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USANews版 - 普林女生facebook发言 说得很好 (转载)
普林女生facebook发言 说得很好 (转载)Romney昨晚比较牛逼的一个地方
川粉是华人里道德最败坏的一群大学免费教育应该搞charter 模式
话题: chinese话题: why话题: people话题: princeton话题: so
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 605
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: lengxi1981 (test), 信区: Military
标 题: 普林女生facebook发言 说得很好
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 11 10:31:37 2016, 美东)
I have been feeling so depressed in the past 48 hours, especially from the
Princeton Chinese community. It's not news that Chinese are pro-Trump this
time, but it's so shocking to see people who harassed or humiliated females/
LGBT/ minority claim they were never sexists/ racist/ xenophobes.
I'm not saying people can't have their own political opinions, but this may
way beyond a president preference. A guy just commented under some twitter
photos where minority people were attached since the election. He said "I'm
not a black or Latino, not a gay, not Muslim, not an illegal immigrant, not
a female, why should I care about them?"
Yea, why?
It's so sad that I can't simply explain why.
Two years ago when I just arrived Princeton, a male Chinese phd who
accomplished his bachelor degree in the U.S., questioned me, "Why do you, a
girl, also came here for a doctoral degree? Do you know anything about the
latest Chanel bag? Shame on you." And other men at the same table laughed. I
have to admit I'm weak; even now, I don't know how to respond.
I'm not 100% straight - more than a handful men at Princeton told me LGBT
were mental disease. They looked so confused: "You are a pretty girl, why do
you want to hang out with gays or lesbians?"
I have had the wish to adopt a Hispanic girl for a while. They are scared by
this idea and tell me no no no don't interact with those people.
Even worse, I was almost raped a few months ago, and a few "friends"
responded oh you know, your fight might hurt that guy's feeling...
...... ......
All of these happened here, our lovely peaceful bubble Princeton. I bet they
, who usually look shy and smile, will never say the above things to a white
lady, or a black/ latino woman, but will and have already to me, and maybe
other Chinese girls.
I write all these down not to show how "political right" I am and how nasty
others are. I just simply can't hold all these negative feelings I have
gathered in the past two years and a half to myself any more. It hurts SO
much when all the attacks are from my own ethnic group, especially when many
of them may explain as "that's all because you are not a good person".
Why should you care?
I don't know.
发帖数: 605
Hey guys, thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it. I got a lot
of messages from Chinese friends saying they are with me, and they feel the
same but are not brave enough to speak for themselves. In the meanwhile I
also received messages requiring me to delete the post and apologize,
because I'm creating a terrible image of Chinese people. First, I won't
delete. I mean it. Second, can I say some of those people who required
deleting are from whom I, and others got suffer from? Sometimes people can't
realize when they are hurting people. Maybe they just forgot how they
regarded females as a whore just because they were able to talk about sex in
the public. Maybe people think it's not a big deal to say "don't you feel
shamed about your A-cup? Look at that white girl!" It may also be okay to
comment "why do you dress so weirdly? Didn't know your bf like this type!"
and laugh loud. Plus examples are endless like "I don't want to have lunch
with you because of your gay friend; I'm not against gay I just feel
uncomfortable seeing them". It's highly likely that some people think all of
these are JUST jokes and it's my fault to take them this seriously. Yes I (
and not only me) take them seriously, but it's NOT my (our) fault. I admit I
did say extreme words on the election night in a group chat and I feel
truly sorry for those I hurt. However, it's not because I got different
opinions from that chat that I came here to revenge. It's because I have
encountered bad things and got crashed when I saw people who harassed or
humiliated females/ LGBT claim they were never sexists, and so forth. People
also question why I posted this on Facebook and in English, accusing that I
just want to throw mud to Chinese people to show I'm political right or "
white". This is not true. I have lived in the mainland China for 22 years,
and I went to college in Beijing. All those wonderful memories brought me to
the person I am today. I share my experience of the past two and a half
years at Princeton here to speak for myself, and support everyone who is
undergoing discrimination or harassment but doesn't dare to express. Stay
发帖数: 741
Why should you care?
I don't know.


