

全部话题 - 话题: eccentric
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发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - qq888申请代发包子
[Immigration] qq888 Feb 9 ● 100个包子谢大家!EB1A 140 PP APPROVED TIMELI
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: brighttiger, longboat, lovemiao, reelin, Lotusfly, didiwo, suzhsh, NJ08809, qq888, youyou, bluewhite00, woailanqiu, luckypp2, WithMyHeart, brighttiger, amanda, mittbbs, tianmaomao, IamHappy, wantAbaby, lionel126, dzz, qiaka, coda, eeflying, Pizzz, mickymouse, jxnc, sanbaoma, lilyli2007, zimmer, pbi, leiden, glucoerucin, case09, aqua166, gcheadache, lkzhlushl, will12345678, sunnyflower0, sh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - 纽约版申请代发包子
57247 m kingcw Aug 28 ● 发一轮包子,祝大家平安无事,:)
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: liulinglll, DF81, sanjie, Belichick, missingyou,
icejuice, sexymonk, fbfb, lucascott, aniee, Kilesa, guaichong, caspiee, shua
, yyman, y2011, santorini, OPTGC, LackofOffer1, apple12345, wxn03,
calcityloan, TomasuIo, lovesunset, meatball3, xisil, FlyBack, mitccs,
littlerain, YaTou22, TABASCO, amgood, smallfish, goldenegg, jaff1973, Ardrey
, nivekting, ThisNoName, proper, jimny, louka, xrym, maonvlang, kicku,
bnlgeese, orita, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - PDA版代发伪币申请
81654 waterlemon Aug 28 ● ▅ ▆ ▇ Touchpad 和老中,最后两小时
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: wx0373, haibara, xxhh, powerduck66, StanMarsh,
fantastli, baal, PTO, newboy1, tonganlhy, antholy, heavenepic, arescor,
shopper2, feiger, penncircle, uniwander, Taobear, adlz, fuleyou, xiaomaizima
, devilaq, honestman, zachary009, maywind, wujimgle, newdoct, mynetace,
dingxiang, Trista, Pizzz, Teamster, watercrane, lxhoney, furthermore, dmtutu
, langtutu, ynred, kitelynn, zunzunjj, iamgrass, recrusader, Notsaw,
xucircle, kw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - 请代发包子
接上页:Rodimus, cnnssb, markh, umner, zzz59, FlyingBrothe, bigbaozi,
harding, atu2010
, Febaugust, goddy, matthewh, bbcool, BeckyHO, IC, oldgordon, cm123,
, Simin, hynek, realman888, lbanzheng, kevinj, vanddany, wobest, wsx123,
Unstoppable, smartkevin, xiaodaigua, astra, yansohu, Biofuel, IPLAW, ovoneL
, almeda, candy1980, dongge, beetle1986, Acartia, graceWA, mttbbs, reign1983
, BRavens, EC2, Skylla, KAROUN, gavin1972, DarkHill, lyufeng, colour, samiya
, erjie, hhaini, pinkplumeria, Mmj... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - 奥运版申请发包子
qia Aug 5 [bssd]庆祝羽毛球队包揽金牌"
成功奖励 20 伪币的用户: qia, FranklinDou, Sanada, yang12345, wiiwii, hammy,
Allknown, mandman, riczxc, bobodu, capriccio, Maverick, rainorshine, BlackA,
fish2006, o2, XiaoxiaoLee, mayyi, boster, magdalene, hopeusw, larvender,
terry2008, fireforest, soulvirus, Casillas, y3, jiejie, andysun, wiggler,
sophiakang, hahatutu, aabbaabb1986, omo, loveyu, wh, Acartia, weierstrass,
oyeyy7, ppfounder, dongbeiren2, guitarca, socall, bliss, az, mcgovern,
inimeg, hunhuner, bl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - 奥运版申请发包子
kz80 Aug 9. ● [BSSD]哇哈哈哈,我赢了5000伪币![发3黄包子!到
成功奖励 30 伪币的用户: kidd9, zzr43, WorldCitizen, mayyi, jingi08, bairen,
NYwsn, BrainBow, timigoo, Casillas, Maveric, ThreeCubs, ahmaswh, happydawn,
goldeneggx, zpko123, lubitcn, hanweifish, fireforest, y3, Kaaka, csys, dep,
xiaobu, kayyy, chubaka, XiaoxiaoLee, myhoo, jewwel, Tello, feiger, Maverick,
movielover, creamer, flyingsnow, Gocamry, databank, rosecarol, Jingqg1979,
moonriver, yyql, yingwu, seaor, GooPe, cdxt, shengliut... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - 纽约版申请代发圣诞新年包子
" 【NewYork】
Vesper8 Dec 26 . ● 发圣诞新年包子啦!"
