e****e 发帖数: 884 | 1 有时候书上说的也有争论。
比如Ben Hogan认为,在backswing完成开始downswing时,右臂不需要用力,
是被动地下降到靠近躯干位置。但Ernie Els却说,需要主动地保持右前臂和右上臂
看起来Ben Hogan的重心转移非常大,而Ernie Els却不大,需要主动拉右臂。
对于我来说,从实践上,Ernie Els的理论比较适合。 |
d*****n 发帖数: 1875 | 2 我刚读完BEN HOGAN的书。
我觉得: 如果 你用了他的 BACKSWING 理论, 你就得用他 DOWNSWING 的理论。
它们是个系统。 |
w*******d 发帖数: 3714 | 3 恩他自成一派,backswing到头感觉是垂直的呵呵,不过有效就好,charles barkeley
的swing如果能打好也是很不错的,可惜。。。 |
ET 发帖数: 10701 | 4 他的swing就是backswing plane非常的upright, downswing plane非常的flat
其实都不好学。也没必要刻意的学。 |
e****e 发帖数: 884 | 5 backswing 重心上移,其表现是头往上动。 |
v***s 发帖数: 4031 | 6 Tell me in which part of your body you feel stretching and resistance during
your backswing. |
A*****r 发帖数: 332 | 7 BACKSWING时候背部两个胳膊连着的两扇骨头的肌肉有拉扯
during |
m*******7 发帖数: 318 | 8 问问大家address时的姿势.
1. Ben hogan说左手肘指着左髋骨, 右手肘指着右髋骨(两个手凹要朝天, 不是朝内).
刚开始觉得有点别扭而且很funny, 但是好像有助稳定性?
我觉得一个明显好处是, 这样的address姿势在backswing时, 左手肘关节会很自然的
2. Grip到小腹的距离. Tiger书上说无论driver还是wedge, 都是一个距离; golf for
觉得这样的话, swing的时候手上臂就是贴着前胸扫过的(不知道是不是这样做的用意?)
3. Iron 的Sole要平贴着mat吗, 就是说angle of approach=loft?
还有一个常识问题, 是不是如果: 1.iron的sole平贴着mat; 2.club head facing
square, 那么shaft一定垂直于target-ball-line?
如果以上两个都是对的话, 那么正确的iron contact的时候club head就是处于
swing track的最低点?
Tha... 阅读全帖 |
m****n 发帖数: 68 | 9 今天在厂子, 老板过来指点了两下子,一个是握杆强握,两个V指到右肩, backswing
到头的时候, 左手腕要和小臂一个平面。 居然就没再打出死赖死, 还打了几个美妙
的啄。 偶尔有几次打了死赖死, 就是因为左手腕没顶住。 |
j******e 发帖数: 1424 | 10 恩,小心hook 和 pull。很恐怖比slice 难治
backswing |
ET 发帖数: 10701 | 11 我就不敢妄称老大了。
1)one swing for all clubs
2) 就比如说你觉得你7号打得还行,那是不是总是还行呢?比如10之8/9, 在风,lie
这就是 |
b*******2 发帖数: 412 | 12 有时候会这样,有球的时候,潜意识会很想刻意去把球打远,会“用力”打,反而手臂
还有就是每球打前试挥几下,也有帮助 |
b*******2 发帖数: 412 | 13 AGAIN,GRASS和MAT对好的挥杆来说没有区别,但像我之前回复提到的,MAT容易掩盖不
个问题,下来自己练习2-3次,来体会和培养肌肉记忆。golf swing is a chain of
节一个环节抓起,加上刻苦和耐心,一定可以成为SOLID BALL STRIKER的。当然,
加油~~ |
v*****r 发帖数: 2325 | 14 stack and tilt, backswing stay on front foot, 重心转移小, 用来打driver 没
power 吧。
你的iron 距离如何? |
v***s 发帖数: 4031 | 15 Talking of Tiger Woods and his swing, Jim McLean wrote a book called 'The
Slot Swing" about three basic swing shapes and many backswing planes but
there is just a slot ending up all kinds of swings in it. He states Tiger
Woods' "single plane swing" is very difficult to learn and duplicate, which
is to say, even Tiger himself couldn't duplicate his swing at times. LOL.
I |
v*****r 发帖数: 2325 | 16 长推 我用cristie kerr的tip, 靠肩膀的feel, 先看线,再看距离远近和坡度, 想象
球能走多远(feel speed),然后马上推。
5-8尺的短推很关键, 进了, 2putts, practice 从40-50 ft 有很多2putts. 但是
一不小心, 就3putts.
