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Running版 - Quit a registered race in three weeks
Okanagan Marathon Race Report (Long)How to run Half-Marathon
san francisco marathon 4 天之后就涨价了Any one in town for a downhill half? $15 on Monday only
Anyone here registered for Boston Marathon this year?good tempo run for Ryan Hall
Anybody living in Edison NJ interested running together?boston marathon race report
早上还是晚上跑[合集] 30岁的人开始准备Marathon还有希望吗?
Garmin-ready 12-Week Schedules for half/full marathonSanta Rosa Marathon, 離世界紀錄近一步啦
Save $20 on RnR races today[合集] Santa Rosa Marathon, 離世界紀錄近一步啦
话题: registered话题: quit话题: weeks话题: hope话题: three
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4527
Registered a marathon on May 1st. But so far my training is totally messy
and I do not think I will be ready in three weeks. What a shame, but that is
the truth.
I will either try to contact the organizer to see if they can put me in the
half marathon group, or I just run a half, or I will give my bib away.
Hope to do better this summer.
发帖数: 2623
还凑活,因为这次跑了一个20,两个17 mile的long run。如果比赛当天觉得状态不行


【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: Registered a marathon on May 1st. But so far my training is totally messy
: and I do not think I will be ready in three weeks. What a shame, but that is
: the truth.
: I will either try to contact the organizer to see if they can put me in the
: half marathon group, or I just run a half, or I will give my bib away.
: Hope to do better this summer.

发帖数: 41236
pat Y哥, 下半年再卷土重来。。


【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: Registered a marathon on May 1st. But so far my training is totally messy
: and I do not think I will be ready in three weeks. What a shame, but that is
: the truth.
: I will either try to contact the organizer to see if they can put me in the
: half marathon group, or I just run a half, or I will give my bib away.
: Hope to do better this summer.

发帖数: 3304
退一步 海阔天空 你是以退为进 等好消息


【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: Registered a marathon on May 1st. But so far my training is totally messy
: and I do not think I will be ready in three weeks. What a shame, but that is
: the truth.
: I will either try to contact the organizer to see if they can put me in the
: half marathon group, or I just run a half, or I will give my bib away.
: Hope to do better this summer.

发帖数: 4527
If you have 17-20 mile long runs, you should be all right. My problem is
that I could not finish a 15+ long, losing my patience.
The real reason is that I do not have a good base training.

【在 v***l 的大作中提到】
: 赞!作出不跑的决定比鸡血去跑还需要勇气!你的决定是正确的,好好准备下一轮!
: 我也有5.1的全马,我LD觉得我准备的不好,主要是每周milage只有20+,我自我感觉到
: 还凑活,因为这次跑了一个20,两个17 mile的long run。如果比赛当天觉得状态不行
: 就跑慢点打酱油了。
: is
: the

发帖数: 6115

【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: If you have 17-20 mile long runs, you should be all right. My problem is
: that I could not finish a 15+ long, losing my patience.
: The real reason is that I do not have a good base training.

发帖数: 4527
Hope to build up a good base now. Too many deadlines recently drive me
almost crazy.

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: pat Y哥, 下半年再卷土重来。。
: is
: the

发帖数: 4527
Thank Pan ge. Hope to meet you somewhere this year. Maybe I will go to NYC,
hopefully later this summer or fall.

【在 f*******g 的大作中提到】
: 退一步 海阔天空 你是以退为进 等好消息
: is
: the

发帖数: 4651
Pat pat. I thought you had a very good base last year, with impressive
marathon time. Maybe it's work related stress? or weather related blue?
I recall the 2 spring I spent in Boston, I got "winter blue" around this
time of the year, b/c it felt that the winter would never end...

【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: Hope to build up a good base now. Too many deadlines recently drive me
: almost crazy.

发帖数: 4527
Thank you. It is mostly work related stress as everyone else takes. I was
learning something completely new and complicated so that I was stressful in
the past a few months. Now things start to roll and will be better,

【在 T****a 的大作中提到】
: Pat pat. I thought you had a very good base last year, with impressive
: marathon time. Maybe it's work related stress? or weather related blue?
: I recall the 2 spring I spent in Boston, I got "winter blue" around this
: time of the year, b/c it felt that the winter would never end...

发帖数: 646
not a shame at all~
enjoy the half and make a big return later this year!!

that is

【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: Registered a marathon on May 1st. But so far my training is totally messy
: and I do not think I will be ready in three weeks. What a shame, but that is
: the truth.
: I will either try to contact the organizer to see if they can put me in the
: half marathon group, or I just run a half, or I will give my bib away.
: Hope to do better this summer.

1 (共1页)
[合集] Santa Rosa Marathon, 離世界紀錄近一步啦Anybody living in Edison NJ interested running together?
The Pursuit of Sub3 @ Sacramento Cowtown Marathon早上还是晚上跑
Last Minute Marathon Tips: shot with Nikon D90Garmin-ready 12-Week Schedules for half/full marathon
Spirit of the Marathon (转载)Save $20 on RnR races today
Okanagan Marathon Race Report (Long)How to run Half-Marathon
san francisco marathon 4 天之后就涨价了Any one in town for a downhill half? $15 on Monday only
Anyone here registered for Boston Marathon this year?good tempo run for Ryan Hall
话题: registered话题: quit话题: weeks话题: hope话题: three