST
Feb 12 (Reuters) - China will continue to buy U.S. Treasury bonds even
though it knows the dollar will depreciate, because such investments remain
its "only option" in a perilous world, the Financial Times cited a senior
Chinese banking regulator as saying.
China would continue to buy Treasuries in spite of its misgivings about U.S.
finances, Luo Ping, a director-general at the China Banking Regulatory
Commission, told the paper afte
发帖数: 10233
Esquire has clear evidence showing that the government has flat-out ignored
or refused to consider the super-tanker method, in spite of its track-record
of resounding success. Both Obama and the Coast Guard have been dragging
their feet on this solution, although they have been made aware of it
It is also clear that BP and the Obama Administration could have not only
used government equipment in the effort but recruited the help of all of the
various oil companies. BP, obvious
发帖数: 29846
Nearly 40 African-American Republicans Are Vying for Office
Nearly 40 African-American Republicans Are Vying for Office
Black America Web, News Report, Posted: Oct 19, 2010
There hasn’t been a black Republican in Congress since J.C. Watts left
office in 2003. But at least 38 black GOP candidates in 21 states are on
ballots for the November general election, with several challenging
incumbent black ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Our nation is being strangled with inconceivable, unconscionable, and
massive amounts of debt. Unrestrained political correctness runs amok among
us. Our Congressmen and women are buying and bribing reelection through out
of control “earmark” spending only to satisfy the pleasure and greed of
their local supporters. At the same time they are crafting for themselves
retirement plans that make them instant lifetime millionaires and exempting
themselves from a health care plan they are force feedin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Is History Repeating Itself in New York?
By Bill Lalor
The New York State GOP establishment may be on the precipice of handing
another Congressional seat to the Democrats, as it did less than 2 years ago.
In November 2009, New York's 23rd Congressional District held a special
election to fill the seat vacated by GOP Congressman John McHugh. NY
Republicans promptly set off a national melee when they nominated for Dede
Scozzafava, a state legislator whose "Republican" credentials included
steadfast support for same-sex marriage, a "Marg... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Liberals Just Don't Get It
I just read a web page on a site of an organization that represents public
workers. On that page this statement is made: "It's time for politicians to
create jobs instead of playing politics."
If I were in that organization, I would seriously consider getting out. That
statement is a common one that is parroted, primarily by liberals, across
Here's the reality. If you've been around any time at all and paid any
attention to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Mary Beth White
In 1977, newly married and certain that my new spouse could do no wrong, I
willingly followed him into an adventure of Tennessee farming. I was a city
girl, but my new husband said we were going to raise sheep, cattle, and
horses, make tons of money, and live happily ever after. Because of the
politics of the day, the Farmers Home Administration had taken on several
newly developed loan projects and low-income families like us were given a
rosy scenario of cheap money for ch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - President Priss
By Mark Hyman
There has been no shortage of fawning and sycophantic descriptions of Barack
Hussein Obama. His admirers and supporters on the political left and in
the media (although I repeat myself) have showered him with numerous
accolades and lavished him with countless superlatives. According to them,
he is "the most," "the best," "most successful," "the greatest," and so on.
He has been called the most intelligent man ever elected president. Some
believe he is literally a genius. Obama ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Bugaboo of the Left
By Victor Volsky
The rogues' gallery of the far left is enormously spacious, and it doesn't
take much to be eligible for inclusion; any conservative worth his or her
salt automatically qualifies. But with the possible exception of that
eternal bogeyman, Richard Nixon, nobody is hated by the left with such
abandon; nobody is more vilified; nobody is targeted with such volcanic
eruptions of insane hatred and vitriol as former Vice President Dick Cheney.
But why? What did Cheney do to deserve suc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 52743
来自主题: USANews版 - NBC也欺人太甚了
虽然不怎么喜欢bachmann, 这种用阴招欺负人的行为也太龌龊了,spiteful
发帖数: 2273
WASHINGTON — Their poll numbers sinking, their constituents badly bruised
by economic hardship and with millions of American workers about to get a
sudden and unexpected tax increase, what are members of Congress discussing?
Shutting down the government. Again.
For the third time in a year, the divided 112th Congress is dancing on the
edge of catastrophe, locked in a bitter partisan battle over fiscal measures
, with unrelated policy debates clinging to the side.
Republicans and Democrats do not... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
January 2, 2012
In discussing the recent release of some 5,000 Climategate e-mails, blogger
Anthony Watts uses the clever headline "They are real -- and they're
spectacular." He credits Jerry Seinfeld as the source. Following his
example, I choose the headline "Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!" -- also taken from
a Seinfeld episode -- in discussing the surface temperatures generally
reported for the latter part of the 20th century; they form the science
basis for prosperity-killing international clim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Men and women have distinct personalities
Men and women really do have fundamentally different characteristics,
according to a study which has confirmed many longheld gender sterotypes.
A new analysis of a survey of 10,000 people found that each sex has firmly
entrenched characteristics, with women showing more sensitivity, warmth and
apprehension than men.
In contrast, emotional stability, dominance, rule-consciousness and
vigilance are more typically male characteristics, experts said.
Previou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
California Tax Revenue Plunges
Inquiring minds have noticed a huge plunge in California Tax Revenue for the
month of February compared to February 2011.
That is a 22.55% plunge in spite of the fact that this February was a leap
year adding a day to the calendar.
Madeline Schnapp, at TrimTabs Investment Research sent me a quick note
regarding that plunge a few days ago.
Madeline writes...
Hello Mish
I came across this little tidbit from the February report from the
Comptroller's office of... 阅读全帖
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