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发帖数: 12895
Incompetence, Manipulation, and Ballot Stuffing!!!
发帖数: 6571
Trump Is Right: Elections Can Be Rigged
by Jeffery Lord
August 9, 2016, 12:35 am
And Sean Hannity is right too.
“I’m afraid the election’s going to be rigged. I have to be honest…. I’
m telling you, November 8, we’d better be careful, because that election is
going to be rigged. And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it’
s going to be taken away from us.”
Thus spoke Donald Trump the other day, igniting a mini-media firestorm.
President Obama himself couldn’t resist the chance to jump... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4427
KIEV, Ukraine — On a leafy side street off Independence Square in Kiev is
an office used for years by Donald J. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul
Manafort, when he consulted for Ukraine’s ruling political party. His
furniture and personal items were still there as recently as May.
And Mr. Manafort’s presence remains elsewhere here in th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
September 9, 2016
The DC Gaslight District
By Peggy Ryan
I turn on the news and want to scream – another poll with Hillary Clinton
in the lead! How? She's all but dropped out of the race, and a new Clinton
scandal breaks every half-hour. So how is she winning?
It makes my head spin. Hillary disappears – her numbers go up. She
mishandles classified information and breaks the law – her numbers go up.
She's nailed for her Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scheme – her numbers go
up. I feel as t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 548
来自主题: USANews版 - 希拉理新書, 亞麻書評一星
For the love of god don't buy this book!!!! As soon as it was opened it
turned my whole house into a sewer with all the crap and bulls*** stuffed
inside it..... Now I can't find any of my emails, my dog shot himself 3 time
in the back of the head, now I have pneumonia....
发帖数: 6571
Medical Experts Watching Debate Said Hillary Showed “Telltale Signs” of
Parkinson’s Disease
Politics By Amy Moreno September 28, 2016
Hillary’s poor health continues to be a primary campaign issue.
After passing out cold during a 9/11 memorial service and being stuffed,
head-first into her “medical bus,” Americans have reason to be concerned.
On the surface, it appears that Hillary may have Parkinson’s disease –
although, we can’t say for certain since she will not release her medical
I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6346
WASHINGTON — President Obama gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the
nation’s highest civilian honor, to 21 artists, sports figures, scientists
and philanthropists on Tuesday in a bravura performance that had the East
Wing, stuffed to capacity, laughing and whooping with appreciation.
发帖数: 163
It’s been one week since Donald Trump pulled off the biggest upset in
modern political history, and his headquarters at Trump Tower in New York
City is a 58-story, onyx-glassed lightning rod. Barricades, TV trucks and
protesters frame a fortified Fifth Avenue. Armies of journalists and selfie-
seeking tourists stalk Trump Tower’s pink marble lobby, hoping to snap the
next politica... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 311
The German-born national is of Iraqi descent, and has not been identified by
authorities because of his age. He reportedly attempted twice to blow up
the device in the town of Ludwigshafen. Authorities discovered a backpack
that contained a glass jar stuffed with firecracker materials and with nails
taped to it.

发帖数: 1
题目是Whats the creepiest true story that happened to you or someone you
know (serious)?
[url=][–][/url]DragonFrewt 807 points 3 days ago
I was getting used to a new laptop I had gotten around 2 months ago. The
little green light next to the camera turned on shortly after I got it and
signed into it. And it was... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16479
来自主题: USANews版 - 我虽然同情支持同性恋
In her newly published collection of personal essays, Not That Kind of Girl,
Lena Dunham describes experimenting sexually with her younger sister Grace,
whom she says she attempted to persuade to kiss her using “anything a
sexual predator might do.” In one particularly unsettling passage, Dunham
experimented with her six-year younger sister’s vagina. “This was within
the spectrum of things I did,” she writes.
In the collection of nonfiction personal accounts, Dunham de... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - Manafort Expects to Be Indicted
Paul Manafort Expects to Be Indicted, Longtime Trump Adviser Says
WASHINGTON — Roger J. Stone Jr., an informal adviser to President Trump,
said on Tuesday that Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman is expecting to
be indicted by federal prosecutors investigating Russia’s attempts to
disrupt last year’s election.
