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发帖数: 172
来自主题: MartialArts版 - 邹市明 的比赛 很惨不忍睹啊?
very nice! Thanks you for posting the link.
I watched Pacquiao's mit work with Freddie after watching this one, and I
think Zou's tighter and got great accuracy.
发帖数: 492
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 俺再来问个袜子问题

for heavy-weight boots ... agree
for light-weight to mid-weight boots ... disagree
tighter ski boot is more professional but less comfortable
发帖数: 2636
来自主题: Outdoors版 - DMM dragon CAM
I followed some threads and seems that many people would consider buying DMM
rather than BD, because BD cam is made in China while DMM is made in Europe
DMM has a tighter spring which reduces walking (this problem is REALLY BAD
with link cams), 10% lighter, and a slightly modified caming angle that
makes it stronger but sacrifices range. According to the statistics the
range difference is neglectible though.
发帖数: 654
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 髋关节疼有啥办法
2。 腿骨的长短不同
3。ham string one is tighter than another
发帖数: 29846
Matt Hetherington:
1. Don't Be Cynical, Give it a Chance!
Most people have already turned their noses up, of course! We don't like
change. There has been a lot of negativity surrounding the new ball. The new
ball does have some differences but a great effort has been made to create
a ball as similar as possible to the celluloid ball. First important pointer
, it's not all that bad, it's still playable and will require some small
adaptations, but it's not the end of table tennis as we know it.
2.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 229
来自主题: Running版 - running in the rain
Just use this post to remember my running in the rain over this weekend.
I did my 14 miles run this morning in a light rain. It's the second time I
run in the rain for the whole training. Yesterday was the first time.
I didn't feel uncomfortable, but I have to wipe my glasses once a while,
which bothers me most. After 10 miles, the pants were all went and got
tighter. The hands were numb. Breath was easy though.
Seems I have to do more rain running this spring. So, I'd better buy a
better wa
发帖数: 1279
I already fasten it as much as possible. Any tighter would cause bruises.
发帖数: 6808
tuck your chin a little bit tighter?

swim freestyle properly would easily outperform me in freestyle kick or
dolphin kick drills.
发帖数: 2634
来自主题: Running版 - ASICS nimbus和Saucony Triumph
I tried many running shoes, only NB572 trail running shoes are
comfortable and not causing me heel pain. Other running shoes
are too soft.
Both badminton shoes and tennis shoes are very good for my feet.
However, all these shoes I have have smaller sizes (long run needs
larger shoes, but court shoes should be a little tighter). I use
my old badminton shoes for 10 miles or less runs only on treadmill.
发帖数: 2634
来自主题: Running版 - XC running shoes?
Just got my MT20 trail running shoes:) One full size
larger than my other shoes. The NB store girl was not
happy for this, because she said it was supposed to be tighter
fit and no socks - my regular size MT20 is just too narrow,
and they do not have wide in store. I guess I should go 1/2 size
larger wide for perfect fitting. Hope this piece of info can
help others in ordering.
MT20 feels very comfortable, like the very comfortable trail
running 572, which is the best fit to my feet.
Will test M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2634
来自主题: Running版 - XC running shoes?
Yeah, she was right. My socks are pretty thick - making
the fit tighter. Do you run with socks?
发帖数: 2634
来自主题: Running版 -
Hattori is indeed very comfortable for me. There is only one
thing I realized recently (not the shoe problem, but my problem).
I used to run longer time/distance with turtle speed, and the
first pair of Hattori was perfect fit (1.5 size larger than my
regular shoes). Now I run faster (short time and distance), I
found that the Hattori is actually a little larger - with slight
slipperiness between my feet and the shoes.
Is it common/correct that for longer distances, shoes should be
larger, and s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5098
Regina (猫宝宝) 于 (Mon Jul 4 03:04:48 2011, 美东) 提到:
dathinker (思考者) 于 (Mon Jul 4 08:29:57 2011, 美东) 提到:

Regina (猫宝宝) 于 (Mon Jul 4 13:21:30 2011, 美东) 提到:
☆─────────────────────────────────────... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
来自主题: Ski版 - Beginner's question about the turn
My first time instructor emphasized the "wedge" for turning and stopping. But
from observing more advanced skiiers, it seems their skis are very parallel
when turning. They seem to just twist from side to side.
