

全部话题 - 话题: unsure
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发帖数: 642
来自主题: JobHunting版 - On-site一个礼拜了,求祝福
上礼拜去芝加哥onsite,回来写了thank you email,hiring manager说
We enjoyed meeting you at XXXX. Thanks for spending time with us.
We will be getting back to you concerning the hiring decision.
I am very unsure how my day will unfold tomorrow and how much time I will
have. I am meeting XXXX (这个是我的导师,我和他是同一个导师) on Tuesday
evening, right after I get out of the conference. I will give you a call on
your cell phone whenever I will have some time so that we can meet.
I will get back to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 269
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 这样拒的理由可信度高么?
周四和Hiring Manager电面,当时暗示应该有onsite
周五询问,Hiring Manger回复说I should have information on possible next
steps by Monday or Tuesday.
I have some unfortunate news. The open position that you were interviewing
for has been put on hold and we are unsure if or when the position will be
active again. Unfortunately, this means that we will not be moving forward
with further interviews.
The position is not going to be filled by anyone at this time. It is
possible that it may re-open in J... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 34805
If the offer says no contingency, then they are not gonna do it or they've
done it. Dont' be afraid to ask HR if you are unsure.

发帖数: 178
来自主题: JobMarket版 - internship overlap period
Recently the E-verify mechanism started.
I am a 3rd year PhD and just got an internship starting from May 3 till
August 20, using CPT in my school.
However, the spring semester ends at May 10 and the fall semester starts
at August 15, where I have RA appointments for both semesters.
Will the double-pay in these two overlapping weeks matter a lot? It`s a
new mechanism and the admin in my department is unsure about this case
I already got the new I20 and CPT ready before hearing this chang
发帖数: 1826
来自主题: Living版 - which house is better.
1. bank should accept my price according to agent, now just waiting for some
payperwork(my price 312000->330000, bank price 450000->360000, then I
decline to increase, then bank agree to accept according to agent). However,
I am still hesitating if I need back out since I found the new house short
sale. I offered the new house at 501K(first position,the other offer has
cash offer)(listed 469000) but need wait and unsure when and if I can get it.
2. is not sure, the price may go higher since it ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: Living版 - 装地板要给小费吗?
you should.. they worked hard for you.. and you are happy with the work.
your timing is little off though. When I changed my floor, I gave the worker
$40 when he came in in the morning before he started working and told him
that i would give him more if the work is done nicely.
He was really impressed and worked really hard for 2 days. I then gave him $
100. You need to give something upfront to keep people motivated. Otherwise,
if workers are unsure of the final reward, the work performance may... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: Living版 - de-lead is not lead-free
Kids are more likely to pick up loose paints on the floor and eat it than
biting into the the wall. Wall is not tatsty and kids are not curious enough
to bite it off.
For an old house, there may be many layers of paint since the 1970s when the
lead paint was banned. You should be okay in most situation.
If you are still unsure, the best way to address the situation is to add new
drywalls. It is actually less costly then trying to remove all these layers
of old paint and running the risk of the o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
Lead paint is only a problem if you eat it. It is a big problem in low-
income area where buildings are not maintained well.. the paint peels off
and little kids would pick them up and eat them,.
no need to fix anything in most other area as houses must have been painted
at least a few times since 1979. The new paint should cover the lead paint.
And if the house is maintained well, you should have no paint peeled off.
If you are still unsure, the only reasonable fix would be putting up
drywalls ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 377
来自主题: Living版 - 这房子的offer 该出多少呢?
Thanks for the inputs.
The house is in good area. School district is also good. I am satisfied with
the area. Only the conditions of the house make me unsure about the price.
发帖数: 620
We did search and found there are two liens, BOA about 335k, another about
30k. When our verbal offer of 310k was declinced, our agent consulted her
team leader that 324k may be the least for the sellers' submission to bank.
Then we offered, but was declined by BOA for minor issues 5 weeks later.
Still unsure about banks' bottom line. BTW, the seller participated in
certain short sale program.

