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QueerNews版 - Gonorrhoea 'may become untreatable', health experts warn
The shocking truth about religious ‘gay cure’ therapyOBAMA和NRA都疯了!
Irish union says schools are allowed to discriminate against gay teachers医生说不能用黄瓜ZT
huge levels of discrimination against gay and trans in Utah求助怀孕第一次见医竟收到一张$655的账单
much more work needs to be done in China to improve Aids care.体检项目急问
70 mayors to press Obama on gay marriage“性”免疾病 zt
Parents and friends of gay Mormons release ‘It gets better’ video今天PERTH游行了
Poll: 59% of African Americans support gay marriage美国黑客会议对政府说你给我滚
脑残无极限admiration for goldman
话题: gonorrhoea话题: health话题: who
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2153
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said that the sexually transmitted
disease gonorrhoea may become untreatable due to the improper use of
The disease, which increases the chances of gay men catching HIV, is usually
treated with a course of antibiotics but doctors say that they are seeing
increasing resistance to drugs in the eastern hemisphere.
According to WHO, cheaper, first-line antibiotics are losing their
effectiveness and it will be a "matter of time" before gonorrhoea d
1 (共1页)
admiration for goldman70 mayors to press Obama on gay marriage
Meat Companies Go Antibiotics-FreeParents and friends of gay Mormons release ‘It gets better’ video
中国中发现了抵抗所有已知抗生素的细菌Poll: 59% of African Americans support gay marriage
The shocking truth about religious ‘gay cure’ therapyOBAMA和NRA都疯了!
Irish union says schools are allowed to discriminate against gay teachers医生说不能用黄瓜ZT
huge levels of discrimination against gay and trans in Utah求助怀孕第一次见医竟收到一张$655的账单
much more work needs to be done in China to improve Aids care.体检项目急问
话题: gonorrhoea话题: health话题: who