When I use the wedge, my turns are very big. If I allow the speed to pick up,
I have no way of stopping myself.
Do you guys think I should keep my skis closer together and parallel to make
tighter turns and stop more effectively?
发帖数: 1632
来自主题: Ski版 - 滑雪靴子的尺寸
New boots also should be slightly tighter simply because they are new.
Once you break them in a few times, they will stretch a little. So I'd say
unless you really feel it's very tight.
发帖数: 59
来自主题: Ski版 - 新人报道,顺便奔了
Really? My feet are narrow. The store staff told me Beast 10 is tighter
than most of other boots.

发帖数: 3311
来自主题: Ski版 - Ski Pole 托运给压裂了
My old school told me, actually your feet may grow a little and boots will
feel a little tighter. Is there a difference between men and women, uhn?
发帖数: 1632
来自主题: Ski版 - 问一下租ski的时候
beginners will get shorter skis (easier to control) and a binding setting
that's a bit looser so the skis will more easily come off when you fall (so
you don't hurt yourself).
II, III will be longer skis and tighter bindings so you can ski more
发帖数: 824
“重心正在从后向前移动过程中”这个我同意。但是racer和recreational skier的区
别也是明显的。recreational skier 99%都是静态重心靠后的,你可以在lift上看一下。
关键是转弯的时候有这个hip move forward的过程,you should have your center of
mass far enough forward as you tip and pressure the ski at turn initiation,
so that you're pressuring the front boot cuff to add an optimal amount of
reverse camber bend to the front of the ski early enough in the turn to
carve a tighter turn, with less skidding, at that speed.如果重心一直在boot后
面即使能够换刃你肯定也不是carving而是skidding,因为你不可能有入刃的过程,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5546
dude, I'm almost certain you didn't watch 94 WC. This kind of
ruling was a new thing at that time. Before that, it was offside
in all games. There was a goal of this issue in Spain vs.
Switzerland that provoked a lot of discussions.
People are getting used to this interpretation, but by no means
it has become tighter. In the last 2 decades, RVN has been the
striker who's most eager to take advantage of this rule.
发帖数: 139
来自主题: Swimming版 - 请问关于游泳衣
Get a tight one. The tighter the better!!!!!!!!!!!
发帖数: 188
来自主题: Swimming版 - 多长时间买一件游泳衣
Go for the polyester swim suits. Speedo Endurance is one of them. Polyester
swimsuits feel a little tighter and not as elastic though.
I buy 2-3 swimsuits yearly from Swim Outlet. The Speedo Endurance I had
from last year is still good. Lycra Extra Life material is ok, but not as
发帖数: 602
来自主题: Tennis版 - Re: 一个问题
Even if you are not a frequent string breaker, you also should have several
Brad Gilber suggested in his book "wining urgly" that you should at least have
3 rackets. One strung with normal tension, one tighter one looser. So if you
have some perticular control or power problem at that game, you can do a
little ajustment.
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Tennis版 - a serve question
That's not too much difference. I was thinking you might have
an oversize Head.
Other aspects to consider:
1) string tension - a tighter string helps the control and accuracy
of serve
2) string - a good string improves the spin and accuracy of serve
3) string pattern - open pattern improves the spin and accuracy
of serve
4) racket weight - this hardly has any effect, you just need to
get use to it.
5) technique - the most important aspect. You should be able to
serve well using any racket if you
发帖数: 9606
来自主题: Tennis版 - 北加之行!
nice work :) Judie's first serve is really good IF it lands
in :P Too bad he lost his serve at 6th game. Too many doubles.
Otherwise it would be a tighter match.
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Tennis版 - 我一到比赛时 就成了pusher?
//nod, it depends on the opponent. If the opponent is NTRP 5.0
and you are 3.0, the only way to win a few points is to hit the
hardest and rely on luck.
If you are 0.5 above your opponent, then usually you can win
by whatever means. In that case I would hit hard to feel more
爽 (and the score will be tighter that way, the opponent is
also 爽).
If you are the same as your opponent, you have to hit hard to
a certain level that creates some pressure to him/her. There
is no point hitting any harder th
发帖数: 583
来自主题: Tennis版 - 如何对付没有pace的高球
see my point? - one may have better form and better hitting, but this
cant guarantee he can win when playing with a pusher, what strategy do
you use?
