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Law版 - to be a successful IP lawyer
URGENT HELP NEEDED: patent/IP atterney needed to file a paF-1学生怎么注册patent bar exam?
patent bar报名的身份问题也问patent bar报名被据
专利问题太伤心了,有没有像我一样申请patent bar被拒的?
One questions about 103(c)专利的问题
大家写patent application的时候,专业知识够用吗?帮人问个跟专利有关的问题,大家别骂我
关于在美国申请专利一问现在想开始转行做patent agent是不是时机不好?
新手求助,有关patent bar的问题请教一下关于patent的问题。。。。
还是想问几个关于Patent Bar Exam的问题patent issue (转载)
话题: lawyer话题: patent话题: ip话题: partner话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 195
well... what's the defination of 'successul'? 200k? 500k? or even more?
as an employee (patent lawyer), the salary is $150k-$250k, after a few years.
as a solo practitioner (one man show), you get a boost up to maybe $400k -
then if you incorporate, form a partnership with someone, you can get up to
maybe $600k-$700k, depending on your efficiency. Then you max out for doing
only prosecution.
The key is to get clients, and that depends on one's inter-personal skills.
These skills, unfortun
发帖数: 188
vely good. actually suitable for most professions. maybe should forward to
'jobhunting' board. heh


【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: well... what's the defination of 'successul'? 200k? 500k? or even more?
: as an employee (patent lawyer), the salary is $150k-$250k, after a few years.
: as a solo practitioner (one man show), you get a boost up to maybe $400k -
: $500k
: then if you incorporate, form a partnership with someone, you can get up to
: maybe $600k-$700k, depending on your efficiency. Then you max out for doing
: only prosecution.
: The key is to get clients, and that depends on one's inter-personal skills.
: These skills, unfortun

发帖数: 132
Every Phd can be IP attorney. If you have a Phd and a JD, I am sure you will
find a good job as an IP attorney. The most important is whether you love to.
Whether you love to write patent applications for years.


【在 p*********i 的大作中提到】
: vely good. actually suitable for most professions. maybe should forward to
: 'jobhunting' board. heh
: years.
: small-talk
: avoid
: hone
: and
: need
: hunger

发帖数: 240
Great article, should be reserved in JHQ. 具备了素质之后呢,

as an employee (patent lawyer), the salary is $150k-$250k, after a few years.
as a solo practitioner (one man show), you get a boost up to maybe $400k
and even better, NSF/NIH/DARPA proposals. If at the end of the PhD program,
one can submit a paper without having it reviewed by his boss, that's a green
need to understand it within one hour during the interview with inventors.
hunger to suck in

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: well... what's the defination of 'successul'? 200k? 500k? or even more?
: as an employee (patent lawyer), the salary is $150k-$250k, after a few years.
: as a solo practitioner (one man show), you get a boost up to maybe $400k -
: $500k
: then if you incorporate, form a partnership with someone, you can get up to
: maybe $600k-$700k, depending on your efficiency. Then you max out for doing
: only prosecution.
: The key is to get clients, and that depends on one's inter-personal skills.
: These skills, unfortun

发帖数: 117
I find writing is the most difficult part. Being grammatically correct
is one thing, how to set the tone right is another. For me, writing in
English just doesn't come naturally, not to mention writing with style.
Sometimes it takes me 2 hours to draft a memo, and I hate taking minutes.
Very frustrating!


【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: well... what's the defination of 'successul'? 200k? 500k? or even more?
: as an employee (patent lawyer), the salary is $150k-$250k, after a few years.
: as a solo practitioner (one man show), you get a boost up to maybe $400k -
: $500k
: then if you incorporate, form a partnership with someone, you can get up to
: maybe $600k-$700k, depending on your efficiency. Then you max out for doing
: only prosecution.
: The key is to get clients, and that depends on one's inter-personal skills.
: These skills, unfortun

发帖数: 240
我们系那个毕业三年就make partner的系友Career Day回来做报告,说自己比以前读PHD的




【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: well... what's the defination of 'successul'? 200k? 500k? or even more?
: as an employee (patent lawyer), the salary is $150k-$250k, after a few years.
: as a solo practitioner (one man show), you get a boost up to maybe $400k -
: $500k
: then if you incorporate, form a partnership with someone, you can get up to
: maybe $600k-$700k, depending on your efficiency. Then you max out for doing
: only prosecution.
: The key is to get clients, and that depends on one's inter-personal skills.
: These skills, unfortun

发帖数: 240
Never mind. Other people probably feel the same way when they started, they
just didn't complain here:) You will get and feel better once you write a lot.
No pains, no gains. We probably will never learn anything new if we always do
something we know how to do without thinking and learning.


