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发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 哥给ldy订十打No Sweat产的丝袜

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 美国过几天就有super bowl了
不出汗的(no sweat)一律不准进场
发帖数: 10416
I learned early on not to sweat being occasionally wrong about the future.
new york times 雄文
Admit It: You Don’t Know What Will Happen Next
发帖数: 37081
来自主题: Military2版 - 陆军要换帽子了!
a beret $11.90 vs a patrol cap $6.50
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The US Army is abandoning the beret, after a failed 10-
year experiment.
The black beret, which proved deeply unpopular with American soldiers, will
be replaced by a patrol cap for everyday wear, US Army spokesman Colonel Tom
Collins said Monday.
The move came after outgoing Army chief of staff, General Martin Dempsey,
asked the army's sergeant major "to go out and talk to soldiers across the
forc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 212
来自主题: Military2版 - 美军服役的双腿直立行走Robot
PETMAN is an anthropomorphic robot developed by Boston Dynamics for testing
special clothing used by US military personnel. PETMAN balances itself as it
walks, squats and does calisthenics. PETMAN simulates human physiology by
controlling temperature, humidity and sweating inside the clothing to
provide realistic test conditions. PETMAN development is lead by Boston
Dynamics, working in partnership with Measurement Technologies Northwest,
Oak Ridge National Lab and MRIGlobal.
发帖数: 9616
来自主题: Olympics版 - 射击那个埃蒙斯太悲催了
Emmons added: "For me, any medal's good."
Hi perspective on everything — shooting, life — has changed considerably
since Beijing. In 2009, he and Katy became parents. In 2010, he worried
about whether he would be around for his daughter.
That was when Emmons was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Surgery was needed,
and he'll be on medication for the rest of his life, but the 31-year-old has
a clean bill of health again.
"The more I learned about it, I figured out if you're going to get cancer,
thyr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 184
发帖数: 19713
Hot Nude Yoga Becomes Gay Trend
The practice of "hot nude yoga" is gaining popularity in gay communities
across America, says the Associated Press.
By Julie Bolcer
Nude Yogax180 (Photos.com) | Advocate.com
The Associated Press investigates the trend of “hot nude yoga” in gay
communities coast to coast.
The exercise, which the AP calls “a form of sensualized tantric yoga
practiced nude,” appears to be gathering steam, and presumably sweat, in
gay neighborhoods.
“A few classes are coed, but male-o
发帖数: 1822
来自主题: QueerNews版 - The True Cost of Being Gay in Beijing
Coming Out in China: The True Cost of Being Gay in Beijing
By A KUAI / WORLDCRUNCH Wednesday, July 13, 2011
After he left Tianjin last year, Zhang Xiaobai realized that homosexuals are
not "rare birds."
When he was still in primary school, Zhang (not his real name) found that he
was attracted to boys. Particularly after each physical-education class,
when he looked at the sweat-soaked back of a boy he liked, he felt dazed.
The feeling got stronger when he entered high school and fell secretly
am... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Cycling for Rare Cancers
In December 2003, just a year after getting married, my life was turned
completely upside down. After weeks of night sweats and fevers, my wife Jen
was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 33. To say I was shocked would be an
understatement. My wife was the picture of good health, always carrying a
bag of carrots and a bottle of water on the way to the gym. But as we
learned, cancer doesn't discriminate, and it chose Jen.
We started ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
WASHINGTON -- You may not recognize him by name, but Zach Wahls is known by
millions as the teenager who gave powerful testimony to an Iowa House
committee in January 2011 in support of his two moms. The video of his
speech became the top viral political video of 2011 and landed him TV
appearances with Ellen DeGeneres and David Letterman, among others.