You can push it back and only wait for great opportunity to pull the
trigger. This might be the right strategy, but you probably will get
tight when the opportunity comes. And if you miss a few of the "great"
opportunity at first, this will boost the pusher's confidence and you
will get tighter and probably will play more conservatively.
You probab
发帖数: 3845
来自主题: Tennis版 - 怎样降低一个拍子的力量?
Buy a low power racquet
Buy a good string that doesn't drop tension that fast, and string tighter.
Since both solutions needs $$$, for you, there is no solution. :)
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Tennis版 - 器材派的春天
"I've been stringing my racquets more tightly," Murray said. "For a couple
of weeks I tried to go a bit looser. Normally, the tighter the racquet the
more control you have and the less power. But I feel a lot more comfortable
swinging through the ball and giving it a good crack.l like I can go for a
lot more and that's made a big difference."
发帖数: 2433
Right, feels tighter than wellmoon's 55lbs, lol...
发帖数: 25274
来自主题: Tennis版 - FF拍子走线厉害啊
Most touring professionals string their racquets above or below the
recommended tension. To offer two examples from the recent US Open, Fernando
Gonzalez had his racquets strung in the low forties (pounds of tension,
that is) while James Blake had his strung in the high seventies. Both
players are aggressive baseliners who hit the ball “big.”
Typically professional players carry several racquets of varying tensions in
their bag. Bob Bryan apparently carries a loosely strung racquet in his bag
fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1632
来自主题: Tennis版 - Golden Set's Hex Poly strings
On the PS6.0 I don't mind string it a little tighter, since the pattern is
pretty loose and the head is slightly larger. I still wouldn't go all the
way to 60 on a full poly setup though. Let me know what tension you want on
it - I can string it with whatever I have and bring the racquet next time
we play.
发帖数: 6757
You made an adjustment so it's natural to squeeze your hand tighter then
normal hence loose the racquet speed. You are on the right track just need
more practice
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 看来我真的不适合打USTA
even though you don't feel the tense, but your muscle might be tighter than
you think in USTA match... but that's just my guess. I used to get cramp
after USTA matches too (not during the match, when I drive home lol), but
rarely against my friends. I'm much better at it now.
发帖数: 326
来自主题: Tennis版 - 新鲜出炉奔 (转载)
Very nice play! and I noticed that you like the Head Prestige rackets, one
thought I have is, maybe wrong, Prestige series rackets are good for a full
swing, tha is "L6" means. However your swing is a modern compact type swing,
that is probably why you aren't geneating a lots of power, but able to
counter punch balls back, I would suggest you try the radical series rackets
, which are good for your type swing, you may find lost of control at the
beginnnig, however with tighter string, it should ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 326
Good Memory, Bee!
I had lots of them from TW forum as well. ^_^
I am in WNY, courts/membership fee is expensive, my wife sin'thappy for that
, but that is only hobby I choose (give up lots of things), so negotiable!
And you are absolutey right, it is good for one' health, totally worth it.
I saw your play from the vedio you loaded, and I noticed that you like the
Head Prestige rackets, one thought I have is, maybe wrong, Prestige series
rackets are good for a full swing, tha is "L6" means. Howe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 请教击球时手腕问题
Maybe it's a bit tighter but I don't feel it. I would say just firm enough
so you won't break your wrist (fall back). Personally I would not consider
locking wrist or tight.
发帖数: 6757
if you have a proper stroke, you should hold it loose.
"A lot of wsn can use wrist when using a 10 oz racket."
-you shouldn't be using wrist to hit the ball anyways, power mainly comes
from legs, hips, and back. you keep wrist loose so you can transfer that
power into the shot. The tighter your grip, the more injury prone you are...
"Nobody other than Federer/Laver etc who has iron wrist can use wrist using
heavy racket."
-very misleading statement
发帖数: 1280
Yeah, volley is a perfect example, only a little tighter when contact.

发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 这样打对方的近场球
you probably didn't get my point... it's a mental thing. Because consciously
you think it's a kill shot, your body gets a little bit tighter, you go for
a little bit more than you need to, you get a little bit agitated with your
footwork, all these increase your chance of UE.