【在 t*a 的大作中提到】
: I find writing is the most difficult part. Being grammatically correct
: is one thing, how to set the tone right is another. For me, writing in
: English just doesn't come naturally, not to mention writing with style.
: Sometimes it takes me 2 hours to draft a memo, and I hate taking minutes.
: Very frustrating!
: challenging
: engineers
: strategies,
: without

发帖数: 195
This book has helped me a lot.


【在 t*a 的大作中提到】
: I find writing is the most difficult part. Being grammatically correct
: is one thing, how to set the tone right is another. For me, writing in
: English just doesn't come naturally, not to mention writing with style.
: Sometimes it takes me 2 hours to draft a memo, and I hate taking minutes.
: Very frustrating!
: challenging
: engineers
: strategies,
: without

发帖数: 195
could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
external firms are those?
what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
clients lined up at door.


发帖数: 188
如 果 说 的 是 patent prosecution lawyer的 话 , 俺 觉 得 蛮 boring的 。 大
多 数 人 都 不 想 这 么 干 一 辈 子 或 多 或 少 都 会 考 虑 转 到 litigation,
而 且 更 容 易 bill hours呵 呵




【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

关于在美国申请专利一问F-1学生怎么注册patent bar exam?
新手求助,有关patent bar的问题也问patent bar报名被据
还是想问几个关于Patent Bar Exam的问题太伤心了,有没有像我一样申请patent bar被拒的?
发帖数: 309
哪行低层次的都boring。哪行高层次了都是跟人打交道,boring有限。Patent practice
practice的清一色犹太人律师,因为客户都是犹太人。做corp law partner的都是WASP,
IB associate头两年干的不就是excel spreadsheet填数字(模型一早弄好了,轮不到你
干16个小时。大家还不是冲着高薪挺过来的?有谁觉得IB associate头两年不boring?




【在 p*********i 的大作中提到】
: 如 果 说 的 是 patent prosecution lawyer的 话 , 俺 觉 得 蛮 boring的 。 大
: 多 数 人 都 不 想 这 么 干 一 辈 子 或 多 或 少 都 会 考 虑 转 到 litigation,
: 而 且 更 容 易 bill hours呵 呵
: you
: 性
: and
: 来
: thing

发帖数: 188
这 么 说 巴 , 律 师在 一 个 领 域 senior以 后 难 转 行 因 为 他 每 小 时 更
贵 却 做 不 了 什 么 , 尤 其 是 对 patent prosecution lawyer来 说 。
rainmaker的 partner不 多 , 大 多 数 partner 还 是 要 经 常 写 东 西 的 。
patent prosecution lawyer头 3年 大 约 都 不 会 boring, 5年 以 后 就 悬 了





【在 R****d 的大作中提到】
: 哪行低层次的都boring。哪行高层次了都是跟人打交道,boring有限。Patent practice
: 的partner也不过是个rainmaker,拉了生意回来都交给手下的干那些芝麻绿豆的事。中国
: 人在本土公司要做partner,一定要考虑客户文化种族的问题。比如说,LA做media
: practice的清一色犹太人律师,因为客户都是犹太人。做corp law partner的都是WASP,
: 因为客户的CEO都是这种类型。所以移民律师都是华人嘛。
: IB associate头两年干的不就是excel spreadsheet填数字(模型一早弄好了,轮不到你
: 写),word查错字(因为word的功能不够),影印,跑腿,而且一天到晚干这种无聊的事
: 干16个小时。大家还不是冲着高薪挺过来的?有谁觉得IB associate头两年不boring?
: 大

发帖数: 15
didn't u say that being a patent lawyer is exciting?



【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 15


【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 240
Tell me about it. What kind of job does not require you to do repeated tasks
from time to time? That's why it is called WORK, not Hunting for Novelty or
PLAY. Personally I think doing science is the best way of avoiding boredom,
because you always find something new, always get deeper into the unknown
space nobody has been---suppose you know what you are doing:). I do envy my
PhD adviser's position. She is famous in her field, making 180K a year,
working on a schedule completely determined by he

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 240
Well, the chance of becoming any faculty is much higher than that, otherwise
nobody would go for PhDs. I guess those faculty can still be said to do things
in which they are interested and didn't mind salary and fame. Hehe, if it is
not for the fame, we should be just as happy if a sexy result is published in
another lab instead of ours. It is hard to really think that way.
Modern science was founded by nobles, who had all their other desires
satisfied and looked for interesting things to do. On

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 1203
The difference is academic life allows much more fexibility
and freedom. I agree politics is big in academia, and funding is
always a major conern. But even for a junior faculty memember, he/she
doesn't have a supervisor to report daily. The relations between
him/her and other profs are peers/colleagues intead of the
hierachical systems in big companies.
at least, that's my reason to favor academia.
and, i don't mind to be mediocre as long as I am a free soul with
decent income. :)

