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发帖数: 1168
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - follow up bluff
yes, i will bluff a tighter player,
than a loose one.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Played so badly in two days after Xmas
i played two days last weekend too. i've noticed i normally play looser for
the fisrt day since i got time, but much tighter afterwards, damn.
1) first day, played 15 hours straight with small meal/slots breaks (i know
it's not good).
first 10 hours really sucked, relatively loose, chased some draws and got
busted, flopped two high pairs (KQ) but couldn't get one looser guy out, and
of course he hit his river and i had to fold.
it's a good/profitable table though, wild lady won $1000 when i came
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A4o at cutoff
FTP, $26 single table SNG, 9 players, 1500 chips.
early in tourney, 20/40 blinds, every one folded to me at cutoff with A4o.
sensed it might be early and ppl play in a tighter mode, raised 3xBB to 120.
only SB called.
flop: KJ4 rainbow. SB checked, i made a continuation bet of 200 for a 260
pot, hoped to finish here with position.
SB smooth called, well, i was almost done with this hand.
turn: A. SB checked again, hmm, interesting now. fired again with value this
time, 400 (pot 660).
SB took a w
发帖数: 269
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - take down a 10$ tourney
congrats. tournment is fun. I love to play cash game and tournment at
the same time. Can get all the rush from all ins at the tournment and play
a much tighter cash game.
发帖数: 606
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Cash Game 经验交流(一)
6max tighter than 9max? must be typo.
6max is more profitable if your opponents are at the same level as 9max.
head-up is the most profitable if you have an edge.
发帖数: 1682
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 贴一手刚才的牌
Fold before flop, or no way to get out. AA all in at turn was stupid but
lucky. Anyway, get over it and move on.
Normally you should play tighter in cash games than in tournaments.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 为了ironman downswing 50
Short stack 还是prepflop reraise ALLin 吧。 if more than 100bb, might think for a
while, because their calling range is much tighter. On a side note, my KKs
in rush game have been losing more than winning on perflop all in. KK run
into AA 4 5 times and bad beat by small pocket pair 4 5 times...
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 各位整体上rush poker战绩如何?
Are people more loose or tighter in rush poker, in general?

发帖数: 606
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 各位整体上rush poker战绩如何?
tighter, more aggressive.
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what is your calling range?
i will be tighter on cash game. some people do shove with nuts or near nuts..

idiot. if you call with top set then you probably will call other two
flopped straight as well? i had 23 for that hand. to me it is really only
89 to worry about since he lim
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Fryking 很牛
never fold and always 4 bet with KK is what I would recommend with the stack we normaly have. If you think
others will only 5 bet all in with AA, then you are losing a lot of value
from AK QQ JJ hands. But if the stack is super deep say >300bb. I would suspect the shove range is a lot tighter preflop, probably only AA and AK.
"harrington says, be very careful with AA in super deep situations。”
I think what he really wants to say is be very careful with AA in super
deep situations if you can not
发帖数: 80
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Fryking 很牛
I had KK twice last nite and 4bet raised all-in
in both cases, vallian showed AA.....

stack we normaly have. If you think
suspect the shove range is a lot tighter preflop, probably only AA and AK.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fryking, 你rush poker 的vpip 是多少?
fryking is a lot tighter than he claim to be. i run 12 7 with my vpip. i am
consistently running above 3+bb/100 hand.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - new trend?
I find a similar way. RUSH 10 is tighter than 25.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这样搞是要出人命的
ppl play tighter at NL50, although still some crazy guys, but not as many.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这牌有点难打
how do i miss value? i got one more bet out of him. If he raise with trash,
he will fold to big 4 bet or he will have a much tighter range. I call his
preflop but raise him OTF with anything. There is no way he could continue.
Even if he has a small pair of some sort, i still got 6 outs.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这种情况要不要call?
kao, this guy is a regular and not bad (tighter than avg.), you're brave,