Now 20 years old, Wahls has written a book, traveled the country talking
about th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9290
来自主题: RuralChina版 - 看看有几个人在
don't sweat the technique
发帖数: 28502
来自主题: RuralChina版 - [合集] 看看有几个人在
lxinzheng (头发2mm长) 于 (Sun May 13 10:44:19 2012, 美东) 提到:
hone (磨刀石) 于 (Sun May 13 10:59:32 2012, 美东) 提到:
☆─────... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
来自主题: Talk版 - Unable to support not drink
LHZ capable of misleading people, preached to something for nothing,
believers have to give up work, only to indulge in practice "Falungong"
naturally a matter of course. First Look Ma Xiang gold, Yishui County Cui
Island town. In 1998, he was in Qingdao when construction workers, was
introduced to the name of the contact qigong under the banner of "Falungong.
" To catch him, "a thousand years," the opportunity to practice, no longer
willing to sweat to work, leaving the building in Qingdao. Jul... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 162
哇。。。我不是故意 打 繁體字啊。。。那個啥 我 本子的 簡體中文又出問題了。。
此貼 敝人 感慨如下:
1。 樓主 簡體字 了得!!! 很好 就是嘛 跟中國人打交代 還是簡體字 吃香。
2。 又一次見識了 台灣的教育水平。
3。 政治 不是隨便誰都能玩的轉的。 還是先照顧好自己的吃喝拉撒睡 吧。 別瞎操
心 那麼多 你操心不了 也還沒那麼多‘墨水’來操心的事兒了。
发帖数: 112
来自主题: USANews版 - 要房子,只要你敢
summary: making <$32000 a year. secure a loan of 400K. then, foreclosure.
no sweat.
Home Value Highwire
Listen every Monday and check this space for a regular look at how the
economy is affecting the housing market in the Washington Area.
Darci Marchese, WTOP Radio
Foreclosed -- And Proud Of It?
GAITHERSBURG, Md. - A Maryland woman is among the thousands of people losing
their homes to foreclosure. But she's actually using the situatio
发帖数: 632
来自主题: USANews版 - neutural and diverse news sources
Realclearpoplitics: It is very comprehensive and diverse news publisher and
includes all important news from major media, both Left and RIght,
Conservative and Liberals. Plus, it is a cluster of major news source, and
you don't need to sweat to type web address for those like NYT, WP, AP or
USA today.
Arts and Letters Daily: http://www.aldaily.com/
It is hosted by Chronicle of Higher Eudcation and lists all the major news
media across the world.
发帖数: 1085
Finally Obama did it for me. Universal health care becomes reality.
No worries anymore and life-time peace of mind is worth the extra 1 grand
year that I am paying into the system.
It is like auto-insurance. It is money down to drain till you hit someone.
There are a lot of auto insurance scams. And there are lazy bones who take
advantage of the system. It is business cost. Dont sweat it.
We want military and you know much money goes down into the drain?
We want police. You know how muc
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - medicare每年60billion fraud
Finally Obama did it for me. Universal health care becomes reality.
No worries anymore and life-time peace of mind is worth the extra 1 grand
year that I am paying into the system.
It is like auto-insurance. It is money down to drain till you hit someone.
There are a lot of auto insurance scams. And there are lazy bones who take
advantage of the system. It is business cost. Dont sweat it.
We want military and you know much money goes down into the drain?
We want police. You know how much y
发帖数: 29846
参议院民主党领袖、极左的Harry Reid,现在是最富有的参议员之一,住在首府华盛顿
Where Reid's Money Came From
By Daxton Brown
d*********[email protected]
In the Sharron Angle vs Reid debate on October 14th, Angle asked Senator
Reid how he was able to accumulate so much wealth on a politicians salary.
One would suppose that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is a fairly
important person and many in the media would already have answers to this
question. However, other than... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The wife of the man who took target practice on a school board in Florida on
Tuesday, described her husband as a gentle giant who was pushed over the
edge by the economy and frustrated over her losing her teaching job.
"He wanted to get me an answer," Rebecca Duke said of her husband Clay A.
"The economy and the world just got the better of him," Duke said in a
rambling p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Saturday, 13 Aug 2011 01:23 PM
CHARLESTON, S.C. - Rick Perry, the conservative governor of Texas, declared
himself a candidate for U.S. president Saturday, shaking up the race for the
Republican nomination to face Democratic President Barack Obama in 2012.
