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Physics版 - 急求博后postdoc兼两篇文章第一作者
IBT82分能申请到物理或电子的PHD吗?中科院苏州医工所显微光学方向招聘 (转载)
TAMU Marlan ScullyPostdoc position at Stony Brook 2015
向贵版各位大牛咨询一下有人有兴趣做AP(Advanced Placement) Physics 课程和练习题吗?
求两篇文章,谢谢。钙钛矿太阳能电池(perovskite solar cell)薄后职位招聘中 (转载)
话题: health话题: texas话题: center话题: science话题: biology
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 101
Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics or Biostatistics: Houston, TX,
United States
The Institute off Biosciences and Technology (IBT) at Texas A&M Health
Science Center, http://ibt.tamhsc.edu/, is an internationally recognized leader in biomedical and health science research located at the Texas Medical Center (TMC) in Houston, TX, with existing strengths in Epigenetics, Cancer/Stem Cell Biology, Infectious Disease, and Environmental Health. The Texas A&M Health Science Center is part of Texas A&M University (TAMU).
The Center For Epigenetics & Disease Prevention at IBT is seeking two highly
motivated bioinformatics or biostatistics postdoctoral investigators to
develop and study novel approaches in data-driven biomedical research to
discover new biomarkers, therapeutics, and to revolutionize health care or
fundamental computational biology principles. Primary responsibilities
include application and development of bioinformatic and biostatistic
algorithms to process and analyze multiple types of high-throughput
sequencing data, like ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq and Bisulfite-Seq data. This
exciting work will be guided by multidisciplinary collaborations with top
scientists in stem cell, cancer biology, and microbiology research at TAMU
and TMC.
The candidates will have a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Physics, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Statistics, Biology, or Engineering, or related fields.
The other preferred qualifications include solid skills in at least one
programming language (python, perl, R or C/C++), and strong skills in
writing. A dual background in both computation and molecular biology or
medicine is a plus. Prior experience with genomics, epigenomics, aging
epigenome, neuron stem cell, machine learning, or cloud computation is a
plus. Salary is highly competitive from NIH standard to $80,000 depending on
To apply, please send CV, statement of research interests, and contact
information for three references. E-mail: [email protected]
(function(){try{var s,a,i,j,r,c,l,b=document.getElementsByTagName("script");l=b[b.length-1].previousSibling;a=l.getAttribute('data-cfemail');if(a){s='';r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16);for(j=2;a.length-j;j+=2){c=parseInt(a.substr(j,2),16)^r;s+=String.fromCharCode(c);}s=document.createTextNode(s);l.parentNode.replaceChild(s,l);}}catch(e){}})();
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or Mail: Dr. Deqiang
Sun, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Texas A&M University Health
Science Center, 2121 W. Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030. Applicants are
also required to apply online at http://jobs.tamhsc.edu/postings/4172.
The Texas A&M Health Sciences Center is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action/Veterans /Disability Employer
发帖数: 22178


【在 c******e 的大作中提到】
: 本人物理系博士现在是生物信息教授
: 独立不久,正在建立实验室,有两篇小文章,一篇几乎写好,一篇只有数据和图。但是
: 现在作者只有我一人。就这样发,有点浪费了。先来先得。
: 招聘广告如下
: Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics or Biostatistics: Houston, TX,
: United States
: The Institute off Biosciences and Technology (IBT) at Texas A&M Health
: Science Center, http://ibt.tamhsc.edu/, is an internationally recognized leader in biomedical and health science research located at the Texas Medical Center (TMC) in Houston, TX, with existing strengths in Epigenetics, Cancer/Stem Cell Biology, Infectious Disease, and Environmental Health. The Texas A&M Health Science Center is part of Texas A&M University (TAMU).
: The Center For Epigenetics & Disease Prevention at IBT is seeking two highly
: motivated bioinformatics or biostatistics postdoctoral investigators to

发帖数: 155


【在 c******e 的大作中提到】
: 本人物理系博士现在是生物信息教授
: 独立不久,正在建立实验室,有两篇小文章,一篇几乎写好,一篇只有数据和图。但是
: 现在作者只有我一人。就这样发,有点浪费了。先来先得。
: 招聘广告如下
: Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics or Biostatistics: Houston, TX,
: United States
: The Institute off Biosciences and Technology (IBT) at Texas A&M Health
: Science Center, http://ibt.tamhsc.edu/, is an internationally recognized leader in biomedical and health science research located at the Texas Medical Center (TMC) in Houston, TX, with existing strengths in Epigenetics, Cancer/Stem Cell Biology, Infectious Disease, and Environmental Health. The Texas A&M Health Science Center is part of Texas A&M University (TAMU).
: The Center For Epigenetics & Disease Prevention at IBT is seeking two highly
: motivated bioinformatics or biostatistics postdoctoral investigators to