with Js it is really no difference from 4 bet with 6s, because you are
turning your hand into a bluff.
发帖数: 551
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Rush Poker 5 tips
1. Solid game of Poker
2. Tighter Range
3. Showing Down is OK
4. Take Notes
5. If SB raises, it is more dangerous than BB Raises.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Rush Poker 5 tips
hehe, from FTP academy, andy bloch's article.
well, i could be wrong but i don't think i've ever seen him playing rush
1 and 2 are typical assumptions, but i think rush poker is evolving too, ppl
are adjusting tightness to be normal or only slightly tighter.
3 and 4 are common sense.
i doubt about 5, a lot of players are auto popping from SB these days.
normally i'll let it go for the first 1 or 2 times, but leave a mark on him.
yesterday the same guy did it again to 3x, i guess it's ti
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Rush里面的grinders是越来越多了
shove over 1 raiser and a few caller is ok with this range. shove over a 3
bet, the range needs to be much tighter (QQ+) if you want to be a profitable
short stacker. But who are we kidding. Most of them are loser anyway, so profitability is not their top priority obviously

发帖数: 7793
I don't think anyone can get away with this hand with 150Xbb. you have a
flush draw and a made straight. including all 2 pair sets made straight,
you are still ahead of the range.
but i do want to say is that when you have deeper stack like 300bb+ deep, be
really careful. People's calling range and push range are a lot tighter
when they are deep. Sometimes it is not a good idea to go into a raising
war with them when you are not holding the nuts. Remember that a lot of hands
do go to show-d
发帖数: 4210
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎么在touuney的中盘发力
最近我又开始在网上打tourney,总是不能有突破. I can most time get above chip
average when half of players left. But after that point with blind raising,
and antes, I got tighter. If don't get really lucky plus couple bad beats,
I can't move up more and start to loose chips to ants. Most time have to
survive to money and finish one more level afterwoads. 各位高手有什么建议来
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎么在touuney的中盘发力
(not a tourney 高手)
but your approach is kind of backward (But after that point with blind
raising, and antes, I got tighter). this stage is the most challenging part
for your read/aggression because stack/blinds ratio is getting lower, and
you have to steal/re-steal a lot to survive. there is simply no way you can
continue waiting for your good hands.
and, for MTTs, try to finish in money or close to final table is very weak,
because you only get decent money as top 5 or so, otherwise it's a was... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - NL100 比NL50 还是难很多。。。
Don't over look playing a tight preflop range. It is a key to success when
you are against a group people that you have less edge against.
Something interesting that i want to point out here. If we ignore the blind you post (say we don't post blind at all) and you
play against yourself (assuming using the same strategies) with a loose
perflop range and a tighter preflop range. The one that playing tigher range will always win out. I think this is very enlightening to me in terms of post flop p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - NL100 比NL50 还是难很多。。。
I was in a rush and did not finish. I want to add a few more points.
The advantage of having a tight starting range is very obvious and it should
give you a steady and good winrate at microstake or vs some opponents at
small stake, but why does it not work as well when you level up facing
tougher opponents? It is because people will adjust towards your range post
flop if they are good regs. FCF also pointed out before that the easiest
player to play against is people with nittiest vpip because t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - goes rake back ranks 29th
the hand is really not that bad. my friend.
the bb first made a donk bet, he just want to take down the pot and got
called. at the turn he added the nut flush draw with two high cards. mostly
he didn't read you that well and figured out u have a pair. in reality he
had almost 30% chance to catch up. 70% advantage in poker is nothing.
this past week i lost 1.2k in live game in one day. i lost $500 in one hand
with AAs. fish not only called my $100 3-bet preflop with 89o, he called
every street ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Study in Atlantic City casinos
Study shows gamblers spending fewer hours, less money in Atlantic City
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — The amount of time gamblers are spending in
Atlantic City casinos is falling, and they're holding on more tightly to
their wallets while they're there.
A new statistical study shows the amount of time gamblers spent inside
casinos in the nation's second-largest gambling market is down more than 22
percent,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FTP can't just do this to me everyday.
pat, pat, dude, it took me almost a month to go out.
play less, play shorter stack, play tighter, ... until you feel better.

