l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 1 By JENNIFER SMITH
Law firms are finally starting to recover from the recession, but they aren'
t taking their young lawyers along for the ride.
Even as profits return, cautious partners with one eye on damaged balance
sheets and the other on stingy clients plan to hang onto the lean
silhouettes they acquired during the downturn.
Eric Fishman's colleagues thought it risky in a tight job market when he
left an elite New York practice for a midsize one. 'There was little chance
many of my peers w... 阅读全帖 |
d*******5 发帖数: 32 | 3 美国会计硕士,有1年多公司会计经验,以前在国内也有过1、2年会计经验,考过了CPA
。在找工作的过程中感觉有public accounting 经验的较受欢迎,本人也逐渐对到
accounting firm 有了热情。但因没有accounting firm 的经验觉得去有些规模的firm
马上税季开始,有个很小的CPA firm 的part time 的机会:tax 和bookkeeping,
Owner CPA 愿意教东西。但几个月后这个位置要看情况而定,另外因家庭原因也可能会
几个月小CPA firm 的tax & bookkeeping (closing, adjusting entries etc. ) 的
经验对找稍大些 accounting firm 有没有帮助?
因之前有过一个temporary 的job, 连续有这样temporary 的工作对找正式工作, 尤其
accounting firm 是否不利?
我的职业设想是否现实:去 accounting firm 锤炼一下,可以有机会学到更多东西,
出来再回到公司做会计选择会... 阅读全帖 |
y***k 发帖数: 289 | 4 借用LD的账号,想问问版上的同学,像我这种情况还要不要坚持去public accounting
会计小硕,几年前毕业时正赶上经济危机,不好找工作,当时没找到accounting firm
作经验也很重要,特别想去public firm做几年。但是找了大半年的工作了,竟然没有
local public accounting firm要我,猎头联系也只说可以把我推荐给industry而连
public firm一个也不给投。我不知道我还要不要坚持投下去,有点沮丧了,想到自己
小firm了,还是随便找个general accounting的去做,我就是怕做ap, ar了以后就更不
好转了。... 阅读全帖 |
C****3 发帖数: 41 | 5 你还是不要把自己框进去, 我的情况和你差不多,一直想进public accounting firm,
投了好久都没人要,firm一般entry 要一点工作经验没有的graduate 或者是有相关税
和审计的工作经验,从industry 到firm 比较难,但也不是不可能。如果你不介意薪水
的话,有小的Local firm在税季招做税的,你可以试下,还是有很大机会去上firm的。
我之前也很想去firm,硬是没去上,CPA 考完后,找到一个很好的company, 工资待遇也
不错,离家又近,公司规模也很好。即便没有firm 的工作经验也会有很好的工作机会
。我当时觉得如果不进public accounting firm 以后就没啥发展了,其实这样想是不
正确的,而且自己天天会很不开心。 我觉得你不要局限于firm,要多项选择,有很多大
公司并不是让你天天只做AR 或 AP, 还是能学到很多东西。 |
s**********4 发帖数: 82 | 7 About Meritco Services
Meritco Services was founded by ex-McKinsey consultants in late 2009 and has
been growing into a firm of 50 consultants with offices in Shanghai,
Beijing and Chengdu. We not only offer strategy/ management consulting
services to corporate clients in a variety of industries including consumer
goods, industrial products, pharmaceutical/healthcare and TMT, but also are
dedicated to serving private equity clients throughout investment cycles.
