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发帖数: 1813
来自主题: shopping版 - questions for Dell XPS 8500 PC (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Game 讨论区 】
发信人: SnowStar (奔跑不息。。。物来则应 ,过去不留), 信区: Game
标 题: questions for Dell XPS 8500 PC
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 22 14:43:54 2012, 美东)
I am thinkig to buy a Dell PC. Here is one from dealsea.com.
I would appreciate your comments and help on some questions:
1. Is it a good deal for gaming, 1GB video card good for games such as D3,
WoT, WoW, Guildwar2?
2. Where can I buy Dell Gift Cards to reduce my cost if possible?
3. If you used this pc before, ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 397
i noticed that many ppl are asking very basic questions about how to set up
businesses, this forum is a good resource, but you can actually get your
answers almost instantly by searching your topics online.
type in your key words at google and im sure it'll come up with some sorta
government websites which can answer your questions from an authoritative
发帖数: 11508
VC: The Top 10 Questions Investors Asked Us
During our time at the Winter Founders Program, all of the startup groups
pitched their idea to about 40 angels and venture capitalists at an event
put on by Y Combinator called Angel Day. In addition to Angel Day, we also
pitched Wufoo to about 5-10 investors in follow-up presentations. After a
few meetings, we started to notice the same questions being asked over and
over again. If you’ve never met with angels or VCs and are curious as to
what they m
发帖数: 2265
(must read to me)
【 以下文字转载自 Investment 讨论区 】
发信人: afang2009 (miggie miggie o i ni), 信区: Investment
标 题: 7 questions to ask before you buy a stock (zt)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 6 16:47:15 2010, 美东)
please read the original link at
ask-before-you-buy.aspx (please copy the link and pasted it into your
browse. )
By Harry Domash
Value and growth investors seldom agree on what's important for
evaluating a stock. But he
发帖数: 4527
if so the question probably very simple.
I am not sure that's what they ask.
Anyway, how about the further question, what if that they can be in two
different size?

发帖数: 4950
来自主题: Stock版 - Question about BAC-by TG2007 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Chinook 俱乐部 】
发信人: TG2007 (TG2007), 信区: Chinook
标 题: Re: Left of the Right side
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 24 16:10:47 2011, 美东)
Question about BAC
-- the law suits are total nuts and very damaging, in a couple of ways:
(1) the bank was an outsider of the NYC circle, and that is why it had to
pay premium every single step in its growth from Nations Bank to the size of
today. Can we speculate the lawsuits are part of the efforts of certain
ethnic group which has strong legacy in both fina... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2276
It is no longer a question of whether Greece will default.
发帖数: 3979
来自主题: Stock版 - 401k question
A. Money Market
B. Fix Income
C. Balanced ( half bond, half stock?)
D. SP500
从年初SPY 205左右到昨天,ABCD收益差不多。
Question 1: 一个月内,4个选项那个比较好啊?
Question 2: 如果加息,而且股市再跌10%的话,一个月内,4个选项那个比较好啊?
发帖数: 582
来自主题: TAX版 - State Tax Questions - Form 1099G
We receive 2008 1099G from State of Louisiana - saying "state income tax
refunds" is $388. We did receive $388 check in 2008.
When we file 2009 Louisiana tax return, one question is:
- "Amount of Credit carried forward from 2007:"
Do we need to answer 388 to this question?
发帖数: 43
I have a question for the first year buyer credit. I bought the house in Feb
and not close yet until the end of april. The rule says I should be able to
claim the credit on the tax return even it is not closed yet. However it
requires to provide the settlement statement? On the other hand, the
settlement statement won't be ready until the closing date? Anyone can help
to explain this?
Another question is regarding the child care credit? If I used the company
flexiable account $5,000, am I still
发帖数: 865
my friend just got a job this month and no tax are withold from the pay
check she need to pay estimate every quorter.
the question is:
does she only pay 7 months's state tax(7/12 of the number she calculated)?
or the whole year's?
how about city tax?
I'm confused by her question.
so come here for help!!
