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发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
Many miss Mass for one innocuous reason or another... but not this young
MargeauxGrahamA Umatilla teenager said she was forced to choose between
her Catholic faith and serving as a delegate to Florida Girls State, a
government-in-action leadership program for teen girls.
"I was shocked. This is basically discrimination," said Margeaux (Mar-go
) Graham, 16, a junior at Umatilla High School, who was told that she would
not be allowed to attend Sunday M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Preference Cascade: Supermajority of Americans Believe Second Amendment
Protects Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
June 3, 2012 by Rodney Graves
(73-26). A slightly smaller super-majority approves of the NRA (68-32).
Progressive gun grabbers, urban liberals, and LSM hardest hit.
It’s been fifty years in the making, but super-majorities now believe the
Second Amendment actually means what it says:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state
, the right of t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Businessmen Convicted of Wire Fraud
June 23, 2012 by Charlie Quidnunc
People sometimes say that the Republicans are the pro-business party, and
the Democrats are the pro-consumer party. I would prefer to think of it,
perhaps naively, that the Republicans are pro-market, and the other guys are
pro-regulation. When given the chance many business people will do whatever
it takes to make money, skirting as close to the law as possible, seeking
favors from powerful politicians to defeat their competitors, and generally
trying to maxim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
When poor attempts at humor go hysterically awry. Some goofball at the
Politico churned out a pitiful attempt at humor under the premise Paul Ryan
is distancing himself from the “stench” of the Romney campaign. Oops.
Needless to say, the political press and blogosphere have jumped on the
Times columnist Paul Krugman:
Can I say that even though I’m not exactly a fan of Mitt Romney’s,
this is just bad behavior? You’re supposed to wait until it’s actually
over befor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama USDA met 30 times with Mexican gov’t to promote food-stamp use among
Mexican immigrants
Department of Agriculture personnel in the Obama administration have met
with Mexican Government officials dozens of times since the president took
office to promote nutrition assistance programs — notably food stamps —
among Mexican Americans, Mexican nationals and migrant communities in
Writing in response to Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions’ July request
for information about the USDA’s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16594
来自主题: USANews版 - 这总结的比较有意思。
Vice President Joe Biden, seeking to repair damage done by President Barack
Obama’s subdued debate last week, gave an assertive performance while
clashing with Representative Paul Ryan over the direction of the U.S.
economy, foreign policy, Medicare and taxes.
Enlarge image Biden Combative in Ryan Debate Gives Obama Chance to Reset
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, left, and Republican vice presidential
candidate U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan participate in the vice presidential debate at
Centre College... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16778
the premise is that you must be very familiar with the president you vote.
For example, you had had coffee with him personally.
Most of time, the president doesn't make his or her decision alone.
It is a group's decision.
With or without the president, the decision is there on the table still.
发帖数: 29846
by Jeff Graham
Hotel owners got a bed tax because of the notion its up to government to
promote their business and fill their rooms.
Every once and a while the media goes to them and creates a narrative
about how the government should spend the money as if its a separate and
distinct pot of cash the tourism industry controls.
It's not.
The 3% occupancy tax was put in place during an era when government was
growing and lawmakers were grasping at revenue streams. That's how we go... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
New York Fires Auditor Who Found Abuse of Federal Hurricane Sandy Funds
January 19, 2013 Warner Todd Huston
No good deed goes unpunished in New York as the state has abruptly cut off a
contract with the independent auditor who found that the city and state had
been wasting federal money meant to be spent on Hurricane Sandy recovery
Thomas Sadowski, the fired consultant, told the Times Union that he was
escorted out of the building when he visited the New York Office of
Emergency Manag... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Finally, an honest politician
Isn’t Gun Control Supposed to Reduce Violent Crime?
By Jim Geraghty
March 8, 2013 9:53 A.M.
Finally, an honest politician!
A Colorado state lawmaker, discussing her bill to eliminate the right to
carry concealed weapons on college campuses, argues against an amendment
that would seek to measure whether violent crime increases or decreases
after its implementation.
“I don’t know how on earth they can draw a casual relationship… I make no
assertion that this bill will either increase or reduce vio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3081
can't agree more.