Today we have served 50+ leading i... 阅读全帖 |
c******g 发帖数: 25 | 8 最近比较郁闷,目前在CPA firm 做第3年senior了,可是升职好像还没什么希望,我有
一个孩子,觉得CPA firm真的是很辛苦的工作,经济不好,公司也很艰难.但我喜欢tax
,喜欢做return, 很有成就感。看了很多前辈的贴,说转industry是大部分人的选择,
想想也是,partners一个公司只能那么几个,CPA firm 本来就是一个金字塔的结构,
industry后,知识水平就没有在CPA firm更新提高那么快了,因为CPA firm是接触各种
另一方面,不知道CPA firm and industry 哪个工作比较稳定,在经济不好的时候容易
度过.我的想法是,在CPA firm,你是赚钱的主力,在industry like IT,你只是个公
司admin部门的一块.CPA firm似乎稳定些,但真的也说不定,裁员一来也挡不住。
我没有什么经验,也许这些想法幼稚了些,希望大家讨 |
m******a 发帖数: 1394 | 9 同意。我们公司中型上市公司,大老板从来没有firm做过,Controller local medium
size firm出来,Assistant controller 没有firm做过, Director没有firm做过,
Manager四大来的, senior一个四大来的,另外一个也没有firm做过,我staff account
,local large firm来的,另外一个accountant没有firm做过. 大家都做的一样好, 所以
去不去firm真的是没什么关系 |
c**d 发帖数: 104 | 10 我想楼主第一要把自己想model的问题想清楚。
(1) 比如你这个panel是什么?应该是firms吧。
(2)比如你想compare mean response over time by firms是你关心的问题
(3)你的ID 应该是单个的subject and clustered by firms
proc mixed
class id time firms;
model y = time firms time*firms x1 x2 x3/s;
repeated /type = ar(1) subject = id(firms);
random id(firms); /* random intercept model */
proc mixed method=reml empirical noclprint data=beta; |
b******o 发帖数: 5644 | 11 extra firm, firm, plush firm。extra firm刚买来应该是和地毯地那么硬,要一个月
break in。有些便宜的所谓extra firm就软些,比如我儿子的,比我女儿的firm还软。
不过,你那个,貌似是发错了。 |
i*********y 发帖数: 226 | 12 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
alanshore (小妮子) 于 (Tue Oct 16 00:52:39 2007) 提到:
没听说过什么叫private accounting firm
conceptually speaking, public accounting firm = firm that does public
这里并非指whether an accounting firm a public or a private one
U were confused?
nightwalker (walker) 于 (Tue Oct 16 10:36:10 2007) 提到:
there IS some private acct. firm. I am sure.
there are some requirement to public acct. firm, like the percentage of CPA |
d*******5 发帖数: 32 | 13 谢谢大家的回复和讨论。
CPA license 有些州只要有CPA(甚至不是CPA也可)sign off experience 就可以了,
我所在的州就是。但觉得如果没有过public accounting 的经验,这个license 可能作
2年前毕业时firm都在裁人,那时motivation 也不够,觉得进公司也可以。后来公司不
景气,再找工作,发现很多都倾向有public accounting 的经验,而且只在corporate
accounting,感觉上升较慢。这才决意去考CPA,但问题是:没有public accounting
的经验,通过exprienced hire 进firm, 很难。
我倒是不介意以entry level进firm,但有点规模的firm 不要啊。上面有同学说的对,
如能去有审计业务的local firm 比较好,我这个firm 是太小了点。
有同学知道没有public accounting 经验怎样进稍有点规模,有审计业务的local firm
吗?有positive 的经验分享一下吗? |
y***k 发帖数: 289 | 14 多谢mm的回复,其实我也明白有好的大公司做会计也是不错的,可是我现在没有遇到这
人的税,现在拿这些去投小firm在税季招人的时候,小firm都要senior level的,就是
firm, |
s********e 发帖数: 264 | 15 mm讲的太对了,刚工作时我是打死都不想去firm,但是现在工作了三四年,觉得CPA没
firm |
D***e 发帖数: 435 | 16 写出来回馈本版的帮助。非典型经历,也很弱的背景。
本人是做bio/chem的,工作了几年,去年考了patent bar,开始考虑做patent agent
考完一个月后开始申请,主要集中在local 的IP law firm,从uspto的 registration
list上一个个搜过去,看每一个firm 的practice area,主要看有没有做chem/bio的。
面试就是聊天, firm的着装很随意,我还是按照一般去law firm的面试着装穿的。
主要是partner聊天,问题都是常见的, why change to IP law, why come to US
what's your 5 years plan?这个5 year plan,我老老实实说的自己就想做好一个
patent agent,先积攒经验。
还有一些问题我觉得也很有意思,比如一个part... 阅读全帖 |
d***p 发帖数: 937 | 17 http://gizmodo.com/gop-data-firm-accidentally-leaks-personal-details-of-ne-1796211612
GOP Data Firm Accidentally Leaks Personal Details of Nearly 200 Million
American Voters
Political data gathered on more than 198 million US citizens was exposed
this month after a marketing firm contracted by the Republican National
Committee stored internal documents on a publicly accessible Amazon server.