Perry made the announcement in a statement issued shortly before he was to
address a gathering of conservatives in South Carolina to launch his
"It is time to get America working again," Perry said in the statement. "
That's why with... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803

A typical self-learned slave that ties himself up before the master
even lands a finger on him. Tame is his middle name:)
US economy 101, pinciple #1:
This country has gone so far as of today is by and large due to the working
class, big or small, rich or working poor who keep its wheels rolling. The
growing lazy people is the unforgivable bunch that feed on other people's
sweats to live a life that otherwise impossible, thinking of 3rd world.
Of course, any campaign would calibrate its punch l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803

no matter how little or none the liberal lazy leeches contribute,
the country has to run its gov, build roads, keep kids in school,
and not least providing the voting booths so those useful idiots,
and liberal voting zombies can abuse the system again and again,
i.e. as long as there are enough victimized middle-above classes
who sweat their butts to feed those thieves and their leaders,
Mr. OBozo, sorry this one is a reader - for a scripts reader, the
country pays way too much which in China F... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2273
来自主题: USANews版 - Buyout Profits Keep Flowing to Romney
Almost 13 years ago, Mitt Romney left Bain Capital, the successful private
equity firm he had helped start, and moved to Utah to rescue the Salt Lake
City Olympic Games and begin a second career in public life.
Yet when it came to his considerable personal wealth, Mr. Romney never
really left Bain.
In what would be the final deal of his private equity career, he negotiated
a retirement agreement with his former partners that has paid him a share of
Bain’s profits ever since, bringing the Romney ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Last Updated: 5:38 AM, July 19, 2012
Posted: 1:17 AM, July 19, 2012
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Small-business owners across the city are lashing out at President Obama,
saying they built their companies with their own money and sweat — and
without the government's help.
Their scathing reaction came after Obama, at a Virginia campaign stop last
Friday, launched an all-out assault on entrepreneurs:
“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build tha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Written by Mark Rogers
This was a day that support rarely seen across the country was exhibited at
the 1600 Chick-fil-A stores in the U.S. Christians and others determined to
support the values of the company and its president and the right to state
those values came to eat.
They came in droves backing up traffic on major city streets, filling
parking lots, standing in line out the doors into the streets, some in
temperatures well over 100 degrees. As this is being written at 9:30 p.m.
they are... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4321
来自主题: USANews版 - Brooksley Born: "I told you so."
By Manuel Roig-Franzia
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friends nudge the woman who saw the catastrophe coming.
Credit Crisis Cassandra
Regulation Debate Hinged on Arcane Point of Law
They want Brooksley Born to say four words, four simple words: "I told you
Ah, but she won't -- not at legal conferences or dinner parties. Not even in
a quiet moment in her living room, givi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
October 12, 2012 by Doug Johnson
In two debates President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have
collectively moved into first place in the all-time worst use of the medium
of television in a debates. Collectively they’ve frowned and smirked (Obama
) and creepily smiled and guffawed (Biden) in such inglorious fashion as to
historically portray themselves so poorly that they’ve move the needle
decidedly in their opponents favor. Obama’s debate loss is already historic.
Biden, while not ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803

just a tard, talks the talk.
all mouth work, not a sweat breaks.
发帖数: 4324
But of all the polls that have been released, there are two polls that will
have Team Obama waking up in a cold sweat knowing that if these polls are
even somewhat accurate they might be on the other end of a dramatic victory
on Election Day: The party-affiliation polls from Gallup and Rasmussen.
发帖数: 3803
来自主题: USANews版 - Is Obama Stupid And Lazy?
Is Obama Stupid and Lazy?
Although that’s quite a provocative question, evidence is mounting that
Obama may not be as intelligent as his supporters and cheerleaders in the
media constantly assure us. The reality may be that Obama is mostly a
creation of the liberal media. Indeed, the more we dig into his past, the
more we find very little substance and discover how a network of liberal
professors, law firms, and others, gave him a pass on performance while he
pursued his political agenda.
