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Military版 - Math is on life support. Can we save it?
a math question in facebook中美今天最大的差异解释了为什么中国正在接管全球经济
Trump taps emergency U.S. oil reserve床铺这次是报喜不报忧了
free market是美国工作跑到别的地方的原因天天发碾压美华的是个什么心态
(多图)世界最高的500座桥梁,前10名中国占了7个而街看好 特没谱必然连任 不要挣扎了
两组图看清楚了Grand Cherokee (转载)美强烈要求巴基斯坦放弃来自伊朗的天然气管道项目
纽约时报网络版:China’s New Bridges: Rising High, but Buried in Debt人类文明竞争的主战场:石油金融体系
话题: math话题: correct话题: phil话题: paycheck话题: answers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38600
Math is on life support. Can we save it?
Mr.+FreeMarket •10 hours ago
"But what Phil Daro and others have criticized is our fixation on getting
answers at the expense of understanding math."
Phil, buddy, I hate to break it to you but if you don't get the correct
answer, you do not understand math. Can I repeat that? Calculating the
correct answer is the only proof that exists that you understand math.
Without correct answers, wheels will occasionally fly off of a car (who
needs correct torque settings anyway). Bridges will collapse (defining
tensile strength and ultimate loads is just so judgmental). Without correct
answers, a probe bound for Mars may just crash into the planet rather than
assuming an orbit above it. Petroleum refineries will occasionally blow up
because pressures were too high.
BTW, Phil; do you worry about it if the decimal on your paycheck is
misplaced an order of magnitude or two? Instead of a paycheck for $10,000,
you suddenly find you are in possession of a paycheck for $100. Is
understanding the process still more important than coming up with the
correct answer?
发帖数: 38600
Common Core: 3 * 4 = 11 is okay
This is total insanity.Three plus four equals eleven . Ok even nazis did not
attempt shit like this.Because they did not want german's to be morons and
con artists .They are teaching kids to believe in fairytale shit.So when the
government tells them something that makes no sense they will believe it no
matter what. Even smart third graders will go insane over this. If i lived
on the border with mexico.I would send my kids to mexican schools. lol&#
1 (共1页)
Paula Broadwell的驾照在DC一个公园被发现ZT华盛顿邮报两组图看清楚了Grand Cherokee (转载)
牛人给解释一下:中美油价之比较纽约时报网络版:China’s New Bridges: Rising High, but Buried in Debt
美国页岩油量产 加拿大油砂项目停工很久很久以前那个古老的年代
a math question in facebook中美今天最大的差异解释了为什么中国正在接管全球经济
Trump taps emergency U.S. oil reserve床铺这次是报喜不报忧了
free market是美国工作跑到别的地方的原因天天发碾压美华的是个什么心态
(多图)世界最高的500座桥梁,前10名中国占了7个而街看好 特没谱必然连任 不要挣扎了
话题: math话题: correct话题: phil话题: paycheck话题: answers