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Cycling版 - 来开个题,交流一下各位怎么训练的
Tour of the BattenkillNewbie question: road bike riding speed?
搞笑而悲惨的group ride再次证明要ride in the front
Group Rider要当心[合集] how difficult is a century ride?
damn weatherGroup Riding的教训 - 摔了一大跤
第一次Group Ride求建议三角地区本周日慢速自行车出游 – social ride
今年第一场比赛Oh! Sh*t!
需要找人给我扫扫盲,有关road racing的。GRR
话题: training话题: some话题: marathon话题: my话题: kickboxing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 190
我最近主要在练力量(sprint太弱了)增体重, 四月中旬之后,再逐渐强调endurance
发帖数: 3290
哈哈,这个题我喜欢。先简单地介绍下我自己。I started racing in 2005 after
about 2 years of recreational riding. It was with a club Cat4/5 team.
Nothing impressive. Just enough races for me to upgrade to Cat 4. I
continued to race the next year but not as much. I just got to the level
where I can finish with the main pack in some of the races. Then, I moved
here and there and did not really get much chance to do serious training and
Last year, I was able to get back to some normal training and will start
racing again this year. My training is mainly to ride with a competitive
group. I do some intervals and hill repeats once a while. I cross train with
kickboxing and did some running at the end of last season. My training
knowledge is mainly from the book "The cyclist's training bible" by Joe
Friel and from reading articles here and there.
The season just barely started in NE. Group rides normally start after mid
April. I am still trying to get myself out of winter skiing mode. I had two
long rides (about 60 miles) and a couple of short rides (30 miles) all solo
so far.
In one week, I am going to get beaten up in arguably the toughest one day
race of the states, the Tour of Battenkill. From some of the club reports of
the race, I am scared to death. Oh, man. Just have to do it.
How about you? Looks like you are young and have a lot of potential.

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: 发现版上大都是讨论车的,个人认为车都是浮云,版上牛人不少,说说训练计划啥的。
: 我最近主要在练力量(sprint太弱了)增体重, 四月中旬之后,再逐渐强调endurance

发帖数: 3304
i have a about 4 months easy riding since last Jul, no bike training yet ```


【在 O****e 的大作中提到】
: 哈哈,这个题我喜欢。先简单地介绍下我自己。I started racing in 2005 after
: about 2 years of recreational riding. It was with a club Cat4/5 team.
: Nothing impressive. Just enough races for me to upgrade to Cat 4. I
: continued to race the next year but not as much. I just got to the level
: where I can finish with the main pack in some of the races. Then, I moved
: here and there and did not really get much chance to do serious training and
: race.
: Last year, I was able to get back to some normal training and will start
: racing again this year. My training is mainly to ride with a competitive
: group. I do some intervals and hill repeats once a while. I cross train with

发帖数: 1992
Good topic. For people who are serious about cycing at any competition level
, training is a must. I can't even pretend I know anything about training. I
ride, but I won't say that I train. Training means dicipline and regiments,
which I don't possess any.

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: 发现版上大都是讨论车的,个人认为车都是浮云,版上牛人不少,说说训练计划啥的。
: 我最近主要在练力量(sprint太弱了)增体重, 四月中旬之后,再逐渐强调endurance

发帖数: 3290
Well, as amateur riders, we don't have to be so serious about training. But,
on the other hand, a little more knowledge is all you need to get started.
I don't know about other people. But, man, from your post, the way you ride
and the time and commitment you put on biking is more than you need for
Once you start to think about how you can get stronger in a more efficient
way, it starts to be fun and interesting. In the end, you are the one who
benefit the most. You certainly don't have to think of it as "training"
which is just a word for the convenience of communication.


【在 h*****a 的大作中提到】
: Good topic. For people who are serious about cycing at any competition level
: , training is a must. I can't even pretend I know anything about training. I
: ride, but I won't say that I train. Training means dicipline and regiments,
: which I don't possess any.

