

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
USANews版 - 美国人嘴还是很损的
Trump又爆丑闻—— Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problemsEric Holder’s 3-page Reply
奥巴马越过国会听证认可程序,任命4个政府官员It must stink to be a birther
Supreme Court Rules That Individuals Have Gun RightsSCOTUS upholds ObamaCare... essentially seeing the imposition as a tax
同性恋作为一种life styleCNN Mistakenly Reported Roberts Overturned Obamacare
这官司说不定能成为里程碑...奥巴马罗姆尼烧钱 美国最贵总统选举耗资60亿美元
如果医保法案通过,idaho要告联邦政府奥巴马高尔夫球技获老虎伍兹教练指点 (转载)
Idaho Bill Would Take Away Power of Teachers Union最高法的投票权利判决是否犯罪寄生粪子的护身符?
Governor Of The Year – Scott WalkerObamaCare 的钱从哪里来,到哪里去
话题: curious话题: george话题: trump话题: butch话题: god
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2265
I find it amusing when folks point to Trump's lack of government experience
after 71/2 years of Curious George's miserable handling of our country's
reins and world affairs! Let the "Butch" Hillary into office, and she would
probably appoint Curious George to the SCOTUS.......God help us!
发帖数: 9493
Curious George :-)
发帖数: 52743

:I find it amusing when folks point to Trump's lack of government
experience after 71/2 years of Curious George's miserable handling of
our country's
:reins and world affairs! Let the "Butch" Hillary into office, and
she would probably appoint Curious George to the SCOTUS.......God help us!

【在 d******e 的大作中提到】
: I find it amusing when folks point to Trump's lack of government experience
: after 71/2 years of Curious George's miserable handling of our country's
: reins and world affairs! Let the "Butch" Hillary into office, and she would
: probably appoint Curious George to the SCOTUS.......God help us!

1 (共1页)
ObamaCare 的钱从哪里来,到哪里去这官司说不定能成为里程碑...
Senate Liberals Narrowly Lose Bid to Reverse SCOTUS Religious Freedom Victory如果医保法案通过,idaho要告联邦政府
欢迎对美国宪法和联邦最高法院感兴趣的朋友加入SCOTUS俱乐部Idaho Bill Would Take Away Power of Teachers Union
Now the stage is set for SCOTUSGovernor Of The Year – Scott Walker
Trump又爆丑闻—— Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problemsEric Holder’s 3-page Reply
奥巴马越过国会听证认可程序,任命4个政府官员It must stink to be a birther
Supreme Court Rules That Individuals Have Gun RightsSCOTUS upholds ObamaCare... essentially seeing the imposition as a tax
同性恋作为一种life styleCNN Mistakenly Reported Roberts Overturned Obamacare
话题: curious话题: george话题: trump话题: butch话题: god