A higher level player would be a lot more relaxed, he'll hit it with ease.
From bystander point of view, he maybe have hit a "kill" shot. But from his
own point of view, he just hit a routine approach shot, opponent didn't ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 单反是不是容易伤肘
that's wrong!! if you feel that way, it means you are not doing something
wrong. You need to hold your racquet firm, but not tight, arm and wrist
needs to stay loose. Reason for DHBH is a bit less prone to injury is it
actually allows you to hold the racquet tighter and still hit a decent ball.
.. my take is you are trying to arm the shot with your SHBH and that's not
gonna work.
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 单反是不是容易伤肘
that's wrong!! if you feel that way, it means you are not doing something
wrong. You need to hold your racquet firm, but not tight, arm and wrist
needs to stay loose. Reason for DHBH is a bit less prone to injury is it
actually allows you to hold the racquet tighter and still hit a decent ball.
.. my take is you are trying to arm the shot with your SHBH and that's not
gonna work.
发帖数: 3845
I'm using hammer grip. I'm thinking about trying pistol. But I'm not fully
convinced why pistol is better than hammer. It seems that Djokovic is using
hammer grip. I use hammer grip with pretty loose grip tension. If I use
pistol grip, I may have to grip a little tighter than using hammer grip,
until I'm getting used to pistol grip.
发帖数: 978
来自主题: Tennis版 - 网球线/弦 Personal Review.
Just keep in mind. String preference is very subjective. It is closely
related to everything else about you or me.
I am 2HBH baseline top spin hitter, prefer top spin serves.(Translate, I
like poly string for spin and control). My regular racquet is Head Radical
MP (low power, very flexible, dense pattern). I prefer thinner strings and
that have some power but not too much. I have a little elbow/shoulder
soreness due to jerky follow-though on serve and forehand in match play,
when I am tight.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - position, position and position
deep stack means
maximum buyin / big blind >100
in bicycle and commerce all the game , that ratio <100
this protects the non skill poker player.
For most online game , that ratio>100, but people play
much tighter than live game.
发帖数: 641
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How could I enroll the texas holdem club?
【 以下文字转载自 Gamble 讨论区 】
发信人: squash (鼻涕泡泡不是传说), 信区: Gamble
标 题: How could I enroll the texas holdem club?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 9 17:43:32 2007)
I am interested in the game because my company will have a tournament next
The tournament has 90 players and the winner will go WSOP this year in las
Assuming 50% players are newbies, what's my best strategy? How can I find
tighters and loosers in a few hands?
A problem is the rule is not very good. With 2000 chips each player, t
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - got bluffed or not?
agree, 56s more likely.
if i were the loose guy, the way you bet pre-flop and flop indicated AA=KK>
AQ>>>QQ. your "tighter than me" image gave me more info.
even i was loose, i had to see 2 useful cards or a set on the flop.
set (QQ,44,33) very unlikely since i was "loose" and would be a little more
active, like kickbutt said, at least not as late as river.
so which 2 cards were good to me?
1) Q4, Q3? well, i needed to have two pairs to beat your over pair / Q with
good kicker, that meant
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 起起落落
i've played both for 200+ hours each. but it's very hard to compare.
in L you tend to play more hands/longer hours, NL you're normally tighter
and play for less hours, sometimes only a few hands and then take off.
in L, i can be up for a period, but at the end, i always lose $$$, sometimes
as much as i can't believe.
NL i have a much better record so far.

发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - KK vs possilbe set
low stake live play is much looser. the one time i played, the UTG guy
raised to 17$ and get two callers. it was 1-2 nl and he had AA and stacked
one of the caller. Online 1/2 is supposed to be much tighter and more
aggressive, in the hand we discussed, a call sometimes will freak me out
more than an all-in push.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - QQ again.
generally speaking, $145 for $257 pot, i tend to fold with QQ. but for this
hand, i have a feeling you can call (if you can afford, of course),
according to his betting pattern (could be wrong since we only know this
hand, not his whole image)...
1) if he held Ax, it looked kind of too late for his all-in move.
2) KK? he shouldn't stop on the turn.
3) 88? not sure.
4) 8x or 99, TT, most likely.
normally i play QQ tighter and cautiously, for this hand, for myself, i
wouldn't raise to $24. 50% smo
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