【在 l********1 的大作中提到】
: Hey guys, thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it. I got a lot
: of messages from Chinese friends saying they are with me, and they feel the
: same but are not brave enough to speak for themselves. In the meanwhile I
: also received messages requiring me to delete the post and apologize,
: because I'm creating a terrible image of Chinese people. First, I won't
: delete. I mean it. Second, can I say some of those people who required
: deleting are from whom I, and others got suffer from? Sometimes people can't
: realize when they are hurting people. Maybe they just forgot how they
: regarded females as a whore just because they were able to talk about sex in
: the public. Maybe people think it's not a big deal to say "don't you feel

发帖数: 65
发帖数: 144
all about her fucking feelings, pity me, it's not about you fucking gender,
race, it's about decency, how come those stupid things all happen in the
most diversified states and cities anyway?
发帖数: 24733
发帖数: 3762


【在 l********1 的大作中提到】
: Hey guys, thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it. I got a lot
: of messages from Chinese friends saying they are with me, and they feel the
: same but are not brave enough to speak for themselves. In the meanwhile I
: also received messages requiring me to delete the post and apologize,
: because I'm creating a terrible image of Chinese people. First, I won't
: delete. I mean it. Second, can I say some of those people who required
: deleting are from whom I, and others got suffer from? Sometimes people can't
: realize when they are hurting people. Maybe they just forgot how they
: regarded females as a whore just because they were able to talk about sex in
: the public. Maybe people think it's not a big deal to say "don't you feel

发帖数: 2497
这就是些无病呻吟的装逼犯, make no contribution to the society whatsoever..
They can't see directions forward, but only staying at their so "moral high
They need to grow up, seriously..


【在 p*********n 的大作中提到】
: all about her fucking feelings, pity me, it's not about you fucking gender,
: race, it's about decency, how come those stupid things all happen in the
: most diversified states and cities anyway?

发帖数: 12188
LGBT难道不是metal disorder?如果这样的文化流行起来,人类就自动灭绝了


【在 l********1 的大作中提到】
: Hey guys, thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it. I got a lot
: of messages from Chinese friends saying they are with me, and they feel the
: same but are not brave enough to speak for themselves. In the meanwhile I
: also received messages requiring me to delete the post and apologize,
: because I'm creating a terrible image of Chinese people. First, I won't
: delete. I mean it. Second, can I say some of those people who required
: deleting are from whom I, and others got suffer from? Sometimes people can't
: realize when they are hurting people. Maybe they just forgot how they
: regarded females as a whore just because they were able to talk about sex in
: the public. Maybe people think it's not a big deal to say "don't you feel

发帖数: 48111
黑墨的ivy为本族发声, 坚持ivy需要招入更多的黑墨。
华裔的ivy上船以后, 认为ivy的华裔已经太多了, 以后最好一个不招。
发帖数: 27064

【在 d*********2 的大作中提到】
: 黑墨的ivy为本族发声, 坚持ivy需要招入更多的黑墨。
: 华裔的ivy上船以后, 认为ivy的华裔已经太多了, 以后最好一个不招。
: 这就是区别。

发帖数: 14743
不见得是 mental的


【在 S*******D 的大作中提到】
: LGBT难道不是metal disorder?如果这样的文化流行起来,人类就自动灭绝了
: females/

发帖数: 21026

【在 d*********2 的大作中提到】
: 黑墨的ivy为本族发声, 坚持ivy需要招入更多的黑墨。
: 华裔的ivy上船以后, 认为ivy的华裔已经太多了, 以后最好一个不招。
: 这就是区别。

发帖数: 1531
尼玛还“political right”,笑掉大牙!!!!!!
1 (共1页)
怪不得Ron Paul当不了总统别吃饱了撑的扣字眼了
San Diego’s Democrat Mayor Accused of Sexual Harassment媒体又开始控诉老床撩妹了。。。
普林女生facebook发言 说得很好 (转载)Romney昨晚比较牛逼的一个地方
川粉是华人里道德最败坏的一群大学免费教育应该搞charter 模式
话题: chinese话题: why话题: people话题: princeton话题: so