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Pics版 - 秋天的堪察加 最美的季节 (转载)
冬日里的堪察加 白色的世界 (转载)摄影师登上喷发火山拍岩浆河:澎湃的地狱之火
令人神往的堪察加半岛 (转载)湖畔生活的棕熊们 (转载)
再来一组堪察加半岛照片 (转载)堪察加的小狐狸
海鹰和三文鱼 (转载)堪察加半岛火山喷发
很多很多的熊(图多慎入) (转载)堪察加半岛火山精彩图集
聪明漂亮的海鹦鹉(Puffin)组图 (转载)毛子的堪察加半岛
俄罗斯2011年最佳自然摄影入围作品 (转载)堪察加的狐狸和大熊
话题: lake话题: kronotsky话题: sockeye话题: reserve话题: deer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
标 题: 秋天的堪察加 最美的季节
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 5 16:54:01 2012, 美东)
Fall has finally come to the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Animals enjoy the
abundance of food and prepare themselves for long and severe winter.
Usual for the Kronotsky Nature Reserve pictures.
One of Villain’s children patrols the bank of the lake.
The abundance of easily accessible food made the bears’ bellies look like
the beer ones.
One of the bears often comes close to the house of the workers of the nature
reserve. It seems that growing there crowberry is more to its taste than
anywhere else (even though it’s scattered all over across the tundra in an
incredible amount). In some places there are so many crowberries that it’s
impossible to walk without stepping on them.
Is it the volcanic ash of Kizimen that affected so positively the harvest?
The spawning of sockeye salmon in the waters of the Kurile Lake is one of
the most spectacular pictures on Kamchatka.
The Kurile Lake, the largest spawning ground for sockeye salmon in Eurasia,
has a great fishery value. Fish spawn both in its shallows and in the rivers
flowing into it. Those which has already entered the lake don’t hurry up
to start spawning. They form dense clusters, consisting of tens of thousands
individuals and looking like large monolithic spots from the helicopter.
What is interesting is that sockeye salmon fills the lake not randomly,
but moving along its banks in a clockwise direction.
Splashing fish tease standing on the beach hungry bears. This year more than
two million sockeye salmon entered the lake, which is more than enough for
their reproduction.
The river banks have already been painted in bright yellow for more than a
month. The workers of the reserve call these flowers Kronotsky sunflowers,
but in fact it’s certainly marsh groundsel.
That’s how bears get to know each other.
Alice hunts a ground squirrel.
And enjoys delicious bog bilberry.
Half of Kamchatka is seen from this point of Krasheninnikov Volcano. Behind
the northern crater there is the Kronotsky Lake with small islands on the
water surface. Kizimen Volcano slightly smokes on the horizon.
The breakfast of one of the numerous seals living in the coastal salt lake.
This picture was taken at dawn not very long time ago. Look how Alice
changed. She completely shed the remains of winter fur and gained weight.
She stopped feeding her grown up children and now can put herself in order
before long winter.
Deer mating season is going to begin very soon. The deer with powerful
antlers at the picture won’t have any competitors for sure.
All around are only the youngsters like this.
One day the photographer decided to play a joke on this deer. He put a huge
tripod on his head and made its legs look at the sky. The deer took him for
a competitor and started prancing in his direction. At first it was funny,
but when the mighty beast was about twenty meters away from the joker, he
immediately put off the antlers and began begging for mercy in a human voice
. The deer was quite surprised to find out that it was a man in front of it,
and not a competitor. With the sigh of disappointment, it went away.
发帖数: 29495

【在 i*****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
: 发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
: 标 题: 秋天的堪察加 最美的季节
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 5 16:54:01 2012, 美东)
: Fall has finally come to the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Animals enjoy the
: abundance of food and prepare themselves for long and severe winter.
: Usual for the Kronotsky Nature Reserve pictures.
: One of Villain’s children patrols the bank of the lake.
: The abundance of easily accessible food made the bears’ bellies look like
: the beer ones.

1 (共1页)
堪察加的狐狸和大熊海鹰和三文鱼 (转载)
很多很多的熊(图多慎入)很多很多的熊(图多慎入) (转载)
鱼板太幽静了,春天来了,冒个泡:Wiper/Hybrid Bass Spawning聪明漂亮的海鹦鹉(Puffin)组图 (转载)
大气中的氮气是怎么来的俄罗斯2011年最佳自然摄影入围作品 (转载)
冬日里的堪察加 白色的世界 (转载)摄影师登上喷发火山拍岩浆河:澎湃的地狱之火
令人神往的堪察加半岛 (转载)湖畔生活的棕熊们 (转载)
再来一组堪察加半岛照片 (转载)堪察加的小狐狸
话题: lake话题: kronotsky话题: sockeye话题: reserve话题: deer