The data leak contains a wealth of personal information on roughly 61
percent of the US population. Along... 阅读全帖 |
C*******b 发帖数: 174 | 18 家里需要两个mattress,一直在看,看看大家有人推荐overstock,有人推价us
mattress,查了查us mattress发现很多人complaint说mattress买回来跟描述的不一致
sears,和mattress firm。其中在sears和mattress firm看到一款挺象macys的,试了
试发现两家店的相同的mattress竟然硬度不同。sears偏软,mattress firm很硬,问销
售说这个很普遍。一个大老爷们,不好意思砍价,吞吞吐吐的要price match,sears说
小名字不一样...,非常不爽快,match后东算西算还是搞出来很多。mattress firm立马
就给我price match,并且match后还包含frame和delivery,在macys这两个又要加钱,
要将近一百。并且下午两点多下的单,五点半就送到了,服务挺好的。新mattres... 阅读全帖 |
D*****r 发帖数: 6791 | 19 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/19/nyregion/law-firms-accused-of
Published: December 18, 2012
They invented woeful tales of persecution for their Chinese clients. Prepped
them on how to lie about having had a forced abortion. Even tutored them on
In all, 26 people, including 6 lawyers, were charged Tuesday with helping
Chinese immigrants submit false asylum claims in an effort to stay in the
United States, law enforcement officials said.
The indictmen... 阅读全帖 |
c******n 发帖数: 381 | 20 是LOCAL CPA FIRM吗?如果是的话,CPA FIRM 五个人的规模不差的,对新人来说。上面
QUICK LEANER,能让你学不少东西。如果这个是LOCAL CPA FIRM,你的情况是一点经验
大些的公司了。我第一个机会就是很小的CPA FIRM,人少反倒一去就啥CASE都干,没有
打杂,让我比较快的入门了,几个月后就换到MIDE SIZE的firm了。当时也是经济不好
点经验,你还是看你自己的实际情况吧。如果不是CPA FIRM,那俺就不知道怎么建议了
。 |
r*****8 发帖数: 538 | 21 没有证书不可以开cpa firm,但是可以开bookkeeping firm,干得好和cpa firm一样赚钱
,业务可以是bookkeeping, payroll, taxes,corp formation,除了不给finaical
statement,其他都可以做.我以前工作的firm 就把很多低端的业务包给bookkeeping
firm 做.有个bookkeeping firm的老板根本对accounting 一敲不通,经常打电话咨询我
们.最主要是由客户群,其他的全都是次要 |
r*******r 发帖数: 33 | 22 Top 5 IP law firms
Firm: Fish & Richardson
Number of U.S. offices: 10
Total IP attorneys: 392
Firm: Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner
Number of U.S. offices: 5
Total IP attorneys: 314
Firm: Morrison & Foerster
Number of U.S. offices: 11
Total IP attorneys: 276
Firm: Kirkland & Ellis
Number of U.S. offices: 5
Total IP attorneys: 257
Firm: Howrey
Number of U.S. offices: 10
Total IP attorneys: 243 |
u******3 发帖数: 11 | 23 To test my first hypothesis, I would like to classify firms into firms with
diffuse ownership (most shareholders are individuals) and firms with
concentrated ownership (most shareholders are institutions). The variable IS
is used to refer to ownership. IS will be zero (one) if a firm is marked by
diffuse ownership (concentrated ownership).
To test my second hypothesis, I would further classify firms with
concentrated ownership (IS=1)into firms with most shareholders being short-
term oriented sh |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 24 By JOHN D. MCKINNON And SCOTT THURM
More big U.S. companies are reincorporating abroad despite a 2004 federal
law that sought to curb the practice. One big reason: Taxes.