Educat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Jack Eldon Jackson
You probably remember the massive booing during the Republican primary
debates when Texas Governor Rick Perry dribbled out his dippy response to
the question of illegal immigration. With respect to taxpayer-funded
incentives that reward such activity, Perry stated he was actually "proud"
to redistribute hundreds of millions of dollars from hardworking legal
Texans -- many of them Latinos -- to an endless stream of illegal immigrants
and their children for the humanitarian ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 178
The phrases that make me vomit:
(1) their fair share:
IRS statistics: 47% do not pay income taxes. some even get paid instead.
average effect tax rate for $20K-$50K earners is below 5%; that for $50K-$
100K earners is below 10%; that for Obama defined riches is over 20%. well,
I only see Mitt's 14% rate, and Buffet's rate is lower than his secretary,
who must belong to middle class (yes must).
(2) because they can afford it.
yes, no other excuse is necessary. take their money because the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
A Pentagon push to mix the sexes ignores how awful cheek-by-jowl life is on
the battlefield.

America has been creeping closer and closer to allowing women in combat, so
Wednesday's news that the decision has now been made is not a surprise. It
appears that female soldiers will be allowed on the battlefield but not in
the infantry. Yet it is a distinction without much difference: Infantry
units serve side-by-side in combat with artillery, engineers, drivers,
medics and others wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
“It’s exactly this sort of thing that drives people into the arms of the
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
This, introduced to the legislature in the state of Washington, is more than
simply alarming:
Forget police drones flying over your house. How about police coming
inside, once a year, to have a look around?
As Orwellian as that sounds, it isn’t hypothetical. The notion of
police home inspections was introduced in a bill last week in Olympia.
That it’s part of one of the majo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 931
1. Routine Care, Unforgettable Bills
When Sean Recchi, a 42-year-old from Lancaster, Ohio, was told last March
that he had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, his wife Stephanie knew she had to get
him to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Stephanie’s father had been
treated there 10 years earlier, and she and her family credited the doctors
and nurses at MD Anderson with extending his life by at least eight years.
Because Stephanie and her husband had recently started their own small
techn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
All I smell is sweat and spray-paint. All I see are fists. I’m thinking of
last year, watching protesters pull a riot cop out of Tahrir Square into an
alley and telling Bucky, “That guy is dead.”
Now I’m thinking, “I’m that guy.”
That night, I was planning on going to my cousin’s wedding. I spent the
last five days of Ramadan with my family in Alexandria, Egypt’s second
largest city, then went to my aunt’s in Cairo. At 4pm, near El-Hegaz Square
, a Muslim Brotherhood-organized protest marches pa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 呵呵, Mike Rowe值得尊敬
Mike Rowe Gently Smacks Down a Stupid Liberal
We love Mike Rowe. Everything we know about him, we love. We especially love
Mike’s work ethic and his direct way of speaking. You really can’t
misunderstand Mike. Take this, for instance.
Mike Rowe has a foundation and he promotes blue collar trades work. Please
note the name of this scholarship, “Work Ethic Scholarship.” He’s taken
some heat for that.
Mike answered Craig in his patented Mike Rowe way .
Hi Craig, and Happy Sunday!
I’m afraid... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3656
yes, there is no question about this.
when a man is young or poor, he wants the authority to protect him and help
when he accumulates an initial amount of wealth, he wants the authority to
be let him be. let his wealth compound forward with low taxation and leave
all the opportunities unfettered in front of him.
when in the small chance that he accumulates a large amount of wealth, or
gained political power, so much so that he can affect the authority's
decisions, he wants the authority to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29853
来自主题: USANews版 - 希拉里是这么处理机密邮件的
Clinton’s flimsy claim never to have handled e-mails labeled classified
imploded recently when an e-mail sent June 17, 2011, became public. That
morning, Clinton’s aide Jacob Sullivan informed her that a document could
not reach her via a secure fax. No sweat! Clinton replied, “...
turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/430157/hillary-clinton... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1134
What could our incipient illustrious potentate do to get companies to ‘
bring jobs back from China and Mexico’?