发帖数: 4414
来自主题: TAX版 - Help! Tax Question
“We'll the following income for 2013 (married file jointly): and $35K is
salary and $10K is qualified dividends; $5K is ordinary dividends; $60K is
capital gains ($20K is short term capital gain and $40K is long term). Say
the 10% tax bracket is at $17,850 and the 15% bracket is at $72,500, what is
the best way to estimate our taxes?”
I tried to answer this question as the following. Am I correct?
Salary + ST capital gain + Ordinary Div first. Then subtract our deductions
(itemized or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7
来自主题: TAX版 - question about 1040X form
I have a question for 2014 1040x form, I have filed with 2013 Tax
with incorrect filling status "Single", then I have to submit 1040x to
correct it as "Married filing jointly". (my wife was in China last year).
I'm clear about the "Income and Deductions" and "Tax liability". However, I
'm confused about "Payments" and "Refund or Amount You Owe".
example: line 11 Total tax:
Column A (original amount) $13335----in my previous 1040,
Column B (Net Change... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4
来自主题: Visa版 - question about B2 visa
Sorry that I can't type Chinese right now.
My situation is a little complicated so I would like to hear some
suggestions here.
I was a F-1 student in the US and graduated with a master's degree in
December. But I did not apply for an opt and left for another country. Now I
want to go back to the US because of personal reason on a B2 visa. I
probably will get married with my boyfriend who is on f-1 visa in the states
question 1; Is there any way for B2 visa to apply for EAD or H1B?
question 2;
发帖数: 10
来自主题: Visa版 - A question about H1B application
A law firm is applying H1B for me. They sent me a questionnaire, there is a
question "have you or your spouse ever been members of the Communist Party?"
Does anyone know what would be the impact of answering yes or no to such a
question? Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 36
I have a Chinese passport and an u.s greencard. I plan to fly from U.S to
Hongkong, right after the landing,I'll go back to shenzhen, China.(my final
In ten days, I'll go back to Hongkong from shenzhen and fly back to the U.s
the very next morning.
My question is:
Do I need to apply for a visa/ permit in order to enter Hongkong to either
transfer to shenzhen or to take off for the U.S? I know 10 years' ago, only
a valid airticket will get us through the custom, how about the policy... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 195
来自主题: Visa版 - DS-160 FORM QUESTION
I am going to get the H1B visa and have one question when filling out the DS
-160 form.
There is a question: Have you belonged to, contributed to, or worked for any
professional, social, or charitable organization?
Do I need to fill out this if I am in some professional organizations, i.e.
Thanks. Sorry that I don't have Chinese input in my laptop.
发帖数: 112
来自主题: Visa版 - Questions about OPT (F1) to H4 visa
Dear XDJMs,
My situation is my opt EAD is valid from May 2012 to May 2013. I have been
working until the end of this March because the company has financial
difficulty. I would like go back to China change my visa from F1(OPT) to H4
visa. I have some questions:
#1. My employer did NOT give me “a written offer letter” when they hire
me last May. Should I ask the employer reissue a job offer letter for my H4
visa application? Or my paystubs are enough to approve my employment.
#2. Should I conta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 78
来自主题: Visa版 - B2 10 year visa question
【 以下文字转载自 Reunion 讨论区 】
发信人: iChase (Alex), 信区: Reunion
标 题: B2 10 year visa question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 6 21:06:07 2015, 美东)
My mom got 10Y B2 visa.
Her first stay: from May 2015 to Aug 2015 (I-94 stamped Nov 2015),
then she went back to China for two weeks, and came to US again
in middle Aug, the new I-94 stamp is Feb 2016 (entered from JFK).
Question: can she really stay until Feb 2016? I've heard that
B2 visa holder shouldn't stay more than 180 days a year.
Or if her next trip plan is... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 844
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: Fridays (Friday), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Urgent question: interview with two different groups in one company
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 2 01:59:45 2011, 美东)
I went on-site with one group in a company several weeks ago and am waiting
for decision.
A manager from another group in the same company contacted me now for
interview. I feel he does not know I have interviewed with the first group
already. My question is : should I tell him this?
