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Military版 - 学习彦宁老师啊。。。。
颜宁教授的英文名是Nieng YanNieng Yan遥望米国一声长叹
YANNING 去普林斯顿就是啥折腾颜宁确认今年秋天加盟普林斯顿 (转载)
我能不能发Email给Nieng颜宁确认今年秋天加盟普林斯顿 (转载)
根本不是啥一筐Shit仕途无望颜宁的名字为啥是Nieng Yan?
颜宁牛逼大了,拒了U penn的full professor (Chairship)的offe颜宁的ID是Yan Nieng
问个题外话,颜宁英文名为什么是:Nieng Yan为啥是Nieng而不是Ning呢?
话题: university话题: she话题: yan话题: princeton话题: her
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10518
Nieng Yan received her B.S. degree from the Department of Biological
Sciences & Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, in 2000. She then studied
molecular biology at Princeton University, under the supervision of
professor Shi Yigong, and received her Ph.D. degree in 2004. She was the
regional winner of the Young Scientist Award in North America, which is co-
sponsored by Science/AAAS and GE Healthcare, for her thesis on the
structural and mechanistic study of programmed cell death. She continued her
postdoctoral training at Princeton University, focusing on the structural
characterization of intramembrane proteases, until 2007.[2]
In 2007, she returned to Tsinghua University with an invitation by Zhao
Nanming, director of the Department of Biology at the time. At the age of 30
, she became the youngest professor and Ph.D. tutor in Tsinghua University.[
3] Her research focused on the structure and mechanism of membrane transport
proteins.[4] She won the Bei Shizhang Award, China's top award in
biophysics, in 2011.[5] In 2014 her laboratory successfully solved the
structure of GLUT1, a key protein in facilitating the transport of glucose
across the plasma membranes of mammalian cells whose structure is
particularly difficult to determine because it readily changes its shape.[6]
In 2017, Nieng Yan decided to leave Tsinghua University and join Princeton
University. The move gained widespread attention in China and led to a
national discussion both within the science community and the general public
.[8] The cause was widely speculated to be the difficulty to do what she
wanted to do under China's academic system, as she had criticized the China
National Natural Science Foundation's reluctance to support high risk
research in a series of blogs.[9] However, Yan dismissed this claim later,
and stated "changing one's environment can bring new pressure and
inspiration for academic breakthroughs".[10] Yan has been a professor of
molecular biology at Princeton University since 2017.
发帖数: 10518


【在 C*********X 的大作中提到】
: Nieng Yan received her B.S. degree from the Department of Biological
: Sciences & Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, in 2000. She then studied
: molecular biology at Princeton University, under the supervision of
: professor Shi Yigong, and received her Ph.D. degree in 2004. She was the
: regional winner of the Young Scientist Award in North America, which is co-
: sponsored by Science/AAAS and GE Healthcare, for her thesis on the
: structural and mechanistic study of programmed cell death. She continued her
: postdoctoral training at Princeton University, focusing on the structural
: characterization of intramembrane proteases, until 2007.[2]
: In 2007, she returned to Tsinghua University with an invitation by Zhao

发帖数: 11249


【在 C*********X 的大作中提到】
: Nieng Yan received her B.S. degree from the Department of Biological
: Sciences & Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, in 2000. She then studied
: molecular biology at Princeton University, under the supervision of
: professor Shi Yigong, and received her Ph.D. degree in 2004. She was the
: regional winner of the Young Scientist Award in North America, which is co-
: sponsored by Science/AAAS and GE Healthcare, for her thesis on the
: structural and mechanistic study of programmed cell death. She continued her
: postdoctoral training at Princeton University, focusing on the structural
: characterization of intramembrane proteases, until 2007.[2]
: In 2007, she returned to Tsinghua University with an invitation by Zhao

发帖数: 10518
Yan has been a professor of
molecular biology at Princeton University since 2017.


【在 C*********X 的大作中提到】
: Nieng Yan received her B.S. degree from the Department of Biological
: Sciences & Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, in 2000. She then studied
: molecular biology at Princeton University, under the supervision of
: professor Shi Yigong, and received her Ph.D. degree in 2004. She was the
: regional winner of the Young Scientist Award in North America, which is co-
: sponsored by Science/AAAS and GE Healthcare, for her thesis on the
: structural and mechanistic study of programmed cell death. She continued her
: postdoctoral training at Princeton University, focusing on the structural
: characterization of intramembrane proteases, until 2007.[2]
: In 2007, she returned to Tsinghua University with an invitation by Zhao

1 (共1页)
颜宁护照上印的是Nieng颜宁牛逼大了,拒了U penn的full professor (Chairship)的offe
Harry Shum怎么名字也和Nieng Yan学?问个题外话,颜宁英文名为什么是:Nieng Yan
颜宁教授的英文名是Nieng YanNieng Yan遥望米国一声长叹
YANNING 去普林斯顿就是啥折腾颜宁确认今年秋天加盟普林斯顿 (转载)
我能不能发Email给Nieng颜宁确认今年秋天加盟普林斯顿 (转载)
根本不是啥一筐Shit仕途无望颜宁的名字为啥是Nieng Yan?
话题: university话题: she话题: yan话题: princeton话题: her