Simple: Tariffs, non-tariff trade barriers, staffing regulations requiring
local hires, and regulations taxing overseas profits
The wage differential between our workers and those in the third world also
existed in the 1950’s and 1960’s. But we also had tariff and non-tariff
trade barriers that limited competition from the outside. During this
period, our economy grew by leaps and bo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1291
来自主题: USANews版 - ted cruz可惜了
haha, 我觉得trump最解气的不是choke artist, 他一直说rubio “pouring sweat,
这个比choke artist更形象,让老百姓明白。
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - Trump: Marco, easy with the makeup

private bathroom。
Rubio: “He called me Mr. Meltdown. Let me tell you something, last night in
the debate during one of the breaks, two of the breaks, he went backstage
and he was having a meltdown. First he had one of those makeup things
applying around his mustache because he had one of those sweat mustaches.
Then, then he asked for a full length mirror, I don’t know why because the
podium goes up to here (gestures to chest). I don’t know why maybe to make
s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
I watched Chris take a man apart -- and I looked him, and honestly, I
thought he was going to die. Rubio, he was so scared like a little
frightened puppy. And he kept saying the Obama phrase over and over. So
then I heard it once, and I said, "That's fine. Big deal." I'm standing
here; he's right here. Chris is over here. And Chris is sort of cool,
cause he's like this. (laughter) I couldn't do that, you know? I want to
stand up sort of like straight, I don't know.Just looked lik... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - 床铺今天竞选演说的5个段子
On how he has put a damper on Bill and Hillary Clinton’s marital life: “
She called me sexist, and I hit her with the husband, and that was the last
time I heard the word sexist. They had a rough weekend. Bill was not happy.
I can guarantee you, he said, ‘Don’t you ever say that to him again! Say
it to someone else, but not to Trump.'”
On Romney’s final month of campaigning: “Obama, say what you want, he was
on Jay Leno, he was on David Letterman. He was all over the place the last
three or four... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16479
回复精彩。直接identify自己是高院法官,fix this whole thing without a sweat:)
发帖数: 46
我关注Scott Walker 有几年了.
他当上 Wisconsin 州长以后, 一秒钟都不耽误, 为改善州里财政状况, 立刻立法整肃
教师工会, 不许强制收会费, 不许工会强制学校必须买工会开的保险公司的医疗保险 (
奇贵), 教师工会每年要大多数教师投票同意才能 certify, 等等. 和州里众参两院目
标一致, 基层共和党上下齐心, talk radio 对老百姓观点明确, 州最高法院道理讲明.
把强大的教师工会整到奄奄一息. 给 Wisconsin 省了30 亿.
工会不服, 组织人十几万人在州首府 Madison 连续游行示威数周, Walker岿然不动.
工会还不服, 上法院告, 输了.
工会又不服, 组织 recall 他, 花了几十个 million, 要把他从州长位置上掀下来,
工会依然不服, 在他竞选连任时放话要掀翻他, 又花了几十个 million, 依然又输了.
工会服了, 也快死了. 人, 钱, 都大幅缩水了.
有兴趣的可以 google “Wisconsin Union Law”
Scott Walker 竞选总统依始, 身... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1531
ANDERSON COOPER: Welcome to a CNN special presentation; I’m Anderson Cooper
. Tonight, we have an unusual showdown: Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Mr.
Trump, you won 12 consecutive coin-tosses backstage somehow, so you’ll
have the chance to speak first.
DONALD J. TRUMP: Heads I win, tails you lose. I make deals, O.K.? [Mr.
Sanders grimaces.]
Thank you, CNN, for having me and you’re welcome, CNN, for having me. We’
re gonna make a little money here, O.K.? Some beautiful charities. So what
is th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10469
Ray Smith2 hours ago
Is Trump man or machine? I swear he's the most HIGH ENERGY candidate, he's
like Ultimate Warrior at his peak. This guy can do 3 rallies a day without
breaking a sweat and he already solidified his nomination lol.

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