发帖数: 36
来自主题: Living版 - How much do I have to pay?
Yes I did, they told me satisfaction of mortgage is the statement after I
pay off my loan, and need to be recorded before the bank sends it to state.
Unsure of prepayment penalty, I do not remember any obligation how many
years is minimal
发帖数: 3415
来自主题: Living版 - Homedepot 卖的那些小房子
不需要county, unsure HOA
发帖数: 3415
1.what the difference between 4.3 and 3.9? the radon system can reduce it
under 0.1 ~$1200
2. unsure
3. under $1000
4. Chimney flashing $1000
发帖数: 1829
We sleep in the 2nd floor kid bedroom. It has wood floor.
Since we have a two yr old at home, we feel unsure about the bedbug spray. I
will do the physical treatment for now. Now I am putting everything in
dryer for 20 minutes before I use it.
Wired thing is - my husband and my old son never complain about anything.
They sleep in other beds, but my old son plays in every bed in the house.
发帖数: 9558
来自主题: Living版 - 车库门打不开了,怎么办?
Copy & paste from Internet
1. Your operator is not plugged in, or their is not power supplied to the
outlet. This is a common issue that is frequently overlooked. Make sure
your garage door motor is plugged into a working outlet. If you are unsure
if the outlet has power, try plugging in another appliance to make sure the
plug is working.outlet
2. Your photo eye's connection is disrupted. Most garage door openers are
equipped with photo eyes, which detect if a person or object is in the way
of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5413
来自主题: Living版 - 车库门打不开了,怎么办?

发帖数: 3792
Real Estate Records Section
P.O. Box 1130
Norwalk, CA 90651-1130
This office does not provide online access to our real estate records or
indexes via the internet. Section 6254.21 of the Government Code prohibits
the posting of home addresses on the internet of any elected or appointed
official without his/her written permission. Since we cannot identify such
individuals and their home addresses, which may be a part of the record, the
Los Angeles County Counsel's Office recommend... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 207
来自主题: Living版 - Giftletter,网上搜来的模板
Gift letter template 1
This is a normal letter template as used by most lenders. If your lender has
specifically asked for a statutory declaration then please use the 2nd
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: John Smith
I confirm that I am giving my son John Smith an unconditional gift of $50,
000 for him to use to buy a property. This gift is not repayab... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12955
来自主题: Living版 - 电热水器没热水

It's very easy to replace the heating element. First get a multimeter to
test if the element is indeed burnt out. Unplug the power, then exposing
the heating element, test the resistance between the two leads on the
element. If the meter shows infinite or zero, then it's burnt out.
buy a replacement for your model from store or online. Make sure the
wattage is correct. you can look this up from your water heater's manual or
check whirlpool website.
To replace heating element, you just need... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 170
来自主题: Medicine版 - 女友想配眼镜
但是没有 Vision Insurance,can anyone suggeation one unsurance or how to
prepare a glasses without insurance (like order the frame and glasses online
, ,,,,really appreaciate an economic method, )
发帖数: 4445
Yes go & see a dentist, as gum infection is really not good for the baby.
Just say that you are in early pregnancy. If still unsure about the
medication, double-check with your family doctor or ob.
发帖数: 4445
来自主题: Medicine版 - 关于HMO referral 的疑问
Check your policy brochure, and, if still unsure, call them.
My current plan with HealthNet says people can see specialists without PCP
referral, but they need to pay and then file for reimbursement (that is, if
the HMO agrees to cover it).
发帖数: 839
来自主题: Medicine版 - why fingers feel numb?
I am fat. Previously no diabetes. Unsure now.
Does diabetes lead to this problem?
mid 30s
发帖数: 77
来自主题: Money版 - Is FIA card service good?
Here is one link for the complaints about FIA
I know it has good cash back program but just unsure of its card service and
also its online account managment system.
发帖数: 6550
来自主题: Money版 - MD 亏惨了
"However, some banks have a specific time frame during which check funds are
guaranteed. If the bank has a specific time frame, it is often printed on
the check. For example, the check may read "Void After 90 Days." If you are
unsure of a bank's protocol for cashier's check expiration, contact the
issuing bank to determine. The issuing bank's name appears on the face of
the check."