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: jkz737, mxf, PeachRed, malaine, YaTou22, fatie,
Pavonia, yunxinmu, soloscar, freebirdny, fishma, BlackQueen, newyork2006,
pxu, wallstreetox, xdatou, sushirrito, yokoyoko, zypsq, bowdy, eccentric,
minipool, AFADFF, HWCW, placidity, NYKnicks, smallsilver, bright2000,
redyellowblu, rtfm, uvachja, lulushz, humenglv, gqtese38, MKZ, HAOBAOBAO007,
Sunshinemm, usanyken, cspcball, bjtylxj, orangecat, nodrama, take5, routing
, betaking, pandora313... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - Military申请代发圣诞元旦包子
"[Military]TempBM Dec 24. ● 说祝福庆双蛋,888个包子祝福大家!"
成功奖励 100 伪币的用户:repeating ,IFloating ,NatureOK ,BNS ,tingtingliu ,
liyuanchao ,nova999 ,caoyu ,chillyfire ,cyw ,OOGOD ,lancelotg ,drawson ,
verdant6 ,Closingbell ,Acartia ,xyz32310 ,ebizmust ,fzuo ,eccentric ,
RightTurn ,cw9 ,wxx033000 ,tgtg ,xiaobei ,hsh ,niuheliang ,xhgm ,rewarding ,
soloscar ,retain ,ggamma ,hwh ,majia88888 ,ciciluo ,qiatdc ,Appletree138 ,
mmt2013 ,wang1688 ,oneday16 ,iaser ,aabbaabb1986 ,zypsq ,ustcmiaor ,Awen ,
smallrrive... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - 请站务代发另外一项包子
"[Military]hujintao2 May 6 ● 发包子了,宣布从此停发火箭着陆包子"
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: mocc, dakedo, Scania88, yiqiao, hourwork, small6,
helpdesk, dramawatcher, Bodhidharma, xxwan, Bluemusic, hohocking, scimitar,
gisflow, tgtg, bobolan88, lzlzlzlz, biokold, horseone, blader, xhgm,
eccentric, szxp, powerduck66, Bigbear2012, laodongzhe, mofia, playgo, FTSCI,
Greenboy1122, liegen, greenboy1123, happy419, hnpc, xzilch, yangguo1,
pplulu, hsh, qiatdc, XUANHUANG, chrner, Bernanke, violetlvsoso, Einhorn,
Porzingis, repeat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - Olympics(奥运版)申请发包子奖励
"[Olympics]hsh Aug 16. ● 中国干掉巴西的话,发500个包子"
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: LutherHead, ghostlover, Bernanke, tteou, Chole618,
robck, plachn, mirage, chouchou888, farmlane, updayup, liunaldo, NittanyLion
, laomo840, yyman, freelikewind, kidd9, chyang, nelson82121, tosea, UAA836,
monkeycheng, BobButtons, shengna, vandieman, Texcat, lilywang88, Cua, retry,
digitalguo, chenxlfq, youandme, fang0219, JJ8, sorefany, zhangjianshi,
trade4, hohocking, ligk, integer, vuse, aegeanhe, normal, robertfly, wwyjedi
, Fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - 个人申请代发包子
[Soccer]zblgaoxin Mar 23 ● 1000个包子[已经结束]
成功奖励 1210 伪币的用户: violetlvsoso
成功奖励 400 伪币的用户:?zf2011
成功奖励 310 伪币的用户:?Zbo
成功奖励 270 伪币的用户:?Antetokoumpo
成功奖励 210 伪币的用户:?pasa123, soloscar
成功奖励 190 伪币的用户:?bbdou, xzilch
成功奖励 160 伪币的用户:?NBDL
成功奖励 140 伪币的用户:?sunfish
成功奖励 130 伪币的用户:?chehu, icast
成功奖励 120 伪币的用户:?moliniao
成功奖励 110 伪币的用户:?Mitobbs
成功奖励 100 伪币的用户:?danielniu
成功奖励 70 伪币的用户:?bovada, revo
成功奖励 60 伪币的用户:?DidierDrogba, honeycrisp
成功奖励 40 伪币的用户:?BobJackson, Dreamier, happy419, LinD, NYKnicks,
rocketsya... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - shaver申请站务代发包子
[Military]shaver Mar 30 ● 发包子了,热烈庆祝可重用火箭取得重大进展?
