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Military版 - 似乎也没有出大事
支持德州! 有个问题枪手找到了
谁还记得枪版很得意的一个例子让子弹飞 - 民主党联邦女众议员Giffords遇刺
Wanted in China: More Male Teachers, to Make Boys Men枪杀议员的凶手Loughner在youtube的自我介绍
Yale study finds implicit racial bias in preschool teachers美国又扫射了,议员头部中弹,法官被打死
China Warns Its Tourists: Beware Gun Violence in AmericaObama在Tucson的2011年1月12日演讲的观后感 (转载)
Breaking News: Arizona congresswoman shot and killedformer B-2 stealth bomber Engineer gets 32 years for selling military secrets to China
话题: teachers话题: school话题: guns话题: carry话题: texas
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 25
These schools say arming teachers 'can be done right'
By Nicole Chavez, CNN
Updated 7:08 AM ET, Sat February 24, 2018
callisburg texas school district armed teachers lavandera pkg_00000401
Texas school district arms its teachers 02:50
(CNN)Arming teachers may be a "terrible" or even a "ridiculous" idea to
critics, but some teachers across the country already bring guns to school.
In the wake of the Florida school shooting, the debate over whether teachers
should carry guns in class has intensified. President Donald Trump is
proposing bonuses for educators who undergo gun training. State lawmakers
are beginning to consider legislation while school officials are pushing for
an increase in classroom resources but not guns.
State laws related to guns in schools vary by state and although many only
apply to college campuses, some states give teachers with concealed carry
permits the ability to have guns on the grounds of K-12 schools, according
to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
Here's a look at some of the states where teachers and other school staff
are willing to carry their weapons.
发帖数: 25
There are 172 school districts in Texas that allow staff and/or board
members to carry firearms on school premises, according to a statewide
review of board policies by the Texas Association of School Boards.
1 (共1页)
影院惨案后,科罗拉多枪支销售暴增China Warns Its Tourists: Beware Gun Violence in America
国内媒体猛烈批判,国际舆论支持“让球”Breaking News: Arizona congresswoman shot and killed
Professor Blames Mass Shootings on ‘White Male Privilege民主党联邦女众议员Giffords刚才遇刺身亡
白人支持判爆炸案嫌犯死刑 非裔反对(图) (转载)美国p民太牛了
支持德州! 有个问题枪手找到了
谁还记得枪版很得意的一个例子让子弹飞 - 民主党联邦女众议员Giffords遇刺
Wanted in China: More Male Teachers, to Make Boys Men枪杀议员的凶手Loughner在youtube的自我介绍
Yale study finds implicit racial bias in preschool teachers美国又扫射了,议员头部中弹,法官被打死
话题: teachers话题: school话题: guns话题: carry话题: texas