Wake up and smell the coffee, people. The police are there to clean up the
mess, collect evidence, and put the people who broke the law in jail after
the fact. But even if you call them, tell them there's a crime in progress,
and request help, there is no right to expect them to respond, no right to
expect them to actually check the premises, and no right to expect them to
protect you if they do show up. Face it, the ONLY people responsible for
your safety are you and any priva... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3299
我知道怎样做记录。至今我有restrain order on my neighbor to prevent enter
into premise of our house. 希望你有理智,如果你继续查探的话,不要必我去申请
restrain order。我只希望你能认错。每个人多有dark side。但在这个社会上混,要
keep your dark side to yourselves。中国话叫憋着。
发帖数: 29846
Marshall University Professor Suggests Using Military to Kill NRA Members/
June 3, 2013
The Charlestown Gazette recently published the editorial by a Marshall
University professor who advocated using an “M1A Abrams tank, supported by
an F22 Raptor squadron with Hellfire missiles” to kill NRA members,
Republicans, Conservatives, and those who support the Second Amendment.
In an anti-gun piece that could best be described as a foaming-at-the-mouth
tirade, Professor Christopher Swind... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - NYC消防员也AA了
哈哈, 我在我自己的学校的论坛share这篇文章,让一个老左棍抓狂了.
Let there be the assumption that silence among members of the community
indicates universal agreement with your insinuation that underrepresented
minorities are once again receiving unjustified preferential treatment, I am
responding to say that I violently disagree with your premise and your
decision to exploit the group to broadcast this insinuation. I know that
nothing I say will convince you otherwise, just as nothing you can say will
mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Science Teacher Drops 37lbs Eating Only McDonalds for 90 Days
A high school science teacher re-imagined the premise of Morgan Spurlock's
film Super Size Me, eating nothing but McDonald's for 90 days. By sticking
to nutritional guidelines, he managed to lose 37lbs. and his cholesterol
dropped 50 points.
John Cisna teaches science at Colo-Nesco High outside Des Moines, Iowa. He
came up with the idea as a class project, allowing three of his students to
create his daily menu at a local McDonald's f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
I think I know what V123 means by tax on human.
The premise of the tax on asset is based on theory that everyone's asset
needs to be protected by the government. (Let's forget about theft, and
other loss for now, which is another interesting topic)
Then protection is not only protecting asset, but also on every individuals
as well. (Some say lives are priceless. How much do we assess each
individual is worth of). Aside from the asset citizens possess and pay
annual tax every year, every indi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10345
【 以下文字转载自 GunsAndGears 讨论区 】
发信人: Commissar (柯密同志), 信区: GunsAndGears
标 题: 痢膊肉:troubled by guns ON SIGNS BANNING GUNS
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 6 11:41:34 2014, 美东)
School officials deeply troubled over guns appearing ON SIGNS BANNING GUNS
Administrators at a school in the South Suburbs of Chicago are up in arms
over a state law (House Bill 0183) that requires schools to post small signs
announcing that guns cannot be carried in schools.
The new law relates to a new concealed-carry license law, r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3249
【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
发信人: rowena (最忆是江南), 信区: LosAngeles
标 题: response to 'income inequality' speech
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 28 11:24:29 2014, 美东)
January 2014 - Bob Lonsberry, Rochester talk radio personality responds to
Obama's 'income inequality speech':
Two Americas, the America that works and the America that doesn't. The
America that contributes and the America that doesn't. It's not the haves
and the have not's, it's the dos and the don'ts. Some people do their duty
as Ameri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Anti-Gun Groups Fail to Remove Second Amendment Content from Facebook
Posted on March 7, 2014

In recent months, anti-gun groups such as Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)
, the Brady Campaign and others have been putting increasing pressure on
Facebook (and its associated platform, Instagram) to prohibit any online
content that references the private sale of firearms.
The demands to Facebook were based on the false premise that guns were being
sold illegally through these forums simply becau... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Surprise: Texas gun rights lagging
(Courtesy United Artists)
By: Danielle Thompson
3/16/2014 10:32 PM
Texas, known for its cowboy ways, just may shock you when you learn the
state is not as pro-gun as it seems.