发帖数: 3290
Thanks man. I remember you from running board. You raced Marathon. Have you
done bike race at some point? Your training experience for Marathon can also
be shared here, hehe.


【在 f*******g 的大作中提到】
: nice
: i have a about 4 months easy riding since last Jul, no bike training yet ```
: and

发帖数: 190
Cannot agree more! I guess most, if not all, of us here are amateur riders,
so "training" for us is just a
synonym for "improving-fitness-more-efficiently".
For me, I'm a graduate student. Pretty busy on my research, but try to fit a
systematic training plan into my
limited leisure time. Fortunately, the place I'm living has very friendly
cycling atmosphere. Every year from
late april till oct, we have weekly training races in town, alternating flat
course and hill course. Leading by
some really good cat1s and semi-pros, these races eventually lured me into
competitive cycling.
After almost hibernating for an entire winter, I did some recovery training
& easy races in the past weeks.
Recently I start more serious training. Currently I'm in the "base phase" (
word from Joe's bible book),
focusing on building strength. I luckily got some guidance from one of my
friends, a former weightlifting
national champion & track cycling state champion. Since the weather is still
so damn cold, I spent roughly
3-4 sessions in gym a week, doing some short high-intensity intervals,
rowing and squats. I found squat is
particularly helpful for increasing strength for me. But be careful since it
's easy to hurt the knee & back for
Weather permitting, I do once/twice hill climbing a week. I'll do longer
riding from 50ish miles increased to
100ish miles after getting warmer.


【在 O****e 的大作中提到】
: Well, as amateur riders, we don't have to be so serious about training. But,
: on the other hand, a little more knowledge is all you need to get started.
: I don't know about other people. But, man, from your post, the way you ride
: and the time and commitment you put on biking is more than you need for
: training.
: Once you start to think about how you can get stronger in a more efficient
: way, it starts to be fun and interesting. In the end, you are the one who
: benefit the most. You certainly don't have to think of it as "training"
: which is just a word for the convenience of communication.

发帖数: 1498
Racing is dear to my heart still, but I have pretty much given up on crits
and RRs after my near-fatal crash. Right now, strictly TTs and tri's :) My
best 10mile TT so far is 24'45.
There are plenty of training plans out there. The bottom line is,
consistency, consistency, consistency. Pretty much any training plan would
work, as long as it has some macro and micro cycles planned out. General
rule is: winter long slow base miles, spring/summer race/high performance.
发帖数: 19210
mountain biker加入)。 我
版上剩下的几位mountain bikers也出来交流交流你们的训练经验。

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: 发现版上大都是讨论车的,个人认为车都是浮云,版上牛人不少,说说训练计划啥的。
: 我最近主要在练力量(sprint太弱了)增体重, 四月中旬之后,再逐渐强调endurance

发帖数: 5098
打算逐步build up milage,

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: 发现版上大都是讨论车的,个人认为车都是浮云,版上牛人不少,说说训练计划啥的。
: 我最近主要在练力量(sprint太弱了)增体重, 四月中旬之后,再逐渐强调endurance

第一次Group Ride求建议Newbie question: road bike riding speed?
今年第一场比赛再次证明要ride in the front
需要找人给我扫扫盲,有关road racing的。今天的运气很不错
发帖数: 3304
no plan to do bike race yet, far from it.
i bought it for fun ride, for cross training.
if you ride 100 miler, it's piece of cake to finish a marathon, but if you
have certain time goal, it's different story, vice versa haha
i learned basics from this bbs board, thanks for sharing


【在 O****e 的大作中提到】
: Thanks man. I remember you from running board. You raced Marathon. Have you
: done bike race at some point? Your training experience for Marathon can also
: be shared here, hehe.
: ``

发帖数: 13580
riding a century is a lot easier than running a marathon distance. I'm just
talking about finishing the distance, not at racing effort.

