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TrustInJesus版 - "Eternal" Punishment (Matthew 25:46) is NOT True to the Gre
"Eternal" Punishment (Matthew 25:46) is NOT True to the Gre
What Love is This?(60) 重生一次还是两次?
What is God's relationship to time?
理解圣经 Isaiah 45:7
Michael 看过来 - Isaiah 7:14
Family Can Be Eternal
话题: aion话题: greek话题: punishment话题: aionion话题: matthew
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
By Tony Nungesser and Gary Amirault
The entire concept of eternal or everlasting punishment hinges primarily on
a single verse of Scripture--Matthew 25:46. This is the only place in the en
tire Bible where we find these two words together AND only in some Bibles. T
here are over a dozen English translations which do NOT contain the concept
of "eternal punishment" on ANY of their pages, NOR the pagan concept of Hell
The Greek form for "everlasting punishment" in Matthew 25:46 is "kolasin aio
nion." Kolasin is a noun in the accusative form, singular voice, feminine ge
nder and means "punishment, chastening, correction, to cut-off as in pruning
a tree to bare more fruit." "Aionion" is the adjective form of "aion," in t
he singular form and means "pertaining to an eon or age, an indeterminate pe
riod of time." (Note: the two words in many, not all translations become rev
ersed changing the Greek into English.)
"Aionion," as shown above, is the singular form of the adjective of the Gree
k noun "aion." Many people unfamiliar with the Greek do not realize that the
endings of the same word change (inflection) to indicate its mood, case, ge
nder, etc. Therefore, "aionion" may appear with different endings. "Aionion,
aioniou, aionios," for example, are all different inflections of the adject
ive form of the noun "aion."
The noun "aion" in Greek literature has always meant "an indeterminate perio
d of time. It could be as short as the time Jonah spent in the belly of a fi
sh (three days or nights), the length of a man's life, or as long as a very
long age.
The Bible speaks of at least 5 "aions" and perhaps many more. If there were
"aions" in the past. This must mean that each one of them have ended for the
y are now past! The New Testament writers spoke of "the present wicked aion"
which ended during that very generation. Obviously, it was followed by anot
her "aion"-- the "aion" in which we presently live. If there are "aions" to
come, it must mean that this one we live in will also end.
There is a verse which says "the consummation of the aions" showing that eac
h "aion" ends. So how can they be eternal?
There is "the coming eon" (Matt.10:30, Luke 18:30
There is "the present wicked eon" (Gal.1:4)
There is "the oncoming eons (future)(Eph.2:7)
There is "the conclusion of the eon (present) (Mt.13:39,40)
There is "the secret concealed from the eons (past) (Eph.3:9)
Plainly, the Greek word "aion" transliterated "eon" cannot mean "eternal." A
study into the Greek of the Biblical period and before will bear this out.
"Aionion" is the adjective of the noun "aion."
Since grammar rules mandate an adjective CANNOT take on a greater force than
its noun form, it is evident that "aionion" in any of its adjective forms (
ios, ou, on) CANNOT possible mean "everlasting" or anything remotely indicat
ing eternity or unending time.
For example, "hourly" cannot mean "pertaining to days, weeks, months, or yea
rs. The word MUST mean "pertaining to an hour." Therefore, "aionion," the ad
jective form of the noun "aion" which clearly means a period of indeterminat
e TIME, CANNOT mean, "forever and ever, eternal, everlasting, eternity, etc)
or other words which connote timelessness or unending ages.
Therefore, those many Bibles which do NOT contain the teaching of everlastin
g punishment or Hell are true to the original languages of Greek and Hebrew
and those which teach everlasting punishment or Hell are false. Scholars are
just as easily subjected to the "traditions of the elders" as the rest of u
s. It's time to let the original Greek and Hebrew languages of the Bible bre
ak down the traditions of men. For a list of the many English translations o
f the Bible that do NOT contain these pagan concepts and for an article expl
aining why the punishment in Matthew 25:46 does NOT have to be the same leng
th as the life spoken of in that verse, write to us (Tentmaker--118 Walnut--
Hermann, MO 65041) and ask for:
Matthew 25:46 Commentary
No-Hell Bibles
We have MANY articles and books on this single most important subject, many
of which may be downloaded for free. Click the links to Books and Topics to
get an overview of available materials.
1 (共1页)
Is There a Burning Hell? ZT
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话题: aion话题: greek话题: punishment话题: aionion话题: matthew