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Running版 - The Marathon's Effects on the Immune System (zt)
pace run弱问有关WHX有关push自己的问题
wanna run fast? work on your hamstring!梦见比赛了
趁着whx的帖子,大家给分析一下我的症状-:)Tempo 10K on treadmill, 41'34''
fwd: what causes soreness?dress rehearsal
Long Run的时候吃啥?膝盖内侧疼, 是跑还是休息?
Race Report: Nashville Greenway MarathonDetraining in 9 days? Hard to believe
race report: vermont city marathon (补充了些细节)看来我真是跑出毛病了
feeling better after a tempo run, weird!今天18迈
话题: immune话题: marathon话题: system话题: effects话题: infections
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12977
Microscopic damage to the muscles from running a marathon can cause more
than soreness. The muscle damage incurred from running a marathon can divert
some immune cells for muscle repair and weaken others, leaving the immune
system less able to protect against upper respiratory tract infections.
While there is no direct evidence that those runners with the most weakened
immune system are those who develop upper respiratory tract infections there
is evidence of a higher rate of it in marathon runn
1 (共1页)
今天18迈Long Run的时候吃啥?
ran thru a sore throatRace Report: Nashville Greenway Marathon
右大腿内侧酸痛race report: vermont city marathon (补充了些细节)
10K time trialfeeling better after a tempo run, weird!
pace run弱问有关WHX有关push自己的问题
wanna run fast? work on your hamstring!梦见比赛了
趁着whx的帖子,大家给分析一下我的症状-:)Tempo 10K on treadmill, 41'34''
fwd: what causes soreness?dress rehearsal
话题: immune话题: marathon话题: system话题: effects话题: infections