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 240
Hehe, you both are cool. People like to do different things. We were born with
individual genetic disposition and brought up differently. Specialization is
actually the main reason why we human beings have gotten this far.
qun is not necessarily always a mediocre professor, if he is prepared, one day
he may have his chance of becoming famous:) And he has said it is OK for him
to be a mediocre professor with security and freedom in hand. otheme is
absolutely right in that once you become a profes

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 132
"i don't mind to be mediocre as long as I am a free soul with
decent income."
Que, your soul is already bonded by "decent income".

for a
long as
it is

【在 q*n 的大作中提到】
: The difference is academic life allows much more fexibility
: and freedom. I agree politics is big in academia, and funding is
: always a major conern. But even for a junior faculty memember, he/she
: doesn't have a supervisor to report daily. The relations between
: him/her and other profs are peers/colleagues intead of the
: hierachical systems in big companies.
: at least, that's my reason to favor academia.
: and, i don't mind to be mediocre as long as I am a free soul with
: decent income. :)

发帖数: 240
Everyone finds his own golden section, not 0.618 for everyone:) In qun's case,
I am guessing it is 80% for free soul and 20% for decent income:)---kidding.
He is saying faculty can make decent money, too. That's true. Assistant
professors are paid $70K for 9 months in our department, that means 90K a year
since they will usually have funding to pay themselves in the summer. And 90K
in our small city is worth a lot more than in big cities. If I was given an
assistant professor position without ha

【在 x********o 的大作中提到】
: "i don't mind to be mediocre as long as I am a free soul with
: decent income."
: Que, your soul is already bonded by "decent income".
: to
: science
: rare.
: at
: stabbing
: the

帮人问个跟专利有关的问题,大家别骂我patent issue (转载)
现在想开始转行做patent agent是不是时机不好?请教patent申请问题
发帖数: 240
Hehe, I see how you are determined not to give that path a second thought:)
That's good. 破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚。
In my opinion, only a faculty position at a top research institute is
attractive. There you tend to be paid decently, tend to get smart students,
tend to get more funding, and tend to discover exciting things. Then your
struggle as an assistant professor will be worthwhile.
I agree with you, though I am not an Engineering major, that research in
engineering is in general not as exciting as in s

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 132
When you are a successful IP lawyer, you probably will lose your freedom and
flexibility. Have you read Hilary's autobiography? When they finished the
watergate investigation (she was a member of the committee), they talked about
what each person wanted to do after that, because the group was dismissed.
Hilary said she wanted to be a trial attorney. The senior associate (probably
the head of the group) said it was impossible, because Hilary could not have a
wife to take care of all the other p

【在 l**********r 的大作中提到】
: Everyone finds his own golden section, not 0.618 for everyone:) In qun's case,
: I am guessing it is 80% for free soul and 20% for decent income:)---kidding.
: He is saying faculty can make decent money, too. That's true. Assistant
: professors are paid $70K for 9 months in our department, that means 90K a year
: since they will usually have funding to pay themselves in the summer. And 90K
: in our small city is worth a lot more than in big cities. If I was given an
: assistant professor position without ha

发帖数: 240
Five years ago, I visited my classmates in NYC. One of them was taking a LSAT
sample test. At that time, I had absolutely no idea that I would choose that
same path a few years later. I didn't give law school any thought. Even if you
told me how good it is, I wouldn't necessarily think otherwise. I was more
into PhD/MD and idea of becoming a medical scientist. Things changed and now
we are on the same boat:)
My classmate certainly would be much better prepared for law school. She was
taking writ

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 1203
If that is your expectations of life after law school. I seriously suggest you
to do more research about it. Good luck.


【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 240
He didn't say that is what he expects immediately after law school. Trust me,
otheme had done enough research on that:)
With his background, he certainly has the potential to get there. And if one
doesn't think that far, he is less likely to get that far. There are always
lucky guys who don't even have to think to get rich, like the starting
janitors of Microsoft.
You two just take it easy. Professors and Attorneys are all elite of the
society. You can all be gratified:)


【在 q*n 的大作中提到】
: If that is your expectations of life after law school. I seriously suggest you
: to do more research about it. Good luck.
: and
: have
: a
: And
: attorney,

发帖数: 1203
truly don't want to offend anyone.
And please stop referring me as professor. //blush :) I rather enjoy the
process than where it leads. And there are many things I could end up
doing other than being a professor too. But I think professor is a good job
for people who appreciates the values of teach and research.

btw, from what i know, the chance of making partner is quite slim (less than 1
out of 15) and they don't easily earn half million plus they do work on


