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Macromolecules版 - 谁有用 SEM的经验...
请教SEM[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties
why don't you ues AFM Re: 谁有用 SEM的经验...大家推荐几本有关polymer的书吧
spin coating 一个PMMA film谁能谈谈clay/polymer Nanocomposites?
请教:高分子共混膜的相分离Short polymer history (ZZ)
Polymer干燥的时候是不是必须在Tg以下?How to estimate price of a polymer?
MACRO2002大会追记 (1)Re: help with purification of polymers,
Re: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??sigh,too difficult to read polymer books
话题: sem话题: pmma话题: film话题: nm话题: polymer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 82
有谁用 SEM 看过 POLYMER film的形貌吗?
发现Size变大10~15%.当然绝对值不大,也就6~7个 nm
怀疑是不是Au/Pd导电层(10nm,用来提高 SEM图象对比度)
发帖数: 578

In principle, this is unreasonable.
I guess that the surface tension move the size of feature. It is fast for
liquid, but much slow for solid.

【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: 有谁用 SEM 看过 POLYMER film的形貌吗?
: 我相隔1个月两次看PMMA样品上的同一个feature
: 发现Size变大10~15%.当然绝对值不大,也就6~7个 nm
: 怀疑是不是Au/Pd导电层(10nm,用来提高 SEM图象对比度)
: 的金属发生自迁移了.
: 有谁有这方面经验吗?

发帖数: 82
but the features were created using lithography.
the height of the feature is about 50 nm, and
in both image, the edge is pretty sharp. I really
don't know what happened.

【在 a***n 的大作中提到】
: In principle, this is unreasonable.
: I guess that the surface tension move the size of feature. It is fast for
: liquid, but much slow for solid.

发帖数: 85
Whick SEM do you used?
I really doubt that SEM can see nanostructure (6-7 nm?).

【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: but the features were created using lithography.
: the height of the feature is about 50 nm, and
: in both image, the edge is pretty sharp. I really
: don't know what happened.

发帖数: 82
JEOL JSM6700Fhttp://www.jeol.com/sem/sem.html.
The size of the features rangs from 20nm to 60 nm.
It's very easy to watch feature smaller than 5nm. And
that's not the SEM with the highest resolution in
my lab.

【在 N****n 的大作中提到】
: Whick SEM do you used?
: I really doubt that SEM can see nanostructure (6-7 nm?).

发帖数: 75
i doubt SEM can see nanostructuer
what is the film thickness and the substrate?
film migration may be one of the reason if u using any high energy surfaces
and your film is less than 10nm thick. btw, what is the Mw you using?
check the Tg of your film. thin film may have much lower Tg than bulk

【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: JEOL JSM6700Fhttp://www.jeol.com/sem/sem.html.
: The size of the features rangs from 20nm to 60 nm.
: It's very easy to watch feature smaller than 5nm. And
: that's not the SEM with the highest resolution in
: my lab.

发帖数: 1648
What kind of feature did you watch? Did you use such high voltage that sample
might be damaged? Every configuration on your SEM is still the same as it

【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: JEOL JSM6700Fhttp://www.jeol.com/sem/sem.html.
: The size of the features rangs from 20nm to 60 nm.
: It's very easy to watch feature smaller than 5nm. And
: that's not the SEM with the highest resolution in
: my lab.

发帖数: 82

PMMA line patterned by lithography! The lines is about 20nm~60 nm
wide, 50 nm thick, coated with 5 nm Au/Pd conducting film.
Voltage is 6 KeV , It's true that electron beam may break the
chemical bonds.
The NA was changed a bit. No so much

【在 c*******n 的大作中提到】
: What kind of feature did you watch? Did you use such high voltage that sample
: might be damaged? Every configuration on your SEM is still the same as it
: before?