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: shaver, noparking, helloterran, wayofflying, pplar,
txak47, dunkin, josephp, sonice, Scania88, doxso, laocat, erne, wewill2009,
dongge, MoonWater, nengneng, georgechen, wangdaming, szxp, yiqiao, dg22,
meiguohuaren, bbdou, depin, arthir, yyman, flaming, chyang, updayup,
Bodhidharma, yesok, lq558, greenyard, wugongpanda, fzjpx, catinus12, Eastny,
mymojo, snailhouse, xinshuiche, seasonstar, jiangyoun, drain, nanren, rbs,
sora, no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10521
来自主题: WBCenter版 - Military版申请代发双蛋包
[Military]TempBM Dec 25 ● 迎双蛋,吃包子!
成功奖励 50 伪币的用户: TempBM, salinda, Hello2017, arthir, teaegg, whoswhom
, goodman35, umner, dimorphism, kankankan, lsunspot, zhongxianyue, zycyls,
shark, newer1, Windyblue, noparking, justingg, hotec04, Mitobbs, huwei00,
centralla, IFloating, sunleilucky, violetlvsoso, robotcrawl, futurist,
realman888, mmt2013, papaJohns, qrmg, emo, hotshl, l26, bankbuster, Bernanke
, blader, FortyNiner, dagger, BaddestMan, dg22, honeycrisp, utkfan2013,
LiuXiaZhi, huaqizhiqi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1095
【 以下文字转载自 Medicine 讨论区 】
发信人: byrnehell (乐天), 信区: Medicine
标 题: 椎间盘突出, 诚心求教医疗建议, 付MR检验结果
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 18 00:38:58 2012, 美东)
患者女, 年约60, MR 诊断后已接受大概俗称的“打封闭”治疗,但腰部仍然感觉痛
楚,患者自我评价“打封闭" 的疗效(好转情况)大约是100%中的30%。医生建议进行
外科脊椎手术。 考虑患者年纪及病程,诚心求建议。
INDICATION: Chronic low back pain with left lower extremity radiculopathy.
Weak left sided reflexes. Herniated nucleus pulposus. Technique: Sagittal
and axial T1 and fast spin echo T2, sagittal STIR sequences are pe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 41236
Achilles Tendinitis
What It Is Tenderness in your lower calf near your heel that usually strikes
when you push off your toes
You're at Risk Men with a BMI of 25 or higher (a man who is 5'10" and weighs
175 pounds, for example) who run a nine-minute-per-mile pace or faster
Why The Achilles absorbs several times your body weight with each stride. A
faster pace and additional body weight put even more stress on this tendon.
Prevent It Strengthen your calf muscles (with your toes on a step, lower an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13043
Like most Jin dialects, the Jiucheng Hohhot dialect uses the glottal stop,
and is mutually intelligible with many spoken languages in neighboring
Shanxi. In its full-fledged form, however, it is only partially intelligible
with Standard Chinese. Arguably the most eccentric sound is the "nge" sound
used to express "I". Many expressions in the dialect has crossed over
itself with the Mandarin taught in schools to create "Hohhot Mandari... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1034
REDWOOD CITY -- Larry Ellison's stunning announcement Thursday that he is
stepping aside as CEO of Oracle, the corporate colossus he has overseen for
37 years, signals a historic shift in the Bay Area's technology landscape,
though the impact on his company remains to be seen because he is vowing to
stay intimately involved.
"I take this as the sound of a generation handing off to the future," said
tech forecaster Paul Saffo. "He's as much a landmark in Silicon Valley as
the Oracle towers" in Re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39279
横着: lazy, happy, patient, genuine,elegant, peaceful, reserved, witty,
sentimental,lovely, dependent, loyal, dramatic,talented, charismatic, honest
, naive, kind, passionate, insecure (secure), thoughtful, restless,
outspoken, outgoing, sweet
竖着:charming, compassionate, eccentric, calculating, stubborn,
understanding, helpful, polite,critical, graceful.竖着真难看,不看了

发帖数: 24893
【 以下文字转载自 StephenKing 俱乐部 】
发信人: StephenKing (金博士), 信区: StephenKing
标 题: 不系安全带,John Nash今天车祸死了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 24 11:17:59 2015, 美东)
John Forbes Nash, Jr.