发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FTP can't just do this to me everyday.
Thanks LaoDa.
I played pretty tight already. Don't know how to be tighter because when all
-in, I have always the favor the equity almost over 80%.
Just can't stop being sucked out.
You are right, play less and play shorter stack maybe the way to go.
Wow, what a downswing.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - LIVE爆满
comfort. i guess it is just poker.
however, against a mania or a guy in mega tilt, i will play even tighter and
play a lot of post flop, i will wait until I get a monster made hand post
flop to try to take his whole stack. you need even better hand to attack him
, never ever go all in with him without a made hand, i.e a draw or even a
monster draw, because those guys will not fold anything and quite frankly
you need hit your draw to win. and it seems today is not your lucky day
based on previou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 谈谈上周末的LIVE POKER

33 was just a cooler plus you still have almost 40% equality on
the flop. these baby pair in position has decent value and I would not say
it is trouble hand. 45o is way different. :)
For live game I think adjustment to the game is very important.
Usually, you wanna play AGAINST the table dynamics. You do not have to play
tight, like your first table, you can put lots of pressure against these
tight fishes and open a lot. .When the table is going crazy li... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有没有人可以具体谈谈Pot Control?
I don't think one needs to pot controlling too much on live 1$/2$ table. If
you have tpgk or better, it is normally bet bet bet until you get raised
because most of player on live 1$/2$ table are loose passive. On the other
hand, facing weak tight player, maybe a little pot control is needed.
Because their flop calling range is very tight and their turn calling range
is even tighter. More importantly, they don't raise often on the flop even
with a relatively strong hand, this means when they cal... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
ok, yes, after a long break, i played a session last night, lol.
1) hand 1, limping table, EP raises to $6, and 5 callers, i call on cutoff
with 9To.
flop: QhJh8.
EP c-bets $20, all fold, i call.
turn: J
EP bets $45, interesting size with his pre-flop and flop action, i call.
river: blank 2 (busted any flush draws)
EP bets $80 with $30 left, strong all the way on 3 streets (let's ignore pre
-flop $6 as nothing but a pot sweetner).
i tank, not acting but seriously wonder if he has a turned boat, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1169
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
I think this is debatable....
"With tighter LP after me, i instantly muck my trash straight"
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这条line怎么样?
I think your record at NL400 rush is very good. The preflop leak you
mentioned is definitely there and rush gives you a chance to exploit that
much more frequent. You probably also have a very good and balanced steal
resteal strategy at late position with your experience in HUSNG, along with
the few big preflop leaks you can exploit. I am not surprised that you can
make a good profit.
The nature of Holdem game has decided that for full ring game, peoplep plays
a tighter game has an edge post f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一千里路云和月之12/14/11
QQ folded to you with a 150$ stack? you must be playing too tight. weekday
game is usually tighter than weekend game from my experience. Less chance to
get paid off with big hands from super fish. I think it is better to open
your game up than going back to your shell and wait for big hand in this
case. If they are folding to your limp reraising, you should at least put AK
into your limp reraise range. I don't play short stack myself, but I do a
lot of limp reraise with AK from ep when there ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share a few hands played yesterday
1/2 game at harrah's chester. These hands are more for entertaining purpose,
therefore I will share the hole cards with you as well.
Hand 1: I started this hand with $130ish. UTG straddled. One old guy called
at MP, all folded to me and I called on BB with 45c. UTG then made it $22 to
go, both of the old guy and myself called. Flop was 347r with 7c. UTG c-
betted $40 and the old guy quickly called. I had a middle pair, a gutter,
and a backdoor flush draw. Based on the way played, I put both of t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
yeah.the shorter stack you have, the less value for these drawing hand,also
the tighter you should play.