发帖数: 82

The e-beam is focused to 1.5 nm, it's not difficult to see several-nm scale
feature. It's SEM.:)
The film is 50 nm thick, substrate is Au/Pd (10 nm)c oated Si3N4(100 micron)
Excuse me, what's Mw and what's Tg. I am not chemical majored.
Would you please explain it? Thanks!

【在 U******n 的大作中提到】
: i doubt SEM can see nanostructuer
: what is the film thickness and the substrate?
: film migration may be one of the reason if u using any high energy surfaces
: and your film is less than 10nm thick. btw, what is the Mw you using?
: check the Tg of your film. thin film may have much lower Tg than bulk

发帖数: 1648
Hehe, you have very good SEM. I could only see sub micron scale with our old
SEM at 20kev. What he said is that in a confined geometry, Tg may be lower
than that in bulk state. But I don't think it will be that low.(from
100C--->RT?), and I don't think your voltage would damage the sample either.
Is it possible that the structure you created collapse (such as tilted -->
flat) somehow? Did All feature grew or just one of them? You have very
interesting project, hope you can teach us more.


【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: The e-beam is focused to 1.5 nm, it's not difficult to see several-nm scale
: feature. It's SEM.:)
: The film is 50 nm thick, substrate is Au/Pd (10 nm)c oated Si3N4(100 micron)
: Excuse me, what's Mw and what's Tg. I am not chemical majored.
: Would you please explain it? Thanks!

MACRO2002大会追记 (1)[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties
Re: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??谁能谈谈clay/polymer Nanocomposites?
发帖数: 1648
What't NA?

【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: The e-beam is focused to 1.5 nm, it's not difficult to see several-nm scale
: feature. It's SEM.:)
: The film is 50 nm thick, substrate is Au/Pd (10 nm)c oated Si3N4(100 micron)
: Excuse me, what's Mw and what's Tg. I am not chemical majored.
: Would you please explain it? Thanks!

发帖数: 75
Indeed, the Tg can change from ~ 100C for PS to 60C or even lower on film >
Wu, W-L; Wallace, W. E.; Van Zanten, J. (1995), Glass Transition Temperature
of Ultrathin Polymer Films on Silicon, Material Research Society Symposium,
Vol. 381 pp. 147-151
and Tsukruk, V.'s paper
especially when the substrate surface is "high energy surface" such as metal,
silicon... and polymer is low molecular weight
but the migration of the solid polymer film is not very likely. however, this
may have to do wi

【在 c*******n 的大作中提到】
: Hehe, you have very good SEM. I could only see sub micron scale with our old
: SEM at 20kev. What he said is that in a confined geometry, Tg may be lower
: than that in bulk state. But I don't think it will be that low.(from
: 100C--->RT?), and I don't think your voltage would damage the sample either.
: Is it possible that the structure you created collapse (such as tilted -->
: flat) somehow? Did All feature grew or just one of them? You have very
: interesting project, hope you can teach us more.
: scale

发帖数: 75
and also
53. Xu, J.; Hooker, J.; Adhihetty, I.; Padmanabhan, P.; Chen, W. (1998),
Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Thin Polymer Films Using Scanning
Probe Microscopy, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceeding, Vol. 522,
pp. 217-223


【在 U******n 的大作中提到】
: Indeed, the Tg can change from ~ 100C for PS to 60C or even lower on film >
: 30nm.
: Wu, W-L; Wallace, W. E.; Van Zanten, J. (1995), Glass Transition Temperature
: of Ultrathin Polymer Films on Silicon, Material Research Society Symposium,
: Vol. 381 pp. 147-151
: and Tsukruk, V.'s paper
: especially when the substrate surface is "high energy surface" such as metal,
: silicon... and polymer is low molecular weight
: but the migration of the solid polymer film is not very likely. however, this
: may have to do wi

发帖数: 82
Numerical Aperture! Here I mean the distance between the sample and
the last object lens(coil) of the SEM column is not same.

