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Military版 - O8: 我当年和Ted Cruz有本质区别
Ted Cruz Introduces Anti-Gay Marriage BillTed Cruz是个人物
Ted Cruz听证会上大骂民主党和八马zzTed学历看着比巴马牛
人口构成变化了,总统选举一次比一次兰Ted Cruz要把政府关门期间的工资捐出来
Ted Cruz 讲了21小时终于撤退了Ted Cruz要被整下去了
Ted要把所有人都搞残没有意外的话,Ted Cruz将是下届总统 (转载)
Senator Ted Cruz staying home this weekTed Cruz总结obamacare的杯具三部曲
经济学人: 赞扬中国的政治体制 (转载)只听民主党的话, 不为华裔人民服务!
话题: he话题: senate话题: obama话题: government话题: cruz
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29576
“If you recall, when I came into the Senate my attitude was, I should just
keep a pretty low profile in the Senate and just do the work,” Obama told
the AP, harkening back to early 2005. He admitted that the media may not
have let him keep that low profile, but added, “I didn’t go around
courting the media, and I certainly didn’t go around trying to shut down
the government.”
“And so I recognize that in today’s media age, being controversial, taking
controversial positions, rallying the most extreme parts of your base–
whether it’s left or right–is a lot of times the fastest way to get
attention or raise money, but it’s not good for government,” Obama
continued. “It’s not good for the people we’re supposed to be serving.”
He went on to “remind” members of Congress like Cruz and others that “
these are real folks that are being impacted.” He described members of his
staff who may be expecting their first child or fear that if they get into a
car accident, they won’t be able to pay their bills. “If they don’t get
a paycheck, they may be broke,” he said.
“There is no reason government should be shutdown,” he stressed, adding
that Democrats in the Senate have been willing to bring spending levels down
to where Republicans want them.
“I mean, essentially what’s happened here is Democrats are saying they are
prepared to pass a Republican budget for two months while negotiations
continue,” Obama said. “We just can’t have a whole bunch of other
extraneous stuff in it, and the obsession with the Affordable Care Act, with
Obamacare, has to stop; that that is not something that should be a price
for keeping the government open.”
1 (共1页)
Ted Cruz running for presidentSenator Ted Cruz staying home this week
德州很多白墨经济学人: 赞扬中国的政治体制 (转载)
加拿大出生的加拿大人Ted Cruz都要竞选美国总统了老美的政治表演
Ted Cruz Introduces Anti-Gay Marriage BillTed Cruz是个人物
Ted Cruz听证会上大骂民主党和八马zzTed学历看着比巴马牛
人口构成变化了,总统选举一次比一次兰Ted Cruz要把政府关门期间的工资捐出来
Ted Cruz 讲了21小时终于撤退了Ted Cruz要被整下去了
话题: he话题: senate话题: obama话题: government话题: cruz