While the state remains a Republican stronghold, Texas lags behind several
states in allowing their citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
The Guardian published its state by state findings relating to restrictions
on the Second Amendment. The results show that Texas forbids the open carry
of handguns and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
AbbVie Nears $54 Billion Shire Deal
Deal Would Be Latest 'Inversion' Play

By Hester Plumridge

Updated July 14, 2014 2:13 p.m. ET
LONDON—U.S. drug maker AbbVie Inc. ABBV -0.02% is close to clinching
a deal to buy Dublin-based Shire SHPG +2.23% PLC for more than £
31 billion ($53.6 billion), in what would be one of the largest so-called
inversion deals through which U.S. companies are seeking a lower corpo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Wisc. Dem. Candidate for Gov. Plagiarized Her Jobs Plan And Many Other
Positions on Her Website
Warner Todd Huston September 22, 2014
It has been discovered that the Democrat candidate for Governor of Wisconsin
plagiarized her entire jobs plan after claiming that jobs and the economy
was the centerpiece of her campaign. As the national media ignores the story
this is another fine example of “if a conservative did it.” We know that
if a Republican had done this the story would be leading every n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
来自主题: USANews版 - Jeb Bush 有希望参加竞选!
这里有篇Jeb Bush: 10 Things You Should Know About Him。感觉他是个思考型人才
In his new book on immigration, Bush says that when “immigration policy is
working right, it is like a hydroelectric dam: a sturdy wall whose valves
allow torrents of water to pour through, creating massive amounts of dynamic
energy… But today that dam is decrepit and crudely cemented over, with
constant leaks that have to be patched… We need to replace that dam.” Last
week he seemed t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Greek police detained four suspected terrorists in Athens on Saturday over
alleged links to a Islamist terror plot in Belgium amid heightened anti-
terror efforts across Europe, The Associated Press reported.
Greek police told The Associated Press that four terrorism suspects had been
arrested separately in Athens and initially said that the arrests included
a man who matched the description of the suspect Belgian authorities believe
was behind a jihadi cell that was dismantled in Belgium on Thu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Pentagon chief's take on Iraqis undercuts Obama's strategy
By JULIE PACE | May 26, 2015 | 5:15 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Ash Carter's blunt assessment that
Iraqi forces lack the "will to fight" undermines a central premise of
President Barack Obama's strategy for defeating the Islamic State: that Iraq
's military can effectively handle ground operations so Americans don't have
Carter's comments in a weekend interview reflect deep concern within some
quarters of the administr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7717
来自主题: USANews版 - 美国买枪有多容易?
According to South Carolina law, civilians may not carry their legal fire
arms “on school premises (including day care and preschool facilities), in
law enforcement offices or facilities, in court facilities, at polling
places on election days, in churches or other religious sanctuaries, or in
hospitals or medical facilities. (S.C. Code Ann.§ 23-31-215.)”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/06/18/charleston-church-massacre-happened-in-gun-free-zone/

发帖数: 29846
Ben Shapiro Files A Police Report After Being Threatened By Transgender
Hannah Bleau
July 20, 2015 2:19 pm
Ben Shapiro is every liberal’s worst nightmare. He’s fearless, and he
displayed that during a panel discussion on Bruce– er “Caitlyn” Jenner’s
bogus Arthur Ashe Courage Award. (Even though Jenner’s agents pushed for
the award and the entire thing had nothing to do with courage and everything
to do with Jenner being a total diva.)
During the panel discussion, Shapiro had the guts to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The American public has questions. And unlike others running for president,
I have frank answers.
And with my answers to major questions presented below, I officially throw
my hat into the GOP presidential sweepstakes ring.
11 Questions US Public Wants to Ask Candidates
Gallup has an interesting article based on the premise If the American
People Were Running the GOP Debate what would they ask?
Gallup claims the questions are based on issues that people say are the most
important problems facing... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
CNN's Blitzer Frets Israelis Carrying Guns to Defend from Palestinian
Stabbing Attacks
By Brad Wilmouth | October 14, 2015 | 11:32 PM EDT
As he interviewed Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld on Wednesday's
The Situation Room, CNN host Wolf Blitzer repeatedly showed concerns that
Israelis may be doing too much to defend themselves amid a spate of
stabbings against Israeli Jews by Palestinians in Jerusalem.