【在 c*******n 的大作中提到】
: What't NA?
发帖数: 82
Thanks for your explaination.
My polymer is PMMA, a very popular photo resist in electron beam
lithography. The film was stored in clean room with a pretty
constant physical/ chemical environment.
The image shows the polymer lines get fatter. But I have no idea
whether it's due to the immigration of Au/Pd or PMMA itself.
I can only say, e-beam energy deposition of SEM scanning can broke
the bonds of PMMA. But it's not a glass transition.
Although someone report e-beam energy may have heat effect

【在 U******n 的大作中提到】
: Indeed, the Tg can change from ~ 100C for PS to 60C or even lower on film >
: 30nm.
: Wu, W-L; Wallace, W. E.; Van Zanten, J. (1995), Glass Transition Temperature
: of Ultrathin Polymer Films on Silicon, Material Research Society Symposium,
: Vol. 381 pp. 147-151
: and Tsukruk, V.'s paper
: especially when the substrate surface is "high energy surface" such as metal,
: silicon... and polymer is low molecular weight
: but the migration of the solid polymer film is not very likely. however, this
: may have to do wi

发帖数: 82

Hehe, it's not the property of my group. I only have the right to use it.
But, you know, in somewhere of USA, there DO exist some fabulous instruments.
I even don't know how good it is until you guys pointed it out.\shy!
It seems the feature is still there. No collapse.(otherwise, it can be
recognized in SEM). And all the lines get broad.

【在 c*******n 的大作中提到】
: Hehe, you have very good SEM. I could only see sub micron scale with our old
: SEM at 20kev. What he said is that in a confined geometry, Tg may be lower
: than that in bulk state. But I don't think it will be that low.(from
: 100C--->RT?), and I don't think your voltage would damage the sample either.
: Is it possible that the structure you created collapse (such as tilted -->
: flat) somehow? Did All feature grew or just one of them? You have very
: interesting project, hope you can teach us more.
: scale

发帖数: 578

Re-check its feature after another several days and then tell us whether it
still keep changing. Maybe it can be figured out.

【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: Hehe, it's not the property of my group. I only have the right to use it.
: But, you know, in somewhere of USA, there DO exist some fabulous instruments.
: I even don't know how good it is until you guys pointed it out.\shy!
: It seems the feature is still there. No collapse.(otherwise, it can be
: recognized in SEM). And all the lines get broad.

发帖数: 75
I dun think is the migration of Au/Pd into PMMA. do you check the height? it
may be the deformation of the PMMA or change in the surface morphology.
anyone can tell me if that may possible cause by the swollen by your so-call
"chemical environment" ?? i mean, when taking in or out from that storage.
anyway, now you bought the interest to me and others also
well, i also wish i am a wisom of that. good luck to u


【在 l*****o 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for your explaination.
: My polymer is PMMA, a very popular photo resist in electron beam
: lithography. The film was stored in clean room with a pretty
: constant physical/ chemical environment.
: The image shows the polymer lines get fatter. But I have no idea
: whether it's due to the immigration of Au/Pd or PMMA itself.
: I can only say, e-beam energy deposition of SEM scanning can broke
: the bonds of PMMA. But it's not a glass transition.
: Although someone report e-beam energy may have heat effect

1 (共1页)
sigh,too difficult to read polymer booksPolymer干燥的时候是不是必须在Tg以下?
感觉上,高分子科学..MACRO2002大会追记 (1)
[合集] Who knows polymer Tg around 25 celsius degree?明年在大理的高分子物理会
Open Position for PhD Polymer ChemistRe: [~{W*TX~}] who is doing rheological properties testing on polymer composites??
请教SEM[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties
why don't you ues AFM Re: 谁有用 SEM的经验...大家推荐几本有关polymer的书吧
spin coating 一个PMMA film谁能谈谈clay/polymer Nanocomposites?
请教:高分子共混膜的相分离Short polymer history (ZZ)
话题: sem话题: pmma话题: film话题: nm话题: polymer