发帖数: 578
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 关于预产期的问题及prenental vitamin
Prenatal vitamin: once a day. Check your OB regarding her/his prescription.
Due day is decided by combining the information of your last menstrual
periord, sono date, weeks from sono. If you have irregular period and unsure
last menstrue period, age decided by sono is very important.
If you have regular period (28-30 day), the due day is calculated from the
first day of your last period: 280 days instead of 266 days.
发帖数: 2829
The material prepared for this checklist is intended as informational only
and not as legal advice. "If you are unsure of your options or have
questions, we suggest that you talk with your physician, your lawyer and
other trusted advisors."
Your physician is a good place to start for understanding your options on
health care treatment at the end of life. In additi
发帖数: 2606
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - sling的deal
不信的话, 你去 google " sevenslings review"
第一个link 是,
As for the sling, what a waste. Too small. And even if it fit, it's cheap
and unyielding. Better to take the money and put it toward something
worthwhile and quality. And yes. These seem to always be "shipping and
handling" only so no need to run out and get it now if you're unsure. I
highly do NOT recommend these. HTH
http://minteemama.blogspot.com/2011/03/seven-slings... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 263
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - Terrible2的小娃不听话 怎么管教啊
Negative, Stubborn Toddler
Why is my child so negative?
Negativism is a normal phase most children go through between 18 months and
3 years of age. It begins when children discover they have the power to
refuse other people's requests. During this time, children respond
negatively to many requests, including pleasant ones. In general, they are
stubborn rather than cooperative. They delight in refusing a suggestion,
whether i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3480
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: TrueSam (齐天大圣--牛大发), 信区: Military
标 题: 我看了CNN关于贺梅的最新报道,我怀疑贺梅可能被送回来?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 18 15:59:42 2008)
Since her parents split, Anna has re-established regular contact with the
Bakers, who call every Saturday. But after more than a year with her
biological family, Anna is still unsure of where she would rather be -- with
her mom or the Bakers.
"I cannot pick anyone. I would die if I woul
发帖数: 20343
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: OverCloud (天马行空), 信区: Military
标 题: 小孩子的风度教育,对大人也适用
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 10 22:58:50 2011, 美东)
25 Manners Every Kid Should Know By Age 9
Helping your child master these simple rules of etiquette will get him
noticed -- for all the right reasons.
By David Lowry, Ph.D.
Your child's rude 'tude isn't always intentional. Sometimes kids just don't
realize it's impolite to interrupt, pick their nose, or loudly observe that
the lady walking in fr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1718
Negative, Stubborn Toddler
Why is my child so negative?
Negativism is a normal phase most children go through between 18 months and
3 years of age. It begins when children discover they have the power to
refuse other people's requests. During this time, children respond
negatively to many requests, including pleasant ones. In general, they are
stubborn rather than cooperative. They delight in refusing a suggestion,
whether it's about getting dressed or taking off their clothes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8
Sunday in the Park
Bel Kaufman
It was still warm in the late-afternoon sun, and the city noises came
muffled through the trees in the park. She put her book down on the bench,
removed her sunglasses, and sighed contentedly. Morton was reading the
Times Magazine section, one arm flung around her shoulder; their three-year-
old son, Larry, was playing in the sandbox: a faint breeze fanned her hair
softly against her cheek. It was five-thirty of a Sunday afternoon, and the
small playground, tuck... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3248
来自主题: Parenting版 - 转:美国弟子规
有帖子问如何让孩子适应美国的school culture,这个挺好的。
1.When asking for something, say "Please."
2.When receiving something, say "thank you."
3.Don't interrrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there
is an emergency.They will notice you and respond when they are finished
4.If you do need to get somebody's attention right away, the phrase"excuse
me" is the m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19398
————— 2015-07-07 —————
David's Mom 22:37
Hi , my friend recommend the following for learning computer coding - I am
thinking getting one for my son David - want to see your thoughts
http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00WRGTVWI/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=143 computer&dpPl=1&dpID=41fsQRr6EcL&ref=plSrch
————— 2015-07-07 —————
Me Me Me 23:13
————— 2015-07-08 —————
David's Mom 19:21
I am only looking for a cool birthday gift for David - it does not have to
be this one.
http://www.wsj.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19398
来自主题: Parenting版 - 48,000+ students opt out in Washington
48,000+ students refused the testocracy in Washington State by opting out.
This isn't an "anomaly", it's an uprising
How many students opted out of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (
SBAC) in Washington State? Short answer: More than you probably imagined.
Now that the final numbers are out, let's dig in and see what happened.
11th Grade
We knew the opt out numbers were going to be huge. Last week's OSPI report
confirmed that. Across the state, the opt out rate for 11th grade was 49.3... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19398
来自主题: Parenting版 - U.S. Students Are Really Bad at Geography
By Lauren Camera Oct. 16, 2015 | 2:04 p.m. EDT
It's no secret that U.S. students are horrible at geography and have been
for some time.
Nearly three-quarters of eighth-graders tested below proficient in geography
on the 2014 National Assessment of Educational Progress – also known as
the Nation's Report Card – and that's almost exactly the same result as in
It's a similar case when looking at prior NAEP assessments of fourth- and
12th-graders, approximately 80 percent of whom tested below ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
But taking a look at the list makes it clear that the coalition is a poor
representation of Asian American interests, does not include many well-
established Asian American advocacy and rights groups and does not include
groups that represent southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders. A vast
majority of the organizations is explicitly pertinent to Chinese o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7460
来自主题: Parenting版 - 人文修养的根本是讲究因果
This question comes with an implicit assumption, namely, that the French
Revolution was important. And while we usually think of events that have the
word "revolution" in their names as important, historical revisionism will
come into play at some point. For example, with the American Revolution,
sure, the US became independent, but many historians have pointed out that
the social order of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1476
来自主题: PennySaver版 - 转几张超级便宜的滑雪票(北加)
每套票有3张day pass lift tix和5张买1送1的胖子
上个周末去了china peak 滑了3天 还不错
住在离雪场2.5个迈的小木屋里 80块钱一天 晚上自己做火锅吃
现在手里还有5套票 愿意9块钱一套转出去
This voucher (with a specific promo code) must be redeemed by 12/1 and
registered on the snowbomb.com
Here are the info for the free tickets.
-China Peak:Valid 7-days a week through 12/18/11, Sunday - Thursday 1/1/12
- 3/23/12 (excluding 1/15/12 & 2/19/12), Also valid 7-days a week from 3/25/
12 -closing day.
-Bear Valley: Monday - Friday, Between 1/2/12 and 4/... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1476
每套票有3张day pass lift tix和5张买1送1的胖子
上个周末去了china peak 滑了3天 还不错
住在离雪场2.5个迈的小木屋里 80块钱一天 晚上自己做火锅吃
现在手里还有5套票 愿意9块钱一套转出去
This voucher (with a specific promo code) must be redeemed by 12/1 and
registered on the snowbomb.com
Here are the info for the free tickets.
-China Peak:Valid 7-days a week through 12/18/11, Sunday - Thursday 1/1/12
- 3/23/12 (excluding 1/15/12 & 2/19/12), Also valid 7-days a week from 3/25/
12 -closing day.
-Bear Valley: Monday - Frid... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2717
来自主题: PennySaver版 - [求购] Rogaine for men
Rogaine for men (3-month supply), UPC剪掉OK
物品类别(coupon: mfc 等;血糖仪等):
hair growth
Unsure, asking for $15? + $4 shipping.
Before you, after me
non-cc PayPal; Amazon Payments
till got
联系方式(例: 站内):
发帖数: 839
Just find this deal. I think it's a quite good deal.
Only unsure if the 7 piece gift package could be given to others as a gift
if I go back to china. Is it too cheap to give away as a gift?
发帖数: 1169
i guess you can use your post-doc,since it is latest
this certificate is just show you have experience aboard
so you can purchse discount car, get social sytem register, etc
it won't care you got a phd or just a postdoc,or a master
besides you have your diploma to demonstrate your degree
and if you are unsure, just call them to ask,they should have experience
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Returnee版 - 被国人误解的美国基础教育
I donot have a kid, so know almost nothing.
It seems that you are quite knowledgable.
My question to you is: Take your kid(s) for example--because different
places--and particularly different states--have different rules. All these
disciplines are taught by different teachers? If so, isn't it too much a
burden for the same teacher?
In Taiwan, the same teachers will teach various courses in a primary school.
I head that it was similar in Boston but unsure.

