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Psychology版 - bipolar disorder
急 bipolar mood disorder如何治疗啊???group psychotherapy
被称为IAD: 哪位分析分析上网欲罢不能是不是心理疾病?请同行们提点儿建议吧
[转载] Re: 请教the differenceDSM IV for Mental Disorder Diagnosis
Eating Disorder?请问一下关于depression
Some Anxiety Disorder Links(ZZ) Dysthymic Disorder
Terminology translation?(ZZ) Major Depressive Disorder
Re: 被称为IAD : 哪位分析分析上网欲罢不能是不是心理疾病?Binge Eating Disorder
谁来分析一下fashion版的现象?有人有Social Anxiety Disorder吗?
话题: bipolar话题: disorder话题: she话题: episodes话题: medicine
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
My friend has bipolar disorder and was hospitalized in 1997 and 1999. She
managed to maintain a stable condition since then with Lithium and Epideral,
and had a baby in May. In order to have a safe pregnancy and breastfeeding
period, she stopped taking medicine for about 1 and a half year.
Now the problem is, she started to have symptoms (high and low episodes)
again. Does she need to resume medicine? Can BD be totally cured?
Thank you for your input!!!
发帖数: 263
no, bi-polar cannot be cured, it can only be controlled. She need to resume
medication as soon as possible.

【在 f******e 的大作中提到】
: My friend has bipolar disorder and was hospitalized in 1997 and 1999. She
: managed to maintain a stable condition since then with Lithium and Epideral,
: and had a baby in May. In order to have a safe pregnancy and breastfeeding
: period, she stopped taking medicine for about 1 and a half year.
: Now the problem is, she started to have symptoms (high and low episodes)
: again. Does she need to resume medicine? Can BD be totally cured?
: Thank you for your input!!!

发帖数: 245
For more information, visit http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/bipolar.cfm
Bipolar disorder is a long-term illness that currently has no cure, but can be
effectively treated. Staying on treatment, even during well times, can help
keep the disease under control and reduce the chance of having recurrent,
worsening episodes.
Most people with bipolar disorder can achieve substantial stabilization of
their mood swings and re

【在 f******e 的大作中提到】
: My friend has bipolar disorder and was hospitalized in 1997 and 1999. She
: managed to maintain a stable condition since then with Lithium and Epideral,
: and had a baby in May. In order to have a safe pregnancy and breastfeeding
: period, she stopped taking medicine for about 1 and a half year.
: Now the problem is, she started to have symptoms (high and low episodes)
: again. Does she need to resume medicine? Can BD be totally cured?
: Thank you for your input!!!

1 (共1页)
有人有Social Anxiety Disorder吗?Some Anxiety Disorder Links
Borderline Personality DisorderTerminology translation?
焦虑之惊恐-Abnormal Psychology 8Re: 被称为IAD : 哪位分析分析上网欲罢不能是不是心理疾病?
panic disorder 有救吗? (转载)谁来分析一下fashion版的现象?
急 bipolar mood disorder如何治疗啊???group psychotherapy
被称为IAD: 哪位分析分析上网欲罢不能是不是心理疾病?请同行们提点儿建议吧
[转载] Re: 请教the differenceDSM IV for Mental Disorder Diagnosis
Eating Disorder?请问一下关于depression
话题: bipolar话题: disorder话题: she话题: episodes话题: medicine