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Salon版 - 转基因食品
改革开放本身就带着民主的DNAHelp me to troubleshoot the digestion of genomic DNA by HindIII
如果这次来中国的金正日 (转载)基因趣事 -(1)生命
Anybody who claims 转基因食品 are absolutely SAFE are UNRE请推荐一下关于分子生物学技术的书籍,多谢
Career Opportunities at JCVI Infectious Disease (8 Positions)Cells may stray from 'central dogma'
step1 2011CD question请问忘在零下25度一年的brain还能有什么用?
Trouble-shooting of Southern BlotLCM tissue for whole-genome BS-seq
话题: viral话题: human话题: vectors话题: dna话题: rna
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3205
The very simple reason:
WHY the 转基因食品 is unsafe ????
BECAUSE nobody have proven it is safe!!!!!!
1) Vectors (Viral DNA, Viral RNA) carry out the genetic alteration of plants
(addition, deletion, alteration):
Do these vectors also carry additional DNA segments that have proven harms
to human???? In this case, it is a genetic weapon.
2) Infectiousness of the vectors (Viral DNA, Viral RNA) carrying out
genetic alteration:
The more infectious the vectors are, the more likely it will be incorporated
into the plant and/or human genome.
3) Integrity of the vectors (Viral DNA, Viral RNA) in the human digestion,
absorption and their integration/incorporation into human genome:
The infectiousness of the intact vector, as well as, the partially digested
vector will determine the effectiveness of the integration/incorporation
of the vector into the human genome.
4) The long-term safety-----The effects of the intake of genetic altered
food/vegetable on the human health and their integration into human genome
are not clear yet, especially when the real damage could become apparent
after 3-5 generations.
Just a few not well-thought thoughts. Any suggestions, additions, deletions,
revisions and recommendations are welcome!!!
Sport activities are one the best ways to improve/keep human healthy.
However, sports also take away the health of the of the athletes.
1 (共1页)
LCM tissue for whole-genome BS-seqCareer Opportunities at JCVI Infectious Disease (8 Positions)
请教如何排除RNA sample 中的genomic DNA contaminationstep1 2011CD question
openningTrouble-shooting of Southern Blot
改革开放本身就带着民主的DNAHelp me to troubleshoot the digestion of genomic DNA by HindIII
如果这次来中国的金正日 (转载)基因趣事 -(1)生命
Anybody who claims 转基因食品 are absolutely SAFE are UNRE请推荐一下关于分子生物学技术的书籍,多谢
话题: viral话题: human话题: vectors话题: dna话题: rna