在场上, 我用心的时候, 还可以。匆忙或long game suck 影响心情, 也不行。
long game, 主要是稳定性太难有进步。我每次都能感觉到我动作中某个环节的变数 -
--- setup, grip, takeaway, backswing 的力度和速度, weight shift, arm torso
connection, 身体的松紧程度, 当然还有脑子清醒程度, 当时的性情(急躁还是耐
golfing 时间长, swing文字的东西都基本懂, 但是我开始发现, 知道的tips, 往往
没有真正做到。 常常不知觉的乱调, 不利于动作的稳定。
you are good at your long game. I know a teenage, almost 15. He... 阅读全帖 |
t***w 发帖数: 165 | 17 "Driver:大量右旋, 右旋加30度扇形" This sounded like a slice caused by an
outside-in swing path.
"没有明显增加距离" - too early release caused by over-the-top casting type
of swing... again, results in a "weak-ass slice" (as Tiger calls it).
May want to try:
A more vertical take-away/backswing, keep your right forearm perpendicular
to the ground at the top of your back-swing.
This will allow you to drop/tuck your right elbow close to your waist at the
start of the down swing, thus creating an inside-out swing pa... 阅读全帖 |
a***x 发帖数: 398 | 18 Fred couples, 在impact的时候也是 右手拇指,食指离开杆身的。Ben和fred有个共同
点都是overswing,过中线比较多,因为他们的身体控制比大多数球手都好,hip turn
后,基本上可以不再犯。我有个经历是这样的:我的driver slice困扰过我好久, 想
过各种方法改,包括改grib, stance, alignment ,甚至用过draw的球杆,这些都有效
slice的问题解决了, 连带球的路线控制也掌握了。当swing path + club face能稳定
控制了, grib, stance, ball position, alignment 就可以用来调整打出不同球
同意Vibes的感觉,只要打球,是解决了一个问题, 又有新问题要解决。我现在的100
码内的pitc... 阅读全帖 |
D***m 发帖数: 129 | 19 对我来说,chipping时手腕不动,没有hinge,backswing最多到9点钟。如果不需要高
抛,用pw或aw。如果需要高抛,用sw.比pitching容易太多。 |
a***x 发帖数: 398 | 20 楼主是在上杆到TOP的80%时停顿,因为这时backswing还没有完成,我的理解应该不是
downswing的问题。倒是babyhorse说的complete shoulder/body turn 有可能。楼主停
顿后swing plane变得合理后,使得shoulder/body turn 更完整,所以打得远,所以这
个平面才是合适楼主的平面。 |
u*********r 发帖数: 2735 | 21 I like your sense of humor.
if I were you, I would not touch driver until I can swing 7 iron well.
the backswing is off the line, off the plane. that pause is really bad
(although it actually get your club into correct plane).
bad habbit is easy to acquire, 10 times harder to get rid of...
mind: |
a***x 发帖数: 398 | 22 nice swing,身体灵活性真好,羡慕啊。Backswing 超过targetline,好多年轻选手,
身体灵活性好的都这样,tiger20来岁时也这样。 |
A*f 发帖数: 3067 | 23 you played with me and ET, maybe you didnt pay much attention.
ET's swing is much more closer to textbook swing.
My swing is much more compact in terms of backswing. also, my arms are
straight out, more like a baseball swing as my other friends put it, which
is no no from text book, but somehow works for me, and I dont want to change
my swing.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it |
w******8 发帖数: 977 | 24 我的swing在bottom太平了,driver还不错,因为tee up,但铁杆不稳定,会打厚或薄,
不知怎样才能make approach angle more steep.
我的grip是一点点变strong的,好像只有这样才舒服,要是weak一点,back swing 到
说到over swing,我也感觉有点,尤其是driver,但不overswing就感觉使不上力气。我
注意到pro的shoulder turn大大超过90度,shaft还常常没到水平(Garcia)。我的
shoulder turn勉强到90度,shaft则通常会cross the line, 是不是应该减少wrist
the |
k*******8 发帖数: 37 | 25 重心70% is at left side during back swing, then left hip leads down swing
this is wrong, 重心70% should be on the right side ( your right leg) during
while right hip turns to the left. I donot feel a "weight shift".
this is wrong, right hip turns to the left, will increase over the top
motion. never do that. downswing should start with left knee. |
w******8 发帖数: 977 | 26 最近在图书馆翻了几本老书,收获3点心得和大家分享一下。
1,back swing用左臂push,右臂放松,直到down swing开始右臂都很passive。好处是
back swing路线好,有控制,shoulder turn更充分,又不易over swing,左臂易保持
不弯。down swing右臂发力晚,始终follow左臂的lead,发力更充分,swing path也不
会outside in.