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 而今迈步从头越之1/8/2012
have you played 1c/2c game online? I think on average, they are better than 1/2$ player. I mean better by harder to win money from them because they are tighter.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - target of feb

if you want to keep your lag style and lower your variance , you want
to play more hands in position. yeah. position, position, position.
especially when you play with these good LAG player. try to avoid playing
big pot with them with marignal situation OOP. Plus, generally you may just
play less hand with winning lags.
Also, you want to play less hands like K7s, Q8s. these hand make too
many second best hands. For deep stack NL game, it is just so disasterous to
m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What is your guys's pfr/vpip ratio?
there is no way that I turn 3 beting with JJ/TT into bluff. It is always
situational. First, I do not 3 bet often with TT/JJ. I only 3 bet these
hands once a while to ppl who has been keeping openning with hands like 67o,
and flat call these hand to ppl who has a tighter open range. TT/JJ is
doing horrible against most ppl's 4 bet range though. Also I am talking
about online cash game, where lots of ppl' s open range is much wider than
live game.
poker is a people game first of all. it is... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1169
The FL is harder ... to win. Actually for low stakes FL in casino, like 2/4,
3/6,4/8, ever player is losing in long run.
When it goes above 10/20, someone get chances to win some money.
The biggest problem for FL live, is patience.
Playing tight pre-flop is only math-correct way to win.
If you are tighter then your oppoents, you got a edge over them.
The max EV is only play AA in a infinite time frame.
Is there anyone could be discplined to play only one hand per hour on live
table? Not me.

Bra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 717
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Vanessa Rousso
haha, i understand you hate this representing only 1 hand type of bluff. But
the combination of a female play's image and the smallish all in size
actually works. I guess female players usually enjoy a tighter/stronger
image in this kind of spot.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 推荐几个比较新的工具软件

1. Pokerstragety Equalab

很实用的分析preflop range, equality 的工具. 是free 的。 基本具备
的所有功能. 并且加上了 几个主要培训网站推荐的FL, NL 9 max, Nl 6 max 的
preflop open range。 并且带了一个post flop 的工具- scenario analyzer , 很方
便分析hero hand vs Villain range 的 flop equality , 以及不同turn card 和
river card 的equality.
2. pro poker tools.
很强大的preflop 分析工具。pro version 有free 的15 day trial , 自带了一个
query language , 某些功能用起来有点复杂。
3. icmizer .
http://www.pok... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - limp or not
imo online games are tighter. if you opt to limp n call, it will often put
you into headsup oop situation which u want to avoid generally .
if you limp-n-reraise too often, good players will start re-re-raising you
lightly. what would u do with ur hands like ATs ?
i think its fine using this move occasionally. well, mixing up and balance
is one of the keys in poker, right?
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What is your calling range here?
某大神曾经说过,"you should have a bluff range on every decision." preflop
cold 4 bet 也是, best hand to 4 bet is probably a hand with a blocker like
Axs or even total trash at the right spot.
Merge $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players -
MP1: $100.65
MP2: $248.67
CO: $282.33
BTN: $97.00
SB: $143.83
Hero (BB): $100.00
UTG: $96.34
UTG+1: $100.00
Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with X X
5 folds, BTN raises to $3, SB raises to $8.25, Hero raises to $23, BTN
raises to $97, SB fold. HERO?
这里button vpip 16/11/5,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What is your calling range here?
你不是问我cold 4 bet 没有commit 吗?。所以我就贴出来了咯。 我是KQo. D 神觉
得也是fold 哈? 那calling range 是啥呢? QQ+ or even tighter? 不要躲躲闪闪

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
发帖数: 551
Not sure if WP is still open to the public, or foreigners. After 911 the
security is a lot tighter.
Kykuit, the Rockfellar Estate is an ok choice too, especially in the Fall.
发帖数: 980
You can not drive into the campus any more. Tour bus takes you in from the
visitor center, and you follow the tour guide. Must show ID: passport,
driver license, etc.

security is a lot tighter.
发帖数: 19309
来自主题: TVGame版 - 英雄不在二 EG 8/10
There is no denying that No More Heroes 2 is a more streamlined, svelte game
than its predecessor. It boasts tighter design, more robust visuals and a
settled sense of identity that makes it a better, more solid proposition.
But in smoothing the rough edges of the NMH vision, this sequel has also
lost something of the exuberance, so barely contained in the debut.
You no longer receive phone calls down your Wiimote from Sylvia, nor have to
bat away baseballs in an impromptu mini-game, nor avoid a
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