发帖数: 71
【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: ruli (如果不用写作文), 信区: Quant
标 题: h1b transfer question, please help
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 23 23:14:12 2013, 美东)
发信人: ruli (如果不用写作文), 信区: Visa
标 题: h1b transfer question, please help
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 23 23:13:24 2013, 美东)
thanks a lot for any input!
发帖数: 6348
来自主题: Working版 - consulting firm salary question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: chaoz (面朝大海,吃碗凉皮), 信区: NewYork
标 题: consulting firm salary question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 11 09:26:44 2013, 美东)
Hi all,
I am wondering if I can ask you guys a question. I am interviewing with a
management consulting firm for a manager position. They asked my desired
salary. First time I said market average would be fine.
Now they asked again and I think I need to give some numbers this time. Do
you happen to have a clue on what would be a good range to tell them?
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19
thanks for the response.
one more question to your response of my question 1
I agree that it sounds like I should not put my dad's info. in my mom's I-
864. But in part 5. Sponsor's household Size. Should I put "1" in 5.(if you
have any ohter dependents , enter the number here) to indicate that I am
also going to sponsor my dad.
发帖数: 39
Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), chair of the House Immigration
Subcommittee, sent Secretary Chertoff a list of questions and a request for
documents from USCIS to get to the bottom of the whole Visa Bulletin fiasco.
The letter is very interesting not just because it puts a heck of a lot of
pressure on DHS right now, but also because Lofgren's folks imply from the
questions that USCIS was short circuiting established security clearance
procedures to "pre-request" visa numbers from DOS. If it tu
发帖数: 88
来自主题: Immigration版 - a question about H1 extension
I have a question about H1 extension. Hope someone knows the answer to it.
I want to extend my H1 visa until 2012. But My H1 will be reaching 6 years
by April 30, 2011. My question is: If I submit the I-140 petition right now
and then apply the extension of my H1 soon after it (before the I-140 is
approved or rejected), can I extend beyond 6 years, i.e. beyond April 30,
My guess is that I can only extend until April 30, 2011. Does anybody know?
Thanks so much!
发帖数: 10
来自主题: Immigration版 - Questions for EAD renewal
My EAD will expire in August. My questions are:
1. Currently, Can I file EAD renewal 120 days before the expiration date?
2. I live in Washongton State, where should I paper file EAD renewal? I read
the new I-765 instructions, not sure if I should file to Chicago lockbok or
to Phoenix.
Your kind answers to my questions are highly appreciated!
发帖数: 1348
来自主题: Immigration版 - Question about perm audit (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: flysinger (arie), 信区: EB23
标 题: Question about perm audit
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 27 12:28:23 2010, 美东)
Just got bad news, my perm get audit.
I have three questions:
Does this mean that I have to wait for another two years to get perm approve
Can I file perm in the same company again with title changed?
If I change my job, and file perm in the new company, will this case affect
me in the future?
Thanks for any suggestion.
发帖数: 944
来自主题: Immigration版 - 485 and 325 form question
Why no one answer my question? I think those are simple questions but I
just want to make sure.
发帖数: 272
来自主题: Immigration版 - H1B documents questions
Shall I include all the pages of the H1B documents?
Or just i-797, i-797a and an approval notice?
The other question is do you guys photocopy the 2nd page of your I-20? The 2nd page is an information page.
Last question, Do you guys use double line space or single line space in your petition letter?
发帖数: 70
Hello everyone
Not sure if anyone has had this experience or knows answer to my
question below (might be an obvious/stupid question as I have not done any
research myself yet).
Was just reading one of the posting about排期, which states " 此外,我们
So, what does this imply? Does this transferability require employor
sponsorship? Here is our situation: ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 48
来自主题: Immigration版 - question regarding to form I-765 and I131
question regarding to form I-765
11. have you ever before applied for employment authorization from USCIS?
I have applied OPT before and got the Employment Authorization card, does it
count, or I just select NO.
question regarding to form I131,
1. A Number,
the only document I have A# on it is the OPT card, should I file the number
发帖数: 447
来自主题: Immigration版 - Serious questions. Please advise.
Serious questions. Please advise. Many thanks !
My current position will end at the end of July, by then my 485 submission (EB1b, based on this current employment) has not reached 180 days. My current employer seems unlikely to revoke my approved 140 and pending 485.