Born June 13, 1928
Bluefield, West Virginia, U.S.
Died May 23, 2015 (aged 86) [1]
Residence United States
Nationality American
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Princeton University
Alma mater
Princeton University
Carnegie Institute of Te... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7025
来自主题: _Vegetarianism版 - Saber-Toothed Vegan Dinosaur
The vegan dinosaur Tiarajudens eccentricus looks cute, in an eccentric way.
发帖数: 350
来自主题: _Auto_Fans版 - picutres and video at Buttonwillow Raceway
请教下 开track 的牛人们一些轮胎和alignment的问题:
1) 你们觉得max performance tire (rs3) 和 extreme performance tire (v12, dw,
pss, s04) 之间traction差距是多少?
2) 偶新买的pss 去了几次autox (spin了好几次 >_<)已经各种坑坑洼洼了, 而且感觉
直线traction没有比我原来的all season grand touring强很多. 我这儿一般是50f-
60f, 难道pss这种一定要到70f+ 才开始有超越all season的traction? (btw, 我换了
pss才知道当初hpde的牛人instructor总说我tire roll的太厉害, all season gt 轮胎
到pss的改变简直可以抵半个sway bar upgrade)
3) 我现在的alignment是 front: small toe in, -1 camber, rear 是 small toe in
-1.5 camber. 我车是fwd 300hp, daily drive/... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1098
汇报一下dealer换机油的后果。2009 e92
这次没有去之前一直去的BMW mountain view,而是去了BMW stevens creeks。
89 换机油+ 5.5的waste handling + tax。
不过到了multi point的inspection就太黑了。
1. Oil leaks, PNA oil filter housing seal, 1 quart of coolant, 1 parts
wash, $853.71
2. suspension and shock absorbers, PNA TROD Bushings
3. Tensioner, Drive Belt -replace
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Amazon has another decently rated kindle book free right now. Link:
Revelations [Kindle Edition]
Laurel Dewey
Product Description
In this third Jane Perry novel, Laurel Dewey takes Jane out of Denver to the
small town of Midas where the Chief of Police is a close friend of Jane's
boss. Jacob Van Gorden, the fifteen-year-old son of a prominent area
businessman, has disappeared and all signs point to his abductor being
Jordan Copeland, a man who committed a sim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Volume I, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is part
of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at
affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new
scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here
are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics:New
introductions commissioned from today's top writers and scholars
Biographies of the authors
Chronologies of contemporary historical, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Technical Analysis Trading Methods and Techniques (Collection) [Kindle
Edition, Price: $0.00]
Kindle Price: $0.00 includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
You Save: $85.99 (100%)
Product Description
A brand new collection of state-of-the-art technical analysis trading
techniques for consistently outperforming the market... now in a convenient
e-format, at a great price!
Three indispensable eBooks reveal little-known technical and psychological
techniques for outperforming the ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Collection of three ebooks free as of this posting
Technical Analysis Trading Methods and Techniques (Collection):


A brand new collection of state-of-the-art technical analysis
trading techniques for consistently outperforming the market... now in a
convenient e-format, at a great price!