Mr. Stone’s remarks about the former campaign chairman, Paul J. Manafort,
came after Mr. Stone spent hours behind closed doors with members of the
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 310
选举舞弊作为一个热门话题, 去年大选前已经激烈的讨论过了。 然而到底选举舞弊是
否存在, 规模有多大, 这是个没人能回答的问题。 联邦选举委员会和各地的选举委
员会都不愿升入调查, 特别是兰州, 都可以不出示ID投票。 这使得调查愈发困难。
笔者作为兴趣, 对选举数据进行了深入的调查, 结果是一个触目惊心的答案。
在弗罗里达这个要求出示证件的严格执法州, 在最近十年内:
1. 359名未满18岁的人投了765票
2. 100名超过100岁的老人投票, 其中有一位156岁的老人去投票站投的。(晕)
3. 3475名投票后注册的人投了9196票
4. 80,945人投了167,333 张重复选票。
5. 1937个地址都有10-50名注册选民, 中间不凡1000尺出头的小房子, 共33249名选
6. 根据不完整的死亡记录, 357名选民死后投了878票。
2016 has proved to be anything but a usual election year. It sure will
continue to surprise everybody until 201... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds (/ 参考消息 /), 信区: Parenting
标 题: 想给您家孩儿买个H1N1玩具吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 2 13:54:20 2009, 美东)
Swine flu virus soft toy for sale on internet
A swine flu soft toy has gone on sale on the internet - to help educate and
reassure children about the potentially deadly virus.
www.telegraph.co.uk, 01 Sep 2009,
(The company describes its toys as 'great learning tools' )
The stuffed toy has been designed to represent a "cuddlier" version of an
H1N1 microbe, com
发帖数: 39119
One researcher said he often went by the lab in the Yale School of
Medicine building where Le was found strangled and stuffed in a wall.
Lufeng Zhang worked with Clark, he said, and thinks the police may
have the wrong man.
"He's a nice man, always," he said.
不知道出于什么心理动机这么说. 嫌疑不嫌疑,就那么些人,clark的家人都没这么激动吧
发帖数: 26222
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: smokinggun (硝烟), 信区: Military
标 题: 伊拉克66亿美金可能被美国军方盗窃瓜分
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 14 00:58:14 2011, 美东)
Missing Iraqi billions 'probably stolen'
Paul Richter, Washington
June 14, 2011
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One Hercules C-130 could carry as much as $US2.4 billion in shrink-wrapped
bricks of $US100 bills.
One Hercules C-130 could carry as much as $US2.4 billion in shrink-wrap... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4140
来自主题: WorldNews版 - Joke: Presidential Debate 2012, Act III
Joke: Presidential Debate 2012, Act III
By Limin Wang
In the evening of October 16, 2012, at the Smack Complex of Hofstra
University on Long Island, New York, President Obama and former governor
Romney had the second finger-to-finger presidential debate. Candy Growly
tried her hardest to moderate them.
Outside the debate building, large swarms of people had decided on their own
to join the show. Some said that they wanted to bring their own tough
questions. Some said that they wanted ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4140
来自主题: WorldNews版 - Joke: Presidential Debate 2012, Act III
Joke: Presidential Debate 2012, Act III
By Limin Wang
In the evening of October 16, 2012, at the Smack Complex of Hofstra
University on Long Island, New York, President Obama and former governor
Romney had the second finger-to-finger presidential debate. Candy Growly
tried her hardest to moderate them.
Outside the debate building, large swarms of people had decided on their own
to join the show. Some said that they wanted to bring their own tough
questions. Some said that they wanted ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
来自主题: Automobile版 - Liar !
A police officer pulls a guy over for speeding and asked, "May I see your
driver's license?"
The driver answered, "I don't have one. I had it suspended when I got my 5th
The officer asked, "May I see the owner's card for this vehicle?"
The driver answered,"It's not my car. I stole it."
The officer asked, "The car is stolen?"
The driver answered, "That's right. But come to think of it, I think I saw
the owner's card in the glove box
when I was putting my gun in there."