My new employer will apply for a new H1b using PP for me starting from Aug. 1.
My questions are:
1) if my 485 is approved during my new H1b's pending period. Will the later
on approval of the new H1b invalidate my approved 485 or gr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 76
来自主题: Immigration版 - i485 question
I have a question when filling i485.
Part 3:
In what status did you last enter? (Visitor, student, exchange visitor,
temporary work, without inspection, etc.)
My wife was on H4 visa. What should she fill for this question?
发帖数: 106
来自主题: Immigration版 - A few questions regarding filing Form I-140
I am DIYing Eb1-a. I have a few questions regarding filing Form I-140. Could
someone provide helpful suggestions?
1. Should I use my home address or work address?
2. Shoud I fill out part 6 - "basic information about the proposed
employment" if I am filing in the category of EB1-a?
3. ON the e-file website, how should I response to the question "Are you
authorized for Centralized Filing or Sole Jurisdiction or is this filing for
an internationally recognized athlete, group, team sports organizat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 202
来自主题: Immigration版 - basic question about NIW
I have a basic question about
National Interest Waiver
You must meet at least three of the criteria below* and demonstrate that it
is in the national interest that you work permanently in the United States.
* Criteria
•Official academic record showing that you have a degree, diploma,
certificate, or similar award from a college, university, school, or other
institution of learning relating to your area of exceptional ability
•Letters documenting at least 10 years of full-time experi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 135
Hello, I have a question towards submitting I140/I485 concurrently, thank
you all.
1. PERM and I140 from Company A were approved, with PD of 2/10/2008 under
EB2. No I485 was filed.
2. Changed job from Company A to Company B and now with Company C.
3. PERM from Company C was approved last week (PD is March 2012) under EB2,
the Company C is preparing the I140 now.
1. May I carry over my earlier PD of 2/10/2008 (from PERM/I-140 of Company A
) and ask the my current employer (Company C) to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 165
来自主题: Immigration版 - A question in filling I-485
A question in I-485 is "Have you ever been a member of the communist party?"
I was a member but I have not paid member fee after I left China so I am no
longer a member. I saw some suggestions online that I should fill in "yes"
and write a statement to explain it. Is it recommended?
1. Since I-485 does not require explanation when we answer "yes", will I get
into trouble if I attach a statement to explain? I guess I do not need a
statement. When it comes to the interview, they will ask me this ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 232
I asked him a couple of hot questions:
1, NSC is more harsh than TSC?
Yes, man. NSC IOs are way more harsh than TSC!
2, PP is more likely to get RFE?
NO, absolutely not! This is an incorrect statement.I have talked with a few
IOs on this question. The answer is in fact the opposit. They think PP gives
you more chance to be approved.
3, Is PhD a must for EB1A or EB1B?
No, I have quite a few non-PhD clients got approved. PhD does not weight
that much, as long as you are doing research and have pub... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 31
感谢大蜜和版上各位朋友的帮助,现在终于DIY EB1A成功。【需要花时间和精力的,待
4/1: 140+pp mailed
4/2: 140 RD
4/9: NOID mailed out in paper.
4/15: received NOID
4/16: contact Bigbigbee
5/9: NOID response received.
5/19: received email from Texas premium processing: "approved". But, on
USCIS case tracking site, it still shows "initial review", even now...
Waiting to get the approval notice to file 485 ASAP
A big headache: h1b will end soon, and this job will be terminated. May need
EAD from 485 to continue stayi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1
来自主题: EB23版 - HELP: about I-765 question #11
I'll renew my EAD, but how to answer I-765 question #11: Have you ever
before applied for employment authorization from USCIS? Date(s)?
Here are some dates:
05/12/2007 I filled form I-765.
05/16/2007 I mailed it to USCIS.
05/17/2007 USCIS received the form.
07/30/2007 EAD was approved.
so which date I can use to answer the question "Date(s)"?
发帖数: 6
来自主题: EB23版 - help on perm question
i work in a company and the company just started to apply green card for me.