Three indispensable eBooks reveal little-known technical and psychological
techniques for outperformi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5255
来自主题: _FilmStudies版 - 观影记录
bare foot 2013
evan rachel wood又演了一个eccentric的角色。前面说过的她演的a case of you里面
男主,speedman,我看过他的my life without me。就是他把漂亮的澳大利亚女演员
teresa palmer扔进了垃圾箱(这个世界赢家通吃啊)。这片子里演一个生活一团糟的
人。如果生活可以重来,我宁可做一个totally messed up的人,跟这角色一样。
evan rachel wood还是那么可爱,就是一身肉了现在。
发帖数: 5255
来自主题: _FilmStudies版 - 观影记录
bare foot 2013
evan rachel wood又演了一个eccentric的角色。前面说过的她演的a case of you里面
男主,speedman,我看过他的my life without me。就是他把漂亮的澳大利亚女演员
teresa palmer扔进了垃圾箱(这个世界赢家通吃啊)。这片子里演一个生活一团糟的
人。如果生活可以重来,我宁可做一个totally messed up的人,跟这角色一样。
evan rachel wood还是那么可爱,就是一身肉了现在。
发帖数: 4902
来自主题: _FilmStudies版 - martin scorsese
老马的前期电影mean street,taxi driver,raging bull和goodfellas绝对是以人物
eccentric,甚至dysfunctional,这是它们受众不广的主要原因,而不是它的叙事方式。以后的Gangs of New York,the aviator也如是。相反,The Departed 是一个以故事框架决定人物行动的电影,框架早就搭好,只等骨牌一个个倒下。所以你看到无间道中梁朝伟和刘德华的表演其实都很机械。这剧本根本与老马的传统相左,但它仍然以导前者的方式来导后者,还弄了两个大牌Nicholson和Leo,好像人物是统帅似的,其实是喧宾夺主。好赖坞的流水作业看似技术上不错,却失去了原作的细微之处和含蓄的作风。它得奖主要是美国观众的对外来剧本的新鲜和对老马奥斯卡缺失的补偿。我认为the departed拍得不错,但是说它比无间道强很多有待商榷,特别是剧本的改编部分。
和Gangs of New York一样,the Aviator的技术是没得说,各个部
发帖数: 1159
来自主题: _D_SupportGroup版 - 我看Atonement
其实很喜欢有深度的爱情电影, 不过最近五年来只选择性的看一些看过就忘的喜剧, 人
Wednesday, yeahpussy recommended 大家看Atonement. 说实话, 这个ID 名让
female 有一种被迫吞下苍蝇的感觉,也听说过他是色版的原版主. 不过自己本是一个
eccentric 的怪人, 所以并没有先入为主的成见, 反而欣赏他的敢说,不象那种即使在
Friday, 同事brought the DVD. 有想在上班时间偷偷看的冲动. 不过最后没看. 第一
怕被逮着, 第二怕自己哭的一塌糊涂, 有损美女(200% BSO) 对外形象.
今晨又失眠,抱了一盒纸巾躺在床上, 完全expecting 哭个痛快. 叙事很美, typical
Shakespeare style, contrasting through out the entire movie. 他跟她之间社会
地位的落差, 上流社会的伪善跟下等人的真性情,战争的残酷现实跟海边小屋天堂一般
发帖数: 1180
Thank you!
but how to triangulate?
and how to calculate aspect ratio, eccentricity and compactness?
发帖数: 298
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 02:00 pm ET
17 April 2002
Eccentricity has been redefined in our solar system with the measurements of
a pair of objects that orbit each other out in the dark and cold stomping
grounds of Pluto.
Last April, researchers announced that an object named 1998 WW31, a comet-like
body orbiting the Sun in the solar system's fringes, had a companion. A new
study, which will be published in the April 18 issue of the journal Nature,
finds that the pair's co
发帖数: 763
来自主题: _ZST版 - [转载] Let a woman in you Life
【 以下文字转载自 EnglishChat 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: gesundheit (gesund), 信区: EnglishChat
标 题: Let a woman in you Life
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jul 7 21:37:14 1999), 站内信件
I'm an ordinary man.
Who desires nothing more
Than just an ordinary chance
To live exactly as he likes.
And do preciesely what he wants.
An average man am I
Of no eccentric whim
Who likes to live his life
Free of strife
Doing whatever he thinks is best for him.
Oh, just an ordinary man.
But let a woman in your life
And your serenity is t
发帖数: 3872
来自主题: _Exile版 - The Cats -- MR. MISTOFFELEES
You ought to know Mr. Mistoffelees!
The Original Conjuring Cat -
(There can be no doubt about that).
Please listen to me and don't scoff. All his
Inventions are off his own bat.
There's no such Cat in the metropolis;
He holds all the patent monopolies
For performing surprising illusions
And creating eccentric confusions.
At prestidigitation
And at legerdemain
He'll defy examination
And deceive you again.
The greatest magicians have
发帖数: 94
来自主题: _Exile版 - 畅游--7--Dine in Harbor
haha! Whistler is kinda eccentric.
Have you noticed his unique signature? It's a butterfly.
This shows how he's indebted to Japanese art.
I just watched a documentary on him at Baltimore Museum of Art.
By the way, when you were at Freer, did you see the Bada Shanren
exhibition? If you did, how did you like it?
I lingered there for a long time until my friend got impatient...
Besides, right now Freer has excellent celadon ceramics on display, those
from the famous Guan Kiln. So many good things t
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