The officer asked, "T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11251
来自主题: Automobile版 - SOS 树上的树脂掉到车上怎么清洗
1. 汽油。但是洗完以后必须马上打蜡。
2. 一种叫做tough stuf的清洗剂。在autozone有卖的,上面明确说可以洗tree sap
发帖数: 7371
来自主题: Automobile版 - 点解?
How the hell in the name of bloody heaven 12 ppl can be stuffed in a an
发帖数: 12623
来自主题: Automobile版 - Ron Paul退休...永别了!美利坚
Ron Paul has some "liberal views" that are in conjunction with modern
conservative views on certain issues, such as global military presence and
legalization of prostitution (classic libertarianism). Ron Paul really
represents the classic libertarian and constitutional values and principles
no one else in Washington DC does nowadays. He advocates:
1) Constitutionality 2) individual freedom (and responsibility) 3) free
market system and classic capitalism 4) small government, big families
He is a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12623
来自主题: Automobile版 - Ron Paul退休...永别了!美利坚
Why? I posted this already:
Ron Paul has some "liberal views" that are in conjunction with modern
conservative views on certain issues, such as global military presence and
legalization of prostitution (classic libertarianism). Ron Paul really
represents the classic libertarian and constitutional values and principles
no one else in Washington DC does nowadays. He advocates:
1) Constitutionality
2) individual freedom (and responsibility)
3) free market system and classic capitalism
4) small... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16625
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: lopt (好好学习天天向上), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 韩国两家航空公司的飞机千万不能坐!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 13 03:05:44 2013, 美东)
这个是我在Yahoo News的comments看到的。一个在韩国两家航空公司教了五年的美国飞
After I retired from UAL as a Standards Captain on the –400, I got a job as
a simulator instructor working for Alteon (a Boeing subsidiary) at Asiana.
When I first got ther... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 113
I drove from SF to DC in 2004 alone, in a 93 civic ex(150k) coupe stuffed
with my belonging. The whole journey was competed in 51 hours, mostly stayed
on HY80. The only issue I encountered was tire pressure leakage caused by
the weight. which had me inflate that tire twice a day.
I agree with avoiding Co and the tornado ally. I had 2 friends suffered from
bad weather. Hales damaged my friend's MB CL550 windshield and hood.
发帖数: 26623
A local newspaper sent a reporter to the scene to investigate the situation.
The reporter arrived about half an hour after the incident and found that
the white car had been locked. The red car however was still open, and
incredibly it was still switched on, and you-can’t-make-this-up there was
another kid on the driver’s seat, with a dad watching, this time. And the
bonnet was open.
The reporter reported that Tesla had taken the following measures to prevent
the cars from being started and move... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5697
来自主题: Automobile版 - 美国轿车后箱可以放四个人!
发帖数: 5214
来自主题: Automobile版 - Atlas 2.0t的测试报告出来了。
The four-cylinder needed 4.1 seconds to accelerate from 30 to 50 mph and 4.9
to get from 50 to 70 mph, whereas the AWD V-6 performed those tasks in 3.9
and 5.2 seconds. In other words, the story has a much happier ending this
time than when Ford tried stuffing a 2.0T in its portly Explorer, where
buyers were forced to pay extra to opt for its terminal lagginess.
[在 fighzxh (身体只是借代品) 的大作中提到:]
:0-60是快 速度上去之后还是v6后劲足
发帖数: 129
来自主题: Classified版 - [出售]4个包子出售PizzaHut coupon
Receive a free order of Stuffed Pizza Rollers with the purchase of a large
pizza at menu price only at PizzaHut.com
有兴趣的PM联系,我会给你coupon code。
Offer valid only at pizzahut.com for delivery or carryout. Coupon expires 12
Go to www.pizzahut.com and click "Order Now"
Sign In or Register
Select your location
Click on the "Deals" Tab
Enter the coupon code
发帖数: 1835
All brand new and UPC intact.
Bill pay 先款+ YL.
Label ready 一包走: 防盗胶带专业打包.
2 Canon T3 18-55: $335 each
4 Canon 75-300: $98 each
3 Canon 55-250: $145 each
Drop one by one: 全新大小适合纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带专业打包.
