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USANews版 - 一个美国律师关于中国留学生的看法: Chinese students in America. It's Bad out there
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转贴:CHINA Law Blog @
Chinese Students In America. It's Bad Out There.
Posted by Dan on January 11, 2012

Much has been written about Chinese students coming to American colleges. An
article out today, entitled, "Chinese applications to U.S. schools
skyrocket," starts out quoting a Chinese high schooler who is contemplating
attending the University of Washington:
I know this [ambition] is pretty high,” said the 17-year old Beijing
native. “But I think I can give it a shot.”
To prepare, Duan wants to study international relations at an American
college – someplace like the University of Washington. “I hear [it] is
good at social science," she said.
The University of Washington is one of approximately 10 U.S.
universities Duan plans to apply to in the coming year with the help of an
education consultant she hired last summer.
That got me to thinking about the complaints (yes, it has been nothing but
complaints) I have heard from college students (a little over half of whom
are at the University of Washington -- but I certainly have heard the very
same thing from sons and daughters of friends who attend other schools and
from their parents as well, who in turn have heard it from their kids) about
their fellow students from China. I am not going to editorialize at all
here. Instead, I am just going to set out the sort of things I have heard
and let people discuss them in the comments.
I want to be very careful to note that these comments are about students
from China, not about students of Chinese ethnicity. I also want to note
that pretty much without exception, the students who conveyed these comments
are sophisticated, intelligent, and well-traveled. They are not red-necks,
by any means. In many instances, they would temper their comments by noting
how the Chinese students who come from Hong Kong or Singapore or even
Vietnam "are not like this."
I have heard the following, mostly more than just once and virtually always
with other students present, who always seem to join in. There is a lot of
anger out there. Though i have put quote marks around the comments below, in
most cases, I do not remember exactly what was said.
* "They don't come here to learn. They just come here for the grades." I
have heard this one at least a half dozen times.
* "I am convinced that if our teacher asked the class what 2+2 equals,
and nobody spoke up who is not from China, not a single student from China
would answer." I have heard some form of this one at least a dozen times.
* "They are killing class discussion. They never contribute." One
student told me of how all the students not from China agreed not to speak
one day to see what would happen. There was no class discussion and the
teacher asked them not to do it again.
* "I cannot even stand having to listen to them give presentations.
Their English is terrible and they don't even try. Somebody else must have
taken the tests for them."
* "The school is going to regret having admitted them. They will never
donate money to the school as alumni. It will be like they were never here
at all."
* "You will never see any of them at any school function. Never ever
ever. Unless it can help them with a grade." I am constantly hearing this
* "They never make any effort to talk with anyone other than those who
are also from China."
* "They cheat all the time. It is pretty unbelievable how often I have
seen them cheating. I am always complaining to my professors about this, but
they usually just act like they are too important to deign to deal with
something like this. Just come watch a test being adminstered and it will be
obvious. They are allowed to get away with it because they pay the foreign
tuition rate. It isn't fair." I hear this one constantly as well and,
needless to say, it is the one that causes the most anger.
* "My friend with a 3.8 GPA and 650 SATs didn't get in and had to go to
______. I know he/she would have contributed far more to the school than
these students from China."
* "I've heard that most of them cheated to get in."
* "The school claims they contribute to diversity. That's a complete lie
. How can someone who never says anything contribute to anything? Everyone
knows they are here only because they pay the foreign tuition rate.
* "I tried to speak with some of them, but they clearly had no interest."
* "This is a great way to ruin relations between China and us."
* "Why do they even bother? They come here to study, but since they
never interact with anyone who is not from China, I don't even see why they
And again, what's so interesting is how often the complaining students were
careful to note that they had no issues with Chinese students from Hong Kong
or Taiwan or Singapore or Malaysia or the Philipines or the United States,
"who are not this way at all." It really is just China.
I know we are going to get comments from people criticizing the students who
made the above comments (and me for publishing them), but I think the more
fruitful comments would address what can be done to help bridge this massive
fissure. I would also love to see people address potential ramifications in
China-US relations. I will note that I have heard Australia and the UK are
dealing with the same sorts of issues.
What, if anything, needs to change?
For more on these issues, check out the following:
* New York Times, "The China Conundrum"
* Chicago Sun Times, "Chinese students enrolling in U.S. colleges in
record numbers"
* Chronicle of Higher Education, "How American Colleges Can Better Serve
Chinese Applicants" and "The China Conundrum: American colleges find the
Chinese-student boom a tricky fit"
* American Public Media, "Chinese students, too qualifed to be true?
* Danwei, "Opening the door to American Universities with lies"
* China Beat, "Passport to the World: Chinese Students at the University
of Kentucky"
UPDATE: Seeing a comment below reminded me of something I should have added
to this post. A few months ago, I went and spoke at my alma mater, Grinnell
College. Grinnell is a small, liberal arts college in the middle of Iowa.
Here is a New York Times article on Chinese students at Grinnell. It talks
of how Grinnell's admission is need blind and of how a dozen full
scholarships are set aside for foreign students. It says Grinnell usually
accepts around 15 of 200 applicants, out of total student body of about 1600
students. When I went to Grinnell, I led a discussion group of maybe ten
students who were interested in international law. Two of those students
were from China and neither of them were the least bit reticent. In fact,
one of them asked if she could go with me and my career services minder to
the student union to talk some more. I have also bet a number of law
students from China who do not match the complaints above. So my thinking is
that maybe the problem is in the numbers. If 500 students from China go to
one university as undergrads, it is just too easy for them to act as set out
above. But if 40 students go to a small college that reviews the
application intensely for more than just the numbers (test scores and
dollars) and absolutely will not tolerate its students not participating in
class discussions and the life of the college, it can work out just fine.
Your thoughts people.
发帖数: 17243


【在 a******d 的大作中提到】
: 转贴:CHINA Law Blog @
: http://www.chinalawblog.com/2012/01/chinese_students_in_america
: Chinese Students In America. It's Bad Out There.
: Posted by Dan on January 11, 2012
: Much has been written about Chinese students coming to American colleges. An
: article out today, entitled, "Chinese applications to U.S. schools
: skyrocket," starts out quoting a Chinese high schooler who is contemplating
: attending the University of Washington:
: I know this [ambition] is pretty high,” said the 17-year old Beijing

发帖数: 546
学校本来就是服务行业,一手交钱,一手享受服务。 跟不跟其他人交流属于个人自由。


【在 a******d 的大作中提到】
: 转贴:CHINA Law Blog @
: http://www.chinalawblog.com/2012/01/chinese_students_in_america
: Chinese Students In America. It's Bad Out There.
: Posted by Dan on January 11, 2012
: Much has been written about Chinese students coming to American colleges. An
: article out today, entitled, "Chinese applications to U.S. schools
: skyrocket," starts out quoting a Chinese high schooler who is contemplating
: attending the University of Washington:
: I know this [ambition] is pretty high,” said the 17-year old Beijing

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