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Running版 - Race report: first Olympic distance tri as a warm up race (转载)
Back from 50 miles trail raceAny thought for these two questions
Racing or Not Racing征rutgers附近跑友
Austin Cap10K周末跑第一个5K,该立个多高的杆?
菜鸟race repot: utah valley HM新人报道 & 5k race report
多久跑一次比赛才不会constantly injured呢?Geb is ready to run fast in Berlin
问一下AM training问题Meadow 5K Race Report
Newcomer: please recommend HM race near Chicago in Nov.Anton Krupicka's eat/drink while running (zz)
REWARDS of racing我真要去弄个305来了
话题: race话题: olympic话题: tri话题: distance话题: swim
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1498
【 以下文字转载自 Cycling 讨论区 】
发信人: hengmei2 (横眉), 信区: Cycling
标 题: Race report: first Olympic distance tri as a warm up race
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 7 21:25:23 2009, 美东)
just got off the plane from France yesterday, still jet lagged and majorly
sleep deprived -- had total about 6 hours of sleep since Friday afternoon.
went out and did an Olympic distance tri this morning -- 1.5k swim, 40k bike
, and 10k run.
Not as bad as I expected. Overall time: 2h38. Swim leg: about 31min;
Biking leg: ave spee
1 (共1页)
我真要去弄个305来了多久跑一次比赛才不会constantly injured呢?
dropped 7 lb in last 4 days问一下AM training问题
我也来晒晒LHR训练7周的成果,并问一个问题关于double runNewcomer: please recommend HM race near Chicago in Nov.
今晚跑了一圈,冻死我了REWARDS of racing
Back from 50 miles trail raceAny thought for these two questions
Racing or Not Racing征rutgers附近跑友
Austin Cap10K周末跑第一个5K,该立个多高的杆?
菜鸟race repot: utah valley HM新人报道 & 5k race report
话题: race话题: olympic话题: tri话题: distance话题: swim