【在 f*******g 的大作中提到】
: no plan to do bike race yet, far from it.
: i bought it for fun ride, for cross training.
: if you ride 100 miler, it's piece of cake to finish a marathon, but if you
: have certain time goal, it's different story, vice versa haha
: i learned basics from this bbs board, thanks for sharing
: you
: also

发帖数: 1992
Agree. In fact I think finishing a century on a bike is comparable to walking the distance of a marathon.


【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: riding a century is a lot easier than running a marathon distance. I'm just
: talking about finishing the distance, not at racing effort.

发帖数: 3290
Yes, consistency is a must for keeping your fitness not to mention improving
it. Having a plan will make it easier for you to be consistent. But, you
also need to know how to adapt/customize the plan to your own condition. It
may not be that important in the beginning while you are building base
endurance. But, when you hit a plateau later on, it is where you may find no
plan can help you unless you know how to choose and how to adapt.


【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: Racing is dear to my heart still, but I have pretty much given up on crits
: and RRs after my near-fatal crash. Right now, strictly TTs and tri's :) My
: best 10mile TT so far is 24'45.
: There are plenty of training plans out there. The bottom line is,
: consistency, consistency, consistency. Pretty much any training plan would
: work, as long as it has some macro and micro cycles planned out. General
: rule is: winter long slow base miles, spring/summer race/high performance.

发帖数: 3290
Cardio wise, I think the two is comparable. But, Marathon certainly has a
much higher demand on you joints. That is where it takes a long time for you
to train relevant muscles to adapt. But, if you can do a century, I am sure
it will take much less time than those who don't to prepare for a marathon.


【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: riding a century is a lot easier than running a marathon distance. I'm just
: talking about finishing the distance, not at racing effort.

发帖数: 3290
Hope I can run a marathon with you at some point.

【在 f*******g 的大作中提到】
: no plan to do bike race yet, far from it.
: i bought it for fun ride, for cross training.
: if you ride 100 miler, it's piece of cake to finish a marathon, but if you
: have certain time goal, it's different story, vice versa haha
: i learned basics from this bbs board, thanks for sharing
: you
: also

发帖数: 3290
Man, you are lucky to have such an enthusiastic cycling environment and have
such friends around you. That reminds me of my riding in San Diego. Close
to what you have. That is where it got me started. I can't imagine I would
pick up cycling in a place where I am now. By the way, where are you
studying and biking?
Off-season or if you can all season strength training is absolutely
beneficial. Unfortunately, I don't like dead weight exercise much. That is
why I picked up kickboxing. I think it can achieve the same benefit as
weight lifting.
Keep us updated on your race progress. As a Chinese, I would be really proud
of you to excel in cycling.


【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: Cannot agree more! I guess most, if not all, of us here are amateur riders,
: so "training" for us is just a
: synonym for "improving-fitness-more-efficiently".
: For me, I'm a graduate student. Pretty busy on my research, but try to fit a
: systematic training plan into my
: limited leisure time. Fortunately, the place I'm living has very friendly
: cycling atmosphere. Every year from
: late april till oct, we have weekly training races in town, alternating flat
: course and hill course. Leading by
: some really good cat1s and semi-pros, these races eventually lured me into

发帖数: 13580
sure, if your cardiovascular system is good, it takes you a lot less to pick
up distance running. it also takes a lot less for a runner to pick up


【在 O****e 的大作中提到】
: Cardio wise, I think the two is comparable. But, Marathon certainly has a
: much higher demand on you joints. That is where it takes a long time for you
: to train relevant muscles to adapt. But, if you can do a century, I am sure
: it will take much less time than those who don't to prepare for a marathon.
: just

发帖数: 190
Just wondering how long do you usually ride for endurance. I feel I have
to ride for at least 2.5 hours to really improve my endurance.