2 Canon T3 18-55: $340 each
4 Canon 75-300: $100 each
3 Canon 55-250: $150 each
交易过的ID or 靠谱名医神户only.
PM or Email.
发帖数: 1835
All brand new and UPC intact.
Bill pay 先款+ YL.
Label ready 一包走: 防盗胶带专业打包.
4 Canon T3 w/ 18-55: $340 each
4 Canon 75-300: $98 each
5 Canon 55-250: $142 each
Drop one by one: 全新大小适合纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带专业打包.
4 Canon T3 18-55: $345 each
4 Canon 75-300: $100 each
5 Canon 55-250: $145 each
交易过的ID or 靠谱名医神户only.
PM or Email.
发帖数: 1835
All brand new and UPC intact.
Bill pay 先款+ YL.
Label ready 一包走: 防盗胶带专业打包.
4 Canon T3 w/ 18-55: $335 each
4 Canon 75-300: $98 each
5 Canon 55-250: $142 each
Drop one by one: 全新大小适合纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带专业打包.
4 Canon T3 18-55: $340 each
4 Canon 75-300: $100 each
5 Canon 55-250: $145 each
交易过的ID or 靠谱名医神户only.
PM or Email or QQ
发帖数: 1835
来自主题: Classified版 - [出售] Canon T3 w/ 18-55, 55-250 from East
All brand new and UPC intact.
Bill pay 先款+ YL. 一包走与单独drop价格相同.
Label ready 一包走: 防盗胶带专业打包.
Drop one by one: 全新大小适合纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带专业打包.
4 Canon T3 w/ 18-55: $340 each
5 Canon 55-250: $145 each
靠谱ID only.
PM or Email or QQ
发帖数: 1835
New sealed with UPC intact.
One HP 15-B140us: $425
One Vizio CT15-A1: $525
One Lenovo G580: $300 (upc: 887619699470)
一起收only。可一包走,可drop one by one, 可囤1年。
Bill pay + YL. 全新纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带专业打包。
靠谱id only。顺利交易过的id preferred.
Contact: PM, QQ, Email...
发帖数: 1835
来自主题: Classified版 - [出售] 1 HP 15-b153nr @ $440 from MD
Brand new sealed.
Need label ready in 3 days.
全新纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带 专业打包。
Non-cc paypal gift or bill pay 先款。
靠谱ID only。顺利交易过的ID preferred。
联系:Email, PM, QQ...
发帖数: 1835
All brand new and factory sealed. 品相完美。
可FBA一包走,可囤货到今天圣诞节前,可drop one by one。
全新纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带 专业打包。
Bill pay 先款。
靠谱ID only。顺利交易过的ID preferred。
联系:PM, EMAIL, QQ......
发帖数: 16594
It is good to be the chief executive of a company that's about to ship 500
million diapers in a single year. For one thing, you get to drive a golf
cart as fast as you want in your new 1,250,000-square-foot warehouse.
"Hang on!" says Marc Lore, putting the hammer down.
The golf cart leaps forward, racing through 10-foot-tall canyons of diapers
stacked on pallets. At 25 miles an hour, the diaper mountains blur by, here
a pyramid ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3246
来自主题: ebiz版 - evil ipad2 customer on amazon
Yvette mcswain
469 Sarah Ann drive
Lothian, Md 20711
收到第二天就claim没收到,给了tracking number 又说signature不对,不是他的名字。
this was a total rip off package contained cardboard stuffed in plastic.
pls refund my account immediately... i had to order the item from a
different seller instead therefor i paid twice for one item ... amazon
please refund my account
发帖数: 4732
发帖数: 2289
LOS ANGELES - A federal grand jury indicted a Los Angeles toy company
Thursday in a complex financial scheme to launder millions of dollars for
drug trafficking organizations in Mexico and Colombia. The drug proceeds,
which were allegedly laundered through numerous "structured" cash deposits
in the United States, were returned to clients when stuffed animals --
including Teddy bears and Topo Gigio dolls -- were exported to the foreign
countries and sold to generate local "clean" money... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 37612
not ok, according to the regulation, you can go to any post office drop off
box to read, any package more than 13oz and posted with stamps, has to be br
ing to the post office stuffed loction to be mailed.