【在 l**********r 的大作中提到】
: He didn't say that is what he expects immediately after law school. Trust me,
: otheme had done enough research on that:)
: With his background, he certainly has the potential to get there. And if one
: doesn't think that far, he is less likely to get that far. There are always
: lucky guys who don't even have to think to get rich, like the starting
: janitors of Microsoft.
: You two just take it easy. Professors and Attorneys are all elite of the
: society. You can all be gratified:)
: you

发帖数: 240
That's the idea. It is already a luxury to be able to spend time here, no
reason to spend it getting offended or offending other people.
If you want to be a professor, you can do it. Like other profession, what it
takes is determination and devotion---most of us have sufficient IQs.
There are different kinds of partners. I don't know much about this. But in a
local firm here, an associate becomes a partner after six years---like tenure
evaluations:), there are many partners. It is also much easi

【在 q*n 的大作中提到】
: truly don't want to offend anyone.
: And please stop referring me as professor. //blush :) I rather enjoy the
: process than where it leads. And there are many things I could end up
: doing other than being a professor too. But I think professor is a good job
: for people who appreciates the values of teach and research.
: btw, from what i know, the chance of making partner is quite slim (less than 1
: out of 15) and they don't easily earn half million plus they do work on
: weekends.

发帖数: 240
昨天因为讨论conversion of the provinsional patent we filed a year ago见到了两
个patent attorneys.又问了一下他们firm的associate->partner的情况,才知道上回理解
给firm带来多少收入。他们要求associate每年要给firm带来1950 chargeable hours,多


【在 l**********r 的大作中提到】
: That's the idea. It is already a luxury to be able to spend time here, no
: reason to spend it getting offended or offending other people.
: If you want to be a professor, you can do it. Like other profession, what it
: takes is determination and devotion---most of us have sufficient IQs.
: There are different kinds of partners. I don't know much about this. But in a
: local firm here, an associate becomes a partner after six years---like tenure
: evaluations:), there are many partners. It is also much easi

发帖数: 240
hehe, whenever one is down, just listen to otheme about career prospective:)
The thing is though, you can spend 70 hours/week working there, but someone
else decide the "chargeable" hours. The associate I saw yesterday looked
tired, I felt sympathetic.
Man, patent bar + state bar, in the summer of 2006, if I plan to work in those





【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 188
patent prosecution lawyer就 是 难 bill hours, 因 为 每 个 drafting 都 有 个
cap. 所 以 很 多 人 都 想 转 阿
一 年 2000小 时 几 乎 是 要 累 死 人 的 , 这 基 本 上 是 纽 约 标 准


【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

在学校的patent office intern对找patent agent 工作帮助大吗?patent bar报名的身份问题
一个问题 double patenting专利问题
URGENT HELP NEEDED: patent/IP atterney needed to file a paOne questions about 103(c)
发帖数: 188
darby & darby, new york IP firm, basic salary based on an 1,850 minimum
billable hour requirement.


【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 188

u mean he spent months drafting an application without doing anything else?
seems ridiculous. he won't keep his job.
该: 不止1万,所以一年的定额是在40到50个案子之间,如果一个星期做一个,还是可以达
到 的。
if u earns 200k, probably u work as a senior associate and bill at 350/hour.
for a drafting case, u charge averagely 9k-10k. ur partner (managing partner)
bills 1k, and u administrative bills another 600 bucks. so u can only bill 20
hours for a case. one case a week is not enough. hehe. besides, four cases a
month is already very

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: could you elaborate a bit on what those IP lawyers are like?
: are they in-house lawyers or outsourced external firms? and what kind of
: external firms are those?
: what was the reason for delay? was it because they didn't understand the
: invention and keep coming back to bother the inventors?
: most importantly, when did that happen? if it happened in late 90's, no
: supprise, at that time an average joe with a BE can become a patent agent with
: clients lined up at door.
: 象

发帖数: 117

My next door neighbor is a lawyer, probably a senior partner
in a law firm. He works every Saturday. He said he doesn't go
to work on Sunday only because it is God's day and he needs to
go to church.

【在 p*********i 的大作中提到】
: 了
: u mean he spent months drafting an application without doing anything else?
: seems ridiculous. he won't keep his job.
: 该: 不止1万,所以一年的定额是在40到50个案子之间,如果一个星期做一个,还是可以达
: 到 的。
: if u earns 200k, probably u work as a senior associate and bill at 350/hour.
: for a drafting case, u charge averagely 9k-10k. ur partner (managing partner)
: bills 1k, and u administrative bills another 600 bucks. so u can only bill 20
: hours for a case. one case a week is not enough. hehe. besides, four cases a

发帖数: 49
Well, I am not a lawyer, neither as I a professor, but I do find the discussion
here interesting. I guess nobody earns his or her bread free. The higher the
payment, the more effort you need to put into it, and the harder the competition
along the way becomes. No short cut if you are not born rich and prestigous.
1 (共1页)
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