The job ad says minimum
degree required is master which is normal. Got some questions from lawyer
like "why can't a person with less
education perform the duties of your position?". how would one answer such
发帖数: 1350
"President Obama is coming to LinkedIn on Monday, September 26th to discuss
job creation and the economy and we want your voice to be heard. Visit our
Putting America Back to Work 2011 group to submit a question for the
President. You can also read and comment on other questions being submitted
by fellow LinkedIn members.
Check out our new LinkedIn Today Special Edition to learn more about putting
America back to work. Don't forget to come back Monday for the live video
How can we EBers... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 47
我在review律师的perm application.职位要求6年经验。相关六年工作经验也可。H10.
is experience in an alternate occupation acceptable? 律师填的是yes.
我现在的问题是律师在 J18. 问是否有此职位要求的六年经验时填的是no.然后在此职
J.18. does the alien have the experience as required for the requested job
opportunity indicated in question H.6. Answer: NO.
j20. does the alien have the experience in an alternate occupation specified... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 306
来自主题: EB23版 - renew EAD question
LD got the EAD and AP in 2/2012, went back to china in 3/2012, then came
back in 6/2012 using AP.
Her I-94 stamp has "AOS" on it, I thought it should still be "H4". Maybe I
am wrong.
Now renew her EAD, for question 14 and 15
14. Manner of Last Entry --- I think this should be "Parolee"
15. Current Immigration Status --- This is the question bothering me. Should
it be "H4" or "AOS"?
She hasn't used her EAD yet.
Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 306
来自主题: EB23版 - renew EAD question
LD got the EAD and AP in 2/2012, went back to china in 3/2012, then came
back in 6/2012 using AP.
Her I-94 stamp has "AOS" on it, I thought it should still be "H4". Maybe I
am wrong.
Now renew her EAD, for question 14 and 15
14. Manner of Last Entry --- I think this should be "Parolee"
15. Current Immigration Status --- This is the question bothering me. Should
it be "H4" or "AOS"?
She hasn't used her EAD yet.
Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 89
据说选NO比较容易PP Approve,但是一楼又说Yoyo本人是选的Yes.求大牛本人证实~ 下
"For your information, people who have had their premium processing (I-907)
accepted are comparing with those whose I-907 were rejected. One of the
findings is that there is a yes or no question 8 in part 4 of I-140 form:
If the petition is being filed without an original labor certification, are
you requesting that USCIS request a duplicate labor certification from the
Department of Labor?
Those who had their I-907 accept... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6348
【 以下文字转载自 Working 讨论区 】
发信人: chaoz (面朝大海,吃碗凉皮), 信区: Working
标 题: Question: Is green card a strategic/long term thing or a t
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 16 12:37:28 2014, 美东)
Hi all
I have been bothered by this question recently, since I am jumping again.
When choosing jobs, how should we consider green card? Is it a strategic/
long term thing or a tactic/short term thing?
I have been focused on high salary, advanced/marketable skills and potential
management duties and have been in highly volatile ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 205
来自主题: Arizona版 - Moms around Phoenix, questions
I am a mom who got a job in Scottsdale and will move to that area soon. I
have several questions. I probably will find a daycare center or family
daycare for my son. If I could find a good nanny, I will go for nanny. But
even if he goes to daycare, I will still need a babysitter. So my question
is: where should I find an apartment so that I can easily find a nanny,
babysitter, or daycare, at the same time, not far away from Scottsdale??
发帖数: 4414
来自主题: Boston版 - Help! Tax Question
“We'll the following income for 2013 (married file jointly): and $35K is
salary and $10K is qualified dividends; $5K is ordinary dividends; $60K is
capital gains ($20K is short term capital gain and $40K is long term). Say
the 10% tax bracket is at $17,850 and the 15% bracket is at $72,500, what is
the best way to estimate our taxes?”
I tried to answer this question as the following. Am I correct?
Salary + ST capital gain + Ordinary Div first. Then subtract our deductions
(itemized or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5431
来自主题: Chicago版 - One Question for Patchadam
Just a question for you(male or female):
如果你没结婚,the question is following:
因为你已经set up 成功7个couples了,就算成功率50%,你也见了14个男的和女的。
的?14应该已经比较有多样性了吧, All sold out?
Just curious。
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