【在 i*********5 的大作中提到】
: 这个话题好,我们应该向跑版的兄弟们学习,要多讨论训练,而不只是车。车不完全是
: 浮云,但差的也不远。我
: 从来没有在跑版听谁说跑不快因为他的跑鞋比人家的重。骑车骑不快更多的还是因为训
: 练不到位。
: 我跟这里大部分人不一样,我是骑山地车的,属于这里的minority(不过好像最近又有
: mountain biker加入)。 我
: 的主要训练就是多骑,平时骑公路车上下班练耐力,周末去山里练技术,只不过最近两
: 年后者训练越来越少,只
: 剩下以赛代练了。
: 去年开始练三项,跑步用了FIRST训练计划,让我第一次尝到了系统训练的甜头。希望

发帖数: 190
I'm currently at ithaca, a small town of upstate NY. I'll probably be SF
this summer, so if u'r somewhere around, maybe we can have ride
Is kickboxing good for strength training? I practiced Shotokan karate
for three years, it definitely helped my stretching, but I'm still not a
good sprinter.

and have
That is

【在 O****e 的大作中提到】
: Man, you are lucky to have such an enthusiastic cycling environment and have
: such friends around you. That reminds me of my riding in San Diego. Close
: to what you have. That is where it got me started. I can't imagine I would
: pick up cycling in a place where I am now. By the way, where are you
: studying and biking?
: Off-season or if you can all season strength training is absolutely
: beneficial. Unfortunately, I don't like dead weight exercise much. That is
: why I picked up kickboxing. I think it can achieve the same benefit as
: weight lifting.
: Keep us updated on your race progress. As a Chinese, I would be really proud

[合集] how difficult is a century ride?Oh! Sh*t!
Group Riding的教训 - 摔了一大跤GRR
三角地区本周日慢速自行车出游 – social rideDr. Victoon
发帖数: 3290
It probably depends on what type of kickboxing. Those cardio-kickboxing
offered in the gym does not seem to work well in this respect. Karate class
I think focuses too much on techniques. But, Thai kickboxing should be
really good for building core strength. I don't know how specific it will
help with finish line Sprint in particular. I don't have such experience.
But, I can feel the benefit on short power climb. It also depends on the
instructor. Some focus more on strength and endurance. Some focus more on
Strength training is only part of the benefit of kickboxing for me.
Sometimes, I also use it as my recovery between hard rides.

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: I'm currently at ithaca, a small town of upstate NY. I'll probably be SF
: this summer, so if u'r somewhere around, maybe we can have ride
: together.
: Is kickboxing good for strength training? I practiced Shotokan karate
: for three years, it definitely helped my stretching, but I'm still not a
: good sprinter.
: and have
: Close
: would

发帖数: 9604
嗯,俺是器材盲一枚。从09年底开始骑车,一直注重的都是endurance. 在不追求速度
没订什么计划,打算climb, speed, distance都cover一下下。

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: 发现版上大都是讨论车的,个人认为车都是浮云,版上牛人不少,说说训练计划啥的。
: 我最近主要在练力量(sprint太弱了)增体重, 四月中旬之后,再逐渐强调endurance

发帖数: 190
good to know. I'm considering some other cross training at winter as well.
But winter is leaving, so I don't
need to worry about it for now. :)


【在 O****e 的大作中提到】
: It probably depends on what type of kickboxing. Those cardio-kickboxing
: offered in the gym does not seem to work well in this respect. Karate class
: I think focuses too much on techniques. But, Thai kickboxing should be
: really good for building core strength. I don't know how specific it will
: help with finish line Sprint in particular. I don't have such experience.
: But, I can feel the benefit on short power climb. It also depends on the
: instructor. Some focus more on strength and endurance. Some focus more on
: techniques.
: Strength training is only part of the benefit of kickboxing for me.
: Sometimes, I also use it as my recovery between hard rides.

1 (共1页)
GRRdamn weather
Dr. Victoon第一次Group Ride求建议
a great way to practice efficient pedaling今年第一场比赛
今天group ride里遇到一个pro rider需要找人给我扫扫盲,有关road racing的。
Tour of the BattenkillNewbie question: road bike riding speed?
搞笑而悲惨的group ride再次证明要ride in the front
Group Rider要当心[合集] how difficult is a century ride?
话题: training话题: some话题: marathon话题: my话题: kickboxing