2. Back swing时下巴抬高。这个我以前就在woods的书里看过,但没什么体会,直到最
近被back swing不到位和头不能保持静止困扰才意识到下巴是一个原因(另一个原因是back
3,要有swing conscious,而不是ball conscious。swing靠instinct当然好,但我做不
transition上(主要是集中... 阅读全帖 |
q***q 发帖数: 3356 | 27 Ben Hogan那本书有一个观点是我目前比较信的,就是在down swing的时候是没法看清
是back |
v*****r 发帖数: 2325 | 28 tiger swing sequence no.4 很难做到. 他的shoulder plane is wonderful, no
excess right shoulder drop.
impact 过后, hip turn slow down, 变成身体的extension.
他的wrist cork 保持的好, 他的right elbow 从 bend 到 full extend 打开的早一
些,跟backswing 更加match 一些(你我right elbow 打开都很晚)。
impact/release 是双手协同 pull/rotate 很明确。 而我经常是左手被挤压, too late to
roll over or somewhat chicken wing.
luke |
v*****r 发帖数: 2325 | 29 ryo downswing 左手45degree时候shaft 的位置。 我觉得跟我的位置很接近。
我有拍到过arm/shaft angle retained 更大的时候, 不过。。。lag 大距离不一定大。
ryo 的shoulder&arm triangle 也没tiger 好。
fred couples's 也是类似。
不过他们的hip 的确turn more ahead at this arm shaft position.
也许我backswing 时候hip turn 多了一些导致这个。。。
ryo fred release 好的多。
maybe i should not worry about triangle. tiger's downswing is too much
geometric perfect 了。 |
k*******8 发帖数: 37 | 30 your backswing has little reverse pivot and hip sway, causing your shots (
most likely iron shot) thin or fat
it is a pretty good swing |
v*****r 发帖数: 2325 | 31 en. already better than 3 years ago. the cause is that i turned my upper
body too hard during backswing. also need to keep head still more. |
v*****r 发帖数: 2325 | 32 肩膀可能开一点, 我有左手stick out 左手背面尽量face target的 swing thought, 基
本吧 club face square 了。
一个pro baseball player的swing, impact 时的arm-shoulder triangle. 没有
等golf pro 的triangle 那么对称。 跟我的到是接近。
左脚背转到侧面 一方面也是因为穿一般的running shoe, 又是在垫子上,滑一些。
你看我的动作变数较大, 需要较多的timing 和 focus, 所以每个球都这么solid&
straight almost impossible. 只要有50-60% 以上我觉满足了。也许吧reverse pivot该
了, backswing a little bit more compact, 可以提高consistency.
受 mike breed golf fix 启发, 试一下一些简易的training aid 来纠正reverse
pivot 和过度的lean back.
对。 |
p****4 发帖数: 517 | 33 Try to keep the shaft parallel to your shoulder line during backswing. That
could help. Good luck. |
v***s 发帖数: 4031 | 34 “keep the shaft parallel to your shoulder line during backswing”?这话我不
That |
c**********e 发帖数: 276 | 35 When you backswing, keep in mind that you need to rotate your body and bring
your club inside the target line. When you down swing, hit a little inside
out, or inside square inside, depending on the type of club. Try to avoid
to pull the club at the time starting downswing, otherwise, it may result in
outside in swing path. |
k*******8 发帖数: 37 | 36 too active foot work in backswing.
shoulder spin out in downswing,causing over the top, and slice the ball from
left to right.
good flexibility |
v*****r 发帖数: 2325 | 37 先去 range 再去course, 估计要多花40分时间。
我有range driver 还可以, 但是first several tee 球都打不起来的经历。
最近打练多了些, 觉得对swing的体会好了些。LM 提供instant feedback, 其实我那
些 98-100 和107-110, 用力程度差不多。 区别我感觉是110 转身好一些,快一些,
有些利用ground reaction force 的意思。 昨天挥了很多杆, 身体并没有酸痛的感觉。
from address to backswing, engage core to stable posture consciously
back swing, arm stretch & extend to lead shoulder turn.手有像橡皮被球杆拉出去的感觉。
transition: start lower body unwind a bit before finish back swing ,create more
torque, just like bubba watson
r... 阅读全帖 |
ET 发帖数: 10701 | 38 Probably it isn't as hard as you think.