Companies cite various reasons for moving, including expanding their
operations and their geographic reach. But tax bills remain a primary
concern. A few cite worries that U.S. taxes will rise in the future,
especially if Washington revamps the tax code next year to shrink the
federal budget deficit.
"We want to be closer to wh... 阅读全帖 |
L**********7 发帖数: 111 | 25 谢谢分享! 请问能讲讲具体是哪种型号的吗 cushion firm是不是就是luxury firm?(
因为我只看到plush, luxury firm, firm, extra firm) ,comfort level是多少的呢?
听说越硬的,coil counts多的越结实。我一直都在看comfort level 是1-2的,不知
道怎么样。第一次在网上看床垫,问题多了点,见谅啊。。:) 谢谢! |
Y*****2 发帖数: 38613 | 26 From what i know, the relationship between brokerage firm and clearing firm
should not have major influence on individual investors.
the clearing firm help the brokerage firms to clear trades each day from
major exchanges and to make sure each trade is billed correctly if not
cancel/rebill correctly.
your account will not be impact during this process of switching around
clearing firms. it is just the policies and procedures of doing clearing of
your brokerage may change, that doesn't involve an |
v****d 发帖数: 27 | 27 去年校园招聘拿到一个仅排在四大后面的firm的offer, 今年9月才开始上班。前阵子和
firm的HR联系,想提前通过firm拿到becker资料,(因为offer上有写考cpa bonus之类
(甚至不需要employee ID,当然我现在也还没有)。可是我现在能这样place order吗
才行呢? |
m**1 发帖数: 888 | 28 还是去吧,就为了赞个工作经验。我毕业的时候是h-4, 一直找不到工作。后来终于有
个CPA FIRM要我,但是那个时候H-1已经被用完了。 我为了有个工作经验,就在那个
FIRM 里白干了3个半月。而且那个公司离家很远,每天两个小时commute. 有时候去见
客户, 会有4个小时的commute. 每天还被senior auditor 和supervisor 欺负。我都咬
着牙坚持下来了。3个半月后我拿到ead卡,看见有家cpa firm 在招人,是需要有几个
月工作经验的,然后我就递了简历,老板当场寄给了offer. 我很喜欢现在的firm, 老
板很好,而且同事也很好。薪水也给得不错。我知道有些多中国人在华人firm 做了两
年后,都跳到大公司去了。 |
c*****t 发帖数: 68 | 29 Thanks a lot.
Big CPA firms actually are not hiring except for manager/senior above level.
I worked in CPA firm for just 1 year,so I think it might be better to apply
local CPA firms, instead of national firms/big 4. Anyone knows local CPA
firms? |
d*********2 发帖数: 334 | 30 背景:会计master,刚刚通过最后一门CPA考试,license应该明年1月拿到,两年工作
经验,大部分都是tax work,H1B用了一年。
还有进大firm的可能性没有?听说像四大这样的firm,通常都在campus recruiting招
entry level,像白纸一样的学生。像我这样的experienced,有CPA,但是从来没在大
firm工作过的是不是就不可能进去了?(我倒是不介意再从entry level干起)。
前100名的),这样将来回国了,简历上也好看点。唉,真是迷茫啊! |
d*********2 发帖数: 334 | 31 谢谢回复,我印象中你是在BDO,对吧。我所在的城市有个BDO alliance firm, 网页做
你们是用什么tax software啊?我在我的工作中用过prosystem和lacerte, 你们用这两
are |
n***3 发帖数: 25 | 32 CPA firm experience is better for build up your resume, mid-size firm HR
will pay attention on your related working experience, especially your CPA
firm experience, they don't really care the firm is small or.....what ever.
You should decide which way you want to go? CPA or bookkeeper?
If I were you, I will take the CPA firm, eventhough I don't get pay now.
