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MedicalCareer版 - 请教一题NBME step 1
CK NBME 1- B1- Q4 请教Step1 NBME FORM2一题,谁能帮忙解释一下?
CK NBME form 2 questionNBME 11 两道题请教!
CK NBME-4-1Intern八月感想
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Help need-Vaccination Q in CK NBME form2 section1-q7今天CK结束
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CK NBME 4 题目急问step 1 NBMEs Sad
话题: tea话题: she话题: child话题: physician
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 312
A male newborn born at 30 weeks' gestation is admitted to the neonatal
intensive care unit. His grandmother insists that the child be given
chamomile tea to treat his complications of prematurity. She gets agitated
when the nursing staff tries to assure her that he is being cared for
appropriately. She requests that her grandson be transferred to another
physician at another hospital. At the grandmother's insistence, she and the
child's mother meet with the physician to discuss the grandmother's requests
. After the physician listens to the grandmother's reason for wanting to use
the tea, which of the following approaches is most appropriate?
A)Explain that the tea will increase the child's risk for developing
sloughing of the gastrointestinal mucosa
B)Gain the grandmother's support by acknowledging that she probably knows
best and tell her that the tea will be administered, but fail to do so
C)Inform the mother and the grandmother of the physician's credentials to
assure them that the child is getting the best care possible
D)Negotiate a plan to give the tea when the child's gastrointestinal tract
will allow administration of liquids
发帖数: 58


【在 h***a 的大作中提到】
: A male newborn born at 30 weeks' gestation is admitted to the neonatal
: intensive care unit. His grandmother insists that the child be given
: chamomile tea to treat his complications of prematurity. She gets agitated
: when the nursing staff tries to assure her that he is being cared for
: appropriately. She requests that her grandson be transferred to another
: physician at another hospital. At the grandmother's insistence, she and the
: child's mother meet with the physician to discuss the grandmother's requests
: . After the physician listens to the grandmother's reason for wanting to use
: the tea, which of the following approaches is most appropriate?
: A)Explain that the tea will increase the child's risk for developing

发帖数: 312
could you explain it a little bit? Giving tea to premature newborn is
totally inappropriate, why negotiate still?
发帖数: 58
1. As long as the baby can take fluid, it is most likely ok to take this tea
2. There is no evidence showing that the tea has therapeutic effect, or the
other way. It is unknown, although most likely no effect.
3. Moms have right to feed their baby anything they wanted as long as it is
legally ok.
4. Doctor's responsibility here is to make sure the baby is mature enough so
that he/she can take fluid by mouth, so at least no harm to baby. Can make
suggestions, but it's up to mom's/grandma's decisions to decide feed or not.

【在 h***a 的大作中提到】
: could you explain it a little bit? Giving tea to premature newborn is
: totally inappropriate, why negotiate still?

发帖数: 312
1 (共1页)
step 1 NBMEs SadHelp need-Vaccination Q in CK NBME form2 section1-q7
想去美国做肠胃外科的访问学者NBME-CK 难题求助
Last dark report's webinar about pathology fellowship appli (转载)CK NBME form 3
step1只有82,还有救吗CK NBME 4 题目急问
CK NBME 1- B1- Q4 请教Step1 NBME FORM2一题,谁能帮忙解释一下?
CK NBME form 2 questionNBME 11 两道题请教!
CK NBME-4-1Intern八月感想
请教NBME 4 block 1一题Step 2 CK经验
话题: tea话题: she话题: child话题: physician