Just take time on your swing. When I swing my club, the best time I know
exactly where my club is at.
If you can feel the same way, a consistent timing won't be an issue for you.
What I am afraid is, say, when I do backswing, I put too much tension on my
arms (which is not necessary), I can't generate any power from my arm from
starting my downswing. I will hit snipper hook for sure. |
f*t 发帖数: 382 | 39 First, you do have a early release problem. from the picture, you club is
paralle while you shoulder/body still facing back instead of front. I assume
your distance is suffering. early release is a problem everybody will have
in early stage of the game. do not worry, it's fixable.
Here I just summaize my experience.
1. Make sure to hinge your wrist on back swing. To you now, hinge the wrist
the earlier the better on you back swing.
2. make sure your feel you wrist fully hinged on top of the back... 阅读全帖 |
a***x 发帖数: 398 | 40 试试保持动态思维,分解动作是静止的。对大多数人来说,真实swing连贯起来,80%感
觉的时候,因为上杆有速度,手腕的extra hinge需要一些时间,不可能马上停下来,
参照是,Bubba 说的:“kiss the shoulder”,或者是下巴”touch the shoulder"
就是backswing的顶。Bubba, Phil, Fred,John daly 这些高手都overswing,每个人
柔韧性不一样,不需强求平行地面。 |
k*******8 发帖数: 37 | 41 hip sway cause your UPPER body reverse pivot, your swing definitely over if
you back swing little fast. and your body and arm have to cast your club to
match your body when starting to unload your power, that's why you are
little early release, your shoulder open etc.... your shot will be slice and
fade also fat and thin when you hit irons. resolve your hip sway first,
easy backswing. it may help you.
it is a soild swing, you must be a lower handicap player. |
f*t 发帖数: 382 | 42 I agree on everybody and especially Kenny's comments a lot.
Suprisingly, your problem was and maybe still is my problem. The biggest
problem is reverse pivot. at the top of the backswing, your body is (, then
at the finish, you body is ). This is due to natural compensation. This
causes a fast tempo and a hand dominated swing.
To fix this, I recommend.
1. keep your shoulder on top of your hips, which means keeps you body always
|. you head may move back and forth during swing, that fine and c... 阅读全帖 |
t*******t 发帖数: 1656 | 43 backswing too much cause inside out push by right hand? |
j******e 发帖数: 1424 | 44 呵呵, 我的挥杆速度不够快,而且是sweeper swing,所以compress不够。 用63,69
我是真打不好, 这种杆儿impact的时候一定要compress down more。 我觉得你要是稍
微控制一下backswing打这种应该没问题 |
D****V 发帖数: 461 | 45 cong~
jim furyk 可惜了, 没能最后hold 住. 看他的backswing很weird, 感觉迟早会出问题.
16洞一个大hook... |
t***u 发帖数: 2057 | 46 Worked with my instructor for the first class last Saturday.
Here is a short video he posted on his website. That's before we started
the lesson. Now my backswing should be shorter and stronger.
Anyway, please make comments.
http://www.danknop.com/ |
t*******t 发帖数: 1656 | 47 thanks.
No I did not follow A Kim.
I do intentionally hinge my wrist early so that I do not have to worry about
it at the top of backswing.
Will try towel underneath armpits drill.
fast, |
a***x 发帖数: 398 | 48 我现在挥杆过程中握力会变,整个backswing,保持占位时的握力,尽量轻些,保证手
腕充分hinge。Downswing 到impact会逐渐攥紧一些(driver加握力最明显),保正手
腕不够灵活引起的club head not square 可以补偿。据说Pro和高手可以在手握紧紧的
情况下依旧保持手腕的灵活。那位有经验给大家讲讲怎么练出来,或这种感觉怎么找? |
ET 发帖数: 10701 | 49 then just control yourself, tell yourself stay calm at course.
Actually, i am playing quite consistently lately really just because I can
be much more calm and relax nowadays.
especially, my backswing is as slow as slow motion |
p****4 发帖数: 517 | 50 最近练习铁竿backswing加大肩转,downswing时跨带肩保持手臂被动.杆头速度有所提高
是我动作有问题,还是必须用手腕调整杆面.请大家给点建议.谢谢. |