Once I pass the CPA, then I will look for a better job.
good luck! |
s******t 发帖数: 207 | 33 Posted: November 09, 2009, 9:12 AM by Julius Melnitzer
The National Law Journal says that the total number of lawyers working at
the top 250 US law firms dropped by 5,259 in 2009, the largest reduction
since the Journal began tracking law firm census figures three decades ago.
It's as if "two firms the size of Jones Day vanished in 2009," the
publication notes, and the layoffs eliminate nearly one-third of law firms'
growth in the last five years.
Fifteen of the top 75 law firms lost more than |
a**v 发帖数: 406 | 34 Profits per partner hit record highs last year at some Boston law firms,
proving that the severe belt-tightening during the past two years has paid
off for many lawyers.
By several key measures, 2010 can be categorized as a substantial bounce
back from 2009, when many Boston law firms laid off both lawyers and non-
legal staffers because of a massive slump in demand for legal services.
Although the legal job market continued to lag last year, demand slowly
crept back, and that helped to bolster ... 阅读全帖 |
Y********r 发帖数: 147 | 35 在fix rate的情况下,(就是客户付固定的费用,不按小时计),是不是attorney/
agent的billing rate越高,那能分配到每个case上的时间就越少。那为了满足一年的
billed hour,所要做的case就越多。这样billing rate高对attorney/agent并没有什
我现在正在跟一家law firm negotiation offer,希望firm给涨工资。firm提出提高
billing rate。工资是上去了,可是按照上面的理解,我的workload也重了呀。这并没
有给我什么好处呀。而且firm对超出规定的billed hour的奖励很高(规定内的
超出规定的billed hour,拿的奖励就多。所以总体下来,就会比提高billing rate要
好。以前没在law firm里做过,请各位有经验的前辈帮我分析分析,多谢了。 |
h***z 发帖数: 233 | 36 Going from front office of a lower tier firm to the front office of a top
firm is much easier than going from back office of a top firm to front
office of a top firm. Your work experience and skill set is more important
than the name of the firm that you worked for.
不响但FrontOffice是R&D核心,发展跳槽机会多, 也是自己喜欢的Server C++开发。 |
c***z 发帖数: 6348 | 37 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: chaoz (面朝大海,吃碗凉皮), 信区: NewYork
标 题: consulting firm salary question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 11 09:26:44 2013, 美东)
Hi all,
I am wondering if I can ask you guys a question. I am interviewing with a
management consulting firm for a manager position. They asked my desired
salary. First time I said market average would be fine.
Now they asked again and I think I need to give some numbers this time. Do
you happen to have a clue on what would be a good range to tell them?
... 阅读全帖 |
d*****u 发帖数: 24 | 39 上周大partner跟小partner 开会跟我说我的billable hours数跟预期有落差,从firm
(我的timesheet 都照持填写,但是都会被write down)
的薪水。给两条路走: 1. 做到下周,把PTO跟Severance换成一个月半薪水慢慢发 2.
事后想想整件事情的导火线在于我们帮客户出Dec compiled financial的时候,有很多
以前同事的错误 (有的我没有第一时间发现,有的有) 我也花了些时间做调整分录,但
多做tax的小... 阅读全帖 |
c***z 发帖数: 6348 | 40 【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: chaoz (面朝大海,吃碗凉皮), 信区: NewYork
标 题: consulting firm salary question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 11 09:26:44 2013, 美东)
Hi all,
I am wondering if I can ask you guys a question. I am interviewing with a
management consulting firm for a manager position. They asked my desired
salary. First time I said market average would be fine.
Now they asked again and I think I need to give some numbers this time. Do
you happen to have a clue on what would be a good range to tell them?