发帖数: 1835
air pillow: simply best. easy to get for free
full sheet craft paper: affordable. $0.1/big sheet. cost under $0.5 per big
bubble wrap: kind of expensive. only use when necessary.
peanuts: also a lit expensive. can be used for drop one by one non-FBA item.
It's actually a kind of decent stuffing material in old Americans' eyes.
all others: can not be used for FBA, not good for drop one by one non-FBA
either. A good use is for 一包走 to holy docs or holy nurses.
发帖数: 354
来自主题: Faculty版 - 要推荐信的蹊跷事
from the teacher's letter, (hope this is fine):
We filled our marble party yesterday and decided what we'd like to do for
our party, today. The children had MANY ideas of fun things to do. We all
voted on our favorite ideas and our votes determined that we are going to
watch a movie and enjoy a popcorn snack, bring ONE stuffed animal to school,
AND wear pajamas!!!! :-)
发帖数: 86
([email protected]/* */)
([email protected]/* */ ~ [email protected]/* */)
山不在高 。。。。 。。。。 。。。。 。。。。。。。。
([email protected]/* */)
yihe86 (王小骆) 同学/老师,你说的‘。。。三天的行程,一天半的面试,小学校真
是实诚啊,领导几乎全上了。。。’这样的这么一个安排,想了一下(oh yeah, 想了一
下~~,如果i can… … ..)。。。,觉得(eh,觉得??~~… if … … ..)。。。,好
.. … ..)。。。??~~。。。@@_@@... … ..:
例1)《三国演义》里面的。。。诸葛亮 (老师/同学... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1329
【 以下文字转载自 LeisureTime 讨论区 】
发信人: wh (wh), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: BBC评选的11本最佳儿童书
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 7 01:06:34 2015, 美东)
The 11 greatest children’s books
What are the greatest children’s books ever? In search of a collective
critical assessment, BBC Culture’s Jane Ciabattari polled dozens of critics
around the world, including NPR’s Maureen Corrigan; Nicolette Jones,
children’s books editor of the Sunday Times; Nicole Lamy of the Boston
Globe; Time magazine's books editor Lev Grossman; Danie... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5813
发帖数: 129
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - [出售]4个包子出售PizzaHut coupon
Receive a free order of Stuffed Pizza Rollers with the purchase of a large
pizza at menu price only at PizzaHut.com
有兴趣的PM联系,我会给你coupon code。
Offer valid only at pizzahut.com for delivery or carryout. Coupon expires 12
Go to www.pizzahut.com and click "Order Now"
Sign In or Register
Select your location
Click on the "Deals" Tab
Enter the coupon code
发帖数: 1835
All brand new and UPC intact.
Bill pay 先款+ YL.
Label ready 一包走: 防盗胶带专业打包.
2 Canon T3 18-55: $335 each
4 Canon 75-300: $98 each
3 Canon 55-250: $145 each
Drop one by one: 全新大小适合纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带专业打包.
2 Canon T3 18-55: $340 each
4 Canon 75-300: $100 each
3 Canon 55-250: $150 each
交易过的ID or 靠谱名医神户only.
PM or Email.
发帖数: 1835
All brand new and UPC intact.
Bill pay 先款+ YL.
Label ready 一包走: 防盗胶带专业打包.
4 Canon T3 w/ 18-55: $340 each
4 Canon 75-300: $98 each
5 Canon 55-250: $142 each
Drop one by one: 全新大小适合纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带专业打包.
4 Canon T3 18-55: $345 each
4 Canon 75-300: $100 each
5 Canon 55-250: $145 each
交易过的ID or 靠谱名医神户only.
PM or Email.
发帖数: 1835
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - [草地出售] HP 7210us/2235us from East
Brand new sealed with UPC intact.品相非常好. Bill pay + YL.
4 HP 7210us $455ea
4 HP 2235us $330ea
一起收only(可能会需要付到两张卡)。可一包走,可drop one by one, 可囤1年。
不论是单独寄,还是一包走,均会使用 全新纸箱+全新stuffing+防盗胶带 专业打包。
靠谱id only,顺利交易过的ID preferred.
Contact: PM, QQ, Email...
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