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Military版 - 擅服碘片中毒 美國57起
碘片的替代方法potassium iodide要处方才能买?
search of potassium iodide标 题: 政府对碘片的控制的有关link。
谁知道 碘片 英文叫什么, 我现在就要买了ebay上的碘片 (转载)
国内抢盐和这边抢碘片,很好,不是小好,是大好第2波流感襲美!症狀類似武漢肺炎 近4個月來已奪萬命(zt)
US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide美国死亡数据
抗辐射药物potassium iodide短缺朱令案铊轮永远不能解释的问题
话题: iodide话题: potassium话题: thyroid话题: iodine话题: ki
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8422
擅服碘片中毒 美國57起
Association of Poison Control Centers)指出,已接獲57起服用碘片中毒案例,多
发帖数: 1981
发帖数: 1593
发帖数: 1433
As demand spikes for potassium iodide in the wake of Japan’s nuclear
crisis, U.S. poison control centers are starting to receive reports of
illness in people who’ve ingested the drug aimed at protecting against
radiation sickness.
At least seven people have reported reactions to the drug, often called by
its chemical name, KI, including two who said they were suffering from
serious symptoms including vomiting, racing heart and dizziness or vertigo.
That’s according to Jessica Wehrman, a spokeswoman for the American
Association of Poison Control Centers, which tracks reports from 57 poison
control centers nationwide.
Radiation has not been detected in the U.S., but some worried Americans are
already hoarding the pills — and apparently taking them already — as a
precaution. Wehrman said poison control centers have received nearly 130
queries about protection against radiation exposure and the crisis in Japan.
A text message poll of 98 physicians in California, Oregon and Washington,
conducted by Truth On Call for msnbc.com, found that 18 percent of doctors
had fielded questions from patients this week about the health impacts of
radiation exposure, and two were asked for potassium iodide.
Panic could spark a “mini-epidemic” of potassium iodide ingestion and
overdoses, predicted Dr. Leonard Wartofsky, spokesman for the Endocrine
Society and a thyroid expert.
He warned that the drug could cause serious reactions in some people and even backfire in the case of an actual emergency, putting people past a two-week window of safe dosage. After that period of time, the drug can induce severe hypothyroidism, a condition that essentially shuts down thyroid function
“It is inappropriate, foolhardy and dangerous to be taking iodine supplements at this time,” Wartofsky said. “It’s very important to hold off until it’s absolutely necessary.”
Medical and government officials have stressed that the risk of radiation reaching the U.S. is negligible, and that the risk of any health effects is less than that.
“There has been no directive from either the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or from state health departments that anyone in the United States during the Japan earthquake or during its aftermath should take potassium iodide,” said Dr. Al Bronstein, medical director at the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center.
Story: Panicked Chinese mistakenly hoarding iodized salt
But that hasn’t stopped Americans from rushing to buy the non-prescription drug that protects the thyroid gland from exposure to radioactive iodine. All three manufacturers and suppliers of federally approved potassium iodide in the United States sold out of the drug earlier this week. New supplies won’t be available until mid-April, said Alan Morris, president of Anbex, Inc., which makes IOSAT 130-milligram tablets.
The drug works by filling the thyroid gland with potassium iodide, which leaves no room for the radioactive iodine, which can cause cancer. It does not protect against other effects of radiation exposure.
But even if radiation were to reach the U.S., potassium iodide should only be taken in the event of actual exposure or the threat of immediate exposure, not as a preventive measure, Wartofsky said.
Story: Demand for potassium iodide spikes; nukepills.com is there
Troy Jones, who runs the site www.nukepills.com, says he sells about 250,000 doses of potassium iodide most months, both pills and liquid. Demand has spiked in the past during threatening events, but nothing like the response to Japan’s crisis, he said.
In the event of a nuclear emergency, potassium iodide is most useful in protecting infants and children younger than 18, whose bodies are most vulnerable to the effects of radioactive iodine, according to the CDC.
Adults older than 40 are warned not to take KI unless contamination with a very large doses of radioactive iodine is expected. They’re at the lowest risk for developing thyroid cancer after radiation exposure and at highest risk for having allergic reactions to KI.
Taking potassium iodide can be harmful to people who are allergic to iodine, those who have certain skin disorders and people with thyroid diseases including goiter, Graves’ disease or autoimmune thyroid disorders.
Side effects from KI can include upset stomach, rashes and inflammation of the salivary glands.
“It’s always balancing the risk and the benefit,” Wartofsky said. “There is absolutely no risk at the present time.”
© 2011 msnbc.com Reprints
发帖数: 1433
He warned that the drug could cause serious reactions in some people and
even backfire in the case of an actual emergency, putting people past a two-
week window of safe dosage. After that period of time, the drug can induce
severe hypothyroidism, a condition that essentially shuts down thyroid
“It is inappropriate, foolhardy and dangerous to be taking iodine
supplements at this time,” Wartofsky said. “It’s very important to hold
off until it’s absolutely necessary.”
But even if radiation were to reach the U.S., potassium iodide should only
be taken in the event of actual exposure or the threat of immediate exposure
, not as a preventive measure, Wartofsky said.
In the event of a nuclear emergency, potassium iodide is most useful in
protecting infants and children younger than 18, whose bodies are most
vulnerable to the effects of radioactive iodine, according to the CDC.
Adults older than 40 are warned not to take KI unless contamination with a
very large doses of radioactive iodine is expected. They’re at the lowest
risk for developing thyroid cancer after radiation exposure and at highest
risk for having allergic reactions to KI.
Taking potassium iodide can be harmful to people who are allergic to iodine,
those who have certain skin disorders and people with thyroid diseases
including goiter, Graves’ disease or autoimmune thyroid disorders.
Side effects from KI can include upset stomach, rashes and inflammation of
the salivary glands.
发帖数: 594


【在 v**e 的大作中提到】
: 擅服碘片中毒 美國57起
: 〔本報訊〕日本核災造成國際人心惶惶,台灣原能會已呼籲,目前絕對不需要服用碘片
: ,現在服用可能有害健康,媒體報導,因擔心輻射塵漂洋過海到美國,不但傳出部分地
: 區有民眾囤積碘片,更傳出有民眾因自行服用,結果造成身體出現不適症狀,據悉,這
: 樣的中毒案例,全美已出現57起。
: 媒體報導,美國國內目前並未偵測到任何輻射塵威脅,美國總統歐巴馬也強調,他不
: 認為具危害性的高輻射會到達美國,不過,根據「美國毒物管制中心協會」(American
: Association of Poison Control Centers)指出,已接獲57起服用碘片中毒案例,多
: 是民眾自行服用而造成,其中至少7人出現嘔吐、心悸與暈眩等症狀。
: 報導指出,美國衛生部於16日也曾發表聲明稿指出,並未呼籲民眾應購買碘片作為預

发帖数: 4466
1 (共1页)
朱令案铊轮永远不能解释的问题谁知道 碘片 英文叫什么, 我现在就要买了
SW的署名文章:If I Had to Poison My Roommate,国内抢盐和这边抢碘片,很好,不是小好,是大好
十有八九是中国人提示US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide
Re: 看来大家对狙击这个概念有分歧抗辐射药物potassium iodide短缺
碘片的替代方法potassium iodide要处方才能买?
search of potassium iodide标 题: 政府对碘片的控制的有关link。
话题: iodide话题: potassium话题: thyroid话题: iodine话题: ki