All five questions posed to the police spokesman had the premise that
Israelis are go... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Turkey Shoots Down Russian Plane——Theater of Circular Absurdity; Two
Seconds; New Cold War
by Mike Mish Shedlock • November 24, 2015
Theater of Absurd
The tangled web of friend-foe relationships in the Mideast has reached a new
high point of circular absurdity.
The US and Turkey are fighting ISIS (allegedly), as is Russia and Iran.
Turkey just shot down a Russian plane on the Syrian-Turkey border.
Turkey freely buys oil from ISIS which gives ISIS the money needed buy
weapons... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
A group of bar owners from one of Copenhagen’s suburbs, who have been
endlessly harassed by Muslim youth activists trying to impose a so-called “
Shariah zone”, have taken their case to a government minister, urging her
to protect their businesses and the locals.
Pub owners in the Nørrebro suburb of Copenhagen have for months tried
to get the Copenhagen Police to take action against a group of youths from
an immigrant background, who have been threatening, extorting, and
vandalizing bars in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14445
An open letter to my fellow Republican national delegates
June 24, 2016
Stefani Williams
[Updated June 27, 2016]
When Donald Trump entered the presidential race in June 2015, I decided to
give him a look. After I paid close attention, however, he completely lost
He lost me because his statements were erratic, contradictory, and
untrustworthy, and many of his positions were actually very liberal. What
troubled me the most was his well-known playboy lifestyle – exemplified by
widely circulated... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
The "One Drop Rule" Makes You Almost Certainly Black
The "one drop rule" says that even a trace of black ancestry makes you a
person of African origin. "As we shall see, this American cultural
definition of blacks is taken for granted as readily by judges, affirmative
action officers, and black protesters as it is by Ku Klux Klansmen." Robert
A. Heinlein's Farnham's Freehold elaborates as to why the Klansmen in
question should think about this rule carefully before they use it to
justify t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
The Dream Of Muslim Outreach Has Become A Nightmare
When President Obama entered office, he dreamed that his hope-and-change
messaging and his references to his familial Islamic roots would win over
the Muslim world. The soon-to-be Nobel Peace Prize laureate would make the U
.S. liked in the Middle East. Then, terrorism would decrease.
But, as with his approach to racial relations, Obama's remedies proved worse
than the original illness.
Obama gave his first presidential interview to Al Arabiya,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - 两个美国
Justmy11 minutes ago
The Democrats are right, there are two Americas . The America that works and
the America that doesn't. The America that contributes and the America that
doesn't. It's not the haves and the have not's, it's the dos and the don'ts
. Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves,
contribute to society and others don't.
That's the divide in America.
It's not about income inequality, it's about civic irresponsibility. It's
about a political party that p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 763
Every new vote we give to a Muslim is one more vote for abolishing our
Constitution and replacing it with Islamic Law. Under this basic premise,
Muslim immigration has to be permanently banned.
[在 thinkhard (think hard) 的大作中提到:]
发帖数: 6571
从这篇文章来看,貌似保险公司可以理赔,因为这个是urban riot,不是armed
robbery, 也不是terrorism attack:
Luckily for most victims of the violence, insurance experts believe
traditional home, auto and business policies will cover the bulk of their
Damage due to “riots or civil commotion” is generally included in
comprehensive auto coverage, homeowners policies and standard business
property insurance policies, the Insurance Information Institute said
Business interruption coverage, howe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: USANews版 - 黑墨的关键:真主党才是racist
A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
The following are a few basic historical facts that every American should
Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and
Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them
and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing
slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Dem... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
In a year where much has been made of voters not liking their choices for
President, there's probably nowhere that's truer than Utah. Donald Trump has
a 31/61 favorability rating in the state. That makes him the popular
candidate there, by comparison, as Hillary Clinton comes in at 23/72.