* * *
发帖数: 852
Chappaquiddick incident
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chappaquiddick incident
Location Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Date July 18, 1969
Result Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of the accident;
refused to run for president in 1972 and 1976
The term "Chappaquiddick incident" refers to the circumstances
surrounding the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, whose body was discovered
underwater inside an automobile belonging to Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
Kopechne's bod... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: shopping版 - Self-Checkout
Beth Teitell, A self-Checkout Way of Life; Stores add aisles, scanners, and
phone apps to encourage customers to pay on their own. Boston Globe, Jan, 4,
(a) "In the almost 20 years since the first self-checkout machine appeared
— believed to be at a Price Chopper grocery store in Clifton Park, N.Y. —
almost 100,000 units have appeared at retailers, said Lee Holman, an analyst
at the IHL Group.
(b) "Although some may thi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2210
来自主题: Stock版 - future大涨阿
Europe Agrees to Aid Greece, but Is Unsure of How to Help
发帖数: 513
来自主题: Stock版 - 157.80 买了500股GS
Why do you spend so much money on something unsure? Any unknown news to
发帖数: 887
It is heart-wrenching when you hear stories of investors losing their life
savings for avoidable reasons. A recent story in Bloomberg BusinessWeek
about Leona Miller, an 84-year-old retired beautician who invested in
derivatives, got me thinking of ways people lose money in stocks and how to
avoid them.
1. Investing in a product or business you don't understand
Leona Miller bought a structured note called a "reverse convertible note
with a knock-in put option tied to Merck stock." Even I was un... 阅读全帖
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