... 阅读全帖 |
p**********u 发帖数: 15479 | 41 【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: mitchell1984 (呜呜呜), 信区: Quant
标 题: offer 选择请教:著名trading firm的library quant v.s.非著名trading firm的trading role
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 2 14:10:01 2012, 美东)
今年3月申请了两个hedge fund/prop trading firms,居然都拿到了offer,两个各有
一个是我一直很想去的著名trading shop,刚刚拿到,但所有人进去必须从非trading
role做起,今后是否能挤到trading role还未知。 据面试的人说,做的事情大概相当
于投行里的library quant的位置。这个公司福利什么的非常好,据说工作环境也比较
另一个是一个不那么出名的不大的prop trading firm, 但给的职位直接做quant
trading。公司我不了解,也有10年左右历史了,看样子做的还可以。但是要签... 阅读全帖 |
F******e 发帖数: 3967 | 42 离开四大来到现在的小FIRM已经两个多月了,感觉很不错。
先说说我自己吧,离开四大的时候做了4个BUSY SEASON,虽然只有3年零3个月的经历。
来到现在的FIRM,因为来的时候BUSY SEASON已经过了,就主要帮老板做MARKETING。还
的。最近接了一个新客户,一年之内从粉单升到主版,9月会去AMEX RING THE BELL。
里LIST。当然表现参差不齐。碰到一群圈里人,告诉我说我们的FIRM现在在SMALL CAP
里很出名,弄的 |
d*****1 发帖数: 33 | 43 I am thinking about it for a while. But I cannot make decision...I am an
entry level graduate student and will graduate this fall.
One internship offer is from small CPA firm in local. They gave me offer on
the spot. There are only a few people there and not sure whether they will
sponsor H1B. They said they cannot guarantee about it.But I can learn a lot
from small firm.
Another is from Grant thornton. I think they may sponsor H1b. But I worry
whether the big firm is too picky? And is there som |
j****n 发帖数: 385 | 44 听人说中小CPA Firm的Hour比Big Four 好多了,淡季的时候每天7.5小时或一周工作4
说,在那里办绿卡等6-7年可行吗? |
d*********2 发帖数: 334 | 45 这种问题永远都是炕。
题了。我corporation, partnership, personal的return都做过,学得倒是很广泛。
是可以培养独立学习的能力) |
s******g 发帖数: 654 | 46 This is my third year in a local CPA firm. I manage my time sheet. Average 5
hours for chargeable a day. During the tax season, it will become 8 or 9
chargeable hours a day.Our company's policy is min 1,500 chargeable hours
per year per employee. I would like to work for a big firm after I learn all
the things in a small firm. |
h*****z 发帖数: 4732 | 47 去local cpa firm面试,发现几个头都是这个group的成员,主要从事的事情应该也是
这个方向的。面试我的头说,主要做一些税的东西,但是长远目的是help him to
grow his business.
我原为stay at home mom,读了一个accounting的本科,这是我的第一个面试。感觉这
个firm和大家常说的CPA FIRM不太一样。在我们这个local的这家,基本不做审计,到
是做一些finance plan.总部倒是一个full service的
请问,这样的firm值得去吗?谢谢 |
v********e 发帖数: 378 | 48 dodowoo2002:
I left my prior small 20+ people local firm in 2006 with less than 2 year
experience and without a cpa license. I joined a Big Four firm as a staff 2
in its corporate tax group. Since then, I have learned so much. Although i
felt bored from time to time, but I do feel lucky considering what I would
have been doing in the smaller firm for the entire waiting period for GC.
The reason for my exit from my prior firm was almost the same as yours (i.e.
, to go back to china with a bett |
p*****y 发帖数: 133 | 49 of course,but maybe not now given the economic situation. My firm
(one of big 4) hired several people from small firms as senior level back in
2005. and they are all referred by the same person and all from the same
small firm. But nowadays, since the firm is kind of freezing the experienced
hire, it is harder to get into. Just wait till the economy picks up. |
c*v 发帖数: 53 | 50 前几年才拿了个CPA,但是因为生了孩子,没有时间和精力去FIRM,也工作过几个
但是我还是因为经验有限,不能给人家MONTH END,后来老板又找了一个CONTROLLER
这个人在所谓的大公司做了15年的ENTRY LEVEL CLERK, 后来被提拔做了3年的INTERNAL
ACCOUNTING DEGREE都没有,更别说CPA了,她做的一些GV也是错的,她根本不教我任何
要咱这半大不小的大妈啊!这年头想学点东西怎么这么难啊? |