Clinton's unpopularity makes Utah probably a step too far for Democrats even
in a year where Trump's weakness as a candidate is putting unusual states
on the map. Trump leads the state with 39% to 24% for Clint... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Media Invented Lie About Trump Mocking Disabled Reporter
Ann Coulter
Posted: Aug 31, 2016 6:27 PM
Just when you think the media could not possibly become more loathsome, the
Fourth Estate bullies prove you wrong again. The Washington Post's latest
ugliness was to exploit the disability of a newspaper reporter in order to
smear the Republican nominee for president. Then -- and this is the least
surprising part of the story -- the Post lied about it.
Other than the subject of that paragraph -- whi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 176
The one great service of Donald Trump's extended peregrinations on
immigration policy is to have demonstrated how, in the end, there's only one
place to go.
You can rail for a year about the squishy soft, weak-kneed and stupid
politicians who have opened our borders to the wretched refuse of Mexico.
You can promise to round them up -- the refuse, that is, not the politicians
(they're next) -- and deport them. And that may win you a plurality of
Republican primary votes.
But eventually you have t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
A Hard Rain is Going to Fall
Victor Davis Hanson
Posted: Sep 22, 2016 12:01 AM
This summer, President Obama was often golfing. Hillary Clinton and Donald
Trump were promising to let the world be. The end of summer seemed sleepy,
the world relatively calm.
The summer of 1914 in Europe also seemed quiet. But on July 28, Archduke
Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip
with help from his accomplices, fellow Serbian separatists. That isolated
act sparked World Wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 23666
来自主题: USANews版 - assange应该逃不过此劫了
all from reddit:
I am in the UK. There is a D-Notice over reporting that power has been
disabled at the embassy and military units have encircled the premises.
Julian is being apprehended and the UK is willfully violating the
sovereignty of an embassy as an unprecedented decision for state actors.
Armed police, stationed ahead of those in military fatigues, are doing crowd
control and preventing any approach with some courtesy. The military seem
to be using grappling hooks and thermal imaging de... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 两颗子弹没演好?
not applicable to any private premise.
you have the right to ask your guests to follow your house rules.
this is a hard concept for liberals.
发帖数: 1832
"They brought in replacements for myself and the other woman who was the
clerk at CO-23 and we were told to leave the premises," Booth told NBC 6. "
It doesn't look good, it really doesn't look good, it looks like they're
trying to do something dishonest."
发帖数: 43471
对small biz owner就更有利,请这里没见过1040的左棍砖家指教一下,除了缴税王谁
In his bid for the White House, Donald Trump promised tax cuts. Big ones.
Lots of 'em. For everyone.
Given that Republicans will control both the House and Senate during at
least the first two years of Trump's administration, the prospects for tax
reform have never been better.
But the tax cuts may not be quite as large as Trump has touted.
The reason: His tax plan is seen by experts and deficit hawks as just too
expensive, potentially costi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29853
来自主题: USANews版 - 社区要不要sidewalk?
买个牌子,no soliciting
你要更狠一点, private property,no trespassing
再狠一点 dog on premises
发帖数: 29853
来自主题: USANews版 - 来欣赏新大法官的文笔吧
“I was taking a breather in the middle of a ski run with little on my mind
but the next mogul field when my phone rang with the news. I immediately
lost what breath I had left, and I am not embarrassed to admit that I couldn
’t see the rest of the way down the mountain for the tears.”
–Recalling the day Justice Antonin Scalia died, in a lecture at Case
Western Reserve University School of law in April, 2016.
'All human beings are intrinsically valuable'
“Having reviewed extant argumen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2406
Circular Reasoning.
Circular reasoning is a logical fallacy in which the reasoner begins with
what they are trying to end with. The components of a circular argument are
often logically valid because if the premises are true, the conclusion must
be true.
Often times, it is caused by head injury.
发帖数: 7021
来自主题: USANews版 - 左媒编造的白宫假新闻总汇
December 1: The 27-Cent Foreclosure
At Politico on December 1, Lorraine Woellert published a shocking essay
claiming that Trump’s pick for secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin,
had overseen a company that “foreclosed on a 90-year-old woman after a 27-
cent payment error.” According to Woellert: “After confusion over
insurance coverage, a OneWest subsidiary sent [Ossie] Lofton a bill f... 阅读全帖
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