发帖数: 101
Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics or Biostatistics: Houston, TX,
United States
The Institute off Biosciences and Technology (IBT) at Texas A&M Health
Science Center, http://ibt.tamhsc.edu/, is an internationally recognized leader in biomedical and health science research located at the Texas Medical Center (TMC) in Houston, TX, with existing strengths in Epigenetics, Cancer/Stem Cell Biology, Infectious Disease, and Environmental Health. The Texas A&M Health Science Center is part of Texas A&M University (TAMU).
The Center For Epigenetics & Disease Prevention at IBT is seeking two highly
motivated bioinformatics or biostatistics postdoctoral investigators to
develop and study novel approaches in data-driven biomedical research to
discover new biomarkers, therapeutics, and to revolutionize health care or
fundamental computational biology principles. Primary responsibilities
include application and development of bioinformatic and biostatistic
algorithms to process and analyze multiple types of high-throughput
sequencing data, like ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq and Bisulfite-Seq data. This
exciting work will be guided by multidisciplinary collaborations with top
scientists in stem cell, cancer biology, and microbiology research at TAMU
and TMC.
The candidates will have a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Physics, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Statistics, Biology, or Engineering, or related fields.
The other preferred qualifications include solid skills in at least one
programming language (python, perl, R or C/C++), and strong skills in
writing. A dual background in both computation and molecular biology or
medicine is a plus. Prior experience with genomics, epigenomics, aging
epigenome, neuron stem cell, machine learning, or cloud computation is a
plus. Salary is highly competitive from NIH standard to $80,000 depending on
To apply, please send CV, statement of research interests, and contact
information for three references. E-mail: [email protected]
/* */ or Mail: Dr. Deqiang
Sun, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Texas A&M University Health
Science Center, 2121 W. Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030. Applicants are
also required to apply online at http://jobs.tamhsc.edu/postings/4172.
The Texas A&M Health Sciences Center is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action/Veterans /Disability Employer
发帖数: 22178


【在 c******e 的大作中提到】
: 本人物理系博士现在是生物信息教授
: 独立不久,正在建立实验室,有两篇小文章,一篇几乎写好,一篇只有数据和图。但是
: 现在作者只有我一人。就这样发,有点浪费了。先来先得。
: 招聘广告如下
: Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics or Biostatistics: Houston, TX,
: United States
: The Institute off Biosciences and Technology (IBT) at Texas A&M Health
: Science Center, http://ibt.tamhsc.edu/, is an internationally recognized leader in biomedical and health science research located at the Texas Medical Center (TMC) in Houston, TX, with existing strengths in Epigenetics, Cancer/Stem Cell Biology, Infectious Disease, and Environmental Health. The Texas A&M Health Science Center is part of Texas A&M University (TAMU).
: The Center For Epigenetics & Disease Prevention at IBT is seeking two highly
: motivated bioinformatics or biostatistics postdoctoral investigators to

发帖数: 155


【在 c******e 的大作中提到】
: 本人物理系博士现在是生物信息教授
: 独立不久,正在建立实验室,有两篇小文章,一篇几乎写好,一篇只有数据和图。但是
: 现在作者只有我一人。就这样发,有点浪费了。先来先得。
: 招聘广告如下
: Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics or Biostatistics: Houston, TX,
: United States
: The Institute off Biosciences and Technology (IBT) at Texas A&M Health
: Science Center, http://ibt.tamhsc.edu/, is an internationally recognized leader in biomedical and health science research located at the Texas Medical Center (TMC) in Houston, TX, with existing strengths in Epigenetics, Cancer/Stem Cell Biology, Infectious Disease, and Environmental Health. The Texas A&M Health Science Center is part of Texas A&M University (TAMU).
: The Center For Epigenetics & Disease Prevention at IBT is seeking two highly
: motivated bioinformatics or biostatistics postdoctoral investigators to

发帖数: 101
1 (共1页)
looking for the PPT in Quantum Imaging中科院物理所诚聘重费米子相关方向的青年科研人才
复旦大学高分子科学系教师招聘启事 (北美人才招聘会,2014年12月)这文章(PRA)申诉成功的机会多大?
Postdoc position in high pressure physics10个包子求几篇SID会刊上的文章
IBT82分能申请到物理或电子的PHD吗?中科院苏州医工所显微光学方向招聘 (转载)
TAMU Marlan ScullyPostdoc position at Stony Brook 2015
向贵版各位大牛咨询一下有人有兴趣做AP(Advanced Placement) Physics 课程和练习题吗?
话题: health话题: texas话题: center话题: science话题: biology