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EnglishChat版 - where to pause
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To Spring
话题: pause话题: sentence话题: c4话题: where话题: word
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16778
when you speak a long sentence, you will pause for breath, or for
emphasis, or for clear meaning.
There is no clear rule for how to divide such long sentence into
smaller blocks. anyone has any thoughts about it?
for example, 'with a focus on application of biomarkers to clinical drug
where do you pause? (please insert a slash between the pause site).
发帖数: 1679
haha i can finish this sentence without a pause.

【在 G***G 的大作中提到】
: when you speak a long sentence, you will pause for breath, or for
: emphasis, or for clear meaning.
: There is no clear rule for how to divide such long sentence into
: smaller blocks. anyone has any thoughts about it?
: for example, 'with a focus on application of biomarkers to clinical drug
: development'.
: where do you pause? (please insert a slash between the pause site).

发帖数: 16778
gee. I am not asking if you can read aloud the whole sentence by one breath.
even if you can, I am sure there are some splicing site where
make such a subtle pause that we cannot tell without a wav editor.
(for example, when we speak 'we are English learner', there will
be no obvious pause at the junction of are and english, but
with some wav analysis tool, we can be sure there will be.)
No one read an article word by word; no one read an article sentence by
sentence. Sure they will divide a long sentence into smaller blocks,
but without some practice, we cannot tell some of those blocks.
if there are two breathes, where will you pause?
I want to know if there are something called 'thought group'
that exist in the sentence, which can improve your speaking,
reading,and listening.

【在 r*z 的大作中提到】
: haha i can finish this sentence without a pause.
发帖数: 2443
the way i see it, spoken english is very different from written
english. In everyday speech, we tend to use shorter sentences, more
verbs and filler words. Slightly complex concepts are usually
explained with multiple short phrases rather than long sentences with
modifiers and extensions as is usually done with writing. You might
use 200 spoken words to describe one thing which could be done with 50
words if carefully written.
Spoken words are easy to follow when the speaker maintains a good
flow, independent of the speech rate. If you try to read a technical
paper out loud word for word, it's never going to sound natural even
with proper enunciation techniques because there's just too much
information cramped into so little space; you practically have to
stress almost every single word in the sentence.
here's how I would describe C4 to an average person, see how natural
the pauses are
This/[points to C4] is C4 in its bulk form, it has an explosive called
RDX/ contained inside a plastic compound that keeps it stable, for
example, you can drop it, shoot it with a gun, you can light it on
fire, but none of these things alone/ is enough to detonate it.
words before / are also the ones that are stressed when spoken.
If I were to write about C4 in a more technical context, I would
probably word the paragraph differently, and describe the conditions
that must be met for C4 to explode using properties like
shock/vibration, heat, rather then giving examples like shoot it with
a gun. In a nutshell, it's just a different thought process


【在 G***G 的大作中提到】
: gee. I am not asking if you can read aloud the whole sentence by one breath.
: even if you can, I am sure there are some splicing site where
: make such a subtle pause that we cannot tell without a wav editor.
: (for example, when we speak 'we are English learner', there will
: be no obvious pause at the junction of are and english, but
: with some wav analysis tool, we can be sure there will be.)
: No one read an article word by word; no one read an article sentence by
: sentence. Sure they will divide a long sentence into smaller blocks,
: but without some practice, we cannot tell some of those blocks.
: if there are two breathes, where will you pause?

发帖数: 16778
good to hear. hope more communication about it with you.

【在 a***c 的大作中提到】
: the way i see it, spoken english is very different from written
: english. In everyday speech, we tend to use shorter sentences, more
: verbs and filler words. Slightly complex concepts are usually
: explained with multiple short phrases rather than long sentences with
: modifiers and extensions as is usually done with writing. You might
: use 200 spoken words to describe one thing which could be done with 50
: words if carefully written.
: Spoken words are easy to follow when the speaker maintains a good
: flow, independent of the speech rate. If you try to read a technical
: paper out loud word for word, it's never going to sound natural even

发帖数: 1679
how old did you come to US?

【在 a***c 的大作中提到】
: the way i see it, spoken english is very different from written
: english. In everyday speech, we tend to use shorter sentences, more
: verbs and filler words. Slightly complex concepts are usually
: explained with multiple short phrases rather than long sentences with
: modifiers and extensions as is usually done with writing. You might
: use 200 spoken words to describe one thing which could be done with 50
: words if carefully written.
: Spoken words are easy to follow when the speaker maintains a good
: flow, independent of the speech rate. If you try to read a technical
: paper out loud word for word, it's never going to sound natural even

发帖数: 2443
I was 17 when I first came to america, that was 10 years ago.
actually the years didn't really add much to my proficiency if that's
what you're wondering. But I did learn to imitate different accents
over time, sometimes I would speak with a british-ish accent with a
dorky tone at work all day, just to make it funny when I say stuff like
fo' shizzle my nizzle and badonkadonk at the end of a hectic workday to
crack everybody up.

【在 r*z 的大作中提到】
: how old did you come to US?
发帖数: 1632
Your engrish bery powderful for someone who came to the States during high
school years. ^_^

【在 a***c 的大作中提到】
: I was 17 when I first came to america, that was 10 years ago.
: actually the years didn't really add much to my proficiency if that's
: what you're wondering. But I did learn to imitate different accents
: over time, sometimes I would speak with a british-ish accent with a
: dorky tone at work all day, just to make it funny when I say stuff like
: fo' shizzle my nizzle and badonkadonk at the end of a hectic workday to
: crack everybody up.

1 (共1页)
To Spring
Good news :-)
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话题: pause话题: sentence话题: c4话题: where话题: word