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USANews版 - 非法移民在国会山示威游行被逮捕
Despite Obama Shutdown, Parks Service to Allow Illegal Alien RallyIllegal Immigrant Taxpayers to Benefit $500
马里兰民主党州长拒绝让非法移民进入马里兰Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care
Father of ObamaCare Poster Boy Says He Hasn’t Signed UpUCLA给非法移民提供paid internship
How to Organize Illegal Strikes, Use Children During Bargaining政治选举,issues太多,主要还是对众多问题的态度
Kasich: 给守法的非法移民机会成公民. 美国政客真是傻逼呀墨西哥对非法移民够狠
话题: obama话题: illegally话题: she话题: capitol话题: who
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Illegal Aliens Escape the Shadows, Get Arrested During Democrat-Approved
Capitol Hill Protest
by Jammie
For a mob that we’re always told are “living in the shadows” they sure do
get around.
More than 100 female immigrant-rights activists, including some who are
in the country illegally, were arrested after they shut down Independence
Avenue in front of the Capitol on Thursday, demanding Congress pass a
legalization bill.
Organizers said 104 women, including more than 20 who are in the country
illegally, were arrested, in the second major act of civil disobedience
this year to shut down the main thoroughfare along the Capitol.
The arrests are also a key test of President Obama’s policies promising
not to deport rank-and-file illegal immigrants who don’t have major
criminal records.
Why would Obama deport them? They’re basically working for him. Oh, and by
the way, they’re not activists. These are criminals openly defying our laws
. Curiously, they sounded like Obama zombies.
They chanted slogans including “Yes we can!” and “Si se puede” as
police began handcuffing them and loading them into vans.
This is particularly galling:
One participant in the protest, Maria Galban of Los Angeles, who said
she is a Mexican citizen in the U.S. illegally, said she wanted to send a
message to Congress that immigration reform is needed to keep families like
hers together. She said she and her husband are here illegally but their two
daughters have gained legal status under a program by President Barack
Obama to stop deportations of immigrants brought to the country as youths.
So who paid her freight from Los Angeles and how is she able to fly to
Washington if she’s here illegally?
1 (共1页)
墨西哥对非法移民够狠Father of ObamaCare Poster Boy Says He Hasn’t Signed Up
Illegal Immigrants Shot, Killed After Being "Ambushed" by People in Camouflage GarbHow to Organize Illegal Strikes, Use Children During Bargaining
How to solve illegal immigration problemKasich: 给守法的非法移民机会成公民. 美国政客真是傻逼呀
Despite Obama Shutdown, Parks Service to Allow Illegal Alien RallyIllegal Immigrant Taxpayers to Benefit $500
马里兰民主党州长拒绝让非法移民进入马里兰Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care
话题: obama话题: illegally话题: she话题: capitol话题: who